Super ambiguous master

Chapter 143 Yunchuan’s Last Boiling

Super Ambiguous Master - Chapter 143 Yunchuan's Last Boiling ([-])

After observing for a while, Qin Hao retreated back into the turret and nestled, closing his eyes with an expression of not wanting to be beaten.Shu Ziyi was puzzled, but this guy's performance last night was really too strong. Women have a hero complex in their hearts. When Shu Ziyi didn't realize it, her mood has actually changed, especially in such an environment Now, she began to rely on Qin Hao unconsciously.

Although Qin Hao has been playing with flowers for many years, he still can't understand women's thoughts in the most subtle way. He just feels that Shu Ziyi has changed a bit, but he can't say what it is.Qin Hao's carefree personality meant that Qin Hao would not pay attention to this woman's heart, not to mention that there was nothing between him and Shu Ziyi. If it was Zhou Yayan, maybe this guy would take some time to understand.

"What are you doing? Didn't I tell you to go out and have a look? Why did you come back to sleep again? You are a rat, and you like this kind of cold and wet place." Shu Ziyi walked up to Qin Hao, stretched out her hand and gently Pushing him, Qin Hao replayed the previous scene again, and came over to hug him. In the heart of this shameless guy, he was a bastard if he didn't take advantage of it.

"I'm going to die, please sit down quickly, or I'll be angry." Shu Ziyi's words didn't smell angry at all, but the taste of coquettishness became stronger and stronger, especially her slightly angry posture, which made Qin feel angry. Hao had a good time.Unexpectedly, Shu Ziyi, who usually looks cold, would have such a daughter-in-law image, which is a bit surprising.

"The anger is in your body, and the pain is in my heart. Alas, who can understand my sorrow, oh, give me a glass of forgetful water~~" Qin Hao probably suppressed it for a long time, and now he is getting carried away, talking Just sang.Shu Ziyi couldn't laugh or cry. Is this guy the Phantom Sky Fox who killed people without blinking an eye last night and turned killing into an art?Right now, Wei Xiaobao is alive.

Thinking of all the past nights, Shu Ziyi became a little crazy again.

At four o'clock in the morning, when the sky was the darkest, the whole mountain could not see her fingers. Shu Ziyi hid behind a big tree and could hear her own heartbeat, but the life-seeking bullet did not appear again.She is dormant here patiently, waiting for the best opportunity.

The sound of footsteps was very complicated, Shu Ziyi couldn't see what was going on behind her, and the moon shyly hid in the clouds. The entire mountain stream was so empty that it made people feel shuddering. Like a little devil's reminder, Shu Ziyi didn't know why she had such thoughts.She could face so many missions calmly before, but this time, her heart was disturbed.

I always feel that something bad is about to happen, and my heart palpitations feel like being pressed by a heavy stone on my chest, and it is even difficult to breathe.

"I said you silly woman standing here to play Venus? She has no clothes on her upper body." Just when Shu Ziyi was wandering, Qin Hao jumped down from the tree like a ghost.Shu Ziyi's face turned pale with fright, and she almost fainted.But women basically do the same thing before fainting, which is to scream!With voices comparable to sopranos, sing out my sun in the night.

Of course, Qin Hao would not allow this to happen. After he jumped off, he covered Shu Ziyi's small mouth with his hand, and his fingertips were in deep contact with the other's skin, which was soft, tender and elastic. The full feeling made Qin Hao's mind tremble.

"Hey, don't be so overreacted, you are a secret agent, shouldn't you keep your face and your heart beating under any circumstances, even if Lord Hades comes out, you can kick him back with one kick?" Qin Hao jokingly said that moving, he really likes to tease the serious Shu Ziyi, especially in such a tense atmosphere, it gives him an inexplicable pleasure.Although sometimes he despises himself in his heart, but a shameless guy can always find a suitable excuse for himself.

Qin Hao didn't even need to look for it, he just popped out with an excuse.

"Qin Hao, you bastard, I'll bite you to death!" Shu Ziyi ran away violently. This guy dared to tease her without saying anything after scaring her.And the outside is surrounded by circles, so he is too bold.Shu Ziyi didn't say this sentence in her heart, and she couldn't say it because Qin Hao covered her mouth.Therefore, she could only condemn the other party with her eyes, and at the same time, she opened her small mouth and bit Qin Hao's tiger's jaw fiercely with her plaited silver teeth.

"You are a dog, let it go, not let it go. It hurt me to death, my mother." Qin Hao sucked in a cold breath while suppressing his voice, and then saved his palm from Shu Ziyi's small mouth.Putting the tiger's mouth one centimeter below the eyelids, I could barely see the shocking wound on it, which was already oozing blood.

