Super ambiguous master

Chapter 060 Encirclement and suppression at sea

Chapter 060

Because they were worried that the sharks would become irritable and mad when they smelled the blood, the special forces didn't point their guns at their bodies, just trying to drive the group of big guys away.

But they obviously underestimated the willpower of this group of sharks. The guy in the ocean wearing red underwear was extremely attractive to them, and rushed forward almost desperately. Shu Ziyi was also a little surprised. Although the tiger shark has a strong personality, But under such a heavy firepower to disperse, it is still a desperate sprint.

This situation was a bit weird. Just as Shu Ziyi was about to order his men to prepare water cannons, a gun in one of the soldiers' hands shot through the head of the leading tiger shark, and the scarlet blood floated in the ocean.

When the smell of blood began to spread, the scene completely got out of control.

The tiger sharks in the back row began to crowd forward, trying to eat the tiger shark's carcass, but the tiger sharks in the front kept sprinting, like a large sea mine, and rushed towards the hull in a daze .

"How did this happen?" Lu Shang was also stunned. It's not that he has never seen a tiger shark, but this is the first time he has seen a tiger shark that looks like the Death Squad.

"I don't know, let's kill them all. But now someone needs to go down to look for the Phantom Sky Fox, and I can be sure that the person below is him." Shu Ziyi said coldly, she was also irritated, as a person who is used to controlling the overall situation The current situation makes her very unhappy.

"Okay, I'll go down!" Lu Shang trusted Shu Ziyi so much, and heard her say that someone should go down.Immediately took this task to himself.

"No, you have been soaking in the sea for so long this afternoon, and your physical strength has not fully recovered. The underwater situation is very complicated, and there are such tiger sharks. I can't let you take risks!" Shu Ziyi said immediately be opposed to.

Lu Shang smiled and touched Shu Ziyi's head. When Shu Ziyi was a little girl, Lu Shang liked to use this gesture to appease this fluffy cat.

But now she has grown into an existence that I even look up to.

"I don't want to take risks, should I let them take risks? You also know why Mr. Hu took such a big risk to find Phantom Sky Fox. I really don't want to talk about it. In short, this matter can only be allowed to me. Don't worry Well, nothing will happen." After Lu Shang finished speaking, a flash of pain flashed in his eyes, and he turned and left as if saying goodbye.

This turning around cut off the last relationship between him and Shu Ziyi. From then on, Lu Shang and Shu Ziyi were just comrades-in-arms, nothing else!

Shu Ziyi's eyes were a little sore, she raised her head and tried her best not to shed tears, silently blessing Lu Shang in her heart.Of course, the two of them are not procrastinators. I will see you in a few minutes, and they have adjusted their emotions.

"Boss, let me go. I'm good at swimming." One of the big soldiers pulled Lu Shang to prevent him from jumping.Lu Shang, who was wearing a diving suit, lifted his foot and kicked it, then gave Shu Ziyi a thumbs up, and then went back down.

"Quick, cover the boss! Cut off the road over there!"

"One of the lights here is broken!"

"With a flashlight, you can't let the boss face the dark situation."

After Lu Shang went down, the top soldiers began to operate crazily, and Shu Ziyi's face was a little relieved. Although they were formed in a hurry, as long as they persisted, they could still become the pride of China.

Taking advantage of the chaos of the sharks, Qin Hao swam to the other side of the boat and smashed a lamp at the same time.But before he could make another move, the two tiger sharks rushed towards them like crazy. Qin Hao's strength was naturally unable to confront them head-on, and could only swim to the side again.

But this group of sharks didn't seem to be very interested in him, they cared more about the ship!

This discovery made Qin Hao ecstatic. As long as the target is not himself, then Qin Hao can run out while in disorder. Now that the sea is full of scarlet shark blood, Qin Hao can swim very easily below without worrying about being seen. He slowly swam past the sharks, and the two sharks just turned their heads to look at him, and made no further move.

But the shark didn't bother him, and the heavily armed man jumped down from above.

Qin Hao cursed loudly, his words turned into a string of blisters, and he didn't dare to turn his head.If someone sees his appearance, he can only be killed.But Qin Hao is not willing to kill people here. This person must have status. If he is killed by himself, it is tantamount to going to war with the most mysterious organization in China.

Qin Hao started to swim in the direction of the shark's corpse. In just a few minutes, the shark had only a skeleton, and there was no meat left on it.The well-fed tiger sharks began to attack the ship. Seven or eight tiger sharks came together, and the scene was quite spectacular.

In the ocean, these guys can maintain a speed of more than [-] kilometers per hour, so Qin Hao never thought of competing with them in swimming skills. To put it even more tragically, after this group of sharks appeared, Qin Hao even did well. Prepared to meet Jesus.

Fortunately, his life was so hard that even Jesus was embarrassed to take it.

