we are brothers


He looked at Lin Ran in front of him, tears kept streaming down his face, and his voice was unusually sad, "I'm here to accompany you, I'm sorry, it's all me."

Wang Yue's whole being has entered another realm. He looked at Lin Ran on the ground, thinking about all kinds of things, "I'm a scourge, a villain." He smirked, tears still streaming down.

For a long time, Wang Yue laughed, even he himself didn't know what he was laughing at. "My dear, if, and if, please give me another chance to love you." Wang Yue's tears kept streaming down, and then , he pointed at his neck with the saber, and was about to pierce it lightly. At this moment, there was a sudden "click!", a thunderbolt from the blue sky.

Wang Yue was stunned for a moment, and he glanced down subconsciously. What surprised him even more was that Lin Ran's eyes opened. Her eyes were closed just now, but now they opened.

Wang Yue was stunned, and subconsciously threw the saber in his hand to the ground, "Lin Ran, Lin Ran" he hugged Lin Ran in his arms again, and he kept stroking Lin Ran's beautiful hair." You're awake, you're awake" He smirked, followed by touching Lin Ran's nostrils, still not breathing.

He was stunned, looking at the woman in his arms, the woman he once loved to the extreme, the woman who had gone through ups and downs all her life, Wang Yue yelled "Ah~~~" again, heart-piercing a feeling of.

He glanced at the dagger on the ground, followed by heavy rain. Wang Yue hugged Lin Ran and knelt in the rain. In this wilderness, he looked extraordinarily lonely. The rain slowly washed away the dirt on Lin Ran's body. , Wang Yue's whole body was dull, with a look of dementia, just holding Lin Ran in the rain, after several hours, the rain slowly stopped.

Wang Yue's tears were also dried up, he looked at Lin Ran, his expression was devoid of emotion, he picked up the saber again from the ground, he looked at the Swiss Army Knife, and then at the sudden Lin Ran opened his eyes.

He was silent, and then, he got up from the ground, hugged Lin Ran in his arms, took the saber, and walked slowly to the base of the first big tree not far from the abandoned warehouse. He held the saber, He began to dig a hole from here, and continued to grab it with his hands. His hands were covered with blood, and his whole body seemed to be numb. At dawn, he dug a big, deep hole. He hugged Lin Ran and directly Jumping into the pit, he sat in the pit and looked at Lin Ran, then he slowly kissed Lin Ran's cold lips."

He always thought that his heart was strong enough, and there was nothing in this world that could make him collapse like this. Unexpectedly, it happened again today. Wang Yue didn't say a word. He kept burying Lin Ran here, and after Lin Ran was buried, Wang Yue knelt under the ground, and then kowtowed three times with "boom, boom, boom". Tombstone, nothing, plain.

Wang Yue went back to the warehouse first, picked up the pistol, notes and keys on the ground, followed by himself and walked out in one direction. He kept observing the surrounding situation, and he was remembering this. Slowly, he came to the road. After walking for a whole day, he returned to the urban area and Lin Ran's house. When he entered the house, he saw Gu Xiandong and Lin Ran's two The two children were all tied up tightly, and when they saw Wang Yue, they all started "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo".

Wang Yue slowly walked to Gu Xiandong's side, then he knelt down and untied the rope for Gu Xiandong and the others, "You are back, you are back, fuck" Gu Xiandong cursed, "Where are you People, do you know? Have you solved it?"

Wang Yue stared at Gu Xiandong with dull eyes, "Don't you know fortune-telling, tell me, tell me who they are."

Gu Xiandong was stunned for a moment, looking at Wang Yue, he heard that Wang Yue's tone was wrong, "Wang Yue, what's wrong with you, why are you talking in such a tune?" He looked around again, "Lin Ran, where is Lin Ran?"

"Don't you know how to count? Aren't you the Da Luo Heavenly Immortal?" Wang Yue grasped Gu Xiandong's shoulders tightly with both hands, "Tell me, tell me, okay, tell me who it is, the Immortal, I beg you You, please, tell me who the murderer is, if you want money, I will give it to you, I will give it to you, I will give you everything!!"

"Wang Yue!" Gu Xiandong yelled suddenly, followed closely, Wang Yue was stunned, his eyes were dazed, looking at Gu Xiandong, Gu Xiandong also felt that something was wrong, and looked at the child next to him, "Come on, help me!" Help me!" Then, the two children didn't know what happened, and the three of them directly lifted Wang Yue, who was staring blankly, onto the bed, and Wang Yue sat on the bed, still in a daze, motionless, while Gu Xiandong was busy on the side up.

For three whole days, Wang Yue didn't eat, drink or sleep for three whole days. Gu Xiandong fed it with a spoon every day. The two children were also anxious and wanted to know about Lin Ran's situation, but Wang Yue didn't say anything and just froze. I was in a daze.

On the fourth day, Gu Xiandong really had no choice. He invited a doctor from the hospital and a professional hypnotist. At last, Wang Yue stopped being in a daze. He finally closed his eyes. This time, Gu Xiandong and the others were relieved a lot.

Wang Yue slept for a day and a night. On the morning of the sixth day, Wang Yue opened his eyes. When he opened his eyes, Gu Xiandong was still sleeping. He was really tired after taking care of Wang Yue these days.

After Wang Yue woke up, Gu Xiandong also woke up, he looked at Wang Yue, stretched out his hand and shook in front of his eyes, "The eyeballs will move, yes, yes, it seems that the hypnotist's skills are good, what's wrong with you, what happened?" What."

Wang Yue glanced at Gu Xiandong, and was silent for a moment, "I want to eat and drink."

Gu Xiandong nodded, and didn't continue to ask, just like that, the whole day, Wang Yue spent eating and drinking again, vomited, and was still drinking.

At noon the next day, Wang Yue woke up again, tidied up his clothes, and when he left the room, he saw Gu Xiandong was preparing meals. , I said big brother, what happened, you just talk, you can’t go on like this forever, can you?”

Wang Yue looked at Gu Xiandong, "Where are the two children?"

"I went to school, and now the two children are in a hurry all day long, asking about Lin Ran's situation Lin Ran, Lin Ran, who is that group of people, and what happened?"

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