Super ambiguous master

Chapter 082 Cat and Mouse Game

Chapter 082 Cat and Mouse Game ([-])

This was the first time that Shu Ziyi didn't leave work with Zhou Yayan. She said she had to deal with some personal matters and left before she got off work.Zhou Yayan didn't have any doubts about her, she didn't even think about asking any questions, and let her leave directly.They even gossip and speculate whether Shu Ziyi is in love again.

Qin Hao couldn't laugh or cry when he saw Zhou Yayan's expression like that of a kitten.

Although he pretended not to know anything on the surface, Ryan still stuck in his heart like a thorn.This guy's whereabouts are erratic. Although Qin Hao is not afraid of confronting him head-on, he can't hold back the opponent's tricks.

Especially in the current situation, there are too many people he needs to protect at the same time, and he can't gather all these people together. That's like giving the evidence to Shu Ziyi. Qin Hao not only wants to get rid of Ryan, but also has to Use this thing to your advantage.

After get off work, Qin Hao took Zhou Yayan straight to the school. After seeing the two little girls coming out alive and kicking, Qin Hao's frown finally relaxed.Zhou Yayan looked at her curiously from the side, and couldn't help asking: "You seem to be in a trance today, what happened?"

Qin Hao shook his head with a smile and said, "It's okay, what will happen to a person like me."

Zhou Yayan immediately changed her expression, and said coldly: "But I have something to do!"

Qin Hao said in shock: "What's the matter with you, are you pregnant?"

Zhou Yayan was so ashamed when she heard this, she blushed and spat at the other party: "You are not serious, Ruoxue Ruolan heard it, what are you talking about?"

Qin Hao still had a perplexed expression and said: "It's not possible, I have used measures every time, does that boss dare to sell me fake and shoddy products, grandma is a bear, I will go to him later."

Zhou Yayan swung her pink fist angrily and punched Qin Hao twice. At this time, the car door was opened, and Ling Ruolan got in first. Seeing the two flirting, her pretty face was slightly unnatural.

After Ling Ruoxue came in, Qin Hao stepped on the gas pedal, and the car slowly left the crowded school gate.Not far away, a pair of dark eyes stared at the back of the car.

"What happened to our little princess today, she seems unhappy." Zhou Yayan saw Ling Ruolan's stinky expression through the rearview mirror, turned her head and asked with a smile.

Ling Ruolan lowered her head, cupped her cheeks in her hands but was unwilling to speak.Ling Ruoxue just shook her head with a smile when she saw it, and explained: "It's okay, it's just that the teacher said it, and it hurt my self-esteem."

Qin Hao glanced at the rearview mirror, and said with a murderous look: "That blind person dares to criticize our family Lan Lan, I'll go to him to reason with him tomorrow."

Zhou Yayan pinched him and said angrily, "Is there anyone who educates children like you? Lan Lan, it's okay, the teacher is doing it for your own good."

Ever since she became husband and wife with Qin Hao, Zhou Yayan unconsciously put herself in the position of the mother of the two girls, caring for them in every detail, Ling Ruoxue was fine, but Ling Ruolan was a little unhappy.She didn't want this woman to be her mother.

Zhou Yayan is good at everything, it is this that makes Ling Ruolan a little bit unbearable.

But she had nowhere to reason, so she could only keep it in her heart. Now that her emotions had reached a certain zero point, and she was stimulated by Zhou Yayan's kind words of comfort, Ling Ruolan broke out.

"I don't want you to care about me, who are you, why do you dictate my life." Ling Ruolan's voice was so loud that even Qin Hao, who was driving, felt his hands tremble.

Zhou Yayan's face was embarrassing, and she smiled with a good temper, but her eyes were a little red when she turned her head.Fortunately, she could understand Ling Ruolan's actions in her heart. After all, she also came here in the same way. The rebellious period of a girl, this kind of thing is normal.

But from Qin Hao's point of view, this matter is abnormal. In his heart, these two girls have always been regarded as juniors, so Zhou Yayan is naturally their elders. What's wrong with being said a few words by the elders? Back then, he was beaten by the old man At that time, didn't they dare to fart.

"Apologize to Yayan, hurry up!" Qin Hao said coldly as he parked the car on the side of the road.

"No, why should I apologize to her? Who is she to me?" Ling Ruolan retorted loudly, her eyes wide open as if she would rather die than surrender.

Ling Ruoxue comforted her younger sister softly beside her: "Okay, Ruolan, Sister Yayan is also doing it for our own good. You are doing this wrong. Please apologize."

"No, I did nothing wrong, why should I apologize." Ling Ruolan was still unwilling to give in.

Qin Hao turned around sharply, stared into Ling Ruolan's eyes, and said word by word: "I promised Brother Ling to take care of you, so I am your elder, now I use my elder status to order you to apologize to Yayan! "

Ling Ruolan gritted her teeth, but she just refused to say those three words.

