Super ambiguous master

Chapter 114 Showdown

Super Ambiguous Master - Chapter 114 Showdown (Crazy sixth!)

The sixth update is delivered, and there will be more later, brothers, continue to have fun.


After Shu Ziyi finished speaking, Qin Hao patted his hands lightly, and said with a smile: "Yes, the story is very exciting, a bit like an American blockbuster. But do you think that a person with thin arms and legs like me can Did you do such a shocking thing? Not to mention there are so many children and women, tsk tsk, that guy is simply a perverted murderer. But, if the story is true, I admire this guy a little , It’s like our man’s idol, Ziyi, do you know him, can you introduce him to me, even if you want an autograph, that’s fine.”

Shu Ziyi raised her brows upright, looking at Qin Hao with a tired face, she felt a sense of powerlessness in her heart, because she didn't have enough evidence, she couldn't identify Qin Hao as the Phantom Sky Fox.Although all the evidence now proves that this guy is the most suspected target, but there are some things that cannot be put on the table.

The people in the third bureau are all-pervasive in the country, and under the arrangement of Mr. Hu, the seventh bureau wants to take the Phantom Sky Fox back, which is a relatively taboo thing.This kind of thing can only be done quietly. If it is used by someone with a heart, the blow to the seventh game will be too great.

Some time ago, Mr. Hu might have felt some kind of pressure, and even ordered Shu Ziyi to kill Qin Hao directly.But as the gunpowder smoke that filled the sky above Yunchuan dissipated, Mr. Hu changed his policy again. This time he no longer played any false tricks, but directly showed his cards.Whether Qin Hao agrees or disagrees, in short, he must get this guy to the seventh round.

Of course, Shu Ziyi is not quite sure why Mr. Hu is so interested in this person. From the education she received since she was a child, a character like Phantom Fox should be executed by Ling Chi. How can she be included in such an important country as the Seventh Bureau? department.If Shu Ziyi had made the decision, she would have destroyed this guy humanely long ago.After seeing his bloody file, this feeling has never been stronger.

No matter what the people in Crescent Bay did wrong, those children and women were innocent, but the Phantom Sky Fox did not leave a single one behind, and all of them were slaughtered.Shu Ziyi couldn't tolerate this kind of thing, so when negotiating with Qin Hao, her tone was very rude.She even had the urge to beat this guy up.

"Please correct your attitude, I'm not talking to you as a colleague now." Shu Ziyi said after taking a deep breath, then took out the ID from her pocket and waved it in front of Qin Hao's eyes.

"Hey, Chief Staff Officer. I didn't realize that you are still the boss of the most mysterious department in the country. Hehe, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But the Chief Staff Officer usually does very mysterious and challenging tasks. And you are the deputy of the Seventh Bureau of the General Staff Staff Captain, actually willing to work as an ordinary white-collar worker in the Four Seas Group? Has the taste of elites become so strange now?" Qin Hao knew after seeing the certificate that he might not be able to escape today, but the other party only wanted to If he didn't show his last hole card, he wouldn't admit it even if he was killed.

Qin Hao still knows the strength of the General Staff Seventh Bureau very well. This mysterious and huge department is full of eyeliners all over the world, but the domestic situation is controlled by the Third Bureau. This is the division and check and balance of power.If the international and domestic are controlled by the Seventh Bureau, it will also be detrimental to the stability of the country.

Ling Batian and Qin Hao talked about this matter once at the beginning, but it was just a boring nonsense after dinner.This kind of organization basically doesn't leave any flaws, and many things need to be handled by oneself. Qin Hao doesn't have the time to toss about these things. As long as the seven rounds don't focus on him, then everything can be discussed.

Depending on the situation, the Seventh Bureau is determined to take advantage of itself this time.

Could it be an important person who has killed seven rounds before?Qin Hao quickly filtered all the past targets in his mind, but he didn't find any role in this aspect.So what kind of medicine is sold in Shu Ziyi's gourd?Qin Hao was a little confused.What made him even more upset was that if he knew that the other party would do something like this, wouldn't he look extremely stupid when he tried so hard to divert the other party's attention?

"Since you know that I am from the Seventh Bureau of the General Staff, you should also know our authority in intelligence work. Qin Hao, you just admit it. Don't worry, we are not going to arrest you, nor are we going to expel you. It's just want to talk to you."

Qin Hao smiled and said, "Arrest me? The Seventh Bureau doesn't seem to have this right. You are only responsible for intelligence exploration, and the tasks are carried out by the Fifth Bureau. Moreover, in China, the rights of the Seventh Bureau cannot be compared with the Three Bureaus. Even if you want to arrest people, it should be the people from the third bureau. You guys, you can't."

