we are brothers

【947】The tyrant's past

Wang Long was carrying two bags, one bag of wine and one bag of food. He sat next to Ding Xuan, took off his clothes, and spread his clothes on the ground with his shirtless arms. The blood wolf on his chest was abnormal. Ding Xuan on one side seemed to be a little hot, and he took off his clothes. The tyrant on his chest, with a ferocious and indifferent expression, was not inferior to Wang Long's blood wolf at all. The two of them were naked. Baozi is not a hypocritical person either. Wang Long handed the tyrant a bottle of white wine and picked up a bottle himself, "Come on, drink some, and celebrate our happy cooperation."

"Still happy to cooperate?" The tyrant smiled. "Be careful not to be eaten by gambling thieves and loan thieves the next day."

"That's life. Anyway, I'm not afraid of them. I love it." Wang Long smiled and clinked glasses with Ding Xuan, took a big sip, and then said "ah", "I like this wine, it's strong enough!"

"Haha" Ding Xuan also laughed, "I didn't see it, you are not very big, but you are really a man." Then he also took a big gulp.

Wang Long and Ding Xuan drank heavily, eating peanuts and ham sausage, and soon, each of them drank more than half a catty, and the two of them talked more and more, "Brother Xuan, tell me about your Fenglong chant."

"Feng Long?" Ding Xuan leaned to one side, smoking a cigarette, then turned to look at Wang Long beside him, "I don't know when to start talking about it."

"Say whatever you want, start from wherever you think of." Wang Long said with a smile, "I really want to know your past, but I always hear what others say, which is not as direct and true as what you tell yourself. "

Ding Xuan was silent for a moment, and the whole person entered another state, "I was not a peaceful child since I was a child. My father was a soldier, and he was a soldier with a very bad temper. When I made some mistakes, he often punched me. In addition, he has only one means to solve all problems, and that is violence. Later, because of his violent temper, he offended people who shouldn't be offended, and was framed by villains. Not only was he dismissed from the army, but his reputation was also ruined. He was very, very stinky, no one understood him, and no one believed him. Later, he gradually began to give up on himself. He drank, gambled and took drugs every day. His temper became more irritable and his attitude towards me became more and more serious. It got worse, and it was the same for my mother, who would fight with fists and kicks at every turn, and my mother really couldn't bear it later, and she mentioned that she wanted to divorce him many times."

"My father has always refused to divorce, and every time my mother said divorce, he would beat people with his hands. His temper was very, very violent, and there was no family at all in the house."

"My mother really couldn't take it anymore, and he refused to divorce, so he simply wanted to take me away. I was young and ignorant at the time, and I didn't want to leave. Later, I started crying. My mother Later, seeing that I didn’t want to leave, she couldn’t take it anymore, so she hugged me and wanted to take me away forcibly. I hugged the legs of our table and refused to leave. How could my mother beat me, scold me, coax me, and seduce me? Me, I didn't leave, I didn't know what to think at that time, I just said that I want a father."

"My mother asked me that he beats you every day. What do you want from him? He has lost his humanity. I cried at that moment. I said, I want my father. It happened that this scene was seen by my father who came back suddenly. It scared my mother, when I thought he was going to get angry, who knew that he not only didn't get angry, but also reached a divorce agreement with my mother, he wanted nothing but me."

"My mother would be very reluctant, but I don't know how the two of them negotiated. My father took me and left the house. Since then, my father has never moved a finger of me. My father When he was a soldier, he still had some savings. After all, he was still an official. It was very dark in the army. He still had some money. The two of us went to other places. After playing cards, relying on my tenacious self-control, I also quit drugs."

Ding Xuan smiled and took a puff of cigarette, "I've been living alone with my father since I was ten years old. My father also made a plan for me at that time, which is to get up at what time every day and exercise. , he regarded me as one of his soldiers since he was a child, his only soldier to train. I suffered a lot when I was a child, but after the first few years, I got used to it and it will be fine. He taught me a lot He also taught me the skills of grappling and fighting, and he also taught me how to play with a gun. He gave me all his lifelong knowledge and skills. I didn’t learn well in school, but I can fight, and I have a violent temper, which is standard in school. Big brother at school, I dare to fight anyone, have you been influenced by my father since I was a child, I remember when I was in elementary school, I used a fork to pierce the lips of my deskmate directly, and was expelled from school, and I took the lead in fighting in junior high school, Knocking down people with a machete, stabbing people with a dagger, that would be the age of fearlessness, my dad was heartbroken because of **, when I was in high school, I was in school because a so-called younger sister of mine had an affair with a random person in the society Contradictions, my temper was too explosive at that time, I couldn't control it, I took a knife and took people to fight them, but I was hacked into the hospital, and I couldn't swallow the breath in my heart."

The tyrant suddenly laughed at this moment, "Guess what happened to me?"

"You can't just kill someone's whole family." Wang Long responded casually.

"Well, you're right. I killed that man's whole family. I stole my father's gun from his home when he was a soldier. I ran over and killed that man's whole family. The gun was equipped with a silencer, and my father He has already taught me what he knows. My physical fitness has been much better than ordinary people since I was a child. I can fight normally. I don’t think it’s a problem for me to fight three or four by myself. After I kill someone, I’m super calm. Closed their house, his grandparents, parents are all there, even himself, and a little girl who doesn't know if it's his niece or niece, I didn't let any of them go, I was busy at his house all night, I was very calm I cleaned up the scene, and then destroyed the corpse and wiped out the traces. I shredded the corpse. How old was I at that time? Holding a kitchen knife, he kept chopping up the corpses on the ground." Ding Xuan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and turned his head to look at Wang Long, "I returned home early the next morning, and my father was waiting for me at home. What was I doing? My father quickly discovered my anomaly. I couldn’t hide it from him. I was pressed too hard by him. Later, I had no choice but to say everything. After I said it, I I cried, I felt scared, very, very scared, I thought my father would explode, but he told me very calmly, "Don't be afraid, there is no such word as fear in the dictionary of our old Ding's family. "This is the sentence that impressed me the most.

