Super ambiguous master

Chapter 077 Start

Chapter 077 Start

Today's car ushered in a special guest, she is Yi Jie.

When Zhou Yayan and Shu Ziyi brought the Ling sisters down the stairs, she saw two people on the side of the road with big eyes and small eyes. Shu Ziyi couldn't understand why these two people saw each other as if they were enemies from a previous life , never communicate calmly.

Shu Ziyi also got the news last night that Yi Jie had been removed from all official positions and became an ordinary person.Moreover, the members of the Yi family wanted to transfer Yi Jie back to the capital in order to protect themselves.But Yi Jie, an extremely stubborn girl, finally rejected her family's wishes and stayed in Yunchuan.

For her behavior like this, Shu Ziyi didn't know whether to admire her or call her stupid.

Especially seeing her fighting with Qin Hao at the moment, Shu Ziyi really couldn't imagine what this woman would be like in her official career if she didn't have the backing of the Yi family.

Yi Jie also saw Shu Ziyi, her eyes were full of surprise, but Shu Ziyi quickly shook her head slightly, Yi Jie understood, and continued to bicker with Qin Hao, but her expression just now had aroused Qin Hao's vigilance .But Qin Hao didn't turn his head, and his expression didn't change at all. He was still arguing with Yi Jie with a cigarette in his mouth, looking very angry.

"Qin Hao, what are you doing, don't be so rude to Officer Yi." Zhou Yayan also knew this famous female tyrannosaurus in Yunchuan, and knew that she was a special case of Yunchuan police station, and she was also a very capable woman.

Yi Jie snorted, made a grimace at Qin Hao, then walked to Zhou Yayan's side with a smile, took her hand very affectionately and said: "Mr. Zhou, long time no see, you are still so beautiful. Hey, these two Who is this angel, why haven't I seen it before."

Qin Hao held his forehead, Yi Jie is an idiot who can't even lie.Her previous investigations of herself had already detailed to when she took a bath every day, so how could she not know that there were such two little girls by her side.However, Yi Jie has been tempered by dealing with all kinds of people these years, so Zhou Yayan was not surprised at all, but introduced her to the Ling family sisters very seriously.

Women's friendship always comes quickly. In just a few minutes, they are already as close as sisters, especially the girl Ling Ruolan. After hearing that Yi Jie is a police officer, the admiration in her heart is like The embankment burst like a flood, his eyes were full of little stars, and he almost hugged Yi Jie and kissed him.

Shu Ziyi and Yi Jie also exchanged glances during their brief contact, but Qin Hao noticed their actions.

"Ruoxue is going to be late for class, let's get in the car and chat." Zhou Yayan showed the demeanor of a president, and decisively ended the conversation.Yi Jie hit the snake with the stick, and got into the car to finish the job first. Zhou Yayan shrugged her shoulders at Qin Hao. She was also surprised by Yi Jie's performance today, but Zhou Yayan is also very happy to have a good relationship with this policeman. will refuse.

If Zhou Yayan knew that Yi Jie was no longer a policeman, what kind of expression would she have?

After Ling Ruolan got into the car, she held Yi Jie's arm without letting go, and kept asking all kinds of weird questions.Shu Ziyi took the initiative to sit in the co-pilot seat, and after making eye contact with Qin Hao, she turned away with a guilty conscience.

"Have you read the information I showed you yesterday?" Qin Hao stared at Yi Jie in the rearview mirror and asked.

Shu Ziyi nodded, and said: "The Su family has too many properties, and our Four Seas Group alone cannot swallow them all, and there are also many problems in the procedures. The overlapping of shares in the Su family's properties is very complicated. There are many The potential shareholders of the company don’t even know their names. If these people come out with shares, it will have a great impact on our mergers and acquisitions.”

"Do you think those industries are more secure?" Qin Hao said lightly.

"There are currently three properties. The first is the Su family's catering group. The composition of this group is relatively simple, and it is basically Su Tang's personal business. The second is clubs. There are sixteen high-end clubs in Yunchuan, six of which belong to the Su family. , but among the six clubs, four of the shares have problems, and we can eat the remaining two. The last one is the factory in the west of Yunchuan, which is an electronics industry. On the surface, it looks like it manufactures components. But in private, it is a transit point for the Su family's smuggling."

Qin Hao frowned while steering the steering wheel, "Smuggling?"

"Yes, the smuggling of electronic products coincides with this factory. But the annual profit is relatively small, so it didn't arouse the vigilance of those people."

Zhou Yayan interjected at this time: "I have been to that factory, and the equipment inside is actually very high-end. If we take it over and abandon the smuggling, we can use the factory. The Four Seas Group is also involved in the production of many precision instruments. Manufacturing, this is also the development track set by my father for the Four Seas Group.”

