He didn't believe that Ning Xia's heart couldn't be touched by his pursuit with such heart, and he still didn't believe that Ning Xia's so-called boyfriend could be much better than him. It was the first time that such a strong sense of frustration hit him, which made him unwilling.

He stubbornly tugged on Ning Xia's sleeve and said, blushing, "Where is your boyfriend, I want to see him, I don't believe he is better than me."

Ning Xia didn't expect him to be so ignorant, and immediately turned cold. "He Yang, I've made it clear what I should say. That's it. We are all colleagues. I don't want to look up and down. I don't want to make it too ugly."

After finishing speaking, Ning Xia also ignored his ugly face and walked away.

"Why so late?" In the parking lot, Lei He raised his wrist and looked at his watch, asking displeasedly.

Ning Xia stuck out her tongue, naturally she didn't dare to tell the truth, "I went to the bathroom, okay, let's go home."

Lei He didn't doubt that he was with him, so he eased his expression, put his arms around her shoulders and got into the car.

The blue Maybach walked away, He Yang's thin figure appeared from the corner, he smiled wryly, no wonder, no wonder Ningxia rejected him.

"I heard that people are sending you flowers every day these days?" Lei He asked suddenly, looking at the road conditions.

Ning Xia knew that this matter would reach her ears sooner or later. Fortunately, she cut through the mess in time. Today she said too much, He Yang probably should give up.

"Someone gave it to me sometimes, but I've made it clear that I have a very good boyfriend, and I'm not interested in anyone else." Ning Xia quickly explained with a smile.

Lei He snorted, apparently not accepting Ningxia's tricks, "Why are the people in the design department so idle, sending flowers?"

Ning Xia was startled, and begged, "What are you going to do? Don't fire him..."

Lei He clenched his hands, and his tone immediately became serious, "Don't tell me you don't want to!"

"No," Ning Xia said dumbly, "Why do you think so?"

Lei He didn't answer, his eyes were sharp and sharp.The inside of the carriage suddenly became quiet, and the air seemed to be frozen. Ning Xia suddenly felt very stuffy, and didn't know what to say to break the silence, so he simply leaned against the window and closed his eyes to rest.

How could this happen? It was obviously just an irrelevant trifle, but how could it lead to such a stalemate?

That night, no one paid attention to anyone. Ning Xia didn't want to take the initiative to ask for peace, partly because she thought Leihe was too domineering, and partly because she couldn't bear that face.

For the first time, she was lying on the same bed with Reh, and Reh didn't hug her tightly to fall asleep.

I usually don't feel it, but now suddenly without Leihe's warm embrace, I feel empty and uncomfortable, as if something is missing.

After tossing and turning, Ning Xia finally fell asleep in a daze.

Before she lost consciousness, she felt as if she had fallen into a warm chest, and she didn't know if it was a dream.

The next morning at nine o'clock in the morning, when Ning Xia woke up, Lei He had already left. She touched the cold bed sheet next to her and felt that this man was really stingy.

Anyway, he was late, and Ningxia didn't have any intention of going to work for a while, so he called the manager to ask for a morning's leave, and the manager of course agreed.

Then Ningxia changed clothes and asked Yuanzi to drink tea.

"Yo, your face is radiant." Yuanzi was still the same, and he was rude to her when he met her.

Ningxia was sitting under the sun umbrella, squinting at Yuanzi. After not seeing him for a while, Yuanzi became more charming.

"You and Young Master Lu have developed well."

Yuanzi Shi Shiran sat down, and said with a nonchalant expression, "It's not a matter of development, everyone gets what they need."

Ning Xia knew that this girl's strength was duplicity, so she followed the pole and asked, "Then what do you need from him?"

Sonoko blinked mysteriously, "What a woman wants."

The more she talked, the less she looked like. Ningxia knew that this was also a shameless master, so she stopped talking to her, lest the eldest lady say any indecent words again.

"Okay, what's the matter, look at you as a resentful woman!" Yuanzi urged, taking a sip of juice and kicking her feet.

Ningxia asked Yuanzi to come out to pour out the bitterness. Hearing Yuanzi's question, he sighed, and vomited out all the ins and outs of the stalemate between her and Lei He last night.

After Yuanzi listened, she just gave her a look with contempt.

Ning Xia came here for comfort, and was very annoyed at being rejected like this, "Why are you looking at me like that?!"

Yuanzi snorted, poking her slender fingers with lacquer nail polish on her forehead, "You are really an idiot, you Ningxia, do you think Lei He is really angry at other men for giving you flowers?!"

Ning Xia was stunned by her scolding, opened her eyes wide, and asked innocently, "Then why is he so angry!"

"Of course I'm angry at you for refusing to admit him! Tell me what kind of life you're living. We all work in the same company and meet secretly every day like an affair. Why are you so smart, Ningxia? You're so secretive. Leihe thought you were unwilling to publicly admit his identity, that you thought he was shameful!"

Ning Xia was dumbfounded, "I didn't think so."

Yuanzi stared, "Your actions are telling him that you really think so, you are telling him clearly that you don't feel safe about this relationship, that's why you're so coy."

"I just think that if everyone in the company knows about my relationship with Lei He, can I still be treated like a normal colleague?" Ning Xia said nah, "How dare I despise him?"

Yuanzi rolled her eyes at her, "Do you think others won't find out if you're sneaky like this? Then I'm afraid others will say something even worse, okay?!"

Ning Xia lowered her head, frowned her pretty willow eyebrows, and said nothing depressed.

"Besides Ningxia, you don't want to disclose your relationship with Leihe because you are afraid that you won't be able to work normally." Yuanzi squinted at her, with an expression of insight into all her thoughts.

Ningxia couldn't dodge it, and said frankly, "Leihe's father approached me, and he expressed the fact that he doesn't like me very bluntly, and even wrote a huge check to let me leave Leihe, so I'm worried that I will be here with such a big fanfare. In Leihe's company, he will suspect that I have other plans."

Yuanzi raised his eyebrows, "Oh? Not anymore."

Ning Xia's face became hot, "And... my parents and Ning Xue... I'm afraid..."

"You're afraid that everyone in the company knows about it, and your parents and Ning Xue also know about it, right?" Yuanzi continued her hesitant conversation.

Seeing Ningxia nodded in shame, Yuanzi wished to wake her up with a stick, "Ningxia! How did your parents and your sister treat you? Are you so timid?! They always There will be a day when you know, when your parents want you to give up Leihe, what will you do?! Are you going to abandon the love that Leihe puts all his heart into you for your little family affection?!"

ps: Try to update in the morning as much as possible in the future, the New Year is coming, please ask for red envelopes, wish for good luck, woo woo woo...

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