Ding Xuan shook his head helplessly, "Later my father left directly. I found out later that he was going to help me clean up the scene. He picked up the gun again, went to someone's house, and reset everything. After tidying up several times, I changed the place where I buried the body, and then I went home and asked me about the process several times, including the details. In those few days, my father prepared it for me every night. I was not allowed to go to school, so I chatted with me every day, talking about his past, I was very scared, but he kept telling me not to be afraid, I remember that night, I was lying in my father’s arms, I looked at the white hair on his head and the wrinkles on his face, and I felt sorry for him, and I said, "Dad, you have gray hair again, and it's getting more and more. "

"But he told me, son, I pulled it out for my father, and my father will be young for a lifetime."

I smiled, and I started to pluck his white hair, and while plucking his white hair, my dad smiled, and he touched my head very caringly, "No matter when, in my dad's eyes, you are What makes dad proud the most." "Son, dad is sorry for you. If there is anything in the future, you can go to your mom." "Son, dad thinks you are really good!" "Son, what do you want to eat tomorrow? You go eat." "Son, let's go swimming tomorrow afternoon, go hiking the day after tomorrow, take you to the park, take you to the zoo the day after tomorrow, tell me what you want to do, dad will satisfy you"

"My father taught me since I was a child that credit is the first thing for a man, and you must do what you say, otherwise don't say it. People in our old Ding's family always say that one is one and two is two. Those who are full of lies all day long are sissies!"

"So, I have developed a habit since I was a child. People from our Lao Ding's family don't tell a single word of lies and want to be men.

My father would make me swear that no matter what I encounter, I will live on and continue the blood of Lao Ding's family. For me, the continuation of future generations is a matter of course. If he doesn't say it, I will do it.

I was so naive at that time, I felt that my dad suddenly changed his gender, I was very happy, and I didn’t go to school anymore, I played around with my dad every day, drinking, chatting, and at night, our father and son slept together , my dad always told me all kinds of great truths, until late at night, when my father and I were sleeping, the door of our house opened, and the two of us opened our eyes together, my dad listened to the door open He smiled at me, he picked me up, kissed my forehead, and said the last two words to me, the first sentence was "Ding Xuan, Daddy loves you", and the second sentence was "Ding Xuan, Dad loves you" Xuan, Dad is sorry for you."

Many, many people rushed into the house. I don’t know what they were doing, but they came up and arrested my father fiercely. I remember that I beat three people with my bare hands, and then I was stunned After that, I didn't know anything. The people who came to the house that night were the police.

It’s just that the police took my father away, but they didn’t take me away. My father took everything on his shoulders. He didn’t have any sophistry. He admitted everything directly and frankly. I wanted to admit everything several times, but I didn’t , because I can imagine Lao Ding's angry eyes, I promised him that we would continue the blood of our Lao Ding's family. After he was arrested, I realized everything. It turned out that everything was all because of him. As far as the plan was arranged, he was already prepared. "

"He was executed and the case went smoothly. On the first day of his execution, I visited him. When the two of us met, my father smiled at me and stood upright. He raised his hand. He gave me a military salute. He didn't say a word, but I could feel his guilt and apology, and I could feel his relief.

I didn't cry, our father and son looked at each other for 10 minutes, and finally, I told him "Dad, I really love you, I never blame you." Then, I told myself "From now on, I will never blame you." There's no dad either."

"Afterwards, I didn't go to my mother, but just drank at home for three days and three nights. Later, I gave up my studies and started working in society. I have good physical fitness, I can fight, and I have a good reputation. Under someone's recommendation, I followed a big brother in society at that time, and I was still highly regarded by the big brother at that time. After four or five years in the society, I already had a small reputation, and the nickname of tyrant came from that time. The meeting started, and I was in full swing for a while, helping the so-called big brother fight the world, squandering money, only during the holidays, I would go to see my father, and then chat with him , Chattering."

"The social road is a road of no return, but I had no choice at that time. We have been prosperous for a few years. My elder brother was assassinated. After the assassination, our organization was in chaos. Many people wanted to be in power. , I didn't want to fight with them, and I didn't want my former brothers to turn against each other, so I left resolutely, because I already had some fame at that time, so I was poached by another big brother and started to follow my second big brother."

"He treats me very well, even more important than the first big brother. I trust him extremely, and I became crazy again. It's just that he has been crazy for two years. He doesn't know what big crime he committed. The higher authorities came down to crack down Yes, everyone in our gang was arrested, including me of course. During the trial, I saw the faces of this group of people, biting each other, exonerating themselves, and exposing each other. The ugly side of everyone's nature was revealed. Only I didn't say anything at the end, I didn't bite anyone, and I didn't expose my big brother."

"My elder brother saw everything in his eyes, he was the mastermind, so later he separated everything, and dragged all the captured people below to accompany him on the back. Everyone has been sentenced, and the only one who was exonerated was me." Ding Xuan smiled, "I don't know what method he used, what backhand he used, and let his most trusted friend get me out. Others were more or less dragged into jail by him, while he himself was sentenced to death."

[ps: This chapter is worth two chapters, not divided into chapters! 】

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