Chapter 009

Zhou Yayan shyly said: "Dad, this is my new colleague, his name is Qin Hao!"

After speaking, he turned around and greeted Qin Hao: "Qin Hao, this is my father!"

Qin Hao hurriedly stepped forward and stretched out his hand, "Hello, Uncle!"

Zhou's father shook his hand and nodded, " are not bad!"

He didn't know where he could tell that Qin Hao was good, and soon he blinked at his daughter and asked, "Are you new here?"

"En!" Zhou Yayan nodded and said, "Qin Hao joined our company today!"

The sound is like mosquitoes.

Qin Hao wondered again, judging from the situation just now, Zhou Meiren should rarely bring colleagues or friends to see her father, why the old man can tell at a glance that he is a newcomer.

"Very good, very good, did you arrange any position?" Father Zhou continued to ask, with an old urchin-like smile on his face.

"Eh——Qin Hao is here to apply for a job as a security guard!" Zhou Yayan replied cautiously.

"Security?" Father Zhou and Uncle Quan looked at each other for a while.

Of course, there was absolutely no contempt in their eyes. This expression was just the same as Captain Liu who applied for Qin Hao in the morning. It was hard to believe that Qin Hao, who was well-dressed and handsome, was only applying for a security guard position.

"Yes, uncle, because I have no diploma and no work experience, so I can barely meet the requirements of a security guard." Qin Hao replied neither humble nor overbearing, without feeling ashamed at all because of his qualifications, nor did he pretend to be aloof .

"Hehe, my nephew misunderstood. There is nothing shameful about being a security guard. As long as you can eat with your own hands, you are capable. I just saw it wrong for the first time in my life... Cough cough... In the words of you young people, That's just a little depressing!" Father Zhou said with a smile.

Qin Hao had seen countless people, and he could see that the other party was not mocking him, nor did he mean to be perfunctory, so he immediately bowed slightly with sincerity and said, "Thank you for your teaching, Uncle!"

"Hehe, don't be so polite, just treat it as your own home when you come here!" Father Zhou waved his hand and smiled.

Zhou Yayan, who had been unable to intervene, said, "Father, Qin Hao was fired by the security department on his first day at work today!"

Father Zhou was startled for a moment, then suddenly said: "Oh, did you...offend Guo Zhenghua?"

Zhou Yayan nodded.

"Hmph—these little fish and shrimp are having a lot of trouble, do you really think the company is run by their family?" Zhou's father hummed heavily, and his momentum changed dramatically.

"Father, don't be angry, I've decided on my own, and I'm going to recruit Qin Hao to be my... secretary!" Zhou Yayan said slightly shyly.

"Secretary?" Father Zhou and Uncle Quan exchanged a weird look, and then they all glanced at Monk Zhang Er who was puzzled by Qin Hao.

Zhou Yayan took the opportunity to recount what happened this morning. Of course, what she said turned out to be that the client wanted to get her drunk and plotted against her. Then Qin Hao discovered it in time and reprimanded the client with righteous words. Then he took her away easily, which was less than one-tenth of the real danger. Even so, Zhou's father frowned, and Quan Shu's beard and hair were all swollen, and he said angrily: "This shameless beast, if If I'm by Missy's side, I'll definitely slap everyone to death!"

Father Zhou raised his hand lightly, stopping him from getting mad: "Okay, everything is over, just be careful in the future!"

After speaking, he turned his head to Qin Hao and said with a smile: "Young man, work hard, this is a very promising position, I am optimistic about you, hey... What did I say, I still didn't miss it!"

Qin Hao didn't know whether the old man was praising him or himself, so he took the lead and said, "Thank you uncle, I will work hard!"

"Okay, since you're here, let's eat before leaving!"

As soon as Father Zhou finished speaking, Uncle Quan stepped forward tacitly and pushed him towards the house, as if Father Zhou's words were an imperial decree, and no one could resist at all.

Qin Hao deliberately lagged two steps behind, and waited for Zhou Yayan to slow down before saying in a low voice: "Miss Zhou, forgive me...what does your father do?"

"You... don't know my father?" Zhou Yayan turned her head and looked at him as if she wanted to see an alien. It seemed that Qin Hao didn't know his father, just like people on earth didn't know Obama.

Qin Hao smiled embarrassedly, it's no wonder he, he just came back not long ago, he can count the people he knows with two slaps.

Seeing his appearance, Zhou Yayan knew it wasn't just pretending. She rolled her eyes and thought of something funny. She smiled slyly and said, "You will know later!"

After speaking, he strode in. Qin Hao soon discovered that in this manor, apart from Uncle Quan, there were also a few sanitation old ladies, a chef who specialized in cooking, and no less than ten bodyguards. , It's just that these bodyguards are well hidden. If it were someone else, it would be impossible to find out.

This made him even more curious about Zhou's father's identity. At first he thought it was Zhou Yayan's filial piety and bought a house for his father, but he quickly overturned this idea, let alone the price of the manor. It's not something Zhou Yayan, a marketing manager, can afford to keep those bodyguards.

Later, when he saw Father Zhou's dignified manner, he felt that Father Zhou must be a rich and powerful man, but... such a person, he still needs his daughter to work as a marketing manager in a company ?

These two reasonings are positive and negative, interrelated yet contradictory, Qin Hao is entangled.

