Super ambiguous master

Chapter 178 No reason

Super Ambiguous Master - Chapter 178 No Reason

"I don't know how to form a team." Xu Tai said weakly.

"It's okay, all of you are capable people, anyway, I'll give you half a minute, I just see the result." After Qin Hao finished speaking, he pouted at the phalanx next to him, the meaning was obvious, as long as As long as you can make the team the same as that over there, my requirements are actually not high at all.

Xu Tai had no choice but to ask his father to tell him to let his group of friends stand up according to the style of the team next to him, but this group of people who have never received formal training can do all this in a short time.The team was in disarray, looking like a team fleeing from the front of the war, this kind of embarrassment.

It took a full 3 minutes for this group of people to have a general appearance. After Qin Hao walked around the team with a gun in his hand, he came to Xu Tai and said calmly: "I gave you half a minute. , You go and give me back the efficiency of 3 minutes. This is a rather unequal rhythm, you say, how should I punish you to be more in line with my current principles."

Xu Tai swallowed his saliva, and asked in a low voice: "What is your principle?"

Qin Hao said: "My principle is very simple, that is, if you fail to follow the established requirements, you will have to pay a painful price!"

Xu Tai didn't particularly understand the meaning of Qin Hao's words, but he also knew that he was going to suffer.He still had a little bit of luck in his heart, thinking that it was unlikely that he would be beaten too hard. This guy had already beaten two people, so he should start to restrain himself.It wouldn't do him any good to offend everyone in the phalanx. Could this guy be a natural violent madman?

Qin Hao gave Xu Tai the answer with practical actions. He walked in front of the latter and stretched out his hand to hold his shoulder. With a little bit of wrong force, the joints of Xu Tai's shoulder were reluctantly separated, commonly known as dislocation.A few tenths of a second later, Xu Tai let out a horrific cry of pain, which made one's heart tremble.Even the guy who was lying not far away and pretending to be dead was startled by the sound and jumped up.

"What's going on, there's a dead person there." This guy kept repeating this sentence after jumping up, and when he saw Qin Hao making physical contact with Xu Tai, he fell into a state of rampage again: "You bastard How dare you hit me, I want you to know what it means to live a life worse than death, come on, fuck me. If you beat him to death, I will reward you with 100 million! Anyone is valid!"

Qin Hao looked back at him disdainfully, then patted Xu Tai's cheek lightly and said: "Now you should understand the meaning of my words, don't make such principled mistakes next time. I I don't care what method you use to toss this group of people, I just look at the result." After finishing speaking, Qin Hao connected Xu Tai's arm again, "Remember, keep messing with your arm endlessly. If you dislocate, it will become a habitual dislocation in the future. As long as you use a little force, it may cause the arm to dislocate, and the damage to the periosteum cannot be healed. On that day, your two bones seem to have no lubricant, crunching Rubbing will make you miserable."

Xu Tai didn't have the strength to speak anymore. He looked at Qin Hao with terrified eyes. It took him a long time to squeeze out a few words between his teeth: "Devil, you are the devil. I don't want to train with you, I want to go home !” These words also aroused the resonance of everyone behind them. At this moment, they raised their arms and shouted in unison to go home. The emphasis of their speech was without exception in a terrified tone. Those who heard it were sad and the listeners shed tears.

But Qin Hao was still unmoved, he looked at the group of passionate teenagers indifferently, and the sneer at the corner of his mouth became more and more intense.


It's not that someone laughed, but that Qin Hao shot again. He hit several people directly in the lower abdomen with his outrageously accurate marksmanship, and these people were obviously the most troubled ones in the team. Qin Hao His eyes were so vicious that he quickly found them out.

"Squad leader Xu, line up. Since you are not experienced enough, I will give you 3 minutes for the first time. It's still the same sentence. I only look at the results and don't ask about the process. Start timing!" Qin Hao walked to the side with a gun in his hand Now, when passing by the person who was knocked unconscious by him just now, he turned to Xu Tai and said, "He is also a member of the team. I don't want to see anyone wandering outside our team. Squad leader."

This guy doesn't dare to scold Qin Hao anymore, because Qin Hao is the one who really dares to hit people, but this doesn't mean that he will listen to Qin Hao. The guy still stiffened his neck and ignored each other.At the same time, he took out the phone, and vowed to make Qin Hao pay the price!

