we are brothers


Bai Yun yelled, "I am on the left, Chen Xiaoxian is on the right, A Bing is on the far right, let the penultimate car go."

After finishing speaking, I saw three people standing by the window, squinting their eyes and aiming at the downstairs. The downstairs is very bright, because the parking lot in front of the hotel is always lit at night. Will aim very clearly.

"In place" "In place" two people roared one by one.

The cars below had already started, and the ground was still full of wailing people, "Shoot!" Bai Yun roared at this moment. ,

Immediately afterwards, the muzzles of the three people ran towards the four cars that were about to start below, "Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom." One person finished firing a shuttle of bullets, and at the same time, they heard the sound of "boom!" There was a violent explosion, followed by two explosions of "Boom, Boom", and then the three of them put their pistols aside, and pointed down with a micro-charger, "Boom, Boom, Boom" and one person finished sweeping again. With a burst of bullets, three of the four cars that were trying to escape were blown up, and only one rushed out and disappeared within their attack range.

The room was very quiet, and several people looked at each other, "Whoever still has bullets, give me some." Bai Yun said.

Then, Wang Yue and Qin Xuan also took out the bullets on their bodies. Everyone was running out of bullets, and a few people quickly loaded the bullets. Then, they all left the room. After leaving the room, the few people did not continue to look After all, the hotel is really too big. With guns in their hands, they were extremely cautious. Several people were in front, and some people were behind. There were many, many corpses, and many people were disabled by the explosives, wailing in pain on the ground, a few people were still holding guns, and they were extremely cautious, and it was not known whether Fan Qu had been killed by the blast.

Soon, ten minutes ago, it was a standard three-star hotel. In such an instant, it was full of chaos. Half of the hotel house collapsed, the fire was burning, and the ground was full of painful howls. The scene was horrible.

In front of the raging fire, the five figures quickly disappeared into the dark night.

On a Mercedes-Benz car, Fan Qu was sweating profusely, while Song Lin was driving in front, and then he threw down the phone in his hand, "Master Qu, we can't go back to City Z, we have to run."

"Run, how many runs!" Fan Qu yelled, sitting up straight, his eyeballs were bloodshot, and he was extremely angry, "I'm going to kill them! Go back, integrate people! Fuck it!! **Damn it!!!" Fan Qu yelled vigorously.

"The police are looking for us. They sent the usb drive to the police station. Now the police in City Z are looking for you. Your home has been surrounded by the police. We can't go back! Someone called to inform you just now."

"What!" Fan Qu yelled, "Stop!" He yelled frantically again.

Song Lin slammed on the brakes, and the car stopped, and there were only the two of them in the car. "Those bastards took so much money from me, and now they turn their backs on me? Are you going to arrest me?"

Song Lin took a deep breath, "Those people made such a big fuss that they couldn't cover it up at all. The leaders of the entire municipal party committee attach great importance to it. Now the police are looking for you."

"Why are you looking for me? Why don't you look for them? These idiots have killed so many brothers! Fuck me!!"

Song Lin took a deep breath, "Master Qu, we can't go back. Now the police are looking for them, and they are looking for us too. They made such a big fuss just to drag us to the end. It's so big that they usually bribe Those leaders will definitely not be able to suppress it, and they don’t know how many copies of the contents of this USB drive, the matter is too big to go back.”

"It's over!" Fan Qu was stunned for a moment, and his whole person's momentum changed, thinking about the situation just now, "Crazy, this group of lunatics, this group of lunatics, where did they get the explosives, they dare to use them, they are you crazy!!!"

Song Lin narrowed his eyes, "We were fooled by the bloody face, he killed those special forces, and then drove them crazy, they couldn't find the bloody face, and now all the anger was directed at us , so now the police are looking for them, and they are also looking for us, we are wanted criminals just like them."

Fan Qu took a deep breath and tried his best to calm his mind. The strange man with the blood mask kept reappearing in his mind. He sorted out the clues for a long time, "You are right, we were fooled from the beginning gone."

