Of course Ningxia remembered that this was Leihe's younger sister, she quickly said, "Remember, you are Leihe's younger sister, your name is Yujie, right?"

Lei Yujie exchanged some meaningless greetings with her, and Ning Xia dealt with them one by one, but she didn't like Mo Yujie in her heart. For some reason, this beautiful girl's enthusiastic smile was a bit cautious!

Mo Yujie joked a few words, then took her leave and left. Ning Xia hurriedly took a glass of champagne and drank it in a big gulp to reduce the discomfort in her heart.

Unexpectedly, the champagne like a wall suddenly hit her like a mountain, and Ning Xia watched the terrifying glass wall slowly fall down.


All of a sudden, the crowd boiled, screams and noises mixed together.

Before Ning Xia could react and dodge, a white figure quickly pulled her aside and completely shrouded her in his own shadow.


The glass was shattered all over the floor, and the champagne was dripping all over the floor. Because it was completely blocked, Ningxia was fine.It's just that most of her body was drenched by champagne, but Li Mo, who rescued her, was obviously not so lucky. His back was completely soaked, and his wrist and five fingers were cut by glass shards, and bright red blood flowed out.

Li Mo's white suit was completely soaked with wine, and the two of them leaned against each other, their messy wet hair still dripping with wine, looking like dogs in the water.

The three spirits of Ningxia were frightened away and seven spirits were scared away. They supported Li Mo and asked anxiously, "Li Mo, how are you doing?"

One part of his arm was cut, the wound was deep, and the wine flowed into the wound, excruciating pain, but seeing Ning Xia's anxious expression, he still tried his best to smile and shook his head, "It's okay, it doesn't hurt much."

Ning Xia knew that he was comforting himself, he was anxious like an ant on a hot pan, his whole arm was bleeding, how could it not hurt.If it didn't hurt, his lips would lose their color, and even his breathing would gradually weaken.

"What's going on?!" A majestic voice sounded, as soon as Leihe came over, he saw the mess all over the floor, and the scene where Li Mo was leaning on Ning Xia with half of his body.

"Hurry up and send Mr. Li for treatment!" Lei He yelled violently, and the butler quickly regained his senses, and sent someone to pick up Li Mo and was about to send him to the hospital.

Ning Xia watched Li Mo being carried away with red eyes.

And Lei He's eyes touched Ning Xia's wet eye sockets, and the eyes following the white figure, the sharpness in his eyes deepened.

At this time, Mr. Lei Junting also came over after hearing the news. Seeing Ningxia, who was wet all over, and the whole place in an unsightly mess, the good birthday party ended in such a farce, and he couldn't help but hate Ningxia even more. point.

Ning Xia circled her body, her fingers felt a slight tingling pain, it turned out that she was punctured by the broken glass on Li Mo's body just now, and the people around her looked at her with various expressions as if they were going to a circus to see a monkey, she saw Lei He stood not far away with a cold face, feeling extremely wronged in his heart.

How could this be?

She took a deep breath, she didn't need to stand here for others to watch for free.

Turned around and strode out, walked out of the hall, took two steps and she simply kicked off her high heels. When Li Mo dragged her out just now, her feet sprained gorgeously because of the 8-inch height of the crystal shoes. Now even She took off her shoes and was barefoot, and every step she took made her breathe in pain.But even so, she was willing to endure the pain and leave this place that didn't belong to her, this mansion where staying for a second longer would kill someone.

Lei He watched her thin back leave with a gloomy face, and then ordered with hidden anger, "Ah Hu! Check it out for me! Find out who the hell is the one who dared to hurt me tonight!"

"Yes!" Ah Hu knew that Master Lei was angry, and replied seriously.

"Ah, where are you going? Your father's birthday party isn't over yet." Seeing Lei He leaving without looking back, Mo Wei hurriedly shouted at his back.

But the only response to her was the sound of footsteps gradually going away.

Everyone sighed, Lei Junting's face became darker and darker, so no one dared to speak anymore.

With a speed comparable to that of a snail, Ning Xia finally climbed out of the gate of Lei's house with an ugly posture of one step at a time.

