Super ambiguous master

Chapter 169 Family

Super Ambiguous Master - Chapter 169 Family

"Okay, it seems that I have to carry forward the fine tradition of respecting the old and caring for the young, so let me ask the question first." Qin Hao found that he was a little timid in front of this old man, and in desperation he could only see The initiative is temporarily handed over.

Hu Yu looked at him with a smile, then picked up the teacup and blew on the powdered tea leisurely. Shu Ziyi looked a little funny from the side. In her impression, this was the first time Qin Hao had given up.

"About my family, what do you want to tell me?" Qin Hao sorted out his thoughts, and finally found out helplessly that this was his fate. The reason why he originally intended to come to the capital and was willing to fight this old man was very important. To a certain extent, it is because of this problem.

My family, a love-hate existence.

A flash of sadness suddenly flashed in Qin Hao's heart. He didn't know how he should deal with himself after Hu Yu told his family the news, and based on the news he got before, his family might not be ordinary people, maybe It was still some high-ranking officials and nobles, which made Qin Hao feel a little tired.

He would rather his family members are just ordinary people, and finally abandoned himself because of life reasons.But how can a family that can be protected by Ding Man be an ordinary person.Qin Hao became inexplicably irritable. He scratched his head, then waved his hands and said, "Can I change the question?"

"Of course, the right to choose is always in your hands." Hu Yu said indifferently.

"Do you have anything to say about the old man?"

"Are you sure this is the question you want to know?" Hu Yu asked back.

Qin Hao gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Brother Ding Man, my guide." Hu Yu was deeply moved, "These spy movies nowadays are almost children's play games, and if Brother Ding Man's experience is filmed, it will definitely be the world's most famous movie. The most thrilling spy war blockbuster on the Internet. Being a spy is not so easy, and you have to deal with death all the time. In order not to expose yourself, brother Ding Man always turns on the tape recorder when he sleeps. Do you know why? To check his sleep Have you ever talked in your sleep? This is the easiest situation to reveal your identity. If so, Brother Ding Man needs to know what he said, and then adapt to the situation. After that, he doesn’t know how to get rid of this problem, but I can imagine it must have been quite a painful process."

Qin Hao was a little terrified, the habit of talking in his sleep was completely beyond human control, but the old man actually got rid of it.

"Because Brother Ding Man's identity cannot be exposed, he was hidden in the snow after he came back from Baodao. After the rumors passed, the General Staff became the first thing Brother Ding Man did in China, and I It was also at that time that I cooperated with him for the second time." Hu Yu fell into the memory, and even the age spots on his face appeared radiant.

"At that time, the General Staff was very glorious. We were only responsible to the supreme leader, and because the power in our hands was too concentrated, it caused dissatisfaction between the military intelligence and the national security departments. They kept impeaching us, but because Brother Ding Man's extraordinary strength and charisma, the supreme leader ignored these rumors and continued to support the General Staff. You must know that the three departments in the General Staff had completely replaced the responsibilities of the Military Intelligence Bureau and the National Security Bureau. A big reason for dissatisfaction in those two sectors."

"When the moon is full, it will lose, and when the water is full, it will overflow. When the supreme leader passed away, the general staff was once reduced to a personal tool of some groups. At that time, I was arrogant and unwilling to do those things with these people, so I directly Resigned and went home. Brother Ding Man just sighed in the face of such a situation, and did not keep me. In this way, I left the Seventh Bureau for almost four years, until the head of the Southern Tour took complete control of the country. Brother Man suddenly found me."

"He asked me to go back and said something I didn't understand. At that time, I was full of confidence, but I didn't think about the meaning of Brother Ding Man's words. Only now did I understand that Brother Ding Man was explaining what happened behind the scenes. He handed over the entire general staff to me, and he himself is going to do something that will sink him forever."

Qin Hao heard the shock of the whole person here, and stared at Hu Yu with wide eyes: "He wants to save me?"

Hu Yu nodded, and said with a heavy tone: "Yes, Brother Ding Man wants to save you. He gave up everything that belongs to him, just to keep a promise, and spent the rest of his life on keeping this promise. I believe Brother Ding Man The original intention is not to train you to be a killer, but to let you learn to protect yourself. After all, your opponent is too powerful."

"But by mistake, you took a completely different path. Brother Ding Man can't say he was disappointed, but he must have instilled a lot of patriotism in you. Because no matter what, you are the son of that person , you are from Huaxia, even if you are a killer, you can't do things that are sorry for the motherland."