Then, Fan Qu suddenly leaned on the back of one side, "Those people have a grudge against Xuemian, if they are so easy to deal with, how can a force as big as Xuemian not come forward himself, he put Lao Tzu on Come on the table to attract firepower, throw Lao Tzu out, make them like Lao Tzu, become wanted criminals, dare not show up at will, let them fight with Lao Tzu, he reaps the benefits of the fisherman, blood face is old acquaintance with them, I must know the abilities of that group of people very well, we were all fooled, and the people over there were also fooled, it's over, it's too late to say anything now."

Fan Qu took a deep breath, "If such a big event breaks out, and with the addition of the USB flash drive, those officials will definitely get into trouble, and the people over there will definitely have to run away if they cause such a big event. My business for so many years is over. Knowing about all my places and connections, he went to my business from the very beginning!" Fan Qu yelled.

Song Lin nodded when he heard what Fan Qu said, "You're right, he was deceiving and using us from the very beginning, allowing us to unify so quickly in City Z and stand so high, he must still have a lot of Our evidence, this is the day he was waiting for, let those special forces fight us to death, and finally he reaps the benefits of the fisherman, what should we do, Master Qu."

Fan Qu's eyes were suddenly filled with bloodshot eyes. Immediately afterwards, he was suddenly furious, "Blood face!!!!" He roared angrily, followed by "Pu Chi" and sprayed a mouthful of blood onto the car in front of him. on the glass.

"Master Qu!" Song Lin quickly turned around and helped Fan Qu, who rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

City Z, in a very quiet private club, a middle-aged man was sitting on the sofa. The hall was very quiet, and there were three people standing around him. The man smiled and held a teacup in his hand, "Xu Xin, what's the situation outside?" how's it going?"

"Brother, just as you expected, those special forces and Qin Xuan Wangyue turned the whole Z city upside down, Fan Qu's place was smashed by them several times, and Fan Qu was given by those special forces in the Honghu Hotel Killed, now Fan Qu is dead or alive."

The middle-aged man smiled slightly, "Fan Quna Honghu Base Camp, so many people inside, have they all been slaughtered?"

"Dynamite, there are a lot of explosives. The whole hotel was blown up before anyone showed up. Later, they arrested Fan Qu from inside. Fan Qu jumped out of the window on the second floor and escaped. They had four cars to escape, three cars After being blown up by those special forces, I ran out of one. I don’t know if it’s Fan Qu’s car. Anyway, his chance of survival is 25%.”

The man squinted his eyes and took a sip of tea, "This group of people are still so daring, hehe, just like back then in L City, they dared to do anything, Sixth Brother is Sixth Brother, Qin Xuan did not let me down, the police station How are the arrangements?"

"All of Fan Qu's criminal records over the years have been submitted, and the relationships that need to be taken care of have also been taken care of."

"What about Fan Qu's subordinates and their industries?"

"Qin Xuan and the others didn't clean up the place. We have arranged for people to clean up the place, and it went smoothly. Fan Qu's traces have almost been wiped away. The police station is also very cooperative. Now Fan Qu and Wang Yue are together. The gang are all wanted criminals, the police are looking for them, and they dare not show their faces."

The man smiled "haha" and stood up, "It's really interesting, let the brothers quickly take over all the underground industries in Fanqu, City Z, if you cooperate, and those who are willing to defect to us, then let them use it well, and if you don't cooperate Yes, kill Wushe! From now on, City Z will be ours. Xu Xin, you have been with me for so long. I value you and trust you very much. From now on, City Z will be a branch of our organization, and I will leave it to you. Got it, I will use it later.!"

"Thank you, Brother Feng." Xu Xin was extremely happy, "Brother has a clever plan, let the two of them pinch each other, and we will get the greatest benefit from it. Admiration, admiration, really admiration."

Li Feng smiled, "If Qin Xuan and the others run away, they will definitely run into Jiang Debiao's army, because there is no place that is safer than there. You should find a way to release this news, and we will organize City Z in the future! Normally Fan Qu gave it, now I will give twice as much, I have enough money, go and take care of everything that needs to be done, and then, see if Fan Qu is dead or not, he is no longer worth using, if he is not dead, give him a ride , and those special forces, I want to kill them little by little."

"Understood, big brother." Xu Xin bowed his head, "I admire you more and more."