Unexpectedly, suddenly she was picked up by Teng Kong, and seeing the extremely familiar big hand on her waist, Ning Xia almost shed tears of hypocrisy.

Thinking of his indifference in the hall just now, Ning Xia struggled.

"Calm down!" Lei He yelled angrily, and sure enough Ning Xia didn't dare to move anymore. Seeing her fair calf covered with large and small scratches, his heart shrank again and again.

Lei He drove the car without saying a word, and the speed was as fast as Ningxia could accept.

He didn't speak, and Ning Xia didn't have the mood to speak.

Her whole body was limp, her two legs and her sprained left foot were sore and sore, she didn't forget to compare it when she felt uncomfortable, it was even more painful than after Leihe and her did that.

A lot of things happened in one night, Ningxia's brain became chaotic, and many chaotic images began to flash in his mind, first, his father's disappointment and scolding, then Ning Xue's merciless scolding, and Qianling's broken marriage, and finally Li Mo's pale There are so many cheeks.

She felt very tired, and when her eyelids became heavy, she fell asleep.

Seeing her close her eyes, Leihe breathed evenly, sighed, took the thin blanket from the back seat and covered her gently.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Ningxia fever dividing line&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

Ning Xia slowly opened her eyes, staring blankly at the magnificent ceiling, it took a while to remember that it was in her and Lei He's small apartment.

She moved her arm and felt a stabbing pain, only to realize that she was getting an injection.

"Are you awake?" Lei He entered the door with a glass of water, just in time to see Ning Xia's big foggy eyes.

Ning Xia nodded and asked, "What's wrong with me?"

She even startled herself when she made a sound, her voice was rough and hoarse, as if she was dehydrated.

"Come on, drink some water first." Lei He half picked up her body and fed her to drink.

Ning Xia was indeed thirsty, her throat felt as if she had choked on something, and she felt uncomfortable, so she took Leihe's hand and gulped down half a glass.

Seeing that she was almost done drinking, Leihe put the water glass on the bedside table, helped her to lie down, touched her not too rosy face and said, "You have a fever, caused by wound infection, do you still have any pain now. "

It turned out that she had a fever, Ningxia understood, no wonder her whole body was feeling weak.

Ning Xia shook her head, "It's much better, there is no pain anywhere."

Lei He stepped back and held her left foot. Most of the swelling in her ankle had finally disappeared, but it was still red, so he asked with concern, "It doesn't hurt here anymore."

You must know that when he took her back to the bedroom and checked her body for injuries, the shallow marks on her smooth calf had already made him feel very distressed. It was a burst of throbbing pain.

Then when he heard Ningxia talking in his sleep, he was startled, and touched her forehead. To make matters worse, he found that the little girl had a fever. He was in a hurry, and he quickly called the family doctor to treat her.

When the diagnosis is just a general infection of tetanus and cold, a heart is settled.

The doctor dispensed the medicine, and hung up the hanging needle. Leihe didn't dare to sit still, and took an ice pack to reduce the swelling of her ankle.

Ning Xia didn't know that Master Lei had condescended to do so much for her, so he just moved his ankle lightly and shook his head, "It doesn't seem to hurt much."

Lei He smiled reassuringly, "Are you hungry, do you want to eat?"

"I'm not hungry, I want to sleep." People who are sick are always fragile, not to mention that the lover who loves them the most is by their side, showing the feelings of a timid girl, and Ningxia's low voice is soft and unusual.

Lei He chuckled, lay down on the other side, held her tightly in his arms, and comforted her, "Then sleep again, and I will always be with you."

With a safe embrace by her side, Ningxia handed herself over to him with peace of mind, she doesn't have to be afraid of anything with him by her side.

&&&&&&&&&Dividing line&&&&&&&&&&&&

On the second day, Mama Li was invited to take care of Ningxia again.

After much deliberation, Lei Hesi decided that it would be more appropriate for Mama Li to come.Firstly, Mama Li and Ning Xia get along very well, so I'm afraid that Ningxia will not get used to it if they change people. Secondly, Mama Li is a veteran servant of Lei's family, and she watched him grow up. After all, others are not as safe as her.

