Super ambiguous master

Chapter 015 Mu Meng

Chapter 015 Mu Meng

"Boss, that person is very strong. I just glanced at him, but he noticed me, and he said a lot of cruel words when he left. I am not his opponent." The man who had been secretly observing Qin Hao before said this At that time, he was reporting the situation to his boss in the alley, and the boss's expression was also very serious.

"Even your observation, he has noticed. I'm a fool, Guo Zhenghua, the person he messed with this time is too powerful. No, I will definitely ask him to add more money later. ****. Let's go, not here It's safe, if he can feel you, he will definitely find you here." The boss said decisively, but two of his subordinates still didn't care, thinking they were too careful.

"Boss, no matter how powerful he is, he won't know we're here. Brother Mao didn't let us go, so we better not leave." A subordinate said cautiously.

"You know what, such a master has extremely strong anti-tracking ability. If I'm not wrong, this guy may be a retired special force, or a well-known mercenary in the world. Damn, the old man of the Zhou family This would be a ruthless one, to find such a powerful character."

"I don't believe he has that ability. Maybe the cockroach said these things because he was scared out of his wits." The other gangster was more arrogant, and it could be seen that he didn't have much respect for the boss.

The boss sneered and said: "Well, since you don't believe me, then I won't force it. Those who want to stay stay here, and those who want to survive, follow me."]

After speaking, seven or eight punks had already walked behind the boss, and there were five or six people who chose to stay.The whole team has been split in two.

The old man smiled arrogantly, nodded and said: "Okay, okay! It seems that I am really good for you all the time. If the wings are stiff, they are going to grab my position, right? You are qualified Don’t think that if you recognize guys like mantis spiders, you can play wild in front of me, I’ve been with Brother Mao for 15 years, and you guys are still very tender.” After finishing speaking, he ignored these people eyes, turned and left.

It's a pity that his actions were still full of half a beat. Just after walking a few meters, a serious boy came from the entrance of the alley: "I want to leave now, it's too late."

Qin Hao's tall figure appeared in front of these people, and the few guys who had been stubborn just now were stunned.And the guy named Cockroach was even more unbearable, his legs started to tremble, his upper and lower teeth kept fighting, and he made a rattling sound: "I said he will come here, but you don't believe it."

"So what if we come here, there are so many of us, are we still afraid of him?" Another group of gangsters said loudly, which was also a way to cheer themselves up.

The leader took a deep breath. Facing such a situation, he was a little caught off guard, especially where Qin Hao was standing. He could advance, attack, retreat, or defend. In just a few seconds, he had thoroughly grasped the surrounding terrain. , is really an unpredictable guy.

"Brother, you're new to me." The boss said lightly.

Qin Hao took out a cigarette and lit it, and said coldly: "Who did you find, tell me, and I won't make things difficult for you."

"Everyone is just messing around, why bother. What happened today was our fault. I apologize to you brother here, and this will never happen again in the future." The boss's words have softened, isn't he afraid? Qin Hao, but before he has figured out this guy's skills, he must not act rashly.All these years, he relied on this caution to be able to get into his current position.

"Bah, it's really embarrassing to be a boss like you. Brothers, follow me. Brother Mao said, if you break this guy's hands and feet, you will be rewarded with [-] yuan! Why are you still hesitating, follow me." The bastard who was the boss, had already taken out the machete from his waist, raised his arms and shouted, and was the first to rush towards Qin Hao.

The corner of the boss's mouth slightly bent, but he didn't stop him.He also wanted to use this method to see Qin Hao's strength.

So he actually saw it.

Qin Hao stood there, allowing this guy to bully him to a distance of less than half a meter in front of him, and the machete aimed at his forehead and chopped it off. In the midst of this lightning, Qin Hao moved, but No one saw clearly how he moved, anyway, the little gangster's slash was in vain, and then Qin Hao's calf flicked, and it was a flirtatious leg. Department, the body bent down.

The boss behind shook his head and said, "It's over!"

Qin Hao's knee was also raised at this time, and one hand was attached to the back of the little gangster's neck. The two forces collided powerfully, and a muffled groan was heard.

The bridge of the little gangster's nose was directly dented by the impact, and all the upper and lower front teeth fell off. Qin Hao smiled at the corner of his mouth, but it made people feel a chill emanating from the soles of his feet just looking at it.The little bastard had lost consciousness, and was moving completely in the direction of Qin Hao's hand. Qin Hao held his cap and turned the whole body around, then flew up and kicked the guy four inches above the tailbone .

