"Xiaoxue, as you can see, Dad's old illness has recurred, and the money is for Dad's medical treatment. Let's wait for the dancing class. When Mom finds a job, I'll send you there, okay? "

Ning Xue lowered her eyes, remained silent for a long time, and said coldly, "You all said that, what else can I say" and ran out.

"Let her go." After another speechless silence, Ning Qikang spoke.

Duran shook his head, "No, your body..."

"I know my own body." Ning Qikang interrupted her and insisted, "Let Xiaoxue do it."

Seeing her husband's insistence, Du Lan was silent for a long time, and suddenly said, "Why don't I go to Ningxia."

Ning Qikang shook his head seriously, "No, you are not allowed to go, how can you go back to find her after you say such cruel words, and say that you will never have any contact with her again. Forget it, get through this for a while It’s over, Leihe won’t embarrass us for the rest of our lives.”

That's right, Duran also felt that it was inappropriate, after all, he had said all the unfeeling things.

Her husband has always been self-conscious. Since he said that he is fine if he is healthy, Dulan decided to give part of the money to Ning Xue to register for classes. This is her most beloved daughter, and she does not want to wrong her.


Ningxia didn't go to work these two days. First, she still shoulders the responsibility of accompanying Yuanzi, and second, Leihe said that he will go to Germany for a business trip recently, so he took her on a trip along the way, and asked her to check the interesting attractions at home.

Ningxia was overjoyed, this was her first time going abroad.

While waiting at the airport, she was still extremely nervous. Knowing that Lu Jin was coming back today, she had nothing to worry about, only the excitement of going out to play.

In the waiting hall, she was half lying in Leihe's arms, holding the passports of the two of them in her hands, her little face was full of joy, looking at his handsome face and her own blank eyes in the passport.

She pursed her lips and looked down, "You are so scheming! Your photos are so handsome, but mine are so ugly."

Lei He glanced at the passport. She was smiling silly and cute in the photo.How can there be a little ugly look?He simply ignored her, stroked her hair, and let her complain inexplicably.

After talking to himself for a long time, Ning Xia felt bored and rubbed against his chest, "How long will it take us to get on the plane?"

Lei He glanced at the time and replied with concern, "There is still half an hour, what's the matter? Are you anxious about waiting? Are you thirsty? Hungry?"

Ning Xia stared at him, and said innocently, "I want to go to the bathroom."


Lord Lei was stunned, but recovered his expression in the next second, "I'll take you there."

"No, I know where it is, and I'm not a child." After finishing speaking, Ning Xia ran away regardless of Leihe's reaction.

Watching her delicate figure leave, there was a warm smile in Lei He's eyes.

This should be the toilet for VIPs. Judging from the magnificent interior decoration, Ningxia came to a professional conclusion.

The toilet seat was inlaid with a layer of emerald jade, and Ning Xia felt like she was sitting on pins and needles, as if her little butt was being scalded.

In a depraved society, she simply couldn't understand how the brain of the person who came up with this idea grew.

Strange structure!

After washing her hands, Ning Xia turned around and came out of the bathroom. A blue figure was smoking against the wall.

Li Mo.

"Ningxia." Li Mo stamped out the cigarette butt, and smiled softly at her.

Long time no see, he has changed a lot, his originally clean and elegant face now looks a bit unkempt, with cyan stubble appearing, his face is not as clean as before, even his temperament has become vicissitudes.

"It's a coincidence that I met you here." Ning Xia smiled without changing his expression.

"I saw you go in just now, and I've been waiting here for you." The only thing that remains the same is the twinkling light in Li Mo's eyes, and he dare not let people look directly at him.

Ning Xia averted her eyes, what are you waiting for me to do?She couldn't ask.

I had no choice but to change the subject, "Are you going abroad too?"

Li Mo smiled dejectedly, seemingly helpless, "Being forced by your man to have nowhere to go, I had no choice but to go abroad to occupy some market."

She didn't know much about business matters, and she couldn't intervene in the war between him and Leihe, so she found that this topic could not continue.

"You, is your injury healed?" Reluctantly, Ning Xia started another topic again.

"It's much better. I didn't expect you to still care about me." Li Mo looked straight at her.

Ningxia smiled, seemingly alienated and polite, "You were hurt because of me, so you should take care of it."

"It's just like that?" Li Mo asked aggressively, as if unwilling.

Ningxia lowered her eyes, "I should go back, Leihe will be in a hurry."

This is indeed a reason, apart from this, she found that she and Li Mo could never go back to the relaxed time when they were young, and the time of separation separated them like an invisible wall, even if it was just treating him as an ordinary friend It is also difficult to treat him the same way and joke with him.The current Li Mo is strange and distant to her, and it may be the same for Li Mo.

Ning Xia let out a breath and left calmly.

Li Mo's voice suddenly sounded low, with a bit of determination and a bit of sternness, "Ning Xia, are you really not going to leave him?"

Ning Xia continued to walk forward at the same pace, and the silent back gave him the answer.

When she returned to the lounge, Lei He had already got up and was ready to look for her.

"Why is it so long? Is it because of stomach discomfort?" Leihe asked her, a trace of worry appeared on Jun's face.

Ning Xia blushed, "No."

Seeing that her expression was not right, Lei He wanted to ask if it was because she ate ice cream last night that she had a stomachache. He brought some foreign snacks to satisfy her cravings. Who knows that Ningxia has a preference for ice cream, so while he was watching It doesn't matter, you can steal several boxes at once.At this time, the sweet boarding announcement sounded. Ning Xia was afraid that he would get entangled in this issue, and didn't want to disturb her mood by telling Li Mo's affairs, so she rushed to get on the plane, and Lei He followed her closely. ask out.

Sitting in my own seat, I may have been overexcited, but this time Ningxia did not get airsick at all.

She suddenly remembered the tragedy of the last flight, so she poked Leihe and asked in a low voice, "Didn't you take your private plane last time? Why don't you take it this time?"

Lei He smiled lightly, pinched her nose, and explained, "The foreign countries I went to this time are still safe in civil aviation, and three-quarters of this plane are my people, like bodyguards and executives."

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