Super ambiguous master

Chapter 171 Little Trouble

Super Ambiguous Master - Chapter 171 Little Trouble

After eating, Qin Hao left, without any delay.Hu Yu still had the same expression and didn't say anything to persuade him to stay.On the contrary, Shu Ziyi sent Qin Hao directly to the entrance of the alley, looking hesitant to speak.

"Just say what you want. I'm a good talker. You weren't like this before. Why are you shy now? Could it be that you're in a relationship. Tsk tsk, it's said that a woman in love will be radiant. I see you There are really similar signs." Qin Hao said teasingly, and Shu Ziyi threw her two big health balls.

"You want to ask me why I'm so indifferent and don't even see my family, right?" Qin Hao's voice suddenly became lonely, and then he laughed at himself and said, "You know what? I don’t have any family members, and the old man brought me up with his own hands. Maybe it’s the same as Mr. Hu said. In order to protect me, he even concealed the news of my family members. So this kind of thing has no imprint in my heart. If I have to say If so, then it’s hate. I hate those children who talk about their parents in front of me every day. Every time I hear these words, I will walk away with my head held high and tell myself that even if I am alone, I can live. Well done, those who gave birth to me and don’t want them, I will never forgive them in my life.”

"Later, the old man started to tell me many things in China. I just listened to them as fairy tales, because I couldn't connect myself with those famous big families. Now Mr. Hu suddenly told me that I am from the Xuanyuan family. descendants, and you have to take on the heavy responsibility of revenge, if it were you, what would you do?"

Qin Hao laughed out loud when he said this: "I am a killer, and I am also the number one killer in the world. If you want me to help them avenge, the reward is very high. Just a few words just want to fool me into working for my life. There is no one in the world. Such an easy thing, if the old man is still around, maybe I will do it, but now, no one can order me. No one."

The last three words were not so much for Shu Ziyi, but for self-comfort.Qin Hao's heart seemed to be grasped by a small transparent hand, making him uncomfortable and worried.Shu Ziyi looked at his furrowed brows, and felt a little sore in her heart.

That's right, suddenly carrying such a heavy shackle, if it were me, I probably wouldn't be able to bear it.

She didn't know how to comfort this man. No matter how strong a person is, he has the right to be weak. Now Qin Hao is like a wild beast trapped in a cage, with scars all over his body but still roaring.

"The matter you entrusted to me should be settled soon. You can wait for my news at the hotel." Shu Ziyi finally said such an innocuous sentence, Qin Hao grinned, and then slowly walked out of Qingyou alley.

"Is he the man that Mr. Hu talks about all the time? He also looks very ordinary." A young man in a loose T-shirt and flip flops walked out of the shadows, with a mouth hanging from the corner of his mouth. Holding a grass stalk, the whole person is imitating the little brother in the movie.

When Shu Ziyi saw him, a smoky expression appeared on his face: "It doesn't seem to have much to do with you, and also, don't you think it's quite indecent to walk around in the alley dressed like this? "

The man looked down at his attire, and said with a smile: "I think it's pretty good, alas, you people are living too depressedly, and you are so particular about your clothes. Clothes, you can wear whatever you feel comfortable with." Yi, I really suggest that you don't wear such old-fashioned clothes, it won't show your curves at all."

Shu Ziyi suddenly ran up to this guy, grabbed his lapel with both hands and pushed him against the wall: "If you dare to say such a thing again, I will castrate you!"

The man still smiled indifferently: "You dare not."

"You can try it." After Shu Ziyi left these words, she turned around and left. The man looked at her buttocks wrapped under her trousers, and her lower abdomen was hot: "Ziyi, one day you will discover my strengths." ,I am waiting for you."

Shu Ziyi snorted dreamily, ignored this guy and walked away.

The man waited until Shu Ziyi completely disappeared before his eyes, then took out his phone and made a call.

"Tiger, the target has appeared. I don't know if it's the little bastard from Xuanyuan's family, but he has a very good relationship with Shu Ziyi. Give him some trouble."

"Understood Young Master Ye, what do you want us to do, amputate a hand or a foot?" Tiger said respectfully.

"Aren't you experts in these things? You don't need to ask me, just don't kill me." After Ye Shao hung up the phone, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

No matter who it is, anyone who dares to stand between me and Shu Ziyi will pay the price.

This woman belongs to me, Ye Fan.