Qin Hao was silent, the old man didn't do this kind of thing less. Although Qin Hao didn't understand it at first, he got used to it in the end.It has to be said that the old man is very good at brainwashing, that deep-rooted patriotism has been completely imprinted in Qin Hao's mind, deep into the bone marrow, and he will never forget it in this life.

"You have been emphasizing that I am the son of that person. My father is that great god. How could he invite a super expert like Ding Man to escort me?" Qin Hao asked his second question.

"I don't know if you have heard of the Xuanyuan family!"

Qin Hao cried out in shock: "Is it General Xuanyuan Che?"

Shu Ziyi next to her was also shocked when she heard the name. She never thought that Qin Hao would have something to do with the Xuanyuan family that once resounded throughout the country.

"He's your grandfather." Hu Yu smiled bitterly, looking up at the gray sky, Qin Hao even saw something crystal clear in the old man's eyes: "I never thought that those people would General Xuanyuan's family members are behind the black hands, and they are using such ruthless means. If I had known, maybe I would have taken a completely different path like Brother Ding Man."

"General Xuanyuan Che is my grandfather? Old man, you're not kidding me, are you?" Qin Hao looked blank. More precisely, the news was too shocking and he couldn't accept it in a short time.

"Do you think I'm joking? Your real name should be Xuanyuan Hao, and your father is Xuanyuan Long, the youngest man in the family. He was also appointed a senior colonel back then, and he has a bright future. The disaster that arises will rewrite the fate of your family."

Qin Hao swallowed his saliva, he found that his throat was suddenly very dry, and it was difficult to even speak, so he said in a hoarse voice, "He, is he dead?"

Hu Yu nodded silently.

"Up to now, there is only one woman left in your family, who is your aunt. To conceal her name, she has changed her name to Che Wushuang. As for where she lives, only I know. You can visit her, but not now. I I think you should feel it too, because of your return, many people are a little uneasy. Your identity is not a secret to the high-level people, so now the first thing they have to watch out for is that you take violent means to revenge. Once you do this Doing so is tantamount to making an enemy of the entire country, no matter how wronged you are, the people above will not allow this to happen, and the end result is that you will be eradicated."

Qin Hao sneered and said: "Don't worry, I'm not that stupid. Besides, it will take me a long time to digest what you said, because I don't know if you framed me again. But I admit, the story you told It's very beautiful, although there are only a few fragments, but I can probably guess what it is because of."

Hu Yu asked back: "You really know?"

Qin Hao flattened his mouth and said: "You underestimate the old man's ability too much. Since he wants to brainwash me, there must be additional clauses when doing this work. He told me a lot of anecdotes and strange things in China. , At that time, I listened to it as a novel. Now that you have reminded me like this, I can almost connect many things. Hehe, that family is not small, and their ambitions are quite big. Why, do you still want to kill the grass now? ?”

Hu Yu was stunned, but immediately relieved.Ding Man's sincerity is quite deep, and he is very capable. It's not that the people on the opposite side have never thought of getting rid of Qin Hao these years, but because of Ding Man's relationship, their actions have all failed.In China, I was able to take care of Che Wushuang, which was regarded as fulfilling the final entrustment of Ding Man when he left.

As Qin Hao's ability became stronger and stronger, their fear of this person became more severe.However, during the Battle of Crescent Bay a few years ago, Qin Hao disappeared and rumored that he died.This made many people breathe a sigh of relief, but as the turmoil in Yunchuan began, the Phantom Sky Fox appeared in front of everyone again. This is the reason why Ryan came.

"Then how do you do it?" Hu Yu asked.

"You should eat and drink, and live as you have lived before. Don't expect me to be burning with vengeance. To be honest, I don't have any feelings for my family in my heart. If I really have feelings, there is only one, and that is hate." I admire General Xuanyuan, but as a family member, what did the Xuanyuan family give me? Nothing, just such a family, you still expect me to help them avenge. Old man, don’t be joking, this is a matter of losing your head " Qin Hao said with a smile, but in Shu Ziyi's view, his smile was a bit too deliberate.

"I understand. It is your freedom to do what you want. I have never had the right to interfere. Now I have said everything I should say. When the opportunity is right, I will arrange for you to meet your aunt. Please accept this request." Don't refuse, after all, she is your only relative in this world."

Qin Hao snorted coldly: "My relatives are Zhou Yayan, Qi Jie, and sisters from the Ling family. So don't use the word "unique" lightly. I won't be so lonely."

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