"Who made you scare me?" Shu Ziyi stared, her bright eyes glowing faintly in the darkness, with a strange sense of beauty.

"I didn't do this to relieve the tension in your heart. I really don't know good people." Qin Hao said aggrievedly, and then shook his hand.At this time, Shu Ziyi felt as if there was some liquid on her lips, with a slight fishy smell and astringent feeling.She wiped it with her hand, and then went crazy again.

"What's in your hand, blood? How dare you treat me like this, Qin Hao, I'm fighting with you." Shu Ziyi also didn't care about the danger on her back, she just rushed forward and kicked and kicked Qin Hao Kick, when she thought of the blood she had bitten her mouth just now, she felt sick in her heart.

Qin Hao dodged with a smile, and said, "Why are you reacting so much? It's my blood. I wiped it with a leaf before I came here. Don't think about how hard you bit me just now. Bleeding is normal. thing."

Shu Ziyi was still relentless, and waited until she was tired to pant with her hands on her hips, but her tone was still very angry: "I have never seen anyone more shameless than you, Qin Hao, you are a pervert."

Qin Hao shrugged his shoulders, giving her a default.

"Where are those people?" When the atmosphere between the two sides fell into silence again, Shu Ziyi suddenly realized that something was wrong. The two of them were fighting and fighting here. Why didn't those pursuers come to surround and kill them?

"Kill them all. Hey, I did it to save you. You can't arrest me just because of this. You have to be reasonable." Qin Hao said righteously, as if he had been wronged The children desperately want to prove themselves in front of adults.

Shu Ziyi rolled her eyes at the two of them. This guy's acting skills are also up to date. I believe he's just showing lack of heart.

"Kill them all? How many people?"

"I have sixteen lives in my hands. You killed two. You have good marksmanship." Qin Hao counted with his fingers, and then said very firmly.

Shu Ziyi didn't know what it was like, the two of them took a total of eighteen lives. This is not an ordinary numbers game, but real people!When carrying out missions in the past, those people who got rid of them deserved their crimes, but today, Shu Ziyi couldn't even find a reason why they must die.

Doesn't Shu Ziyi know the reason why kindness does not command soldiers, and she understands that tonight is a situation where there is no end to death. If you don't kill them, it will be yourself and Qin Hao who will die, so this weak mentality is true intolerable.But she just felt bad and wanted to cry a lot.

What the hell is going on here, the Chinese people killed the Chinese people, this is not something to be proud of.

"What's wrong with you? You don't sympathize with those guys. Hey, hey, I said your emotions are changing too fast. What's there to sympathize with these people." Qin Hao said very disdainfully. In the dictionary, if people do not offend me, I will not offend others. If people offend me, I will pay back ten times.Weakness will never appear in Qin Hao's dictionary. At the beginning, he caused a catastrophe because of a momentary soft-heartedness. Since then, Qin Hao will use Thunderbolt to anyone who dares to violate himself and the people he cares about. The means are returned.

"I don't know, my heart is a little confused. I want to go and see, those corpses can't be put here, if the special forces see it, the consequences will be very serious." After Shu Ziyi finished speaking, she walked back, Qin Hao originally He wanted to hold her back, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.But it was exactly as he expected, and it didn't take long for Shu Ziyi's scream to be heard, Qin Hao smiled wryly, and followed him out.

"Pervert, pervert! They are all dead, why do you use this method to torture their corpses, just because you are the Phantom Sky Fox? Qin Hao, do you still have any humanity?" Shu Ziyi saw The heart hanging from the treetops squatted on the ground and vomited non-stop. In the end, it was gastric acid water.There was a strong stench in the air, and there were black holes in those people's chests!

Qin Hao said lightly: "It's not to prove who I am, but to make them not think of who you are. Of course, this is my personal habit. You can condemn me, but you can't make me change."

Shu Ziyi looked at Qin Hao with eyes full of horror and contempt, and asked coldly, "Why?"

Qin Hao didn't answer, but looked up at the starry sky, and the little girl's smile appeared in his mind.

Tina, Tina

"Okay, the special team is coming up soon, let's find a place to hide. Now all the evidence has nothing to do with you, after the special team leaves, we will be able to return to the Four Seas Group. Then you go Jingcheng replied to the old man, after I helped Zhou Yayan deal with the company's affairs, I will come to the capital to find you. Tell the old man, I have done what I promised him, and please prepare the answer for what he promised me. Otherwise I might go crazy."

After Qin Hao finished speaking, Shu Ziyi, whose legs were weak, pulled up and left. After struggling for a few times, Shu Ziyi didn't get rid of it. Instead, Qin Hao was enraged, and he directly carried her on his shoulders, and walked down the mountain with big strides. !

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