Shu Ziyi said indifferently: "I can't see that you have a very accurate grasp of the distribution of our rights, but no one told you that the fifth bureau and the seventh bureau have merged into one department now? We have the right to arrest , even if you don't admit it, I can detain you for a year or a half at any time. This kind of thing happens without anyone noticing it."

Speaking of which, Shu Ziyi raised her head proudly. In this respect, she does have the capital to be proud.

"I didn't commit a crime, why did you arrest me? It's really strange. Also, I think you are a colleague now, so I tolerate your continuous slander. After I leave here, I will not admit anything. If you Now that you say such things, I will not be polite to you." Qin Hao stood up and said coldly, and then he was about to leave.

Shu Ziyi was annoyed in her heart, she yelled not to leave, and suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Qin Hao's shoulder with one hand.Qin Hao put his left hand on Shu Ziyi's wrist, and then squatted down suddenly. The strong inertia made Shu Ziyi's body fall forward involuntarily.

Qin Hao didn't slow down at all, he firmly held Shu Ziyi's wrist, and when his body had reached the limit, he kicked his legs and ran out. Shu Ziyi was already unable to stand still, and Qin Hao led her like this. For a moment, it hit the ground directly.

After Shu Ziyi went through the initial panic, she immediately started to fight back.Her skills are also quite good.Although one hand was held by Qin Hao, the other hand immediately supported Qin Hao's lower back, so as to stabilize his body and slow down the force going forward.Then the slender butt was kicked forward, directly towards Qin Hao's genitals.

This trick is really too venomous, Qin Hao has to guard against things involving the happiness of the lower body.When the legs are clamped, the strength in the hands weakens.Shu Ziyi took advantage of the situation to pull out her hand, and retracted the hand on Qin Hao's waist and abdomen at the same time, kicking her legs beautifully in the air. This is a trick of Tan's legs on the 72nd road. I didn't see it. This girl is actually a fan of ancient martial arts.

The corner of Qin Hao's mouth raised a playful smile. During this period of time, he frequently confronted people, which actually stimulated the aggressive factor in his body.However, those mercenaries were all pure fighting techniques, and there was no place for Qin Hao's ancient martial arts to be used.Now that he has finally met a fellow of the same kind, he has a tentative mind to see how capable this woman is.

Immediately after Shu Ziyi kicked and attacked three times in a row, Qin Hao's body spun 360 degrees on the spot like a top, and then flipped back in the air, kicking his legs towards the sky.At the same time, the attack of Shu Ziyi's arms also happened to hit. Qin Hao's seemingly weird move could barely block the opponent's attack.

For a while, the entire roof was extremely lively, Qin Hao only defended but not attacked. Although he looked a bit embarrassed, Shu Ziyi didn't take advantage of it. After more than ten minutes passed, Shu Ziyi's footsteps began to be a little slow, and her breathing became heavier up.

High-intensity fights are very exhausting. Shu Ziyi is a woman after all, and she can't compare with Qin Hao in terms of battery life. What's more, she is still the main attacker, and the physical exertion is even more astonishing.So when Shu Ziyi stopped to rest, Qin Hao's expression didn't change much, he just stood there smiling and looked at Shu Ziyi who was in a state of dismay!

"Not bad, not bad, the foundation of martial arts is very solid. The senior who taught you Kung Fu must be a middle-level master. You have used a total of three kinds of Kung Fu just now, which are 72-way Tan Leg, Wing Chun and Bagua Youlongzhang. Among them, you are the most The one that is good at and also has the highest lethality is Tan's legs." Speaking of which, Qin Hao's eyes frankly wandered back and forth on Shu Ziyi's slender legs, and every time this girl opened and closed her Tan legs, Full of wild charm.

"But strength is your weakness. This is caused by the different body structures of men and women, so you don't need to be discouraged. Here I give you a suggestion, that is, give up Tan legs and focus on Wing Chun. Ip Man in the first two years You should have watched the movie. Although Wing Chun can’t be the same as in the movie, as long as you learn it well, you can still punch more than five times a second. The highest record in the world is still one 8.3 punches per second, maintained by Bruce Lee's master."

Shu Ziyi was so angry, this guy was so annoying, even after winning, he was still brazenly talking about his skills?But he just couldn't beat him, this feeling is simply terrible!

"Wing Chun is suitable for close-to-body bunts, and your explosive power is good. Just now I deliberately exposed the flaws in close quarters twice, just to see your punching speed and strength, but you didn't choose Wing Chun but Bagua Youlongzhang , it seems that you still have too little experience in fighting. If it were me, I could knock you down in three seconds!"

Shu Ziyi said unconvinced: "Bragging! Three seconds, how could you do it."

Qin Hao rolled up his sleeves and said with a smile: "Don't believe me? Then come and attack me and see how I use Wing Chun."

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