Ning Xia came out of the bathroom, and saw Lei He folded his arms in front of the closet to help her choose clothes. Ning Xia's clothes were specially designed by him, and some of them were very revealing. The clothes Lei He wears at home are of course Satisfied, but you have to choose carefully when you go out to show your face, Lei He thinks so.

After pondering for a long time, he finally chose a water-blue suit, which was stylish and elegant, and the exquisite tailoring showed his quality.

The clothes that Lei He gave her were naturally the best and most expensive, so Ning Xia had no objection, and she had no requirements for what to wear.

Ning Xia has a good figure, and this water-blue uniform outlines her slender figure even more, with wasp waist and buttocks. Leihe touched his chin, his eyes lingered on the bumps, and finally fixed on a waterfall-like With long hair, vivid eyebrows and eyes, and a rosy face, this little girl is charming no matter how you look at it.

So he found a black lace ribbon from the jewelry box on the dressing table and handed it to her, "Hair tie!"

Ningxia was puzzled and refused to answer, "Do office workers still wear ponytails?"

Lei He narrowed his eyes, "I say stick it."

Ning Xia also knew that this person sometimes had a strange temper for no reason, so he didn't fight him too much. He took a lace ribbon and tied it into a ball head, and fastened it with a hairpin studded with diamonds. His beautiful facial features were clearly exposed. Glancing at the woman in the mirror, Ning Xia smiled with crooked eyes, very satisfied, a standard white-collar beauty.

Here Leihe's nose is almost crooked, he even thinks this looks better than before, forget it, his woman looks good no matter what, he also recognizes it.

Ning Xia was still not satisfied, she went to Lei He's company on the first day, although she spent a lot of effort to tell Lei He not to announce their relationship, but she still wanted to dress more delicately, and didn't want others to look down on her.

Lei He frowned and pinched her face, "There's no need to paint, it'll look good this way."

It's just so captivating without makeup, but it's even better with makeup.

Ning Xia had no choice but to grab a bag that Lei He had prepared for her, and went out like a reminder.

Ning Xia couldn't understand, this guy seemed to be in a hurry, why did he take her to lunch, just eat lunch, why did he take two detours.

Leihe explained that the lunch in this restaurant is nutritious, well, she was silent.

When they arrived at the company, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

Ning Xia cautiously suggested, "You put me down nearby, it's not good for me to go in with you like this."

Lei He glanced at her lightly, "You can't get in without me."

Ningxia was silent again. It is not a second-rate small company, but a large enterprise in line with international standards. The management of external personnel is in place. Without him opening the way, she, an idler, can't get in at all.

In fact, Ning Xia was too worried. When she arrived at the parking lot, Lei He directly took her to the president's special elevator, so she didn't meet anyone at all.

As Leihe entered the president's office, Ningxia didn't see a single female employee along the way.

She poked Rehe's arm and pointed in one direction, "What's over there?"

Lei He glanced casually in her direction, "The secretary's office."

Ning Xia was speechless, "Your secretaries are all men?"

Lei He snorted, and said in a bad tone, "Don't you want it to be a woman?"

Of course Ning Xia didn't want it, but seeing the huge president's exclusive office floor, which is full of all male staff, it is indeed a bit spectacular.

Seeing her wide-eyed looking around, Lei He tapped her forehead, "Stop looking around, hey, can I arrange a design department for you?"

"Well, as you arrange." Ning Xia nodded.

Lei He poured a cup of coffee for her to sit on the sofa and wait at ease, then dialed the internal line and asked Lu Jin to come up.

"Boss." Lu Jin still looked like a dude, seeing Ning Xia immediately added, "Sister-in-law."

Practice makes perfect, Ning Xia can already nod quite freely now.

"Are there any vacancies in the design department?" Lei He raised his eyes and asked him.

Lu Jin whistled loudly, "Of course."

The eldest brother has asked this question, even if there is no one, he has to temporarily change into one.

"Okay, let's arrange for Ningxia to join the design department."

Lu Jin made a commanding gesture, then turned to look at Ning Xia, "Come with me, sister-in-law."

Ningxia coughed lightly and said, "Don't call me sister-in-law in the company."

Naturally, Lu Jin didn't dare to make decisions about such a major change of name and taboo, so he turned his questioning gaze to Lei He, who nodded his head.

Lu Jin said with a playful smile, "Okay, Ningxia."

Ning Xia smiled, walked to Lei He, and said softly, "Then I'm going out."

Lei He rubbed his hair, with a doting smile on his lips, "Go."


Ning Xia originally thought that a paratrooper like her who has not been trained and tried by the company should be hated by others, at least no one would give her a kind face.

But she didn't expect the staff in the design department to be extremely enthusiastic, which greatly exceeded her expectations.

In fact, she didn't know that Lei He was afraid that she would be wronged, so he asked Lu Jin to say hello to the director of the design department. Lu Jin is also a smart person, so he properly revealed some of Ningxia's special identities.

The director of the design department was confused, but finally understood one thing - this Ningxia is not easy to mess with, and even Mr. Lu personally greeted him.

At the new employee introduction meeting, the enthusiastic attitude of the head of the design department alerted all the design department employees that the background of this new young girl is not simple.Although everyone didn't like this kind of paratroopers, no one dared to chew their tongues. If they rebelled against the leader's dragon scales, it would not be fun to lose their jobs.

Ningxia just arrived here, and the supervisor didn't assign her too much work.

In her free time, she also helps her colleagues who are too busy to do some work. Others see that Ningxia is very friendly, and the sharpness of the design drawings does not seem like an unknown person. Graduated from one of the top architectural universities, he couldn't help but feel a lot more balanced. After coming and going, in just one morning, Ning Xia became acquainted with several colleagues in the design department.

"Ningxia, do you want to have lunch together?"

When he got off work at noon, He Yang, a design elite in the design department, asked eagerly.

Ning Xia thought for a while, she probably wouldn't be able to have lunch with Leihe today, and she could only go to the staff canteen, so she agreed without thinking too much, "Okay."

On the elevator, Ning Xia only faintly realized something was wrong when he saw people giving He Yang ambiguous looks.

A buddy who was probably on good terms with He Yang came over and punched him directly, and said with a smile, "Your eyes are always high above the top, so many girls turn a blind eye to your secret love, now... finally I've figured it out!"

After all, that person deliberately gave Ning Xia a look.

ps: It's too early to update today, try to update twice in the afternoon...

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