we are brothers


Only Xiaoyong was still standing beside Shanfeng. "Brother, we have already investigated. Miss received a courier at noon, then went out and never came back. There was no class in the afternoon, and then their head teacher I didn’t go to work, so no one informed our family members, I have already sent someone to the school.”

"We also asked someone to adjust the monitoring of the situation at Madam's side. There was a strange person in the monitoring. He couldn't see his face clearly. He came out of the women's toilet pushing a blue trash can. Our people didn't pay attention at that time, so I didn't take it to heart, but I have seen all the cleaning staff in the mall, and none of them are people in the surveillance, so the other party planned it early in the morning."

Shanfeng took a deep breath and shook his head, "Who the hell is that? Fuck, I caught him and I'm going to tear him apart!" Shanfeng slapped the table fiercely, extremely angry.

"Brother, Brother Xu also knows about our situation. He has gone to the Public Security Bureau now, and his subordinates have also dispersed. Now everyone in the city is looking for his wife and miss, and they don't know what's going on. What kind of ghost is it, so daring! Even the sister-in-law and the young lady dared to arrest. We have already been snooping on the Beitian Dynasty, but there is no result so far. Everything is quite normal for Li Feng, and the people around him are also Nothing unusual, we are still monitoring."

Shanfeng squinted his eyes and didn't say a word, with a terrifying expression on his face. At this moment, his phone rang suddenly.

Shanfeng looked at the phone, he thought for a moment, and soon picked up the phone, "Hello?"

"Hehe" an obviously processed voice sounded inside, "Shanfeng, do you want a wife and child?"

Shanfeng's expression changed immediately, and he became calmer in an instant, "Friend, you are brave enough, and you dare to make up my mind about my Shanfeng's family."

"Hehe. There is no way, there is no way to go, or I will starve to death, Lord Shan, borrow some money to spend."

"Okay, how much do you want, I want to hear the voice of my wife and children, otherwise, no talk."

"You have no choice. I want 1000 million. Prepare it before night. You are alone with the money. You are not allowed to bring anyone. Wait for my call at night. Listen up, Shanfeng, you are only allowed to come alone, no It is allowed to bring anyone, otherwise, all the consequences will be at your own risk!"

Shanfeng smiled, "Okay, let's see you tonight. Be nice to my wife and children. It's just a little money. I'll give it to you tonight." After speaking, the other person hung up the phone, and Shanfeng looked up at Xiaoyong , let out a sigh of relief "Let people prepare money..."

In a remote village in L city, in a very inconspicuous farmer's house, two women were tied up and thrown aside, their mouths were gagged, and their eyes were also blindfolded.

In the hall outside, Bai Jiahao, Wang Long, Dazhong, and Gao Haixiang were sitting on the table. There were some beers and some peanuts on the table. "What should I do next?"

Wang Long had a cigarette in his mouth, squinting his eyes, "First find out what's going on in Shanfeng's house, and tease them for two days to kill their energy."

Gouzi and the others didn't speak. The atmosphere in the room was quite depressing, but this was normal. Everyone felt pressure in their hearts. After all, this was Shanfeng's wife and child, but they had no way of turning back. It's done, there's no way to undo it.

"Fuck! I feel like I'm fucking crazy, and you're crazy too! We caught Flashwind's wife and child!"

"Crazy or perish." Wang Long glanced at the people around him, "We must try our best to convince them that we are here for money. Only in this way can we have a chance to kill Shanfeng."

"Then shall we take their money?"

"Of course not." Wang Long glanced at the big clock, "Do you think we will die to take the money from Shanfeng? We can't let him see us. Let's tease them for a few days to wear down their willpower. Let's take a good rest these days." , keep your spirit up, and besides, Gouzi, go and observe the situation in Shanfeng’s house, and see if the security is not so strict recently, let’s stimulate Shanfeng.”

After finishing speaking, Wang Long turned around and entered the room by himself. He stood in the room, put on the hood again, and looked at Xia Mo inside. He picked up a small knife casually, and the big clock followed Wang Long. Holding the mobile phone in his hand, he didn't shine on Wang Long, but on Xia Mo's face.

Wang Long held down Xia Mo's neck, and Xia Mo began to struggle with a "huh, huh", Wang Long's expression was abnormally cold, and then, the knife went up Xia Mo's face horizontally, blood It flowed from her cheek in an instant, she yelled "Woooo", touched the blood on Xia Mo's face, then turned her head and stretched out her palm, the palm was full of blood, Xia Mo Mo fell to the ground in pain, and the moaning sound of "woo woo" continued...

Shan Feng's villa, Shan Feng's eyes were blood red, he looked at the USB flash drive in front of him, and then cursed "Grass mud horse!", thinking of the picture on the USB flash drive just now, and the last sentence of the kidnapper "This That's what happens when you don't obey."

Xiaoyong stood with a large group of people, and Huixu sat opposite to Shanfeng, and he was also a little tired, "This kidnapper is really cunning. It has been three days. He keeps changing places and hurting hostages. We are too underestimated." They're gone."

Lin Yifei was also sitting on the side, smoking a cigarette, "I want to know where their eyes come from, why are you so sure that you took someone there, not by yourself, we hid it well enough, is there something wrong with us internally?" ? Or, we are discovered by them every time, which is impossible."

"They want the 1000 million, but they definitely don't want to be our gunners. They have admitted that the problem is a bit tricky. If this continues, Xia Mo will be persecuted to death by them."

"We can't irritate them anymore, the gangsters are already a little crazy." Lin Yifei looked at Hui Xu on one side, and then turned his head to look at Xiao Chao who was sitting on the sofa, "Xiao Chao, what do you mean by the Public Security Bureau, and what is the result?" No?"

"Telephone monitoring is useless. They change numbers and mobile phones every time, and they only talk for a few seconds each time. Sometimes it's just a message. We have no way to locate the phone." He rubbed his head and was in a very bad state of mind. Okay, "It's been three days. After spending so much money, material and manpower, I still haven't got their whereabouts. These gangsters are too cunning."

Xiao Chao took a deep breath, "We monitored the mobile phones of Li Feng and everyone under him, and found nothing special. Those who dare to do this in L City, and those who have the motivation to do this, except for Li Feng, probably There is no one else."

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