Then, everyone saw the real version of the trapeze!

Master!Absolute master.

That scene just happened in just five seconds, and this little bastard will probably spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

"Brother, you don't need to be so ruthless. We have no grudges in the past and we have no grudges in the present. If you do this, Liang Zi will end up in trouble." The boss has now become the backbone of this wave of gangsters. It's not easy to explain, after all, a person was beaten into a disability in front of him.

"I still said the same thing, who told you to come. Say it, let you go!" Qin Hao's face remained unchanged, with the cigarette still in his mouth, and the boss remembered that when Qin Hao did it just now, he seemed to be The cigarette was removed and the ash flicked.

Damn, what kind of freak is this guy.

"They're all here to mess around, I can't break the rules!" The boss clenched his teeth and refused to let go.

Qin Hao flicked the cigarette butt away, and said helplessly, "If this is the case, then you can all stay here."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Hao rushed out like a cheetah. This time, it was like a wolf entering a herd of sheep. In an instant, there was a sound of wailing and pain all around. It's not enough for him to watch, thinking about being in Crescent Bay back then, hehe, heroes don't mention being brave back then.

And the old man also showed his decisive side at this moment. Although he knew that he was no match for the opponent, he still gritted his teeth and persisted. What Qin Hao appreciated was that he didn't use his subordinates as a shield. Instead, he desperately defends his subordinates. Such people are rare now.The so-called underworld bosses he killed back then didn't treat his subordinates as cannon fodder.

So Qin Hao also intentionally put him at the end, just kept cleaning up the group of punks, 1 minute, only 1 minute, more than a dozen punks have all lost their fighting power, this is Qin Hao not exhausted All-out relationship, otherwise these people would not be able to breathe now.

And the injuries on that boss's body were also quite terrifying. In order to protect his subordinates, he tried his best, and there were almost four or five injuries on his body. After everyone fell down, he was the only one who could still stand against the wall, but His legs were also shaking non-stop, and his face was extremely pale.

"Brother, you hurt the members of our Wildcat Gang. It will be very difficult for us to gain a foothold in this city in the future. You killed me today, but it doesn't mean anything." The boss panted quickly, and now his lungs It was as if the chest was about to explode, and without taking a breath, it seemed as if a flame was stuffed into the chest cavity.

"Wild Cat Gang?" Qin Hao smiled and said, "The name of your gang is really interesting. It seems that it is just a group of cats who only know how to call Chun. But you are good, tell me, what is your name."

"Mu Meng!" The boss said his name.

"Well, you are very good. Do you have any ideas to replace your boss and become the real boss of this Raoshizi Wildcat Gang?" Qin Hao lit his cigarette again, but in fact he had already begun to examine the results of the previous battle in his heart. Alas, it seems It's because he's been living comfortably for too long, and his body's reaction has dropped so badly. If it was before, damn it, it seems that people really can't live too comfortably.

"I will never betray the boss." Mu Meng raised his chest and said loudly.

"I didn't let him betray, but replaced, understand. To be honest, I admire you very much, just because of your love for my subordinates, I will not do anything to you. I have heard it just now, this group of talents I really want to betray you." Qin Hao said, pointing his fingers at the few gangsters who were lying on the ground unconscious: "Loyalty is the first rule when you come out, but foolish loyalty is the big one when you come out. avoid."

"I think you can know that for today's matter, if you go back safe and sound alone, those guys in the gang will not suspect you. Hehe, Mu Meng, think carefully about what I said. If you have any ideas, call Give it to me." After Qin Hao finished speaking, Arabic numerals popped out of his mouth, "Go back and tell the boss of the Laoshizi gang, if you want to deal with me Qin Hao, just come to me directly, if you dare to hurt my relatives, I will let you Your gang is thoroughly informed about the city's underworld."

These words were full of murderous intent, Mu Meng was almost crushed by this aura and sat down on the ground, finally bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, and continued to stand reluctantly.

Qin Hao didn't turn his head, and strode away, while Mu Meng waited for him to go far away, and then spat out a mouthful of blood with a wow.

When Qin Hao returned to the company, it was already past the afternoon work time. When he walked to the door of the company, he just ran into this guy Guo Zhenghua.

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