we are brothers

【886】Gambling thief

The man who spoke just now naturally understood what Wang Long meant. He didn't answer Wang Long's words, but he still wanted to use Wang Long's attitude, but he still had a look of contempt on his face, "It's your fate." , The gambler has already spoken out, if you dare to bring a gun, let us deal with you directly, if you bring a knife, let us stab you with a knife, it is considered that you two boys know each other, we will crush you to death, just like pinching you It's as easy as dead ants, be good, the gambler may be in a better mood, and you still have lives."

"Thank you, thank you brother." Wang Long nodded and bowed again. Then, there was a small door next to the factory gate, which was pushed open by the man, and Wang Long and Da Zhong entered the factory directly.

As soon as the two entered the factory, the small door at the back was closed, and Wang Long heard the sound of locking the outside. Then, the two were stunned by the scene in front of them.

There are more than a dozen people standing on one side of the surrounding, a uniform strong man, black pants, leather shoes, black short sleeves, standing on one side, motionless, directly in front of Wang Long and the others, a middle-aged man in his 50s, with long hair , with dark skin and big eyes, wearing Adidas sportswear, very sporty, that is, about 1.7 meters tall, and tall enough to be solid. He is sitting directly in front of him, on a big chair. In front of him was a small round table with tea placed on it.

Behind this person, there are two men in black, all in suits. At night, the two big men in the back of this factory are actually wearing glasses.

Then, between Wang Lung and this man, there was a row of people kneeling, men and women, all with their hands tied behind their backs, kneeling on the ground, all of them had black hoods on their heads, and behind each of them, there were A man, with a knife in his hand, stood beside him with a shining knife.

Although everyone's heads were covered by hoods, Wang Long and Da Zhong recognized those familiar figures at a glance.

Just as the big clock was about to move forward, Wang Long immediately grabbed his arm. He took a hard look at the big clock, and the big clock froze for a moment. Speaking, took another step back.

"Hello, Uncle." Wang Long stood where he was, and bowed to the gambler with special respect. "Maybe there is some misunderstanding between us. If I accidentally offend you because I don't know Taishan, I hope Please forgive us, no matter what happened, I am here to apologize to you first, I'm sorry." Wang Long was very respectful, and his voice was very sincere.

The gambler sitting across from him was staring at Wang Long, and suddenly became interested, he smiled and touched his chin, "No, the rumored Brother Long is not like this, how did he get so cowardly from the red?" How did the people from Dengjie get rid of Liu Xin and those little red bastards? I'm curious?"

Wang Long lowered his head, "It was forced, and it was luck. More importantly, Liu Xin and the others are small characters, and they are no match for you, big brother. When we heard that it was you, we didn't even have the intention to resist. I sincerely I came here to apologize, and I hope my elder brother will give me a way out."

"Hahahahahaha" the gambler suddenly laughed at this time, "You are so good at talking, do you choose what people like to listen to? Haha, I thought you two couldn't come in, so just go outside It will be resolved, but it seems that I still underestimated you, interesting, interesting." The gambler waved his hand, followed closely, and everyone's hoods were pulled away.

There are more than a dozen people kneeling in front, Bai Jing, Bai Jiahao, Yuan Xiaoxin, Qi Qing, Bai Lele, Zhang Haoran, seven of them, plus Gao Haixiang, all of them knelt in place, Bai Lele and the others There were obvious bloodstains on Gao Haixiang's face, Gao Haixiang's shoulders were also stained with blood, his clothes were stained with blood, and everyone's mouths were gagged.

Wang Long looked up at the gamblers on the opposite side, and took a deep breath, "They are innocent, you just want me to come, can you let them go, and then, I will take care of everything myself?"

"You bear it?" The gambler smiled "hehe", sat up straight, holding a cup of tea in his hand, "How do you bear it? Can you bear it? These days, beating a dog depends on the owner, right? You're useless." My subordinates have tendons and tendons, and even beat them half to death, and forced their father to jump off the building. Let me ask you, how do you calculate this debt?"

As soon as Wang Long heard the gambler say this, he suddenly realized, "Uncle, there are rules of the Tao. You have been in this business for so many years. When lending money, we have an IOU. It is only natural to repay the debt. We did not force him to play. He didn’t force him to borrow it either. He lost all his own money and then jumped off the building. It has nothing to do with us. As for his son, he came to our place to make trouble and stabbed several people blindly with a dagger. We just To maintain order in our venue, I don’t know what’s wrong with it.”

"Tell me the rules of the preaching?" The gambler looked at Wang Long with a smile, and then his expression changed suddenly. He pointed at Bai Lele, Zhang Haoran and his group over there, "Then I ask you, Tell me about the rules, then who are they? Are they gamblers, or your own people? Do you call following the rules? You call this a trap, this is called setting up a game, you know?"

Wang Long squinted his eyes, it seemed that the veteran gambler understood everything, and he didn't hide the problem at all, "We know we are wrong, give us a chance, and give us a way out."

"Are there any rules in the Tao? Didn't you say that?" The gambler smiled slightly, and followed, Wang Long suddenly felt bad. At this time, he saw the person behind Liu Han, and suddenly He picked up the knife in his hand, tore off the tape on Liu Han's mouth, and then slashed down on Liu Han's wrist on one side.

"Ah!" There was a painful roar, followed by two people who went up, and directly pushed Liu Han to the ground, and the big clock became anxious when it was next to it, and shouted "No! "

But this group of people ignored the big clock at all, and went up to illuminate Liu Han's other wrist and ankle, and heard the screams of "ah!" and the ferocious expressions of the surrounding people, and the attack was extremely cold.

In an instant, Liu Han passed out from the pain, lying on the ground, the rope in his hand was cut, and blood flowed to the ground beside him, which was extremely terrifying.

"This is also a rule. It's the rule for them to set up a game from the inside." The gambler smiled and pointed, and followed closely. Yang Peng next to him was instantly pushed to the ground by two people.

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