Super ambiguous master

Chapter 055 Thorn

Chapter 055 Thorn ([-])

"Damn, it turned out that I really became a prostitute, tsk tsk, this fate is really wonderful." Although Xue Li's expression was not clear, Qin Hao knew that for a woman like her, what happened right now was absolutely impossible. It's nightmarish.The most hateful thing is that she can't die even if she dies. Those people won't let her go until they cripple her.

For Xue Li, Qin Hao didn't have much feeling. He made love to her before just to get to know Li Dongyang better, but Li Dongyang couldn't hold his breath and took the initiative to attack.Now that she has gone to hell to play chess with King Yan Luo, and Xueli lost her backing, so naturally she can only run away in a hurry.

Zhou Yayan would never let her go, but she really didn't choose the place where she ran.

"This group of beasts!" Mu Sha felt furious in her heart. She is also a woman, so she can understand Xue Li's situation better now. When she turned her head and saw the indifferent expression on Qin Hao's face, she became even more tired.

"Men really don't have a good thing." Mu Sha said bitterly.

Qin Hao spread his hands innocently: "Hey, you can just scold them. Why do you involve me? Did I provoke you?" Qin Hao was also a little embarrassed when he said this, as if he had just treated the other party so frivolously. up.

"You came here to find this woman, right? Now that she has appeared and received inhuman treatment, why are you not in a hurry or angry? You are still not a man." Mu Sha looked at Qin Hao angrily, as if as long as she Qin Hao said a word of no, and she was about to die with the other party.

"Why do you care that I'm looking for her? This woman abandoned her family and child. She asked for it. It would be considered extraordinarily kind of me not to kill her." Qin Hao said disdainfully, holding a grass stalk in his mouth.

"Bah, it's nonsense! These are all excuses you men come up with. If you do well enough, will women leave you? You spend your time outside, but let women stay alone, and complain all kinds of things when you go home. We women are not born to be abused by you men." The more Mu Sha spoke, the more excited she became, and even raised her fist to hit Qin Hao.

This woman is really top quality, Qin Hao doesn't even know how to explain it to her.

"Well, you can think whatever you like. But if you move more aggressively, the two of us will become living targets." Qin Hao pulled down the branch to block the two figures, and there were already people rushing over there. read.

Although Mu Sha was annoyed, she could tell the difference between the serious and the serious, so she kept her mouth shut.He turned his head and stopped looking at Qin Hao.

The group of mercenaries or smugglers stopped and started cooking.It didn't take long to get out of the forest, and there were still a lot of Huaxia soldiers patrolling outside. Only when they reached Ta'an Town or two nearby towns, could they be considered completely safe.

However, when they stopped, Shirley became very emotional. She kept yelling, but when she yelled so hard, the soldiers laughed even louder. One of the big guys stretched out his hand Going to pull Shirley, and at the same time undoing his own waistband.

Xue Li's face was full of despair, and at some point a dagger appeared in her hand, stabbing fiercely at the opponent's genitals.The big piece screamed with a headache, and rolled on the ground clutching his lower body.Shirley ran wildly without looking back, and there was a rattling gunshot from behind.

It was also Xue Li's luck that the opponent missed her with a random shot. Although her physical strength had reached its limit, Xue Li still didn't dare to stop. She stumbled and ran into the depths of the jungle without even daring to turn her head.

She doesn't want to live like that again, and she can't die at the hands of this group of people. She knows that these people are all perverts, and she doesn't want to be raped even if she dies!

Mu Sha jumped up anxiously, now her sympathy is completely overflowing, when Xue Li was about to be raped, her tears were popping, if Qin Hao hadn't covered her mouth, this girl would have cried out.

And after Shirley stabbed the other party, she raised her arms high in excitement, and even turned her head and gave Qin Hao a triumphant look, which means that we women are not born weak.

Mu Sha's heart was beating rapidly as Xue Li ran, and her breathing became a little short.

But Qin Hao has already started to enter the state of combat readiness, because Xue Li ran towards them.Those people didn't want to shoot anymore. From their point of view, this woman couldn't run out of the forest. Rather than grabbing a cold corpse and going back, it's better to catch her alive and kill her after she feels comfortable going back.

So the process of hunting didn't seem particularly thrilling, and the other party came out with two people, even laughing loudly.

Xue Li's two snow-white thighs were already covered with scars drawn by thorns, and the soles of her feet were also full of blood blisters. Compared with her previous enchanting appearance, she at this moment is like a beggar on the roadside.

"Can you save it?" Mu Sha asked in a low voice.

Qin Hao didn't answer.

