we are brothers

【779】Don't panic

Li Feng nodded, "Brother, in order to thank you for burying my father for me, you didn't leave my father dead. You are the last one. Before you, you can change your attitude and thoughts at any time." Li Feng laughed again. Patted Li Xiaobao on the back, "Take care."

The two old friends laughed, and Li Feng also put on a pair of black sunglasses. Both of them were wearing black trench coats. They turned around and returned to the Audi car on the side.More than 20 Audi cars drove away slowly one after another, and the scene was quite spectacular.

Wang Long slept in the black tiger ktv for a whole day. He didn't eat lunch or dinner. He was really sleepy yesterday. When he opened his eyes in a daze, he smelled the tangy aroma. He opened his eyes at once, he was still really hungry, he sat up, saw the big clock on the side, Bai Jiahao, and Bai Jing on the side, each of the three had a bucket of instant noodles in their hands, and then, There is also ham, peanuts, and beer.

His own stomach growled, and he sat up, looking at the people beside him, "Why are you here, what time is it, what did I tell you?"

"Brother, it's 2 o'clock in the morning, what time do you think?"

"What?" Wang Long sat up straight at once, "I slept from 2 am yesterday to [-] am today?"

"You think it's enough to sleep." Bai Jing looked at Wang Long, "I just didn't see it, you look cute when you sleep."

Wang Long rubbed his head, saw there was a bucket of instant noodles and biscuits beside him, he picked them up himself, he was really hungry, and started to eat voraciously.

While he was eating, Bai Jing who was next to him said, "You let my brother follow our boss for a day, and then looked for the address of our boss's house, this and that, what are you going to do?"

"Didn't I say, kill him?" Wang Long said lightly, "What else do you ask?"

"I'm chatting with you seriously, can you talk seriously?" Bai Jing glanced at Wang Long, "It's a crime of murder, besides, how dare you?" Bai Jing looked at Wang Long with disdain, "I'm asking tentatively today Just ask a few girls in our store, five, it’s okay to come here, everyone wants to escape from Liu Jiakun, we’ve all been tortured by him, you don’t know, he was very perverted at that time, looking at It's scary and disgusting, and I don't know when it's time to run into me again, I don't want to, I'm so upset."

Wang Long was not talking to Bai Jing, "I have my arrangement, don't worry, you go home first, Jiahao, you follow me and Da Zhong, and finish things at night."

Bai Jing and Bai Jiahao looked at each other, "Why can't I follow?"

"Little girl, go back and take care of your mother." As soon as the words finished, Bai Jing's phone rang at this moment, and she held the phone, "Hey, Tongtong, what's the matter?"

"What?" Bai Jing panicked, "What to do, what to do, it's okay, it's okay, I know."

Bai Jing put down the phone, looked at Wang Long and Da Zhong, her face immediately changed, "It's over, Liu Jiakun asked Tongtong and me to go over, and he called us so late today, he must have drunk too much, what should I do, what should I do?" Do it." Bai Jing panicked.

"Why are you panicking?" Wang Long glanced at Bai Jing, "It's fine if you don't go, just say you fell asleep, what's the matter, can he go to your house and arrest you?"

"Do you think he won't? He really will. Whoever he asks to go will have to go. If he doesn't go, he will really ask someone to arrest him at home. He is so perverted. What should I do? ah."

Wang Long squinted his eyes, looked at Bai Jing, and then at Bai Jiahao beside him, Bai Jiahao's expression was also ugly, "Fuck you, beast!"

"Okay, then you go." Wang Long looked at Bai Jing, "Don't worry, there's nothing wrong."

"It's okay if you say it's okay? Are you kidding me, brother, it's not you who was tortured, he died perverted, it's disgusting!"

Just when Bai Jing wanted to continue talking, Wang Long grabbed Bai Jing's wrist, and he stared into Bai Jing's eyes, "Anxin, trust me, do you hear me?"

Suddenly Bai Jing was not excited, he looked at Wang Long with big eyes on Wang Long, and then she fell silent.

Wang Long ate the instant noodles in his hand, "You two try to delay the time with him, and I will take care of the rest."

Bai Jing nodded, for some reason, her whole body relaxed a lot, then Bai Jing got up, "Then I'll go get ready, I'll go find Tongtong first." After she finished speaking, she turned around and went out.

Bai Jiahao's expression was ugly, "Bastard, I can't wait to kill him."

"Then kill it." Wang Long drank the soup in the instant noodles, very calm, "Don't just talk but don't do it, I will give you a chance tonight."

Bai Jiahao froze for a moment, then looked at Wang Long, "What do you two mean? I'm talking seriously, I'm not joking with you! That's my sister, my own sister! Can I not feel sorry for you!"

Wang Long finished the instant noodle soup, stood up, and glanced at Bai Jiahao, "We are talking to you very seriously, it's just that you don't believe it." He glanced at the big clock, "Let's go, go back Home, Bai Jiahao, follow up."

Bai Jiahao was confused, he didn't know what Wang Long and Dazhong meant, he quickly got up and chased them out, the three of them went out and closed the door of the KTV, Wang Long and Dazhong came to Xiali's car, looked around, At this time the night was already very dark, Wang Long drove very fast, and within 10 minutes, the three of them arrived at the house where Wang Long lived.

In the room between Wang Long and Da Zhong, Wang Long looked at Bai Jiahao, "Does that pervert usually take girls to the hotel or go home?"

"I go home, I go home every time. His house is quite big. My sister said that there is a room in his house, which is a standard ** room."

"That's just right, everything that should be done." Wang Lung looked at the big clock. "Big clock, fellow."

Da Zhong nodded, and took out a bag from under the bed. Inside were guns. There were dead hands in total. Da Zhong handed two to Wang Long, and he packed two of them himself. Each of them had two magazines in their pockets. The magazines were full of bullets. The movements of the two brothers were very uniform and fast. In just a few minutes, all the guns were packed away. , Wang Long got up and took out his dagger from his pocket, played with it a few times, and the big clock on the other side also played with the dagger.

In less than 10 minutes, the two of them tied their shoelaces again, tidied up their bodies, then turned around and pulled Bai Jiahao out, Bai Jiahao was already dumbfounded, he didn't react at all, sitting in the car When he was up there, he was sitting alone in the back with his mouth open all the time. He couldn't imagine it, it was like a dream.

[ps: Brothers, our guild has developed several games, but everyone said that there is no legendary PK game, and now there is a page game called Blazing God of War, which has the most open servers of all page games. Pk, unlimited passion, friends who want to form a guild together to do other people, hurry up and join our guild group: 21749 (72 book friends can join the book friend group, otherwise those who play games will not be able to enter, voluntary first, leisure first, refrain Addicted]

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