Yi Jie listened to their conversation with pointed ears, especially when it came to smuggling, her expression was very serious, like a kitten stealing.Seeing Yi Jie's expression in the rearview mirror, Qin Hao sneered and said, "Hey, I almost forgot that there was a policeman in the car, what's the matter, Officer Yi, if you hear we're going to smuggle, will you let the police arrest us?" us?"

Yi Jie looked a little embarrassed, and said, "This is none of my business. The smuggling belongs to the Commercial Intelligence Investigation Division. I'm just an ordinary policeman."

Qin Hao said resolutely: "That can't hold you back to report the news."

"Qin Hao, you're trying to make things difficult for me." Yi Jie said angrily.

Zhou Yayan smoothed things over with a smile, and said, "Okay, Qin Hao, Officer Yi is not that kind of person, besides, we will not engage in illegal business, and we merged the factory to better develop the Sihai Group. Officer Yi, What do you say?"

Yi Jie puffed her cheeks and said: "That's right, as long as you can do things that benefit the country and the people, the mistakes you made before can be forgiven. What's more, you didn't do these things. Now you leave Su Tang behind." Your industry has been acquired and used to develop national industries, and the government will give you a lot of preferential policies."

Qin Hao honked the horn and said with a smile: "Really, then I have to thank you, and I will contact the government later to see if I can issue a certificate or something."

Yi Jie's face was flushed with anger, she didn't know why she always got angry so easily in front of this man.

Shu Ziyi continued to say indifferently: "The Su family's overall industrial capital exceeds [-] billion, we can at most get [-] million of it, and most of the rest will be auctioned off by the government, or by those invisible Mr. Zhou, we need to take defensive measures in advance, although Mr. Qin has obtained Mr. Su Tang's personal authorization, but sometimes, this thing doesn't work. "

Zhou Yayan frowned and said: "I understand, Ziyi, you should go and complete the transfer procedures of these three restaurants first, and we will eat the rest if we can eat them, and let them out if we can't. Sometimes greed can lead to bad things Yes, as for how to use these industries after they are taken down, we will have a meeting to discuss after we get to the company."

The car soon arrived at the entrance of Yunchuan Middle School. The sisters of the Ling family got out of the car and walked towards the school gate. In fact, since the last incident, even if Qin Hao drove in, no one would come out to stop him. The license plate of this car has been locked. It was firmly recorded in the minds of the security guards at the door, knowing how powerful this great god is, even Fan Xian, the deputy mayor, can't do anything about him.

But Qin Hao would not do such meaningless things, pretending to be aggressive in front of a group of students, unless he had soda in his head.

After coming to the company, Yi Jie still had no intention of leaving. She walked into the company with her arms around Shu Ziyi. Zhou Yayan didn't say anything to reject her, and let her look around the company like a curious baby.

The Sihai Group at this moment cannot be compared to the past at all, even the size of the company has shrunk a lot.However, with the efforts of Zhou Yayan and Shu Ziyi, the company's atmosphere is still very positive. The complicated situation that is easy to appear in a large company cannot be seen here.Everyone is constantly struggling, for themselves and for the Four Seas Group.

This is the first time for Yi Jie to come to the reborn Sihai Group, and she is also infected by the company's atmosphere, and her blood seems to be boiling hot.But when she saw Qin Hao's eyes, her enthusiasm was extinguished again.

"Qin Hao, accompany Officer Yi around, Ziyi, let's go to a meeting." Zhou Yayan, who came to the company, transformed into the unsmiling and elegant president, while Shu Ziyi always had that cold look, The people below are actually a little afraid of these two, and they speak softly in front of them, for fear of offending the two girls.

"What on earth are you going to do?" Walking to the balcony outside the company, Qin Hao closed the glass door with his backhand, lit a cigarette and looked at Yi Jie coldly, "Are you going to follow me for a day? I don't have such patience play games with you."

Yi Jie's temper has also come up, no matter from what point of view, I can be regarded as a beauty, even if I had a holiday with you before, shouldn't I forgive you once for the sake of beauty?This is also because Yi Jie has never suffered before. Everyone who looks at her coaxes her and pets her. Now that she is not a policeman, the big lady plot in her character has begun to flare up.

"I just want to know what Su Tang told you. When he left Yunchuan, you were the last person he saw. You were also there on the day Su Mu died." Yi Jie scolded Qin Hao in her heart. The dog's head was bloody, and he said with his eyes sideways.

"I made it very clear in the car just now. Su Tang thinks highly of me, so he handed me the power of attorney from his company to merge the property under his name into the Four Seas Group. Officer Yi, you don't understand Chinese? Otherwise why would you ask such a stupid question."

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