"Cold-blooded animal, if you don't save me, save me." After saying that, Mu Sha jumped down, Qin Hao didn't expect her to come out, all his attention was spent on calculating when Xue Li would run under the tree, So when Mu Sha jumped down, he didn't even have time to react.

"Damn, this idiot woman! I'm going to be killed by you." Qin Hao cursed in a low voice, but he didn't rush to jump down.Now he is the last hope. If he is exposed at this moment, it will be easy to attract all the troops.

Shirley was also taken aback when she saw a woman jumping from a tree, but more than ecstasy.During this period of time, there was a smuggler, and she didn't see any of them, so even though the other party was a woman, she pinned all her hopes on it.

"Please, save me!" Xue Li cried out in tears, and Mu Sha frantically ran towards her, ignoring Qin Hao, a cold-blooded guy, she didn't believe that she really couldn't save her this woman.

She is Mu Sha from Ta'an Town!

"There is another beauty. Haha, today's delivery is good. This girl is tired of playing, but the new one is pretty good." The eyes of the two smugglers who were in charge of chasing after seeing Mu Sha lit up. When he got up, the flames of his body had already begun to burn blazingly.

"Haha, you're alive, the boss will definitely like it when he sees it! Then we can also taste it." Another smuggler said with a smile, and even fired two shots into the air, startling a bunch of birds.

Mu Sha always hides a pocket pistol with her, just on the inside of her thigh. She used to prepare for Qin Hao, but she couldn't find a chance to use it at all. Now it's different, Mu Sha is very wild. He tore open his pants, and then took out the pistol, ignoring that it would reveal a lot of spring. Even Qin Hao, who was squatting on the tree, was a little surprised when he saw this scene.

Nima, what a tough chick.

Pocket pistols generally only have five bullets, and they can only be lethal within a distance of two meters.That's why Mu Sha didn't dare to shoot rashly, and after coming to Xue Li's side, she dragged her to continue running.But Xueli has let go of her breath now, the desperate posture just now has disappeared since Musha took her hand, replaced by the panic that penetrated into the bone marrow.

The speed naturally slowed down, and Mu Sha couldn't help it, she didn't have the strength to run wildly with this woman on her back.Now all her hopes are pinned on Qin Hao on the tree branch, the two of them must enter that range to be safe.

In a short distance of 20 meters, Musha ran extremely hard, because in the end Xueli had leaned most of her body on him.

"Haha, let's see where you are going!" The two smugglers had already come to a distance of seven or eight meters behind them. From their point of view, the two women had nowhere to escape, and now they were like trapped in a trap. The beast, struggling meaninglessly.

"The skin is really fair, the breasts are big and the buttocks are up, it's the best." The two swallowed greedily. Vietnamese women are not as juicy as Chinese women.So when many Vietnamese gang members come to China, the first thing they do is find a sauna shop to have sex.

Mu Sha held the pistol tightly in the palm of her hand, waiting for the two to approach and shoot immediately!

But those two people were not fools, they kept a safe distance from them, and waited until the two women were exhausted before making a move.

Damn Qin Hao, how long do you want to wait.Mu Sha looked up at the tree branch, but there was no movement at all.This guy won't run away halfway, maybe, that bastard is an irresponsible man, and he can't be counted on at all.

Mu Sha is a little bit over the party, because she can't run anymore, she has been tossing around for a long time before, and now she is half carrying a woman who has fallen into a deep coma, her physical strength has reached the limit.Thinking of this, a wry smile appeared on the corner of Mu Sha's mouth. The current predicament was also caused by herself. If she returned to Ta'an Town when Qin Hao asked her to leave, these things would still happen there.

It seems that I have to leave an honorable bullet for myself.

Just when Mu Sha was about to give it a go, two muffled groans came from behind her suddenly, followed by the rustling sound brought by the shaking of the branches. Mu Sha turned her head and was surprised to see that Qin Hao was hugging the two men and slowly putting down their arms. corpse.

One of the necks was broken on the spot, and the other one also had a scarlet scar on his neck!

What a quick move!

It's just that when did he run behind the two of them.

Just as Mu Sha was about to speak, Qin Hao had already made a silent gesture. After putting away the weapons of the two, he crawled to Mu Sha's side and said in a low voice, "You take Shirley and continue walking forward. Don’t worry about what happens later, I’ll just deal with it. Two kilometers to the northeast, there’s a pothole where you can hide. I’ll go find you.”

Mu Sha said: "Can you do it alone? Or let's run together."

Qin Hao smiled and said: "Without you two oil bottles, I wouldn't pay attention to these people. Hurry up, they should find out in a while. Be quiet, and there is this A woman is very important to me, you have to ensure that she survives, but I want to ask you for someone."

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