Qin Hao didn't take a car, just walked slowly on the street like this.The environment here is indeed quite quiet. It is conceivable that such a classic alley can be preserved in the capital where every inch of land is precious.Qin Hao doesn't have much feeling for this kind of privilege. There is always something to be gained from hard work. After all, these people have fought for the country for most of their lives, and it is reasonable to enjoy it when they are old.

The only thing that makes the common people dissatisfied is that they will pass on the favor bestowed by the country and become a new privileged class. This is the most intolerable thing for ordinary people.But so what?If reincarnation can be chosen by oneself, how many people dream of reincarnation in these people's homes.

It is the bad nature of the whole nation not to suffer from scarcity but to suffer from inequality!

Qin Hao looked at the gray sky, it looked like it was going to rain, and the weather was indeed a bit hot, the next rain would be much cooler and wash away those annoying dust.The capital city is about to become a foggy city.

However, Qin Hao's melancholy thoughts did not last long, because he found that someone was following him.This kind of small trick really makes Qin Hao feel quite ridiculous. That person is obviously not an expert in this field. When Qin Hao turned his head on purpose, that person ran back in a panic. This fucking is simply exposing the target. Ah yes.

Facing such an opponent, Qin Hao didn't even have the intention to fight. He wanted to take a taxi and leave here. What made him helpless was that several empty cars whized by just now, but now he couldn't see any of them.In desperation, he could only continue to walk forward, but before he had gone far, several white vans drove over in a daze.

Qin Hao stood on the side of the road with his hands behind his back with a relaxed expression.After the van came to a complete stop, a large group of people jumped down from it, Qin Hao was a little surprised how this kind of van could hold so many strong men.Moreover, after they got out of the car, they opened the rear door, and took out several large black bags from inside. The exposed parts made Qin Hao guess what was inside.

He is quite courageous, to carry so many controlled knives, is it true that Huangchenggen and Yunchuan are similar?

The directness of these people made Qin Hao a little ashamed, because they came up and killed them with weapons without saying a word. Qin Hao thought they would say a few words in the scene, for example, ask who he is and if he knows if he has offended him. So-and-so and the like, isn’t that how it’s played in TV dramas.Obviously, Qin Hao's thinking is a bit behind the pace of the times, and these gangsters should be the spokespersons of efficiency.

Don't care about 21, let's talk after the chopping is over.

Qin Hao looked at their murderous looks, and felt a little dispirited. He had fought enough in Yunchuan, and thought that he would be able to live a stable life for a few days in the capital, but he didn't know that he met such an annoying person within half a day after getting off the plane. Worrying thing.

But these gangsters obviously found the wrong person. Qin Hao is not a fish on the chopping board, they can do whatever they want.In just 3 minutes, there were a bunch of people lying under Qin Hao's feet, everyone's hand was interrupted by Qin Hao, and they lay on the ground and groaned in pain.

"Who is the boss?" Qin Hao asked.

"Ouch, fuck your mother, ouch, I love you uncle."

The answers from these people were also very realistic. Qin Hao's originally gloomy mood suddenly became better at this moment. He walked up to the happiest person and poked him on the shoulder with his toe: "Who is your boss?" , Tell me, and I'll help you connect your hands."

"Get out, I won't betray my brother, you have the guts to fight me for another three hundred rounds."

MLM is a very magical organization.What they are best at is brainwashing, and triad organizations are actually pyramid schemes in another sense. They also maintain the operation of the organization through brainwashing and profit. Now this person is obviously poisoned. I guess he feels that now I am one of the heroes in the movie who would rather die than submit. After passing this level, he will be appreciated by the boss, and then he will become a hall master or something.

Qin Hao squatted down and patted his face, and then exerted a little bit of dark energy. This guy felt that his tongue was beginning to lose control. He was about to speak, and the saliva flowed out from the corner of his mouth, but his voice was stuck in his throat. inside.

"It takes skill to show loyalty. It is best not to talk to each other in such a tone when lying on the ground in the future. I am in a good mood today. If it were any other time, you would have died, you know?" Qin Hao said ruthlessly He slapped this guy hard on the face, and the eye-catching five fingers appeared in an instant.

"Ask me one last time, who is the boss?" Qin Hao stood up and looked around. He believed that there would always be people who were timid. Sure enough, a few seconds later, someone tremblingly raised his finger and pointed to Qin Hao's southwest direction. A fat man was lying on the ground wriggling like a caterpillar.

Qin Hao walked over with strides. The boss, that is, the tiger in Ye Shao's mouth, his face was full of horror, and he kept backing away, but he was also wounded, and he grinned in pain when he moved a little.

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