Super ambiguous master

Chapter 146 Yunchuan's Last Boiling Part 2!

Super Ambiguous Master - Chapter 146 Yunchuan's Last Boiling ([-]) Second update!

Love letter!


Qin Hao pointed to his nose and said in surprise, "Are you calling me?"

Kang Man still smiled nonchalantly. In his opinion, this guy's behavior was a bit too wretched. There was a bit of a peerless master there, and he was completely a punk on the street. No, punks were more upright than him.At least those little gangsters still know what loyalty is, but this person in front of him simply and decisively pocketed his trump card.Didn't he know that this was a big taboo when going to war?

"Hey, what can I ask you? What kind of thinker are you pretending to be?" Qin Hao was not happy. He was already very upset when someone pointed a gun at his head. The guy with a face full of ice in front of him had sharp eyes like ice skates. There was an undisguised contempt in the smile on the corner of his mouth.This complete humiliation gave Qin Hao the urge to pull off his pants and stab his ass with a cucumber.

Qin Hao's rhetorical question made the entire special team stunned for a full three seconds, and then the crowd went into an uproar.It is true that they are iron soldiers, but in front of a guy whose words and deeds are completely out of line with common sense, there will still be normal human reactions.It was really hard to imagine that a person who had more than a dozen guns aimed at his head dared to provoke the boss of his team so arrogantly. He thought that everyone present was holding water guns.

"I'm really thinking, because you are far from the Phantom Sky Fox I imagined. You are not him, or you are not a killer at all at this moment. You are just a pug begging for mercy. Hehe, it's a bit interesting. "Kang Man said lightly, but the sarcasm at the corner of his mouth became more intense.

Qin Hao pursed his mouth and said, "***, aren't you talking nonsense? If you were to have more than a dozen guns pointed at your head, you could still calmly tell people, oh, I am so-and-so, I'd rather die than surrender, so just use whatever tricks you have. This is a fucking lack of heart, you think I'm as stupid as you."

Kang Man's expression finally changed, but it was fleeting.Rows of pitch-black crows flew over the heads of the special brigade members, and their crowing was the best mockery for them.This thing is really a talent.

Two of the younger team members couldn't hold back. After chuckling, they shut up immediately and continued to point their guns at Qin Hao's head with stinky faces, but their hands were not as stable as before, even Some trembling slightly.

"It's really different, Phantom Sky Fox, or Mr. Qin Hao, I can give you a chance, as long as you can knock down all the members of my team, I can let you go." Kang Man said slowly, and then Staring into Qin Hao's eyes, he wanted to see some kind of emotion he was looking forward to, but he didn't. Although Qin Hao had a playful smile on his face, the light in his eyes was deep and indifferent, as if everything was out of his concern .This discovery raised Kang Man's vigilance towards this guy by a few levels. Being able to keep such a calm mind and eyes while talking nonsense to himself, this guy's mental quality is quite good.

Eyes can't be deceiving, Kang Man had just intentionally or unintentionally exuded his murderous aura to affect Qin Hao's aura.This kind of thing is also very mysterious but real.For example, when an ordinary person sees the secretary of the county party committee, even if the other party sits there silently, you will feel the pressure, and when the secretary of the county party committee stares at your eyes, it is estimated that you will not even be able to speak fluently.

By extension, people at the county party secretary level can already affect the aura of ordinary people, so what if it is the head of state?If that's the case, it is estimated that the people at the scene are either giggling or breathing faster, and the excitement in their hearts will make them lose themselves in the other party's aura.Kang Man's aura is different from that of the head of state. The other party has the aura of a high-ranking emperor, but he has the murderous aura cultivated through countless battles.

If this kind of aura is displayed in front of ordinary people, the other party will be frightened and flustered and their heartbeat will speed up.In front of people of the same level, they will subconsciously mobilize their aura to fight.This is completely a subconscious reaction, which cannot be controlled by humans.At least before meeting Qin Hao, Kang Man felt that this kind of confrontation between auras was uncontrollable.Whenever Kang Man himself and the team leader quarreled in the office, the aura would pop out involuntarily.

But Qin Hao didn't have the same reaction at all, he had no fear, and there was no confrontation.This guy just looked at him so calmly, as if looking at another stranger.

How could he do this, Kang Man was very puzzled, and then brought his murderous aura to the extreme, but Qin Hao still didn't respond.At most, he scratched his neck with his hands, as if it was too itchy.Of course, with the movement of Qin Hao's hands, the soldiers under him began to massacre again. They took a few steps forward with their guns in hand, and at the same time repeated the sentence without interruption: "Don't move!"