When Li's mother came, she heard that Ningxia had been injured, and she looked distressed, and said strangely, "You child, why did you hurt yourself every day?"

She also heard about what happened last night, but in the end, Ningxia was rescued, so why was she still injured?

Ningxia smiled embarrassedly, she didn't want to either.

Lei He stayed with her all morning, although he didn't want to leave this little woman who was always worrying, but some things in the company always required him to come forward.

The acquisition of shares in some of Li's industries has reached a critical stage, and he must not make any mistakes. This time, his goal is bound to be achieved, so that the Li's consortium will never be restored and will never have a foothold in business.

Before Lei He left, he reminded him thousands of times, remember to drink medicine, talk about discomfort, remember to drink nutrition soup, and don't run around.

Li Ma smiled at her ambiguously at the side, Ningxia was almost speechless, she is not a child, why is she nagging so worryingly, besides, she is almost treated as a first-class disabled person, where else can she go? Go, it's a pity that Leihe didn't hear her heart and still babbled orders like an old woman.

In the end, seeing Ningxia urging him to leave, Leihe was angry and hated, ravaged her little face hard, and then reluctantly went out.

"It's really the first time I've seen the young master like this." After Lei He left, Mama Li joked immediately.

Ning Xia was half sweet and half helpless, just smiled embarrassingly.

"I'll bring the soup." Knowing that Ningxia was embarrassed, Mama Li pursed her lips and smiled.

Ningxia's head grew bigger when he heard about the nutritional soup. It's not that the nutritional soup tasted bad, on the contrary, it tasted good.But no matter how good the taste is, it can't last three meals a day. Now when she smells the strong and tangy smell, she wants to die.

While feeling depressed, her cell phone rang. Ning Xia glanced at the caller ID, it was her home number.

After thinking for a while, Ningxia still chose to hang up the phone, and then sent a text message, "My foot is injured, I will go back in a few days."

Telling them that their feet were injured was not to gain sympathy, because Ning Xia was already disappointed with this move, and she was just telling a reason why she couldn't face their questioning immediately.

"Ningxia, why, is there something wrong?" Li Ma came in with the soup and saw that Ningxia was holding the phone in a daze, her face was not very good-looking, and she thought there was something wrong with her, because of Lei He, She is also very nervous now.

Seeing Mama Li's flustered expression, Ningxia said helplessly, "I'm fine, Mama Li, don't be nervous, I'm just thinking about something."

After finishing speaking, she put down her mobile phone and took the nutritious soup with a little onion and garlic fragrance floating in Mama Li's hand.

Li Ma saw that she looked normal, and she didn't seem to be in trouble. She raised her heart just now and let it go, but she still didn't forget to remind, "Ningxia. You are now a wounded person. Don't think about those who have nothing. Overuse your brain." , is not conducive to the recovery of the body."

Ning Xia was silent. She hurt her leg, okay? How could overuse of the brain be bad for the wound? It's a fresh way of saying, besides, she was just thinking about things, so how could she overuse the brain? !It seems that Mama Li has been completely assimilated by Lei He!

Ning Xia nodded obediently, "I see, Mama Li."

Then Mama Li laughed, "Drink it quickly, it won't taste good when it gets cold."

Ning Xia also smiled, looked down at a bowl of soup, held his breath, and drank it in one gulp as if pouring dichlorvos.When all the liquid flowed into her stomach, she let out a long breath of relief.

Seeing her funny appearance, Mama Li sneered and said, "Why is this painful expression so unpalatable?"

Ning Xia shook his head and said innocently, "It's not that it's bad to drink, it's because I drank too much and I'm fatigued."

In this regard, Mama Li also felt powerless. Although Ningxia's pitiful appearance made her very unbearable, this soup recipe was specially made for Ningxia by a senior nutritionist invited by the young master. You have to drink it all up, not a single drop is left.