But before he could make a call, Xu Tai had already snatched his mobile phone: "Qiu Fei, you can make a call if you want, but please go back to the team!"

"Xu Tai, if you don't have it yourself, don't take the whole team with you. You are afraid of him, but I am not afraid of him. Just wait and see, within half an hour, I will make him kneel in front of me and apologize. Then leave here in despair." Qiu Fei said viciously.

Qin Hao said lazily not far away with a cigarette in his mouth: "There are still 2 minutes, and you haven't even stood up for a basic formation. It seems that you still don't know enough about my rules."

Xu Tai's expression changed instantly when he heard this, and at this moment, he didn't care about others and dragged Qiu Fei into the phalanx: "It's your business if you want to report to the higher authorities, and I wish you could find someone Come and drive this guy away, but until the matter is inconclusive, you should stay in the phalanx honestly, I am not your little brother, don't try to provoke me!"

"Xu Tai, you bastard, I really misjudged you." Qiu Fei said, pulling his neck, but he still couldn't change Xu Tai's original intention, and the people in the phalanx didn't have the same lazy attitude at the beginning. Jiner, at least they are all working hard to keep up with the normal queue.This is already quite a difficult task for them.

As for the people in the phalanx next to them, they were all watching a circus at the moment, staring dumbfounded at this group of princelings who were usually aloof.It's simply amazing. The masked instructor can actually make this group of people bow their heads and ears, as if they were performing magic. It's really unbelievable.

But the behavior of this group of princelings at the moment has fully proved that what they saw was not a hallucination. Apart from using the word "magic" to describe the accident, there is no more appropriate word for it.

"The performance this time is not bad, but in my opinion, you are still a bunch of waste. Compared with the flies hovering on the cesspit, you make me feel more disgusted. I want to vomit when I see you. I know that in my eyes What do you look like in here? Maggots. Just that white species that wriggles around in shit all day, smug about taking possession of a nice pile of shit. Gosh, I can't imagine if you were dropped on a battlefield, Rebellion in about a few seconds? One second, or not at all, just to say the words to let you go to the battlefield, turn your head and you can sell your commander?" Qin Hao walked up to them with a gun In front of him, he said lazily, but the disdain in his tone could make him vomit blood.

"Don't look at me that way, I know none of you like me. I don't ask a bunch of maggots to like me, then I won't be able to sleep at night. My comrades in arms can only be those iron Strong-boned men, not you guys who only know how to play with women and sports cars. The empty body is just a waste of heroin. If you don’t have grandparents, can you enjoy this kind of life? Humph, if I were you, I would * **Bought a piece of tofu and crashed to death."

"Why, why? Did I say something wrong? I'm too lazy to show such an expression. It seems that everyone is quite self-respecting. I thought that apart from the fact that ** still exists, other things I’ve already fed my stuff to the dogs. That’s right, a little self-esteem means that you still have something to save. It’s a pity, I’m not a shop and I don’t have a hobby of playing the savior. What you will become in the future has nothing to do with me. I The purpose of coming here is to torture you for three months. After three months, you will return to your warm lair, hold your mother in pain, and then exchange a lot of money to comfort your injured heart. And I will embark on a journey to go to Fight for this motherland. Although among the people I protect, there are you guys who make me sick, but more ordinary people can let me enter the battlefield without hesitation. This is the mission of a man. You spend your whole life , will not understand this truth.”

"Now, everyone is there. Listen to my order. The 5000-meter run without weight will start. Turn right! Step up and run!" Qin Hao's voice became more and more high-pitched. The words also expressed the feelings of many instructors present, and the faces of these princelings were as red as tomatoes. They would feel very wronged by such humiliation in person. After all, not everyone can be strong enough to be careless. No lungs.

Although Qin Hao's words can't immediately motivate them like Mr. Bumpman, they can stimulate them from the issue of self-esteem. The most desperate thing for people is that they don't even have self-esteem. Anyway, these guys still have self-esteem. It's just because the life is too empty.This is also something that can’t be helped. They were born from such a high starting point, that many people can easily obtain things that many people have struggled for a lifetime.There is no goal in life. Apart from the most primitive lust, they really can't find a suitable outlet to vent.

Perhaps their family members also thought that they should use this method to hone the will of this group of children, but it is very helpless that they cannot let go completely and stand up immediately when the children are wronged To uphold justice, the only ones who will be hurt are those instructors. In the end, no one is willing to teach their children, which aggravates the depravity of this group of people.

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