Super ambiguous master

Chapter 070 Cooperation?

Chapter 070 Cooperation?

After taking advantage of all the advantages, Qin Hao let go of Zhou Yayan, and the two sat on the sofa hugging each other, enjoying this quiet life very much. The clock made a ticking sound, and time flowed like a gurgling stream from the two of them. Passing away silently, no one is willing to take the initiative to speak, fearing that the calm lake will be shattered.

After Shu Ziyi came back to explain some work, Zhou Yayan resumed her CEO appearance and sat back in her seat. She looked at Qin Hao with her beautiful eyes and signaled him to take the initiative to explain.Qin Hao lit a cigarette, and slowly told what happened this time, but he actively ignored many dangerous things. Even so, Zhou Yayan was terrified when he heard it, and her small face was full of worry.

"Don't do such a thing again, my heart can't bear it." Zhou Yayan bit her lip and said, Qin Hao smiled and said: "I do this kind of thing, your father entrusted you to me, then I can only let me do the fire fighting. Don’t worry, I’m very fateful, I won’t die.”

Zhou Yayan shook her head and said, "No, I won't let you do such a thing in the future."

Qin Hao smiled lightly, he could understand Zhou Yayan's thoughts, but some things would not be changed by her will.The drama has already begun, everyone has become a pawn on the chessboard, no one can escape, what Qin Hao can do is to protect them and prevent them from being hurt.As for things like charging into battle, leave it to the men.

"Where's Xueli?" Seeing that Qin Hao was unmoved, Zhou Yayan didn't say any more, and started to ask about Xueli's whereabouts.

Qin Hao frowned slightly. He would not tell anyone about Xue Li's whereabouts. In fact, he was not at all sure whether this woman would survive. After all, everyone in the killer world had heard about the horror of that organization.

"Dead! I watched her die in front of me with my own eyes." Qin Hao said with a sigh after thinking for a long time.

Zhou Yayan didn't expect such an ending either. She thought about any outcome, but she never thought of killing Xueli. From a woman's point of view, Xueli is actually a very pitiful person, she is just Li Dongyang's pawn. .Thinking of the enchanting look of that woman in front of her in the past, Zhou Yayan suddenly felt sad.

"When she died, no one was in any pain, it was very quiet." Qin Hao said indifferently, but he was thinking in his heart, if Zhou Yayan saw the reborn Xue Li one day in the future, she didn't know how she would feel.But at that time, Zhou Yayan probably couldn't recognize Shirley anymore. Through the transformation of that organization, Shirley would become a completely different woman. Even if she was herself, she might not be able to recognize her.

"That's good. I've already read the stuff. It's indeed the most important thing in Li Dongyang's hands. As long as the content inside is published, the company's dilemma can be alleviated. It only takes a month or two. I can guarantee that The company will return to its previous scale and become even stronger than before." When she said this, Zhou Yayan's eyes were very firm, and her whole person seemed to glow with a new light.

Qin Hao nodded, he believed in this woman, even if Zhou Yayan couldn't do it, he would help Zhou Yayan do it.

"By the way, I received a very strange invitation today. Su Tang asked me to drink tea at his house in two days." Qin Hao said indifferently as he picked up the teacup.

Zhou Yayan was a little surprised. Shu Ziyi had contacted the Su family before, but Su Mu drew her attention. This news made Zhou Yayan very annoyed, and she resolutely gave up the last cooperation.The Su family also fell into silence afterwards, as if what happened in Yunchuan had nothing to do with them at all.Many people couldn't understand this abnormal situation. Even Yunchuan's officials were always paying attention to the movements of the Su family.

Qi Huan was dead, but the explosion that shocked the whole country happened, the wolf cat ran away, but he basically became a useless person, and the underground forces in Yunchuan became the Su family's dominance overnight.This kind of situation is something that no one else wants to see. After all, Yunchuan is an important drug transfer station. When this piece of fat has been shared by three families, people still want to take a bite. Now the Su family is in control. Others His forces will naturally be jealous, and more likely to take action to snatch it.

This can be regarded as a case where the Yunchuan police's nerves have been stretched to a certain extreme. Perhaps if they only want an inducement, there may be unmanageable consequences.All unfamiliar forces entering Yunchuan from other places will be strictly interrogated. No weapons can enter Yunchuan through underground channels, even an ordinary fruit knife will be confiscated.The police in Yunchuan, including the army, used this method to prevent another large-scale riot in Yunchuan.

So Su Tang became Yun Chuan's biggest uncertain factor. Their existence was like a thorn, stirring the nerves of the police all the time.Perhaps Su Tang also felt the pressure from all directions. Hiding his strength is not the best solution. Only by taking the initiative to show his attitude can the police weaken the monitoring of him.