Li Ma's expression of helplessness made Ningxia completely give up. She swore that she would never drink soup again after the injury was healed this time.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& la la la I am the dividing line&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

Yuanzi and Xiaomei rushed to visit her, the wounded, as soon as they got the news.

Xiaomei has always heard her voice before seeing her.

"Ningxia, why are you injured again?!" With high decibels, Xiaomei had a sad face, as if she was the reincarnation of Broomstar.

Ning Xia covered her ears, glared, and gritted her teeth, "I'm not dead yet, can you change your expression?"

Xiaomei backed away in fear, Yuanzi took a step forward, looked at her ankle which was mostly healed, "Are you all right?"

Ning Xia shook his head straight, and said indifferently, "It's all Leihe's worrying, I guess it will be fine if you don't walk for two days."

Yuanzi sighed, "I shouldn't have left at that time, otherwise you wouldn't be plotted against."

Ning Xia's eyes widened in surprise, "What calculation? Isn't this an accident?"

Yuanzi gave her a blank look, and Ningxia was used to Yuanzi's eyes that often looked at her like an idiot, so she urged her to say, "Accident? The champagne tower has passed safety inspections, you really think you are a mold god Reincarnation, the good glass is only thrown at you?"

Ning Xia still didn't understand, "How could it be?" Ning Xia also became suspicious when he said this.

Seeing their conversation, Xiaomei said blankly, "Ningxia, you are in a dangerous situation."

Yuanzi pondered for a moment, "At the banquet, did any strangers talk to you afterwards?"

Ning Xia shook his head first, then thought of something, and immediately said, "Later, when Lei He went to honor the guests, Lei He's younger sister, Mo Yujie, came to see me."

However, Mo Yujie looks like a pretty pure girl, she doesn't seem like she would do such vicious things, let alone for no reason.You can't wrong others just because you don't like them.

Seeing Ningxia frowned and thinking, Yuanzi comforted her and said, "You don't have to think so much, your man has already been investigated by someone, and you can just ask him if he is right."

Ningxia didn't know about it this time, but she nodded after hearing Yuanzi's behavior, and didn't want to think about it too much. Since Leihe sent someone to investigate, it would be good to ask him then.

After Yuanzi and Xiaomei left, she thought about it carefully. Ever since she met Leihe, she has suffered more injuries than the sum of her childhood and her childhood. First, she was framed for no reason and Li Mo was lying on the same bed indistinctly. , then got hit by a car, and now nearly got smashed in the head by champagne.One thing can be said to be a coincidence, but so many coincidences add up, it is hard to believe that it is a coincidence.

But if it wasn't a coincidence, Ningxia couldn't figure out who was behind her back like this after much deliberation.

&&&&&&&&&&&& is the dividing line&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

When Lei He came back at night, Ning Xia was lying on the bed leisurely flipping through magazines.

His heart softened, and he walked over to hug her, "How are you doing today? Be good or not?"

Ningxia despised his tone of asking the puppy very much, but he didn't refute him, just pushed his chest that was about to be pressed again, "No, you go take a bath soon!"

Lei He smiled helplessly, and pecked on the tip of her nose, "Okay, I'll take a bath, and you have to be good after you take a bath."

Ning Xia pouted, let's talk after taking a shower!

Lei He approached and quickly took a fighting shower, and came out with wet hair and a towel around his lower body.

Ning Xia glanced at his bare chest from the corner of her eyes, secretly scolded him as a pervert, but blushed involuntarily, and would use this good figure to harm a good girl like her.

Lei He walked over with a smirk, teasing her deliberately, "Why are you blushing?"

Ning Xia snorted and ignored him, Lei He was not annoyed after being rejected, and handed her the towel, "Here, wipe my hair for me."

Ningxia was amused by the uncle with a very tone of voice, and picked up a towel to dry his hair for him.Every time she took a shower, he would graciously dry her hair with a hair dryer, and press it on her scalp, making her very comfortable, and she always fell asleep halfway through the blowing.Leihe doesn't like to use a hair dryer, saying how can a big man use that thing.Forget it, seeing that he has served him so many times, Ning Xia will serve him generously once.

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