Super ambiguous master

Chapter 128 Riot

超级暧昧高手 - 第128章 暴动

Qin Hao and Shu Ziyi followed the police slowly to the factory in the suburbs. There were still many workers waiting at the gate of the factory. When they saw their fellow workers come back downcast one by one, their hearts skipped a beat. They knew what was going on here. The parade may have gone awry.

They didn't know, so they thought their co-workers had been treated unfairly, and their emotions were instantly ignited. Before the police had time to let go of their posture, this group of people rushed forward. It seemed that they were going to use this group of people as lackeys of the government. The police stayed here forever. Many strong men started to push the police cars. The police were also frightened. Why did the parade crowd who were fine just now suddenly riot again? They pulled out their batons and attacked the people who rushed up. Seeing that a large-scale conflict is almost inevitable.

Qin Hao didn't expect such a situation to happen, but the passionate crowd is the most dangerous place, even Qin Hao is not sure that he can escape from such a crowd.He protects Shu Ziyi and walks back. Now the crowd is already jealous. If they know that these two are employees of Sihai Group, the main force of the acquisition factory, tsk tsk, these people will probably change their targets immediately.

Qin Hao naturally didn't want to be taken advantage of, but naturally someone in the crowd didn't want to let him go. When Qin Hao was about to find a safe place and wait until the police controlled the situation before coming out, he heard someone in the crowd shouting He said: "Those two belong to the Four Seas Group. That woman visited our factory before. You can't let them go."

Shu Ziyi's expression changed suddenly, she got into the car and wanted to turn around, but Qin Hao didn't stop her.But it was the worst decision to get in the car now. The workers would not give Shu Ziyi enough room to turn. They surrounded Shu Ziyi's car like a torrent, shouting slogans, to survive and to eat.Shu Ziyi's face turned pale, but she was someone who had seen the world, so this kind of scene could not frighten her.

The police on one side wanted to come over to rescue Shu Ziyi, but the crowd was too dense to squeeze through.They also want to resort to violence, but they are also worried that it will provoke a greater conflict.If this kind of thing is exposed, the one who gets hurt will always be the person who rushed to the front.So the police hesitated.And they all thought of one person at the same time, and that was Yi Jie. If this little lioness had been there, the scene would have been suppressed long ago.

Qin Hao was also surrounded by seven or eight workers, and he was very helpless, because he was surrounded by old and weak women and children. Whoever said that the working class has no wisdom, this is wisdom.When they saw a big man like Qin Hao, they estimated that his fighting power was not weak.So I sent a few old and weak women and children to deal with him, so he would feel embarrassed to do it, wouldn't he?Unless he is crazy enough to beat women, but as long as he does that, even if these workers risk their lives, they will stop the Sihai Group from buying the factory.

Seeing that things were about to get out of hand, Song Tiejun, who had helped Qin Hao mediate before, couldn't speak anymore. He jumped around anxiously, but no one listened to him.

With a bang, someone smashed a hole in Shu Ziyi's car window with a brick, and the sound also silenced the scene for a few seconds.After that, Shu Ziyi exclaimed in a low voice, wondering if she was hurt by glass shards.And this move completely ignited the rioters in the hearts of those who didn't know the truth. They began to attack Shu Ziyi's car with their fists, feet, and all kinds of hard objects that they could find easily. The police car not far away was also attacked. spread.

Shu Ziyi wanted to push the door down, but someone blocked the door firmly. She kept explaining but no one listened to her.At this time, Shu Ziyi really had the idea of ​​pulling out a gun and killing everyone, why didn't she make any sense?

Qin Hao's eyes were red, he didn't care about any gentleman's etiquette anymore, he kicked his feet on the ground and rushed over, and the old and weak women and children who were in charge of guarding him were also startled by his murderous look. He just froze in place and didn't move at all.Qin Hao used his body skills to the extreme. This body skill evolved from Zhan Yi's eighteen falls is the old man's unique skill. Qin Hao has been able to escape from desperate situations so many times. This body skill has helped Very busy.

Why is it called Phantom Sky Fox?

It is because the figure is like a phantom.

Qin Hao in the crowd was as slippery as a loach, and those people couldn't even catch the hem of his clothes. Soon Qin Hao came to Shu Ziyi's car, and directly lifted the guy blocking the door to him. Kicked and flew out, opened the door with a clatter, grabbed Shu Ziyi and ran back.

"You look like a smart girl, why were you so stupid just now? You still ran into the car in such a scene, what's the difference between this and an ostrich?" Qin Hao said while running, Shu Ziyi fought back unwilling to be outdone: "How can I not be outdone?" Knowing that things will turn out like this, someone must have caused trouble on purpose? The parade team just now was all fine, but it changed after coming back.”

