we are brothers

【941】The anger of gambling thieves and loan thieves

City l was very, very lively tonight. The fight between Luofeng and the yellow thief directly caused a sensation in the whole city of l. What was even more astonishing was the sudden attack and death of the yellow thief!The leaders of the municipal party committee attached great importance to it. Xiyang, the director of the Public Security Bureau, set up a special task force that night to take charge of the case of the yellow thief. Luofeng finally closed that night.

Around four or five o'clock in the morning, there were more than a dozen cars parked in front of the L City Public Security Bureau, and there were countless people. The gambling thief and the loan thief were unusually angry, and each had a fiercer expression than the other. Although they dared not enter the police station Going to make trouble, but so many people gathered at the door, the people in the Public Security Bureau came out and scolded several times, but it didn't have any effect. One can imagine how angry the gambling thief and the loan thief were, and the surroundings were in chaos Constantly, there were a few policemen standing at the gate of the Public Security Bureau, looking at the gang of gamblers opposite. All the policemen were armed with live ammunition, and they were also afraid of what the gang of gamblers might do.

"Aren't you finished today?" At this time, the setting sun came out from inside. He was wearing a police uniform and looked at the group of people gathered at the door. "Did I tell you, I told you to leave!"

"Director Xi! It's okay to leave! We need an explanation and hand over Luofeng!" A gangster next to him yelled.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xi Yang turned his head sharply and saw the little gangster who was talking. Then, two policemen rushed to the little gangster and passed by him. It's here~" One person kicked twice, and the little bastard was electrocuted and fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, and then two policemen went up and dragged the little bastard into the police station

"You fucking dare to shock people! The police can beat people at will!" Another gangster yelled at the side.

And at this moment, everyone was extremely excited, and the setting sun suddenly caught fire, pulled out the gun, and pointed at the sky "Boom!" It was just a shot, "Shut up the fuck! Idiots! Are you rebelling? Want to practice with us?"

After the roar of the setting sun, the people around became quieter, but all the boys focused their attention on the gambling thief and the loan thief. The gambling thief and the lending thief looked at the setting sun and felt that it was too much pressure. Almost "Xiju, we have no other intentions, don't get me wrong, we just want an explanation."

"Do you want to tell me what the hell you want?" Xiyang yelled, "Get out! I'll remind you, if this group of people doesn't leave within 5 minutes! I'll call the special police here, and you will be alone Don't even think about leaving!"

After scolding, Xiyang stretched out his hand and pointed at the gambler, "You two old bastards, why don't you give me this shit and play with me? Can you afford it? Are your butts clean!" Xiyang yelled, "Get out! * *of!"

"Xiju, we just want an explanation!"

"Get out!" Xiyang yelled again, "There are still 3 minutes." Then, Xiyang looked at his watch, "Qin Jiaxin, call the special police!"

"Yes, Xi Bureau!" A policeman nearby saluted, then turned around and went back to the Public Security Bureau.

Xiyang looked at his watch again, then took a deep breath, and smiled at the gamblers and loan thieves, "Okay, I want to play with me, come on, I will play with you and see if I can play you to death , at that time, you wait for Luofeng to clean up the mess!"

When the gambler and loan thief heard what Xiyang said, they were both a little entangled and stared at Xiyang, "Xiji, we just want an explanation, your police can't do things like this."

"We need to pay attention to evidence when we do things, and our police will definitely enforce the law impartially. Now we can't be sure that the murderer is the person from Luofeng. We can only announce everything after the investigation. Are you here to rebel now?" Xiyang smiled. Laughing, "There is still one minute, you wait, I let you go in the sunset, gambling thief, loan thief, tonight, I gave you both wings!"

Xiyang's expression was extremely fierce. Although there were only a few policemen, his aura was no worse than that of the gambler and loan thief who had dozens of people opposite him. The gambler and loan thief looked at the sunset, and both of them had ugly expressions. But still nothing.

Just when the two sides were at a stalemate, a Land Rover off-road vehicle drove over, honking its horn, and parked the car directly at the gate of the Public Security Bureau, among the group of people.

Huixu with a scarred face got out of the car, his whole body was unusually calm and composed, and he wore a big brother fan'er on his body. He looked at the gambling thief and the loan thief, "You two are so courageous, even the gate of the Public Security Bureau If you dare to make trouble, wait for our Director Xi to send you two to prison." After speaking, Hui Xu smiled and looked at the sunset, "Xi Bureau, I'm here to protect you."

"Guarantor?" Xi Yang smiled, "Brother Xu, who are you protecting? Who is it? We have arrested a lot of people tonight."

"I'm here to protect my sister Luofeng." Huixu said deliberately loudly, followed closely, turned around and entered the police station.

Xiyang turned his head and looked at the gambling thieves again, then turned around and entered the Public Security Bureau.

The gambler and loan thief looked at each other, and the gambler said at this moment, "What should I do? Should I go?"

"Let's go first, don't stay here, lest the setting sun bite us, go to Huixu's house and wait!"

"Let's go!" Immediately afterwards, the gambling thief and the loan thief waved their hands, turned around and returned to their own cars. Then, a dozen cars quickly left from the gate of the Public Security Bureau. After more than 20 minutes, the cars all appeared at the entrance of a high-end residential area, and the security guards at the entrance of the area were frightened. What are these dozens of scary-looking social elders doing here? Groups of security guards They all started to assemble.

Fortunately, it was late at this time, and there were no cars coming in and out. The gambler and the loan thief directly blocked their BMW off-road vehicles at the gate of the community, surrounded by a group of menacing horse boys, and a dozen cars were parked on the side of the road. In the car, dozens of punks were talking around with cigarettes in their mouths, and inside were the security guards of the community, but their momentum was clearly at a disadvantage.

About half an hour later, a Range Rover off-road vehicle drove over and stopped just before the gate of the community. The windows of the Range Rover off-road vehicle were not closed, and there were only two people in the car. Huixu was driving, and Luofeng was sitting in the seat that the co-pilot had mentioned, with an ugly expression on his face, but he didn't speak, with a cigarette in his mouth, in a bad mood.

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