we are brothers

【825】Rescue is here

Bai Jiahao glanced at the side, and then suddenly picked up a knife from the ground, "I'm going to risk everything! I want a man today! I'll fight with you sons of bitches!" Then Holding the tablet in his hand, he charged into the crowd again. He was so crazy that his whole body was on the verge of collapse. "I'm going to fight! I'm going to fight!!"

He and Gao Haixiang each had a piece of knife, and slashed wildly in the crowd. Gao Haixiang was very fierce, and chopped down several one after another. Immediately afterwards, he yelled "Wang Long" at this time, Most of the people around also reacted, and surrounded Gao Haixiang and Bai Jiahao again.

There were too many people. After Gao Haixiang chopped down several people in a row, he was cut across the face, back, and chest several times in a row, and then he was chopped down on the ground. The dog on the other side He chopped down three or four people like crazy, followed closely, and waited for the opposite party to recollect, he chopped down the dog to the ground in a few strokes.

Gouzi kept rolling on the ground by himself, and countless people around him chopped down with knives in their hands.Gao Haixiang was lying on the ground, he had given up struggling, and was chopping his body with a knife and stick. He smiled with a relieved expression on his face.

Liu Xin clutched his leg angrily, "Kill! Kill! Kill!" His eyes were wide red, "Chop them to death for me!! Chop them into meat sauce!!!" Then a large group of people around screamed They all rushed up again, the big cabinet was also pushed away, Wang Long and the others were directly surrounded in the middle, and the group of people chopped up with knives again.

Ten minutes ago, in the back mountain, Gao Haixiang and Bai Jiahao were walking forward with a group of girls. After walking two steps, Gao Haixiang stopped suddenly. His mind was full of what Da Zhong and Wang Long said to him , bloody, cowardly, bloody, cowardly, he kept displaying these words in his mind, these pictures, followed by the scene when Wang Long and Da Zhong let them go, and he stayed behind. It was Wang Long's expression after he knew that the big clock could not go out, and he would not leave. It seemed that something in him had been awakened. More importantly, the scenes he had experienced in the past reappeared in his mind. How similar, how consistent.

He stood there blankly, and suddenly made up his mind. He looked at Bai Jiahao and his group opposite, and was stunned.

"Brother Xiang, let's go, why don't you go?" Bai Jiahao looked at Gao Haixiang, "If you don't go for a while, you will be caught up." He was very anxious.

Gao Haixiang shook his head, "I'm not leaving, I'm going back to save them."

"You're crazy!" Bai Jiahao yelled, "You'll die when you go back! There are so many people, how can you save them!"

"If you can't save it, just fuck it and die there, I don't want to live like this! I can't bear the torment of my conscience!" Gao Haixiang roared, "I'm a fucking man! A man!"

"Are you a fucking idiot! If you go back, their efforts will be in vain! We managed to escape"

"What about after running out?" Gao Haixiang looked at Bai Jiahao, "Do you think Liu Xin will let you and me go? Are you planning to take them out of this city forever? Try to hide? If you don't fight now, you will be the meat on Liu Xin's cutting board in the future , Let him be slaughtered!"

Bai Jiahao was immediately stunned by Gao Haixiang's words.

Gao Haixiang shook his head, "I, Gao Haixiang, have never done anything wrong to my brother in my life. I will never abandon my friends again. I have been cowardly for many years, and it was only after these two of them awakened the blood in my heart. I don't want to be a coward." , we are on the same boat, you take them away, I want to go back and save them, death, for me, is not a terrible thing."

"How do you save it!" Bai Jiahao roared, "Do you know how many people there are there! Do you know!"

Gao Haixiang was also angry suddenly, and grabbed Bai Jiahao with both hands, "You fucking think about whether the two of them have sorry for you. At this time, they will all stay by themselves and let you run. If you Mom ran away like this, and will I be a coward for the rest of my life? My lords, something happened, left my brother behind, ran away, and went to live on my own! I'm fucking enough! I want to go back and save them!" Gao Haixiang roared "I'd rather die there than be such a person again! I won't run away! You don't know my past. Anyway, I want to go back and save them! I'm a fucking man!" You have to stand up to die, and you will never be a motherfucker!" After finishing speaking, Gao Haixiang turned around and ran back, and the speed was very fast.

He returned the same way, under a big tree behind his house, quickly dug with both hands, and dug out a pistol. He picked up the pistol, gritted his teeth, "Liu Xin, I must drag you to death together" and then , he climbed through the window. As for Bai Jiahao, he didn't know why, but he rushed in after him, but he also remembered Bai Jiahao's first words when he came in.

A few minutes later, four people, Wang Long, Da Zhong, Gao Haixiang, and Bai Jiahao, were dragged out of the room and out of the courtyard. All four of them were lying on the ground in the courtyard, motionless.

Both Wang Long and Da Zhong had already lost consciousness. Gao Haixiang looked up at the night sky with a look of relief and breathing.

Bai Jiahao is the most sober one here, with red eye circles and blood all over his body, he suddenly laughed and said to himself, "Brother Xiang, tell me, I, Bai Jiahao, am I a man, pure."

Gao Haixiang stretched out his thumb to Bai Jiahao, still looking at the starry sky late at night, "Pure! This is the man."

Bai Jiahao laughed "haha", and he was completely calm.

At this time, Liu Xin limped up to Gao Haixiang, and put the single-barreled shotgun against Gao Haixiang's forehead. He smiled, with a terrifying and ferocious expression on his face, followed closely, and slowly pulled the gun. trigger.

"Boom!" There was a gunshot, the gunshot was unusually crisp, and blood splashed on the faces of the people around.

Gao Haixiang's eyes widened suddenly, and he saw Liu Xin's body falling slowly, and the surrounding single-barreled shotguns also fell to the side, and the whole yard suddenly became chaotic.

He turned his head suddenly, and saw rows of people suddenly standing up on the walls on both sides. These rows of people were well-trained, and all of them were dressed in the same way. Everyone held a pistol in their hands, there must have been more than a dozen, and the pistols were aimed at everyone in the yard.

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