we are brothers

[959] Painful torture

"Well, you can just pretend that he is dead, he is dead, so what I said is all false, I am talking nonsense, don't chase after me and ask, you go and tell Wang Yue, and say that Wang Daijun is dead , I’m talking nonsense, okay.”

"You're definitely not talking nonsense." Xi Yu looked at the sunset, "Could it be that he really isn't dead, then how did you find out?"

"I don't know, he's dead." Xiyang said impatiently, "I'm going to sleep, please go out, if you don't go out, there is a sofa over there, you can lie down there and sleep" Xiyang lay on the bed, looking at Xi Yu said "whatever you want, just don't bother me, thank you" After finishing speaking, Xi Yang covered the quilt and turned off the lights in the room, and the surrounding area was dark.

Xi Yu squinted his eyes, glanced at the sunset, and turned on the light without any hassle. The sunset turned off the light, and Xi Yu turned on the light. OK, let's go"

Seeing that Xiyang didn't turn off the lights, Xiyu tore off his quilt without any hassle. Xiyang looked at Xiyu, "Okay, I won't cover it anymore" and then turned over.

Xi Yu also became angry at once, "Xiyang!" She roared, and began to push and pull Xiyang, Xi Yu was lying on the bed with her eyes closed, letting Xi Yu toss about, he didn't speak, and the brother and sister had a quarrel stand up.

About three or four hours later, the setting sun was wondering why there was no movement. Suddenly, he felt a bad premonition. Sure enough, he heard a "crash", and in an instant, his whole body was drenched. , Even the bed was wet, followed by Xi Yu's roaring voice, "Fake it, keep pretending! Don't say anything!"

Xiyang really couldn't lie down now, he turned around and looked at his bed, his clothes were soaked, Xiyu was still holding a washbasin in his hand, "Ah!" Xiyang sneezed, followed by , sat up straight at once, "Xi Yu!" He roared, his face full of anger, and his whole body was a little out of control.

But after he yelled, Xi Yu on the opposite side didn't react much, and didn't even look him straight in the eye, "What are you doing? What are you yelling, it's late at night, isn't it showing your ability? Okay, you are capable, you roar, Continue to roar, go out and roar if you have the ability!"

Xiyang pointed at Xiyu and said "you, you, you" three times, followed by "Ah!", turned around and got up, he ran to the bathroom, took a shower quickly, when he came out He put on a bath towel, dried his body, looked at Xi Yu angrily, then turned around and was about to go to another room.

"Wait" Xi Yu stopped Xi Yang, "You haven't said what I asked you, tell me where is Wang Daijun?"

"I don't know!" Xi Yang roared furiously, "You don't understand Chinese, do you? I don't know! I don't know!"

Xi Yu squinted her eyes and looked at the sunset, "I understand that you are the one who can't understand Chinese. As I said, if you don't tell me where Wang Daijun is, neither of us will have a good time. We will toss to death, toss to death."

"Get out!" Xiyang roared, then turned around and was about to leave.

Xi Yu is not used to the setting sun at all, and there is a kick behind the buttocks of the setting sun, and this kick is quite forceful "Ouch", the setting sun immediately supported the wall of the door, he turned his head and looked at Xi Yu angrily "Xi Yu! Who the hell are you kicking!"

"Of course I kicked you. Can't you see such an obvious thing? Also, Xiyang, are you a grown-up now? Are you scolding my mother?" Xi Yu looked around, "I want to call my mother !"

"You are crazy, it's so late, everyone is sleeping!"

"Your mother is in China, still sleeping?" Xi Yu looked around, "No, I have to tell her, you scold her." After finishing speaking, she saw the landline on the other side at a glance, and turned around to get that landline!

"Xi Yu!" Xi Yang roared angrily again, and then rushed over, picked up the phone, and put it in his arms, "Fuck me."

"Who the fuck are you with?" Xi Yu pointed at Xi Yang again, "Is it because you're getting used to it now?"

"Me?" Xiyang suddenly became helpless. He took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down his mind. He couldn't help it. If it was someone else, he could ignore it, or go up and beat him up, but This person is his own sister, Xi Yu, and he has nothing to do with his own sister since he was a child. It has been like this for so many years. If someone else dared to kick Xiyang, Xiyang would have to cut off his leg."

"Wang Daijun's address!" Xi Yu stretched out her hand again, "I don't want to repeat the same thing to you a second time, thank you."

"No! No!! No!!!" Xi Yang roared furiously, followed closely, turned around and walked to the side.

Xi Yu followed the sunset from behind, and the sunset took a few steps forward, and suddenly, he sped up the speed. This fellow ran really fast, and ran to the innermost room, and took the key from the door. After getting down, he entered the room at once. After entering the room, the setting sun slammed the door of the room and locked it.

After locking it, Xi Yang patted her hand and looked outside the door, "Do you fucking know what your last name is! Xi Yu! I solemnly warn you, you have to be measured and have a degree in doing things, you know?" ! Don't be shameless!"

After finishing speaking, Xi Yang clapped his hands, and sneered at the door, "I see how you came in this time."

As soon as the voice fell, a loud "Boom!" was heard, and the setting sun subconsciously took a step back, and then heard the muffled sound of "Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom", followed by a "click", the door opened. A big hole was smashed, and the surroundings were torn apart. Then, the white and tender woman's hand stretched in, and opened the door from the inside.

Xi Yu kicked open the door, threw the big iron stick in his hand to the ground beside him, clapped his hands, stood in front of Xi Yang, and pointed at "Wang Daijun's address!"

"**!!!" Xi Yang yelled, and hurried to the door, looked at the door "Xi Yu! Do you know how much this door costs!! Xi Yu!! This is fucking mahogany, mahogany! !!" Xi Yang yelled with a heartbroken face, "You are fucking crazy!"

"Where is Wang Daijun?" Xi Yu stared at the sunset with a blank expression on his face, "Toss to death, toss to death."

Xiyang suddenly became depressed, he looked at Xiyu furiously, and took a deep breath, "I! I! I!" Immediately afterwards, Xiyang first yelled "I don't know!" and then turned his head towards the window Outside, "Wang Yue, I'm fucking your family!"

The sound of Xi Yang's angry roar echoed in the room.

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