Super ambiguous master

Chapter 051 The Whereabouts of Shirley

Chapter 051 The Whereabouts of Shirley

Zhou Yayan's words frightened Qin Hao. Zhou Yayan, who is usually gentle and generous, would think of killing someone.

Could it be that she was jealous?

But myself and Shirley just kept talking about taking advantage of it, and didn't take any practical actions. If it was jealous, it must be too jealous.

Seeing the change in Qin Hao's face, Zhou Yayan guessed that this guy must be thinking about it again, stomped her feet coquettishly, and simply sat across from him, and said, "Do you know what Shirley has in her hand? It's worth more than five hundred million yuan This contract was given by Li Dongyang to her, just to threaten me and my father when we seize power in the future. Now that Li Dongyang is dead and Shirley has run away, the other party to the contract will sue us and ask us to pay compensation for both parties. double the liquidated damages. You also know that the company is in a state of waste, and it is impossible to spend so much money."

Qin Hao's expression stabilized, and he said, "How do you know that?"

Zhou Yayan smiled wryly and said: "Actually, this is Li Dongyang's scheme. It's a pity that I was too young to sign this contract in a daze. I thought that I would help the company achieve a big event. Yesterday I went to see my father, Uncle Quan. So I told me about this. If it wasn’t like this, my father would have dealt with Li Dongyang a long time ago, and what happened that day would have happened. After all, I was too young and too impulsive. Although Uncle Quan told me not to worry about it He will find a way to deal with this matter, but I still want to deal with it myself."

Speaking of this, Zhou Yayan grabbed Qin Hao's hand and said with a trembling voice: "The only one I can trust now is you, Qin Hao. Would you like to help me?"

Qin Hao frowned slightly, it's not that he didn't want to help Zhou Yayan.But now he really has no way to leave Yunchuan.The only person available in his hand, Mu Meng, has disappeared with the wolf cat. Qi Huan may explode at any time. Although he will not hurt the Ling sisters and Zhou Yayan, once the war starts, who knows what will happen? ?

And Shu Ziyi, if this woman is not under his nose, Qin Hao will always be worried.

What's more, Shu Ziyi should feel the same way about him, if he suddenly disappeared, Shu Ziyi would definitely doubt herself.The temptation that day was enough to explain the problem, she definitely did not come to work at Sihai Company.

"Don't you want to?" Qin Hao's pensive look made Zhou Yayan think that he was silently refusing, tears fell down, and she said with a sob: "Grandpa, the hard work of two generations of father, is it going to be ruined?" Is it in my hand?"

"Don't cry, I didn't say I won't help you. It's just that I'm leaving, who will protect your safety is the top priority." Qin Hao hurriedly took out a tissue to wipe Zhou Yayan's tears, and said anxiously: " You have to let me think about it, although there is not much involved in this matter, but Yun Chuan is not at peace, I am no longer by your side, who will guarantee the safety of you and the Ling family sisters?"

Zhou Yayan raised her head and said firmly, "Don't look down on others. Are we women necessarily weak? We can protect ourselves without you."

Qin Hao knew that it would be hopeless to persuade him any further, so he changed the subject and said, "Okay, then you have to tell me where Xueli is hiding now, there are so many people, where do you want me to go to find her?" people?"

Zhou Yayan looked overjoyed: "You really want to go! Uncle Quan said that Shirley hadn't left Yunchuan yet, so she must be hiding somewhere. Because I checked Yunchuan's entry and exit records before, whether it's by air, train or car. , including any other means of transportation, there is no sign of her leaving."

Qin Hao smiled wryly, saying this is tantamount to not saying anything. Yunchuan has a permanent population of 160 million and a floating population of over 300 million. Finding a girl here is easier than finding a needle in a haystack.But seeing Zhou Yayan's extremely expectant eyes, Qin Hao couldn't say any words of rejection.

"Okay, then you all have to be careful during this time, don't run around after get off work, go home directly. Also, wherever you go, you have to be with Shu Ziyi."

"Ziyi? Why, is she very good?" Zhou Yayan was a little puzzled.

Qin Hao patted her on the face and said, "Trust me, follow her, you are absolutely safe."

Zhou Yayan also knows that there are some things that cannot be investigated to the bottom. Men don't like women who talk too much.

After telling Shenzhen Zhang about the situation here, Qin Hao was able to go out to find Xueli with peace of mind, but this journey of searching was not as easy as imagined.

Because there is no clue that can be used, Qin Hao can only seek help from more professional people.

He used the encrypted computer at home to log in to a certain website, and then invaded its background system very quickly. After wreaking havoc, he turned off the computer, formatted the entire computer, and took out the memory stick. Destroy the hard drive.Only then did I smoke on the sofa.