"What do they want to do? Are you going?" Zhou Yayan frowned and said, she immediately changed her mind and said, "I think it's better not to go, it's too dangerous. That old fox of Su Tang must think of some way to plot against us."

Qin Hao stood up and walked to Zhou Yayan's side, gently stroked her soft hair, and said, "It's okay, trust me. Even if Su Tang had the guts, he wouldn't dare to play tricks now." After that Qin Hao also told about Tao Zhe's meeting with him today. This was actually Su Tang's attitude. He used an official person to inform him, indirectly expressing his sincerity.

"That's right. Secretary Tao Zhe has a good reputation in Yunchuan, and he claims to be Tao Qingtian. Since he is the mediator, he can go. But you have to promise me that if there is any danger, you must leave immediately. If you don't come back within 24 hours, I will call the police."

Qin Hao laughed loudly, Zhou Yayan's actions moved him a little, he has been alone all these years, and he hasn't experienced the feeling of caring for a long time.

After returning home at night, the cooking was naturally handed over to Qin Hao. Since he came back and showed his skills, the family unanimously voted to let Qin Hao serve as the chef. Who made him the most leisurely person in the family.Qin Hao also cheerfully cooked for them, and seeing Zhou Yayan and the Ling sisters eating happily, he also felt very satisfied.

Even the woman Shu Ziyi, after eating the rice cooked by Qin Hao, her complexion was very gentle.

Two days later, Qin Hao arrived at the door of Su's mansion on time. He didn't knock on the door, and just stood there quietly.There is a camera at the entrance of the Su family's mansion, so you can see the movement at the door at the first time.Since it was an invitation, Qin Hao would never take the initiative to knock on the door.

After lighting a cigarette, Qin Hao stood quietly like this, occasionally raising his head to glance at the camera, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.He even turned around very narrowly, indicating that he didn't have any weapons on him.A few minutes later, the door opened quietly, and Qin Hao saw the huge emerald screen behind the door, with a colorful tiger painted on it.

Qin Hao narrowed his eyes, but still didn't move.After the cigarette in his hand was burned out, he gathered his clothes and walked to the screen, reached out and touched the tiger on it, and said, "The king of beasts is nothing more than mediocrity."

"Mr. Qin laughed." Uncle Qiao walked out from the corner of the corridor like a ghost, but Qin Hao didn't even move his eyebrows, and said lightly: "Is this how Mr. Su treats guests? I'm afraid this screen was not used to Put it here."

Uncle Qiao said without changing his expression: "Mr. Qin, this is not the point. No matter how powerful the king of beasts is, they are just animals. In front of human beings, they will always have to bow their heads and bow their heads."

Qin Hao turned his head to look at Uncle Qiao, and patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "Oh, is that so? I didn't realize that Butler Qiao is also such a person. You are right, talents are the masters of this world. Wherever there is a place, there is contention. And the contention of human beings is a thousand times bloodier than that of animals."

Uncle Qiao's expression changed for the first time. He took a deep breath and walked inside with Qin Hao. The whole mansion was so quiet that he couldn't even see a single servant.Qin Hao's face was calm, and he looked at the scenery inside the mansion with great interest.Carved beams and painted buildings, rockery and fish ponds, this guy Su Tang knows how to enjoy.If Qi Huan's house is full of high-tech and modern decorations, then Su Tang's house is a typical ancient Chinese house.

"Master, Mr. Qin is here." Uncle Qiao stopped and said with a slight bow to Su Tang.

In front of Su Tang was a set of precious purple sand pots. This set of teapots was handed down during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty. Su Tang spent 4000 million for this set of teapots, and even broke a leg of the collector. , let the other party give up this set of teapots.

But at this moment, Su Tang's action of making tea seemed very professional.

"Mr. Qin, please sit down." Su Tang did not raise his head, and continued to focus on the charcoal stove in front of him. He waited until the heat was almost ready before he put the purple sand pot on it, and then picked up the small pot beside him and poured water into it.The source of this water is also very precious. It is collected from the Tianshan Mountains at an altitude of more than 6000 meters, known as Tianshui.

"Dahongpao's national output is only six taels a year, but I can get half a tael every year. To make this kind of tea, you need top-quality charcoal, the best teapot, the best water, and the best people. Today I can Please come to Mr. Qin to have a drink together, and it is worthy of the name of Dahongpao." It was the first time since Qin Hao came in that Su Tang looked up at him, this old man is well maintained, even if the whole Yunchuan is in chaos now It became a mess, but he can still have such self-cultivation, Qin Hao really admires his skill of nourishing qi.

"I didn't expect that I, Qin Hao, could drink the authentic Dahongpao. Hehe, it's interesting. But I don't know much about tea. If there is something presumptuous, please don't take it offence, Mr. Su." Qin Hao said with a smile, and then went directly to the Su Hall Sitting down across from him, he took out a cigarette and prepared to light it.

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