we are brothers

【814】Happy Dragon Boat Festival everyone

"I fucking let you stay!" Wang Long yelled at Bai Jiahao, and then cursed, "Did you panic!"

Bai Jiahao was immediately suppressed by Wang Long's aura, he gasped, stared at Wang Long, his face was swollen, at this moment Gao Haixiang turned around and patted Bai Jiahao's shoulder, "Dog, don't Urgent, calm down first, if you go directly, you will definitely be sent to die, and you will not be able to solve any problems, knowing your mother, you must be in a hurry, but you don't have to use that method, calm down first."

"How to calm down, one hour, the other side only gives me one hour, I can't wait that long!"

"Be quiet for a while!" Wang Long said to Bai Jiahao, and then walked into the room by himself. He saw your medicine box on one side, and found a band-aid from it. The band-aid stuck to his forehead. He wiped his face with the towel on one side, then, he walked to the edge of the table, picked up the half bottle of beer, and handed the other half bottle of beer to Bai Jiahao, "Come here! "

Bai Jiahao looked at Wang Long, "What are you doing!" He yelled, "You still want to drink! My mother is still in his hands!"

"I fucking let you come here!" Gouzi yelled loudly, followed by Gao Haixiang, grabbed Gouzi, pushed Gouzi to the side of Wang Long, Gouzi stared at the boss , Staring at Wang Long, at this time, Wang Long stuffed the beer into Bai Jiahao's hand, followed him, touched it, and drank the remaining half bottle of wine by himself "gudong, gudong, gudong".

Bai Jiahao held the wine and stared at Wang Long out of breath. His eyes were very angry, and he followed closely, remembering "gudong, gudong" and drank the rest of the wine in one breath, and then he took the wine in his hand The wine bottle was thrown out with a "click", the wine bottle was thrown to the wall, and the ground was covered with debris, followed by Bai Jiahao staring at Wang Long in front of him, his eyes widened.

Wang Long pointed at Bai Jiahao, "I told you, don't panic when things happen, don't panic, you're fucking thinking I'm farting!"

"Don't panic! How can you save my mother if you don't panic! Brother! One hour! One hour!! Then the fuck is my mother!"

"You can save your mother if you fucking panic!" Wang Long roared even louder, and pointed at Bai Jiahao, "You have a fucking brain to eat shit?"

Bai Jiahao was stunned immediately, he stared at Wang Long, and for some reason, he fell silent.

"Fuck!" Wang Long spat to the side, followed by taking out all the pistols from under the pillow next to the bed on one side, and handed one to Da Zhong and one to Gao Haixiang , I loaded two of them myself, and there were four people in the room, and three of them loaded the bullets skillfully, and fiddled with the pistols.

Wang Long returned to Bai Jiahao and stared at him, "I ask you, you have such a good memory, and after following Liu Xin for so many days, do you know where her family is? Yes, do you know?"

Bai Jiahao immediately looked at Wang Long's face and his expression changed, "Yes, yes!" He nodded quickly, "He has a daughter who is 15 years old and is in junior high school. His wife is also there, and his parents have not seen her." Pass."

Wang Long glanced at him, "Go, take us to find his daughter and wife." After finishing speaking, Wang Long turned around and walked out. Gao Haixiang and Wang Long followed behind. Bai Jiahao himself remained silent for a while, then turned and followed. go out.

Sitting on the Xiali car, Wang Long and Gao Haixiang sat in the back, Bai Jiahao pointed the way in front, and Da Zhong drove. He handed Wang Long a cigarette and picked one up himself. Although he was older than Wang Long, he still said sincerely, "Brother Long, it's stable enough."

Wang Long had a cigarette in his mouth: "It's obvious. If Liu Xin wants to play with us like this, would it be fun? He must have arranged a lot of people in the hospital, and then he will wait for you to go. It's a good deal to find his wife." If the child is exchanged with him, it is his turn to be anxious. He is still a human being, and he has to be a little bit human. If you panic, you can’t solve the problem. When something happens, don’t panic.” Wang Long repeated, he looked at the Looking at the scenery outside the window, the corners of the mouth slightly raised, "This society is so fucking complicated!"

Gao Haixiang smiled and didn't talk. On the way, Bai Jiahao's phone rang. It was Bai Jing who called. Bai Jing went to the hospital to visit her mother, and she happened to see Liu Xin. Although she was quite flustered, But she was much more sensible than Bai Jiahao, and asked Bai Jiahao to ask Wang Long what to do. Wang Long originally wanted Bai Jing to stay with Tong Tong and the others quietly from the hotel, but Bai Jing couldn't stay here anymore, so she simply , Wang Long asked Bai Jing to return to Gao Haixiang's place and wait for news.

Half an hour later, Da Zhong stopped the car downstairs in a residential complex. Bai Jiahao pointed to the fifth floor, and several people got out of the car. Wang Long walked in the front with a pair of sunglasses on his hands. In the pocket, behind is the big clock Gao Haixiang, on the side is Gouzi, a group of four people went straight to the fifth floor, stood at a security door and opened it, Bai Jiahao looked around, and he directly took the gold on his ankle Si took it out, held a small flashlight from the side of the anti-theft door, and fiddled with it for less than a minute, when she heard a "click", and the anti-theft door was opened.

Wang Long was the first to enter the room, followed by Da Zhong, Gao Haixiang, and Bai Jiahao. When Bai Jiahao entered last, he closed the door.

There are at least seven or eight old men in the hall, no one smokes, they are all playing cards, but it is very quiet. In the center of the living room, there is a middle-aged woman with long hair. Wearing pajamas.

"Who the hell are you!" I don't know who, first yelled, and then, these seven or eight people copied a piece of knife from their pockets, "Protecting Madam" followed by a large group of living people Wang Long and the others rushed over here.

One of them had just come out of the toilet, this burly man, his trousers were not pulled up, and he picked up a knife from the side, "It's a muddy horse!" Wang Lung is about to cut.

Wang Long was extremely agile, he took out the gun from his pocket, and the muzzle of the gun was fixed on the forehead of the big man. The knife in the big man's hand was raised high, and he didn't dare to cut it down immediately. , Dazhong Gao Haixiang, both of them raised their guns and aimed at the people in the room. None of the people in the room dared to charge forward.

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