Super ambiguous master

Chapter 004 Sharp Xiaolu

Chapter 004 Sharp Xiaolu

Zhou Yayan was shocked, frowned and thought for a while, and soon confirmed that Qin Hao's words were correct, and immediately questioned the blond young man in standard English.

The blond young man stretched out his hands and shrugged his shoulders, loudly distinguishing with a blank face, and the two chattered back and forth for a while.

Qin Hao waved his hand decisively and interrupted Zhou Yayan: "You don't need to ask, he is delaying time, this medicine has a very clever effect, that is... if it is poured into red wine, if it does not enter the stomach within 15 minutes , it will lose its medicinal properties, and no matter how advanced your equipment is, it will be difficult to detect it.”

After speaking, he sneered at the young man and said, "If you want to prove your innocence, do you dare to drink this glass of wine to your stomach immediately?"

Zhou Yayan froze for a moment, looked away from the blond young man, and looked at Qin Hao in surprise, because what he said just now was actually English, and his accent was very mellow.

He... didn't he just say that he didn't even go to college?

Is it possible to speak English so well even if you are self-taught?

The complexion of the blond young man changed slightly, then he shrugged his shoulders, gave up the futile argument, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and put on an appearance that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

The four bodyguards, who had paused their movements, saw the master's attitude, and suddenly grinned grinningly and forced towards Qin Hao and the others.

"I warn you, this is the land of China, if you want to commit murder, according to the laws of China, I can take legitimate defensive measures without scruple." Qin Hao said coldly.

If it was in the past, he didn't need to talk so much nonsense with the other party, but now he has scruples in his mind. When it is not necessary, he doesn't want to have any more grudges with others, and just wants to live a normal life.

Zhou Yayan, who was a little panicked behind him, was messed up in the wind again.

Because this time Qin Hao actually used French. Although it is still very standard, you must know that French is ten times more difficult than learning English. This is a subject that even the locals dare not say 100% mastered Not only is it difficult to pronounce, but it is also difficult to distinguish between male and female nouns, and there are as many as sixteen kinds of verb tenses alone.

At the beginning, Zhou Yayan thought that the grammar of French was similar to that of English. She once thought about learning it, but when she came back, she found that she had no talent in this area, so she had to give up. Now, she heard it from a person who claimed that she had never studied at a university. When someone who just joined the company and applied for a job as a security guard popped out of his mouth, it was like seeing a scavenger on the side of the road suddenly transforming into an Ultraman.

The headed black bodyguard was also taken aback for a moment, and then realized that this guy was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. Just now he clearly understood what he and others said, but pretended not to understand, which made him and others get carried away and exposed the boss This time the conspiracy.

Of course, the current him can only knock down his teeth and swallow it, transfer all his anger to Qin Hao, roar, and take a fierce step forward, the sand bowl big fist with a whistling piercing through the air With a loud sound, it smashed towards Qin Hao's face like a meteor hammer. He wanted to punch this nasty boy into an idiot, so that he could redeem his mistake.

Before the fist fell, the strong wind was blowing, and the body as strong as a polar bear was an invisible deterrent. Zhou Yayan screamed in fright, covered her eyes and squatted down, as if she couldn't bear to see Qin Hao being beaten. It looked miserable.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Hao's eyes flashed brightly, and he leaned forward and shrunk down. Although his figure was considered tall, compared with the other party, he was still nothing compared to the other party. It was just such a light movement, so easy. Dodged the opponent's seemingly domineering punch.

The black bodyguard jumped into the air, and rushed forward with inertia. Before the three bodyguards in the back were surprised, Qin Hao's arm hidden behind had already struck out suddenly, hitting the head bodyguard's chin like lightning.

There was a slight explosion, and the head bodyguard let out an uh, his eyes popped out, and his body uncontrollably staggered back a few steps. Under the eyes of everyone, he just collapsed on the ground and passed out.

Immovable as a mountain, aggressive as fire, a lion fights a rabbit, one hit kills!

Everyone was dumbfounded, especially the three bodyguards. Originally, they thought that such a little sheep was more than enough to have their own boss take action, and they could just wait for others to watch the fun.

Unexpectedly, the boss who has always been able to fight against the three of them in fists and feet, would be so ignorant of a blow in front of this unattractive Huaxia.

At this time, they shifted their gazes to Qin Hao's hand, and saw that his thumb was tightly clasping the nail of his index finger, and the knuckles of his index finger protruded upwards. He used the Phoenix Eye Fist, which has super penetrating power.

Phoenix Eye Fist is just a fist-making technique. The three mercenary-born bodyguards are no strangers, but to be able to knock out the boss with one punch, how unimaginably powerful is that?

