we are brothers

【666】Catch Yun Gege

Downstairs in Huyao East City, Li Hongru was in front, Yun Gege followed behind Li Hongru, "Where is Wang Long, why didn't he come to me when he was looking for me, what did you ask you to do?"

"He has something to do there." Li Hongru smiled, "Come on." Then Li Hongru walked to the side of the Audi car, he opened the back door, Yun Gege stood at the door, looked behind him, there were actually two The man, and the co-pilot also has it, she frowned.

Who knows, feeling a strong force behind him, Li Hongru pushed Yun Gege into the car, followed by two people in the car who looked like social gangsters, quickly subdued Yun Gege.

"What are you doing!" Yungege panicked suddenly.

Li Hongru turned his head, looked behind him, and found that Wang Hehe was staring at them at the gate of Huyao East City, and had already come over.

Li Hongru didn't say a word, the two people inside, Big Biao and Xiao Qi, held Yun Gege firmly, and Li Hongru sat in the car at once, and then started the car directly.

He heard Wang Hehe's voice, "Don't run, put Yungege down!" Li Hongru didn't pay attention to him at all, and he was driving quite fast, but when he just started, he realized that the great Brother Hehe was running behind him, and Followed outside his car window, knocked hard on the window, still screaming something.

Li Hongru froze for a moment, this guy was running fast enough, followed closely, he stepped on the accelerator fiercely, and the Audi rushed out, leaving Wang Hehe behind.

Yun Gege was controlled by Da Biao and Xiao Qi in the back seat, "What are you arresting me for, are you crazy!"

"Wang Long is too polite to you. Where did Yaoyao go? Why is it just you?" Li Hongru was very calm. "I want to find you two, but you are the only one now. At such a coincident time, where did she go?" .”

"How do I know where she went, you stop, I want to get off!"

"Don't fucking move!" Xiao Biao and Da Qi were not polite to Yun Gege at all, and they put a knife on Yun Gege's face, "If you move again, I will scratch you!"

Yun Gege didn't dare to move immediately, "You arrested the wrong person, we didn't do what Zhang Shuang did."

Li Hongru was expressionless, "I can't take care of that much now." After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed, "You call Yaoyao and ask Yaoyao to return Zhang Shuang to me." After speaking, Wang Yuxin, who was sitting in the co-pilot He took out a phone and handed it to Yungege.

"Are you crazy! She didn't do it! She won't do it!"

At this moment, with a sudden brake, Li Hongru stopped the car in no time, then he turned around and got up immediately, choking Yungege's neck, his eyes were wide open, and he was extremely angry." I fucking told you to call her!"

"We didn't do it!" Yun Gege yelled again, "Are you crazy?"

"I fucking asked you to call!" Li Hongru roared angrily, "I'm just fucking crazy." After finishing speaking, he pointed Yungege's face with a mouth, with unusual force, followed by continuous "slaps" With two mouths, he consumed Yungege's hair in one go, "****, I'm an idiot! I fucking asked you to call her! Give me back Zhang Shuang!!"

Yun Gege yelled "Ah", and then, Li Hongru punched her, then turned around and touched her body.

"Let go of me, let go of me" Yun Gege struggled angrily, Xiao Biao and Da Qi next to him held Yun Gege tightly, not letting her move at all, she is a woman after all, no matter what Can't struggle.

Li Hongru took the phone out of Yungege's body immediately, "Okay, if you don't call, I will call"

"Let go of me!" Yun Gege yelled hard, but there was no way to struggle, Li Hongru took Yun Gege's phone, found Yaoyao's name, and called Yaoyao directly.

Yaoyao and Jiang Chao were still in the car, at this moment, Yaoyao's phone rang suddenly, she yelled "ah", and then Jiang Chao grabbed her wrist "Calm, calm."

Yaoyao took a deep breath and looked at the phone, "It's Yungege calling, what should I do."

"No, we will deal with it soon."

Yaoyao nodded and put down the phone. On the other side, in the car, Li Hongru held the phone and rang for a long time. Seeing no one answered, he took a deep breath and threw the phone to Wang Yuxin, "Call, give me Keep calling, keep calling, you all write down this phone number, call me together." After finishing speaking, he started the car again.

On Wang Long's side, a group of people regrouped in Dazhong's house, everyone was depressed, Zhang Shuang had been missing for a day, the room was full of smoke, the younger brothers were all depressed .

"What should I do? I searched everywhere I could." Xiao Ruyi looked at the people in the room, "Where should I look now? She must be in danger. Who is such an idiot?"

Gong Zheng came back from the balcony at this time, holding the phone in his hand, "The news from the police, it was just confirmed that she was being watched for a long time, and someone deliberately changed a Xiali car into a car this morning. The appearance of the taxi, and then tricked her away, it was premeditated, the taxi driver was wearing a hat, so he couldn’t see his face clearly, and then, I don’t know how the taxi left, the driver’s crimes were very sophisticated, definitely a Veteran, the route chosen is very secret, there is no surveillance probe, it must be a repeat offender, and then, it cannot be ruled out that someone hired a murderer to commit the crime."

"Hire a murderer to commit a crime?" Immediately afterwards, both Wang Long and Da Zhong stood up, and they looked at each other.

Wang Long narrowed his eyes and thought for a while, "Whether it's her or not, I must go to her, there is no other chance."

Just as the two of them were about to move, Wang Long's phone rang. He held the phone and saw that it was Wang Hehe, "Hey, brother Hehe, what's the matter?"

"Wang Long, Wang Long, it's not good, hurry up, something big happened." The great He He brother was already nervous and incoherent.

Wang Long listened very calmly to the great Brother He He's various stammers and ink marks, which lasted for 2 minutes, and he kept repeating, something happened, something happened.

Perhaps the great Brother He He has come to his senses. After yelling for a long time, he found that Wang Long didn't respond, so he calmed down, "Hey, are you listening to me?"

"Listen, you can continue talking." Wang Long was particularly helpless.

"Yun Gege was captured by Li Hongru just now."

"What?" Wang Long roared, "What about Yaoyao, why is Li Hongru arresting Yun Gege?"

"Then who knows, Heihu doesn't know where he went, and Xiaowu and the others are not there, so I have to call you, hurry up and save Yungege, Yaoyao is not with Yungege, she left long ago. "

[ps: Today's Mother's Day, everyone has nothing to call home, maternal love is always the greatest, in addition, I wish all mothers a happy holiday, good health, and all the best, and tomorrow 12 more]

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