Qin Hao escaped the shark's attack, and began to swim forward with all his strength. Lu Shang, who was wearing a diving suit, did not show any weakness. Because of his flippers, his speed was much faster than Qin Hao's. Besides, this fellow If you don't dare to show your head yet, if you show your head at this time, you may be shot in the head.

After soaking in the ocean for so long, Qin Hao has already started to feel the biting cold even though he has internal strength to protect his body. His movements have become a little stiff, and there are faint signs of cramping.

Lu Shang noticed the stiffness in his movements, and he swung his legs even harder. At the same time, he also took out a water gun, which contained a high-purity anesthetic, which could make a person lose consciousness within three seconds. After aiming for a long time, he opened the gun. The gun and the syringe brought up a string of blisters, and quickly pierced Qin Hao's body.

Even in the current situation, Qin Hao's perception is still very quick. Although he didn't know what was behind him, he still cautiously twisted his body to the side, and it was this that saved him from the bad luck of anesthesia.After the syringe advanced another five or six meters, it lost its driving force and began to slowly fall down.

Qin Hao rushed over to pick it up and slowed down his swimming speed, his physical strength had already begun to be overdrawn.The best way is to take off the man's clothes and take his respirator!In this way, at least it can stick to a place relatively close to the coastline.

Seeing Qin Hao stop, Lu Shang guessed what he was going to do. There was only one anesthetic in the water gun. He took out the dagger and slowly slid towards Qin Hao's direction. They all listened to the movement behind them, and when they predicted that the distance between the two was less than five meters away, they rushed up!

This breath has been held for long enough, it's time to take a breath!

After Qin Hao emerged from the water, he took a few deep breaths, and then turned over like a dolphin. The red underwear was so coquettish on the dark sea.

The respirator has both advantages and disadvantages. At least Lu Shang's movements are not as agile as Qin Hao's, and he is not good at fighting with people underwater. When Qin Hao has completed both actions, he just turned around.

One move is too late, and one move is controlled by others!

Qin Hao had already strangled Lu Shang's throat from behind, and at the same time removed the respirator from his mouth.Lu Shang immediately understood what Qin Hao wanted to do, and directly cut the straps of his body with a knife, even if he sank into the bottom of the sea, the oxygen tank could not fall into Qin Hao's hands.

The resistance in the water made Qin Hao's boxing much weaker. If this punch was on land, Qin Hao could directly kill a person, but in the water, he couldn't even knock Lu Shang unconscious.And you have to beware of the way the other party looks back at you.

The two people's current posture is a bit ambiguous. If they are seen by the majority of rotten women, they will definitely scream out, because a man with only underwear on his body is hugging a man in a diving suit from behind. Struggling, pushing each other, the eyes are so resentful and unwilling, as if they are enemies in the previous life

Lu Shang knew that he was not Qin Hao's opponent, and the most important thing now was to hold Qin Hao back.But Lu Shang forgot one most important thing, both of them have no oxygen now, Qin Hao has already turned off the oxygen cylinder.And no matter how much Lu Shang struggled, he still couldn't turn back.

Gradually, Lu Shang became exhausted. Diving was not his strong point. Now that he had no oxygen, in less than 3 minutes, Lu Shang began to convulse, his face turned purple and his eyes protruded. With a sigh, he dragged him to swim up.

As soon as he got out of the water, Qin Hao knocked Lu Shang unconscious with his palm.He quickly pulled off the opponent's equipment and swam towards the ship with his body. When he felt that he could be seen by the people on board, Qin Hao put on a respirator and dived into the pitch-black water among.

Shu Ziyi has been paying attention to the movements on the sea. No matter how powerful the group of tiger sharks is, they cannot be opponents of guns. The soldiers who have no scruples quickly killed them.The bodies of tiger sharks were floating on the surface of the sea. Shu Ziyi stared at the surface of the sea. When he saw Lu Shang's body floating out, he almost fainted.

"It's the boss, hurry up, get the boss up!" The big soldiers went crazy, and Lu Shang floated motionless, which gave them a very bad premonition, and several of them jumped into the water directly, and then Lu Shang got on board.

Shu Ziyi cried and ran over. Although she didn't love this man, how could he not be moved by the protection he had given her all these years.

If he died, Shu Ziyi really didn't know how to face the memories of the past.

"Captain Shu, the boss is fine, he just got knocked out. Damn it, he really is a fox!" A certain soldier said angrily.

Hearing that Lu Shang was fine, the big stone in Shu Ziyi's heart also fell, and the medical soldiers carried him into the cabin and walked to the edge of the deck. There was still a strong smell of blood in the air, but Phantom Sky could no longer be seen. The shadow of the fox.

Shu Ziyi took a deep breath, and secretly swore in her heart: Next time, I will definitely catch you.

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