Soon, the food was served, and Qin Hao put the question to the back of his mind. During the dinner, Zhou's father took advantage of this small chat to ask Qin Hao a few simple questions, such as where is his hometown, who else is there in the family, what will happen in the future? What are your plans? Wait, just like chatting about family affairs, Qin Hao answered them one by one according to the materials he concocted.

When he heard Qin Hao say that he was an orphan, the old man's expression became more amiable, and he asked Qin Hao to have time to accompany him to fish. Under Zhou Yayan's charming eyes, Qin Hao bit the bullet and nodded in agreement.

After the meal, they drank tea for a while. It was not until the sun was setting that Father Zhou and Uncle Quan sent the two of them out of the gate. After they got into the car and were about to drive out of the gate, Uncle Quan said quietly: "Master, What do you think of this young man?"

Father Zhou pondered for a moment before saying: "Neither humble nor overbearing, with a gully hidden in his chest, he is a man who has seen wind and rain, reliable as a friend, terrible as an enemy!"

Uncle Quan raised his eyebrows slightly and said curiously: "Over the years, this is the first time I've heard you comment on a young man under the age of 30. Don't you think he seems to have a lot of secrets?"

Zhou's father smiled lightly and said, "Who doesn't have a little lust? What's more, a real man, who do you admire more than those who sold his eight generations of ancestors, whether real or fake, as soon as they met?"

Uncle Quan was silent...

Qin Hao and Zhou Yayan had nothing to say all the way, and when they arrived at Qin Hao's house, Zhou Yayan smiled and said: "Remember to come to the company on time tomorrow, and go straight to work after completing the entry procedures!"

"You... don't you really want me to be your secretary?" Qin Hao said with a nod.

"Who's kidding you!" Zhou Yayan rolled her eyes angrily and muttered, "I don't know how many people can't ask for it!"

Qin Hao smiled dryly: "But, I really don't have any experience in this field!"

"Who is born to know it? Besides, if you don't know it, didn't you tell me to teach you? I believe that with your intelligence, you can get started in two days at most!" Zhou Yayan comforted.

Joke, this guy in front of me doesn't have half a diploma, but can speak two foreign languages ​​fluently. After a brief get-together, Zhou Yayan also found that this guy is also very talented in dealing with people, at least for her aging father. In front of it, it was done watertight.

Moreover, the so-called secretary is nothing more than a clerk in a business organization who is employed by the superior to handle communications, daily affairs and chores. As long as he can type, arrange schedules, meetings, book air tickets, book hotels, etc., what else is the current situation? There will be so many secretaries who are first concerned about whether they have graduated from Ningbo University.

"Eh—then let me try it!" Qin Hao's words sounded like he was rushing the ducks to the shelves.

"Humph—remember not to be late!" Zhou Yayan finished angrily, and left a trail of black smoke with a blast of the gas pedal, she was really afraid that she would regret it if she stayed any longer for this good-looking guy who took advantage of it.

Qin Hao pinched his nose, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

When I got back to the house, Ling Ruoxue was out of school soon, and this girl kept asking Qin Hao where he went to play today, and when he heard that he went to see Father Zhou, he even asked for a lot of details , it can be seen that every woman has a gossip soul in her body, even those who are as quiet and elegant as Ling Ruoxue are not immune.

Of course, Xiao Nizi has good intentions.

Ling Ruolan didn't go wrong that night, and then she went home, Ling Ruoxue let Qin Hao go because she had to prepare dinner for the evening.

Qin Hao stopped him and said, "Forget it, Xiaoxue, let's go out for a meal today!"

"Why? It's so expensive outside. Doesn't Brother Qin like the dishes I cook?" Ling Ruoxue wondered.

"Ahem--no, we haven't eaten out for a long time, let's count it as a celebration of my finding a job today!"

"Then there's no need to go outside, I'll just cook a few more dishes, and then buy two bottles of beer for Brother Qin, okay?" Ling Ruoxue still insisted.

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional. Ling Ruoxue has always been frugal, so she doesn't think there is anything wrong with it, but Qin Hao feels a little uncomfortable, and said hoarsely: "It's okay, let's go, you can't eat enough for one or two meals, Brother Qin, and Brother Qin promises that he will not let you live such a hard life again in the future."

Ling Ruoxue was slightly taken aback, and then smiled sweetly: "Okay, let's listen to Brother Qin this time, but let's not take this as an example. Brother Qin is not young anymore, it's time to save some money for his wife."

Ling Ruoxue jumped for joy, the three of them simply packed up, went out and took a taxi, and came to a place called Tianfu Xiangcheng. Although the name looked very impressive, it was actually... an open-air food stall. There was no way, it was Ling Ruoxue who insisted Yes, the food here is delicious, the portion is sufficient, and more importantly, it is not expensive.

The three of them sat down, ordered a few dishes, opened two beers, and the two ladies also poured a glass each and slowly emptied them. Just about halfway through the meal, a group of people came beside them, and the man in front of him just wanted to Seeing Qin Hao when he was sitting down, he was slightly taken aback, and then he yelled: "Yo——isn't this our manager Qin? Why... was dumped by Miss Fu to come here to hook up with minors?"

Qin Hao looked up and swept his brows into a frown...

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