we are brothers

【982】Empty Box

"Brother Long, can you tell me why you chose such a place."

"It's not easy to ambush people in this kind of place and keep it secret. If we want to run away, we can run away. If he brings someone else, we can easily find out."

"Yes, what you said is very good, but I think I'm going to die of exhaustion!" Da Zhong took a deep breath, "In this case, if there is any problem in a while, I will fight to the end by myself, and I won't Run away, I can't run anymore."

"Don't worry, if there is any problem, you can't run away, I will carry you on my back."

"Are you kidding? If you can carry me behind your back, just look at me with your body."

"Anyway, I won't leave you alone." Wang Long was very calm, "I can move you behind my back."

Da Zhong was stunned for a moment, he knew that Wang Long was not joking, he thought for a while, "I'm joking, we want to run together, we want to die together"

"Actually, I chose this place on purpose. We will have time to rest after we come here, but if Shanfeng comes, he won't have time to rest. He is quite old, and we still have the advantage in terms of physical strength. Besides, there is no signal here, and it is not easy for him to communicate with outsiders." Wang Long took a deep breath, "The rest is up to fate."

Da Zhong nodded and did not speak. The two of them waited for about half an hour, nearly an hour, when Da Zhong suddenly pointed out from the side, "Brother Long, there is a figure over there!"

Wang Long was sitting on one side and smoking a cigarette, but immediately after, he turned his head over, holding a cigarette in his mouth, and holding his binoculars, he saw a figure walking down the opposite mountain slowly. The man was wearing a suit and leather shoes underneath.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Wang Long took out the photo from his pocket, looked at the photo, and confirmed that the person was Shanfeng. "Big Bell, leave him alone now, let him continue to climb forward, he still has to climb for a while, let him climb over this mountain, and climb one more, let's follow him from behind, now look around, see if there are any other people follow."

Da Zhong nodded, and Wang Long and Wang Long held the binoculars and looked at the surrounding scenery. After watching for a while, Da Zhong turned his head and said to Wang Long, "Brother Long, this is not right, the two of us chose Well, if someone hides this place, it’s hard for us to find it.”

"What are you in a hurry for? If they come, they definitely can't come one or two. As long as we find one person, we will withdraw!"

Da Zhong nodded, and Wang Long and Wang Long didn't care about the flashing wind, they kept looking at the surrounding scenery and the wind and grass around them, both of them were highly concentrated, and when they stopped by chance, they would look at Shan Feng, Shan Feng is still crawling down, his body is already a bit worn out, Wang Long and Da Zhong are watching his every move from the side.

More than half an hour later, Shanfeng climbed up to the top of Wang Long's mountain, followed by Wang Long and Da Zhong, who looked around.

"Did you find anything? The big clock?"

"No, Brother Long, what about you?"

"I didn't find anything." Wang Long took a deep breath, "Okay, that's it, the rest is up to us brothers." Wang Long took out the gun with one hand, and stretched out the other hand. out.

Da Zhong smiled "hehe" "Brother Long, I want to eat roast duck at noon!"

"It's okay to eat whatever you want, take care of this matter, Brother Long will give you roast duck for a week!"

Dazhong smiled "haha", then turned his head to look at Shanfeng not far away, then he was taken aback, "Brother Long, Shanfeng is not leaving, look at him, he sat down from the origin , **."

Wang Long squinted his eyes, held the binoculars, and looked not far away. Sure enough, Shan Feng sat on the ground, closed his eyes and rested his mind. He didn't know what he was thinking. The one next door, he is adjusting his physical state, I said why it took so long for this old bastard to come up, after a long time of trouble, he will rest when he is tired, and then continue to move forward when he has energy and strength, fuck, What a bastard."

"Then what should we do, Brother Long?" Da Zhong took out the gun, and started aiming at Shan Feng.

Wang Long grabbed Da Zhong's hand immediately, "Don't shoot blindly, you are trying to startle the snake, you know, now they all think we want money, you shoot like this, the old Jianghu like Shanfeng finally lured them When it comes to money, they will see through this shot very quickly, you can't shoot like this, unless you are [-]% sure, can you hit it?"

"Are you kidding, of course I can't hit it." Da Zhong shook his head, "I just aimed casually, Brother Long, what do you think, this old fox will save his energy, how can we deal with him?"

"Don't worry, let me think about it." Wang Long picked up the binoculars and began to keep looking at the flashing wind over there. Da Zhong was also a person who was too lazy to use his brain. He picked up a cigarette from one side and held it in his mouth. He was very big-hearted, and he was quite relaxed. Shanfeng seemed to be resting there for more than ten minutes. Then, he got up, picked up the suitcase, and walked forward again. It seemed that he was in a good state of mind.

"This old fox is so old, and his physical strength is quite good. After resting for more than ten minutes, he recovered." Wang Long narrowed his eyes, and looked at Shanfeng with a telescope. "He is quite cautious, and keeps looking around. What can you see?"

Da Zhong sat on the side and didn't speak, nor did he talk to Wang Long. After another few minutes, Wang Long suddenly smiled, "Da Zhong, our chance has come!"

"Opportunity? What opportunity?" Da Zhong turned his head to look at Wang Long, "Can we do it?" After speaking, he stood up immediately. When he stood up, he saw that Shan Feng had started to climb down the mountain.

"He didn't bring any money." Wang Long held the binoculars, squinted his eyes, and smiled at the big clock. "He definitely didn't bring any money."

"He is carrying such a big suitcase in his hand, Brother Long, does that look like he has no money, but you are right, that suitcase must not hold 1000 million, but maybe, 1000 million or something I don't even know the concept."

"Don't say 1000 million, not even 500 million, not even a penny." Wang Long narrowed his eyes, "If I guessed right, the box should be empty, otherwise he couldn't pick it up so easily, who would take it?" It’s a few million, it’s also heavy, he can’t lift it so easily, if my guess is right, the box should be empty.”

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