Shu Ziyi came over at this time, and said lightly: "Deputy Captain Kang, I think you made a mistake, he is not"

Kang Man turned his head and said coldly: "Captain Shu, I know that your Seventh Bureau has quite advanced attainments in intelligence and reconnaissance, but please don't underestimate the intelligence skills of our special brigade. What is the identity of Mr. Qin Hao? It can be found out. And this matter has not been a secret so far. Because of this matter, your Seventh Bureau is already in danger of being disbanded."

Shu Ziyi was shocked and said, "What? Disband."

Kang Man snorted and said, "Don't you know? Well, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be the one to inform you about this, but since I've already talked about it, I'll just say it. Mr. Hu has already After submitting the resignation, the General Staff will no longer have the Seventh Bureau as a unit. All the vital forces will be merged into the Three Bureaus. And the Three Bureaus will be separated from the General Staff and merged into the Military Intelligence Bureau. Your era is over."

Shu Ziyi couldn't believe it, she really wanted to grab Kangman's collar and let him tell herself loudly that the news was fake, but Kangman's eyes didn't move at all, which proved that this guy didn't deceive herself, Seven innings, really gone.

How could Mr. Hu do this? After fighting in Yunchuan for several months, when he finally took Qin Hao under his command, Mr. Hu quit?Then where do I go, I will definitely not go to the third bureau, and the Military Intelligence Bureau will not accept me at all.Isn't there only one way waiting for her, and that is to be the manager of her big project department in the Four Seas Group honestly?

This is not the life Shu Ziyi wants.

"You lie..." Shu Ziyi has lost her mind at this moment, her eyes have lost the brilliance of the past, she repeats this sentence like a little girl, she looks quite pitiful, even if she is healthy Also a little guilty.He can understand Shu Ziyi's mood, if one day someone tells him that the spike is gone, his performance will probably be even worse than Shu Ziyi's.

"I'm sorry." Iron-blooded soldier, right is right, wrong is wrong.There weren't so many twists and turns, Kang Man decisively admitted his mistake and apologized to himself for telling the news quickly.But a simple sentence of sorry could not make up for the scars in Shu Ziyi's heart at the moment, she suddenly wanted to find a place where no one was around and cry, the pressure in her heart made her almost lose her breath.

"The special brigade also has a reconnaissance system? Nonsense. Your information is either provided by the national security or the military. As for you guys with strong limbs and simple minds who only know how to use violent means to solve everything, you can dabble in such high-end things as reconnaissance. This country’s manipulation of power has reached its peak. How could they allow a team with such a powerful combat capability to master the intelligence system at the same time? Then you are simply a replica of the previous seven rounds. Team Kang, right? Here is a kind warning to you, if that day does come, beware that you will end up in the same end as the seventh game!" Qin Hao didn't bother to squat on the ground, stood up and said lazily.

And those special soldiers were shocked by the meaning of Qin Hao's words, and even forgot to ask him to keep squatting.All eyes were on the face of their captain, wanting to know whether Qin Hao's words would appear.The army never allows its own thoughts to appear, that would be too dangerous.However, the informatization of modern society has made the task of unifying the army's thinking more difficult, which is why soldiers are not allowed to use mobile phones and cannot access them frequently.Because there are a lot of thoughts on it, it is quite dangerous for the army.

"You are very powerful. But today I am not here to discuss this matter with you. You must either agree to the conditions I just proposed, or wait for me to escort you back to Rongcheng, where you will have the best room and The best judge is here to entertain you. Phantom Sky Fox, you have committed dozens of murders in Huaxia, and according to our law, it is not too much to shoot you dozens of times." Kang Man decisively said this The topic is over, not only those big soldiers, even himself, absolutely can't think about such a problem.

Soldiers are bound to obey orders.

"Can you let me go?" Qin Hao licked his lips and said.

"Yes, the order given to me by the above is very loose. If I didn't let me kill you, it means that I have part of the judgment on you."

"What about her?" Qin Hao pouted at Shu Ziyi, "Are you going to take her away?"

Kang Man shook his head and said, "No, no need. If she wants, I can escort her back to Rongcheng, but it all depends on Captain Shu's own will."

Qin Hao said in surprise: "Then why are you running here?"

"Look for you, and then fight with you. You challenged the special forces from all over the world and won. I want to show you the demeanor of the Chinese special forces."

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