Not long after, the phone rang.

"Are you full?" A man with a heavy westernized accent complained loudly.

"I don't have a good appetite recently, and I eat very little." Qin Hao answered calmly.

"It's very tight. If you want to borrow money, there's no way to tell you."

"I remember that you like to eat a kind of fruit very much. I've been a little greedy recently. I heard that eating it can help digestion."

"Damn, is it just this shit? Forget it, who made you the boss? I'll buy you seven or eight catties later, so that you can eat enough at a time." The man hung up the phone cursingly, Qin Hao listened to the inside There was a beeping busy tone, but he didn't hang up in a hurry.

Just holding the phone and listening to the busy signal for 10 minutes, Qin Hao tapped his knee regularly with his other hand. If Shu Ziyi was here, he would know that what Qin Hao tapped now was Morse code !

"It's hidden deep enough." Qin Hao smiled wryly. He was full of confidence before, but now he is a little anxious.If Shirley's hiding place can't even be found by that person, it will be too difficult to find it by herself.

But this method of contact is really very risky. Qin Hao is risking being exposed this time, and if he does it again, some organization will definitely find the clues.

Huaxia's intelligence system is comparable to that of the CIA in the United States.

Especially the mysterious seventh round of the general staff, it is simply a legendary existence.

Qin Hao didn't want to provoke such a behemoth.

After sorting out the information he got, Qin Hao could only get a rough location, which was on the southwestern edge of Yunchuan, which was already close to the border between China and Vietnam.

Does Shirley want to join the Vietnamese?

It's not impossible. Li Dongyang had contact with the Vietnamese before, and it was reasonable for Shirley to seek refuge in the past. As long as she was in Vietnam, her life would at least be guaranteed.

It's a pity that the army's patrolling of the border is too strict recently. People from the Vietnamese gang can't enter the border of China by smuggling, and it's even more impossible for a weak woman like Xue Li to relax.

Seduce border guards?That's pure courting.

Then she should stay in a secluded place on the border right now. The border between Yunchuan and Myanmar is about [-] kilometers away, and it is full of deep mountains and old forests. It would be a good choice for Shirley to hide there.

Qin Hao drove the Land Rover that Zhou Yayan gave him, and set off on the road quietly one morning.

Six hours later, Qin Hao has arrived at the last small town on the border: Ta'an Town!Going forward, it is the virgin forest.Passing through the primeval forest, you can see the border post and the Vietnamese house.

This has always been the favorite route of smugglers, and the entire forest is full of dangers.When Qin Hao set off this time, besides a dagger that had been with him for many years, he only had a two-shot. He didn't know where Zhou Yayan got it from.

But it's too inconvenient to take this thing to the forest.So Qin Hao needs to get weapons, and although Ta'an Town looks very poor, everyone who understands knows that the villagers here are all very rich.

Because they not only provide road maps for drug dealers, but also have relationships with arms dealers, so they can be regarded as second-hand dealers.After many drug dealers came out of the primeval forest, they ran out of firepower. At this time, they need to go to Ta'an Town to resupply!

Of course, it is also difficult for strangers to get guns here.

Although the villagers are greedy for money, they cherish their lives even more.

Qin Hao drove the car to the only hotel in the village that looked relatively clean. The waiter had already come over to open the door, nodding and bowing, leading Qin Hao inside.

After booking the room and ordering some hot dishes and meals, Qin Hao went back to the room to take a shower. After a few hours of tossing, it was really exhausting, the road was bumpy, and leaving was like killing a chicken.

The food came out quickly, Qin Hao took out an old man's head for consumption, the waiter's smiling face was like a chrysanthemum.Then I promoted their special services with Qin Hao. They are all women from Vietnam, they are kept clean, and they are all good!

Qin Hao doesn't have much interest in this. If you can have a virgin here for you, then the green smoke from your ancestors will rise so much, you will be thankful if you don't get sick.

"I don't need this, I want something else." After Qin Hao finished speaking, he made a horoscope.

The waiter's face suddenly turned cold, and he said with a laugh: "Boss, you are really joking. Since you don't like it, it's okay. If you need to eat slowly, just say hello."

After finishing speaking, he quickly backed out.

Qin Hao sighed in his heart. In fact, he didn't want to be so anxious, after all, he committed a taboo.But he didn't have much time left, so he could only get straight to the point. Who knew that the people here were really vigilant and didn't give him a chance to speak.

Forget it, didn’t he dare to go to Crescent Bay when he didn’t have a pistol? After a period of comfortable life, didn’t he even lose the guts?

Qin Hao despised himself, then lay down on the bed with his clothes on and went to sleep.

And the previous waiter in the next room blocked the peeping hole, and his face became more and more ugly.

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