Li Feng shook his head, "It's still a step missing. They didn't take Liu Zhendong with them in this operation. If Liu Zhendong also took Liu Zhendong with them, and Liu Zhendong ran with them and became a wanted criminal, then it would be called complete perfection." ....." After finishing speaking, Li Feng picked up the bloody mask from the table beside him. He put the mask on his face, took it off again, put it on, and took it off again. He didn't know what he was thinking about. What.

Half an hour later, in the city z cemetery, there was a tombstone with the name "Su Qingwei's Tomb."

Li Feng came by himself, but when he came, he didn't wear a mask on his face. He took off the mask and put on glasses. He was just like an ordinary person.

He stood in front of Su Qingwei by himself, "Qingwei, your death was an accident. At first I just thought you would suffer some grievances. I didn't expect that Fan Qu was so perverted. The plan couldn't keep up with the changes. I'm really sorry. I didn't expect it to be so serious. , but it has already started, so I can't give up halfway, now Liu Zhendong didn't run with them according to our plan, everything else is going the same, I also took revenge a little bit, and the entire underground industry in City Z is also owned I control it, but Liu Zhendong's company is really out of reach. The plan is more or less completed. I don't care about his company. It was originally intended to be used by you, but you were killed by Fan Qu. I Temporary change of plan, because I don’t need that company, I don’t want Liu Zhendong to hate you forever, I want him to blame himself, I also let him see the video that you would rather die than give Fan Qu’s usb disk, let him think you I am really protecting him, and it can be regarded as a conscience condemnation of his attitude towards you for so many years, I am sorry, for the sake of the overall situation, I did not save you at the beginning, I am sorry."

The man stood up again, and bowed deeply twice towards Su Qingwei's tombstone. Immediately afterwards, he dug a small hole from one side, and another USB flash drive appeared in his hand, and he buried the USB flash drive himself. After getting into the soil, he stood up with an ugly expression on his face. He shook his head and looked up at the slightly shining sky.

There is a photo in his hand, which is a photo of Su Qingwei lying in his arms. Both of them are naked, and the shooting angle is that Su Qingwei raised the camera to take the photo. The previous scene with Su Qingwei reappeared in his mind.

"Can you tell me what you think? What should we do next."

"I asked Fan Qu to turn against you, and then asked him to kidnap Liu Feng and deliver it to me. I will ensure Liu Feng's safety. You can rest assured that Liu Feng is Liu Zhendong's weakness. Let Liu Zhendong know that Fan Qu has kidnapped him. Liu Feng, then let Fan Qu and Liu Zhendong have conflicts, I found an opportunity to pretend to be Fan Qu's people to kill a special soldier, avenge myself, and reduce their strength, so I pointed the finger at Fan Qu and asked Fan Qu to fight with them In the event of a dispute, Wang Yue and Qin Xuan's personalities must be fearless. If a special soldier dies, the matter will definitely become more and more troublesome. They will definitely fight Fan Quyu to death. I understand almost everything, and in the end both sides will suffer. I will take over Fan Qu's property and make Liu Zhendong and the others all wanted criminals. You can easily take over the property of the Liu family. status.

We each have our own gains, but you may suffer some grievances. You have to act well. Fan Qu is also a big brother in society. He has struggled in society for so many years. Fighting with him, you can't reveal a single flaw. "

"Don't worry, dear, for you, I'm willing to do anything." Su Qingwei wrapped his arms around the man's neck, and the two kissed together again.

"Crack!", a thunderbolt from the blue sky woke up the man from his memories. He raised his head and glanced at the sky. It was going to rain. He shook his head and lit the photo on fire.

He took out his mask from his body, and put it on his face again, "You silly woman, I actually thought of it from the very beginning, maybe you would face some danger, you are so smart, didn't you think of it yourself? Things, it's too harmful, I'm sorry, hatred and the overall situation are more important to me than love, if I go to hell in the future, I will repay you..."

Immediately afterwards, he slowly disappeared into the cemetery.

There was another "click", and the rain poured down...

[ps: This is two chapters, I'm too lazy to divide chapters, let's read it. 】

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