Qin Hao bent down and picked up a small stone on the ground, throwing it back seemingly casually, and then two people fell down hugging their knees with an ouch.Shu Ziyi was dumbfounded, isn't this the supernatural power of flicking fingers in martial arts novels?

Qin Hao explained with a smile: "This is actually just a training of wrist strength and accuracy. When I was a child, I always played with water floats. Throwing stones on the water surface, the fast stones will jump non-stop on the water surface. Then In fact, it is a training method for wrist strength. But many people just treat it as a game.”

Shu Ziyi muttered, "I don't want to know, why are you telling me these things?"

"But your eyes have betrayed your heart, so just say it out of curiosity, and I won't laugh at you." Qin Hao said seriously.

"Hmph, why don't you worry about how we can get out if you're so busy? This group of people are as uncompromising as if they were beaten to death. We can't just run back to the company like a bereaved dog. There are still a lot of us in the car." What about her personal belongings?" Shu Ziyi's face turned slightly red when she said that, the personal belongings on the car were the sexy underwear she had just ordered from the Internet, she was embarrassed to let the courier deliver them to the company, so she went to pick them up by herself, what Knew something like this would happen.

Although those people may not open the trunk of the car, what if such a thing happens?

"At this time, you still have the leisure to worry about this? The car is already scrap iron in your eyes, right? Then what is in your car, diamonds or jewelry, that can make you so concerned?" Qin Hao Speaking of which, he looked back at the car, and said decisively: "Hurry up, if it's diamonds, emeralds and other valuables, I will risk my life to get them back for you."

Of course Shu Ziyi wouldn't say what it was, she simply changed the topic: "How come the police haven't controlled the situation yet, if my subordinates are so procrastinating, I would have fired them long ago .It's just a bunch of trash."

Qin Hao laughed loudly and said: "There is an essential difference, okay? You are foreign, foreign people can do whatever you want, they are national heroes. But in China, such things are very taboo, unless you have great courage Otherwise, what do you expect an ordinary little policeman to do? It is their responsibility if something happens, and if there is a benefit, it means that the senior leadership is good. If I were that group of policemen, of course I would take wise and safe ways. "

Shu Ziyi snorted noncommittally, but did not speak.

But after a few seconds, Shu Ziyi and Qin Hao stopped running because gunshots rang out from behind.

Qin Hao was very surprised. He didn't expect that there would be someone who dared to shoot in this group of police officers. After turning his head and looking at it, he almost couldn't laugh out loud. It turned out that it was Yi Jie's suitor. Although he was holding a gun at the moment, his hands She trembled again at a frequency visible to the naked eye, and her face was filled with horror.After seeing everyone around stopped, he swallowed his saliva and shouted: "Calm down, can violence solve the problem? I understand your feelings, but you also need to understand the difficulty of the government and enterprises. Who will sell the factory if it can survive? And this is not a sale, but an optimized combination, which can make the factory glow with new firepower. You can only make things worse if you are arguing like this. The boss of Uncertain Acquisition originally wanted to give you a way out, but after you made such a fuss, he finally told you all to leave!"

Song Tiejun also stood up at this moment, and repeated what Qin Hao said to his fellow workers. The workers who had been agitated just now calmed down and began to think about why they suddenly lost control. The more they thought about it, the more nonsense they became, because There seems to be no reason for losing control, but after seeing the people around me rushing up, they rushed up as soon as they got hot.

"Don't listen to their nonsense. Song Tiejun has already been bought by them. If we don't fight, when the factory is annexed, we will have to pack up and leave. Workers, everyone must unite against the unscrupulous acquisition businessmen Ah." The discordant voice sounded again, and everyone looked for the speaker.But the strange thing is that they couldn't find this person who stirred up everyone's emotions.However, some people's thoughts started to come alive because of this sentence. Children who cry have sweets. If they are acquired too easily, they will not get the slightest benefit.

The scene began to smell of gunpowder again. Qin Hao and Shu Ziyi walked back slowly. Shu Ziyi got in the car and went to pack her personal belongings, while Qin Hao walked to the side of the policeman who shot. , patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "You did a good job. If Officer Yi sees it, I will be appointed to praise you."

The policeman smiled shyly and said, "This is what we should do. Alas, I'm really sorry for frightening you and Miss Shu."

Qin Hao waved his hands carelessly, and said: "It's okay, this little conflict can't scare us. There is someone in the crowd who is making trouble, I will go and catch him, this kind of person is enough to constitute a threat to the unity of the police and the people. mortal sin."

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