Seeing that Qin Hao was really angry, Zhou Yayan said, "Okay, why are you angry with the child. She didn't mean it, let's drive, I'm hungry."

These words had a great lethal effect on Qin Hao, and his impetuous mind weakened a lot.It's a pity that Ling Ruolan didn't buy it, and yelled at Zhou Yayan again: "I don't want you pretending to be a good person here, you don't need you to sow discord between me and Brother Ling, I"

Before Ling Ruolan finished speaking, Qin Hao raised his hand and slapped her, slapping Xiao Nizi into a daze.

Qin Hao also never thought that he would hit Ling Ruolan with his own hands.For a moment, the atmosphere in the car was a bit solemn, Qin Hao looked at his hands, Ling Ruolan covered her cheeks, and stared at Qin Hao with tears in her eyes.

"Brother Qin, you hit me, you hit me because of this woman! Have you forgotten what your father told you? Have you forgotten what you whispered in my ear when you saved me? You have changed, don't you?" It's that Brother Qin I know again." After crying, Ling Ruolan opened the car door and ran out after saying this.

"Lan Lan, come back!" Zhou Yayan was so frightened that she quickly opened the car door to chase Ling Ruolan, but Qin Hao grabbed her after pushing the door and came out, and said coldly: "Don't chase, this girl is getting more and more wild. , just let her calm down. Don’t spoil her all the time, look, the wings are so hard now that they are so big, how dare you challenge me.”

Zhou Yayan wanted to say something else, Qin Hao could not help but race her back into the car.After seeing Ling Ruoxue's anxious face, Qin Hao sighed in his heart and said, "Don't worry, she won't run too far. I'll send you back and go find her."

Ling Ruoxue has lived with her younger sister since she was a child, and knows what kind of temperament she is. If it is really his fault for today's incident, Zhou Yayan just comforted her, and she was furious. From the bottom of her heart, she still agrees with Qin Hao. Approach.But whenever she thinks of her younger sister starving and freezing outside, her heart throbs.

"Brother Qin, my sister is a bit stubborn, but she is actually very good-hearted. Sister Yayan, I'm sorry for her." Ling Ruoxue said softly with her head down, her nasal cavity was also a little sour.

Qin Hao's mind was in a mess, Ryan was watching outside, Ling Ruolan was in the rebellious period at home, and there was Shu Ziyi who wanted to dig her out from the company.God, how everything came together.

But now he can't drive the car with the two women all over the world to find Ling Ruolan. He slapped the steering wheel hard, and the car went up to more than 100 miles, and returned home at lightning speed.

After settling the two women down, Qin Hao drove non-stop to the villa in the suburbs. Besides Ling Ruolan, he had another object of concern.

That is Qi Jie.

Originally, Qin Hao wanted to take Qi Jie to live with her, but Qi Jie disagreed. She said that the house smelled like her father and brother, and they would come to see her every night.If she moved away, her father and brother would not be able to find her.

The little girl suddenly suffered such a big trauma, and it is not an exaggeration to have these weird thoughts. Qin Hao asked Mu Meng to send some of the most powerful characters in the wild cat gang to secretly protect her, and she was able to keep Qi Jie safe.

But in front of Ryan, the security measures in the villa are useless.

This time, no matter what, Qi Jie will be taken away. It is too dangerous for her to live here alone.

But Qin Hao was obviously half a beat behind this time.

When he rushed to the villa, he saw a bodyguard's body hanging on the door, blood was still dripping down.The iron tip on the gate of the villa pierced through his body, looking very sinister and hideous.

Qin Hao stared at everything in front of him with shattered eyes, drove straight through the gate, and then shouted Qi Jie's name a few times at the top of his voice.

Silence, deathly silence.

The whole villa is like a tomb, without any response.Qin Hao took the dagger he carried with him in his hand, covered the corner of the wall and walked slowly inside. He didn't choose to go through the main entrance, but went directly to the window on the second floor, knocked lightly, and shouted twice Voice, still did not get the slightest response.

Pushing open the window and entering, everything in the room remains the same, there is no trace of a fight, the TV and computer are turned on, and there is still a half cup of unfinished coffee on the computer desk. I checked the temperature and confirmed that the time when the owner of the room left was absolutely No more than 15 minutes.

Qin Hao took a deep breath, there is no need to doubt that it must have been done by Ryan, and now he is not too worried about Qi Jie's life safety, Ryan would not kill Qi Jie when he did not confront him head-on.What he wanted was not only victory over himself, but also humiliation.

Just like how I humiliated him back then.

When Qin Hao came downstairs, the traces of fighting here were more obvious, but it was also easy to analyze. Basically, Ryan threw away the young and Dangerous boys who were in charge of guarding them without any effort. His agility made people Heart chills.

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