This not only includes the skills of accuracy, strength and force, each of which must be practiced for a long time to achieve success. According to the evaluation of the boss's ability to resist blows, this person may have already practiced enough to be able to chisel steel plates into pieces. sinking boundary.

"Stop here! If you continue, I can guarantee that none of you will leave completely!" Qin Hao's voice was like the horn of hell, cold, indifferent, and mixed with a trace of undoubted sonorous sound.

When the eyes of the three bodyguards fell on Qin Hao's face again, they were surprised to find that after the shot, Qin Hao's whole person's aura had undergone an earth-shaking change. At this moment, he was no longer the stiff and ignorant man just now. The vulnerable young man who was even a little shy was a cheetah ready to strike his prey perfectly at any time, and he and others were the prey in his eyes.

In his eyes as deep as a black hole in the universe, the three of them felt a coldness like falling into an ice cellar, a kind of ruthlessness that regards life as a mustard, and a kind of cruelty that is close to inhumanity.

No, this is definitely not just an ordinary company employee or bodyguard, this is a evil star who holds a death scythe in both hands, harvests the lives of an unknown number of people, and climbs out of the bloody rain of corpses.

At this moment, the three retired mercenaries who had gone through the hail of bullets and seen countless killings, and thought they were strong enough, unexpectedly had a crack in their minds.

Yes, they were timid. Although they came so inexplicably, they did feel that their footsteps were no longer so firm, and their fists were no longer so tightly clenched. Now they have to consider not how to keep this young man, but to Think about how to safely escort the boss who was also dumbfounded by the scene in front of him.

However, they obviously overestimated the IQ of their boss. Although the blond young man was shocked at the moment, he hated iron and steel. He didn't have the professional perspective of his own bodyguard. He just thought it was his own. The head of the bodyguard carelessly suffered the loss of being attacked by Qin Hao.

And for this Chinese man who ruined his long-planned good deed and injured his bodyguard leader, he hated it to the extreme.

Without thinking too much, he yelled at the remaining three bodyguards angrily, "Hurry up, kill him, everyone will be rewarded with one hundred thousand dollars, and I will be responsible for what happens."

As the saying goes, under a great reward, there must be a brave man. One hundred thousand dollars is not a small amount anywhere. The three bodyguards looked at each other and completed a tacit communication in an instant. Under the temptation of almighty money, , The three pairs of pupils re-glowed with a strong fighting spirit.

"Heaven's evil is still forgiven, but self-inflicted evil cannot live!" Qin Hao murmured coldly.

Immediately, under the horrified gazes of the three bodyguards, Qin Hao gave up his defense and took the initiative to attack them at an absolute disadvantage.

And his attack is so sharp, the toes touch the ground, the whole person leaps into the air, like a horse raising its hooves, his right foot kicks the chin of a bodyguard on the left wildly, with the sound of bones breaking, the bodyguard is kicked to the ground He flew up on his back, his jaw was shattered, and a rain of blood spurted out, mixed with a pile of broken teeth.

At the same time, he kicked his left foot out from a strange angle, kicking hard at the chest ribs of a bodyguard on the right, and there was another dull sound of bones breaking. After slipping three feet backward, he staggered to the ground.

Seeing Qin Hao kicking in the air, his momentum was exhausted, the last bodyguard had already reacted, his eyes burst out with brilliance, and he wanted to take advantage of this gap to make a gorgeous counterattack.

What he didn't expect was that Qin Hao, who was in mid-air, used his incomparably powerful waist strength to forcefully twist his already unstable body in violation of the gravity of the earth, and suddenly bent his right foot, Gaigu slammed into his left cheek hard.

Amid the muffled sound, the bodyguard fell on his back and fell headfirst to the ground. His plate bone was severely injured, his brain hemorrhaged heavily, he immediately foamed at the mouth, and his whole body twitched and convulsed.

The bodyguard who was kicked under the ribs before, although he didn't faint immediately, did not dare to move the slightest after landing, for fear that the broken ribs would pierce the heart, that is, the immortal Linfan would also be unable to recover.

Relatively speaking, the first bodyguard to be kicked in the jaw was luckier. Apart from a comminuted jaw fracture and a few teeth missing, there was not much trauma.

Even so, he didn't dare to make the slightest change anymore. Qin Hao's unparalleled three kicks in the air not only broke his mouth, but also frightened him out of courage.

He swears that he has never seen or even heard of a person who can practice to such a degree in his life.

As swift as a cheetah, as cruel as a wild wolf, as explosive as a black bear, as flexible as an ape, is this still human?

Qin Hao turned around abruptly, and the blond young man turned pale with horror, backed up again and again, "Don't come can't touch me...I have diplomatic immunity."

Qin Hao didn't even look at him, and walked over to Zhou Yayan, whose mouth was wide open, and said softly, "Let's go!"

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