we are brothers

[831] Painful torture

Wang Yue was touched by Lin Ran, and he slowly closed his eyes. He didn't hide anything from Lin Ran, and he didn't want to think about how Gu Xiandong knew. He didn't want to have any communication with Gu Xiandong anymore. It's hard to feel "When I finish this last time, when I'm done, I'll come back, give you a home, and give me a home"

"I can't keep you like this, can I?" Lin Ran's tears continued to flow down. "If you step out of this house, you don't have to come back and give me a home. I will do what I say."

"That's my brother. He helped me like crazy when I was in the most difficult time. Now that he is in trouble, I must help him!"

"Your brother's matter is more important! Your own life is more important!" Lin Ran roared!

The corner of Wang Yue's mouth rose slightly, "What do you think?"

"Then what matters about your brother is more important than yourself, and the life of the woman you used to be!" Lin Ran yelled again.

Wang Yue didn't speak, he turned his head and looked at Lin Ran, her neck was already bleeding, he looked at her tearful eyes, looked at the scars on her body, and thought about all kinds of things many years ago, Wang Yue Taking a deep breath, he felt extremely sorry for the woman in front of him. He turned around and walked slowly in front of Lin Ran. He grabbed the dagger in Lin Ran's hand and followed closely. Lin Ran burst into tears When she got up, she hugged Wang Yue, buried her head in Wang Yue's chest, and cried, "I beg you, enough, enough! Don't go on like this! Liuliu, please You are gone, settle down, you have lived your whole life for others, when will you be able to live for yourself?"

Lin Ran kept crying, Wang Yue's heart was sore when he was crying, he hugged Lin Ran tightly, and put Lin Ran in his arms, followed closely, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis, maybe it was It was too relaxed, and by the time he realized it, it was too late, and he felt a metal object hitting the back of his head, "Don't move."

Wang Yue was stunned for a moment, and felt a "thump" in his heart, followed by Lin Ran, who was beside him, suddenly raised his head and opened his eyes wide.

At the same time, Wang Yue felt a slight pain in his neck. Then, his whole body lost all strength, and he fell straight to the ground, unable to open his eyes. Before he closed his eyes, he saw The men in black and the syringe in his hand were the only memories he had before he lost consciousness.

Wang Yue seemed to have slept for a long, long time. When he opened his eyes in a daze, he found that he had been tied up on a chair. The binding was very, very strong, and his mouth was tightly blocked. He couldn't make a sound, he didn't even know where he was, the surrounding was abnormally dark, Wang Yue shook his head vigorously, which woke him up a lot, and he struggled for a long time, he looked around , black, very dark, looks like it was in an abandoned factory, or in an abandoned warehouse.

He shook his head vigorously, struggled for a long time, and kept making "woo-woo" sounds. At this moment, a little light suddenly appeared in the dark place, a dim light.

Wang Yue looked around, but couldn't see clearly what was going on in the dark. At this moment, a person walked over. This person was dressed in black, wrapped himself in it, and had a black hood on his head, so he couldn't see his face clearly. He walked up to Wang Yue. This man held two very thin sticks in his hands. The sticks supported Wang Yue's upper and lower eyelids, making Wang Yue unable to blink at all. He looked at this man, followed closely, this man The man turned and left.

Wang Yue had a very, very bad premonition. Immediately afterwards, he struggled like crazy, but it was useless. A few minutes later, two people in black clothes came over, and they also wrapped themselves in the clothes , I couldn’t see her face clearly. Two men in black clothes were dragging a woman by their hands. That’s right, this woman was Lin Ran. The moment Wang Yue saw Lin Ran, he panicked. He looked at Lin Ran. Then, he began to struggle like crazy, but it was useless, he couldn't move at all, the big thick rope on his body tied him tightly to the stool.

Lin Ran had already passed out and lay naked, her hands were handcuffed. Immediately afterwards, in front of Wang Yue, the two men put Lin Ran on the iron hook above, and they didn't know where to put it down. This iron hook hung Lin Ran, making her only able to touch the ground with her toes. She was still unconscious. Immediately afterwards, someone put a small bottle on her nose. There was gas in the small bottle. Lin Ran Soon he woke up.

There are many, many scars on Lin Ran's body, old and new. She opened her eyes and looked around. Immediately afterwards, she saw Wang Yue at a glance. "Six six" Then, she looked at the people around again." Who are you, let me go!" She shook her body vigorously, trying to break free from it, but how could it be possible, "Let me go, let me go!" Lin Ran roared.

The two men didn't speak, turned around and left again, disappearing into the surrounding darkness.

"Six six, six six" Lin Ran yelled, and while yelling, she struggled vigorously, shaking the iron chain on top, but she couldn't break free by herself.

At this time, a person came up behind Wang Yue, and pressed Wang Yue's head with both hands. The man laughed at Wang Yue with a hoarse voice, "Sixth brother, the game has just begun."

Wang Yue struggled fiercely, but he couldn't move at all. He wanted to look back at the person behind him, but he was hugged tightly by this person. Then, at this time, two big men came out from the side, holding down tightly Wang Yue on the stool.

Immediately afterwards, a man came out from the shadows. The man was also dressed in black with a hood. He stood in front of Wang Yue and smiled at Wang Yue. Immediately afterwards, a man suddenly appeared on his hand. took a dagger.

"Woooooo!" Wang Yue became anxious and struggled crazily. He had never been so depressed. He wanted to kill everyone. , was pressed firmly by the three big men around.

Immediately afterwards, the man holding his head behind him smiled at the person opposite, "Okay, we can do it."

The man on the opposite side nodded, "Don't, don't." Lin Ran struggled crazily, shouting, Wang Yue also went crazy, and started to struggle non-stop. The man on the opposite side grabbed Lin Ran's head , Then, the light shone on Lin Ran. Immediately afterwards, the dagger in this man's hand aimed at Lin Ran's face, and cut it lightly. Then, Lin Ran's face was instantly stained with blood. red.

[ps: There will be an outbreak tomorrow]

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