Super ambiguous master

Chapter 190 Let’s Fight, 6 Companies and 3 Squads

Super Ambiguous Master - Chapter 190 Let's Fight, Three Shifts in Six Companies ([-])

"The death time will not exceed 10 minutes. Someone directly wrung the neck with a heavy hand. The method is cruel but neat. It should be a person who often does this business. Hehe, I didn't expect such a situation to appear at the end of the assessment. .” Qin Hao squatted down and looked at the corpse, and came to the above conclusion.He gently covered the dead soldier's eyes with his hands, then stood up and looked at the second-generation ancestors who were following behind him, whose expressions were already a little abnormal.

"Why, haven't you seen a dead person before?" Qin Hao said indifferently: "But now, each of us may become the second guy lying on the ground in the next second, and if anyone is afraid, he wants to retreat. I will definitely not stop it, after all, it is a matter of life and death, you go back to the base and wait patiently for rescue, in fact, it is also a way to be responsible for your family and yourself."

The faces of the people who said the words were red, because the fluctuations in their hearts after seeing the dead gradually disappeared, replaced by wild excitement to the extreme.Qin Hao nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "Everyone heard clearly, the opponents we are going to face are undoubtedly a group of crazy people, and they are here for you. I don't think I need to explain why. You should know it in your own mind. Since this is the case, we don’t need to be polite to them at all, and blood on our hands is not a big deal, you can do it. Remember not to hesitate when you start, because your hesitation will bring The result is likely to lose your own life. Now, according to the way we trained before, everyone start working with the method I taught you."

As a scout, Meng Xu rushed out first without hesitation. Finding the way for the team was what he was supposed to do.Although there may be an abyss ahead, this guy didn't even frown when he set off, and Xu Tai walked to the end of the team. He was in charge of the team's post-break work and supervised whether anyone would quietly touch him from behind. They carry out sneak attacks.

The team is moving forward in an orderly manner, the light in the jungle has begun to dim, a bright moon hangs quietly in the sky, and birdsong can be heard from the tree branches from time to time, the huge space has a feeling of palpitation.After Qin Hao handed over the investigation task to Meng Xu, he has been following the large army. For the safety of these children, this method is undoubtedly the best and safest.

The mutation happened at midnight.

Suddenly there were sharp and dense gunshots from the other side of the jungle, and everyone's hearts were instantly gripped. Everyone was trying hard to control their emotions, but the nervousness could not be covered up.Qin Hao said loudly: "Cheer up, don't be disturbed by external objects. This is the first lesson I taught you. Have you all forgotten it? Since the time we separated, we have always been in love with each other. It's equivalent to being cut off. Their life and death are no longer within the scope of our concern. What we have to do is to find out those guys and stab their chrysanthemums. If they dare to bully our brother, I'm going to crush their balls again. Now is not the time to be indecisive, cheer me up."

Everyone had a sad and angry expression on their faces, not because of Qin Hao's lecture, but because they felt that they could not help their brothers.Qin Hao understands that this group of children is now facing the cruelest lesson in their lives, and they have never had the chance.Things like this may not be able to appear in their lives in the future, but if they survive, there will be nothing that can knock them down.

The team set off again, but this time the speed of progress was significantly accelerated. Qin Hao saw it but didn't say anything. There are some things that he can't forcefully change. He can only let the children feel and learn by themselves.

"The enemy has appeared!" The signal sent back by Meng Xu made the whole team excited instantly. After advancing for so long, they finally met their opponent. Everyone was eager to collide with each other head-on, but Meng Xu next The signal sent back made them feel like a dog biting a hedgehog, but they couldn't stop.

There is a small open area ahead, and Xu Tai is tied to the tree in the center, standing there alone, the moonlight pouring down on his face, making him look strangely miserable .But this guy has learned Qin Hao's shamelessness a lot. Even in such a dangerous situation, he is still whistling softly with an indifferent expression on his face.

Qin Hao also had a smile on his face. This guy has a bit of backbone. He thought he would see a panicked Xu Tai, but the current situation is so good that it couldn't be better.

"Instructor, what should we do? Should we just rush over?" Meng Ke came over and said angrily. What the other party did was simply a naked provocation. If they didn't do something to deal with it, it would be too cheap for those guys up.

"How to go, I can guarantee that Xu Tai's head has been targeted by countless sniper rifles, and there must be landmines ambushed around that open space. If you dare to wade through, you will only have a dead end." Qin Hao stroked his chin. Said, but his eyes looked a little deep, obviously thinking about countermeasures.

"We can't just do nothing." Meng Ke was in a hurry, and didn't pay attention to his tone of voice.In the past, he never dared to speak to Qin Hao in such a tone, the consequences would be quite miserable.

Xu Tai also touched it at this time, and said eagerly: "Instructor, it seems that we have been made dumplings. There are many people approaching us from behind."

Qin Hao said lightly: "I knew it would be like this. It's the simplest strategy, but it's the most effective way to deal with hot-blooded guys like you. It seems that the person who set up this game should treat you well." Quite understanding. Hehe, it’s interesting, Meng Xu and Meng Ke, you two go here, if you find someone, don’t rush to shoot, write down the location and come back immediately. Xu Tai, follow me, let’s meet those guys .Other people go to the back, as long as anyone dares to come, you will beat me severely. I want to catch them alive, so your life safety should be guaranteed for the time being.”

After Qin Hao said this, he took Xu Tai and quietly walked to the right. After more than a minute, they came to the back of a big tree. Xu Tai squatted on the ground, and Qin Hao had already followed the spirit monkey They jumped up to the tree trunk, and within a few seconds, someone fell down with a plop. Xu Tai was so startled that he almost yelled out.

"Instructor, you" Xu Tai looked at the half-dead guy on the ground and said to Qin Hao in surprise.

"So you're still very tender, do you remember all my actions just now?" Qin Hao jumped off and kicked the guy on the ground on the neck. This guy who was about to wake up just now fainted again in an instant past.

Only then did Xu Tai recall that Qin Hao's movements just now were a bit weird. He was scurrying through the jungle with a rather strange posture, and he had to spend a lot of effort to keep up with Qin Hao's pace, and his eyes had to be wide open. Only by staring so hard can he not lose the goal of Qin Hao, otherwise Qin Hao might disappear from his eyes in just a few seconds.

Such a powerful way of covering the jungle can only be described as miraculous.

"Barely remember a small part, the rest is too difficult, I can't remember." Xu Tai answered honestly.

Qin Hao patted him on the shoulder and said: "Don't be depressed, after all, you have only just come into contact with this. I am quite relieved that you can keep up with my pace. Now wake this guy up, I have something to ask him. Oh , By the way, take down his weapon, this is the only lethal weapon we can get so far."

Xu Tai did as he did. There are too many ways to wake people up. Xu Tai has learned too many such methods under Qin Hao's hands. The man woke up, but Xu Tai tightly covered his mouth, preventing him from shouting for help.At the same time, the tendons in his hands had been severed, completely cutting off the possibility of him asking for help.

Qin Hao took out a silver needle from his small bag, and then gently pierced an acupuncture point on the man's neck, then signaled Xu Tai to let go.Sure enough, this guy's mouth could no longer be closed, and there was a ho-ho sound in his throat, and the saliva flowed down the corner of his mouth to the ground.The eyes were full of anger, but there was still a little bit of panic hidden in them.

"Ask you something, just blink your eyes. You can lie, because I can't judge whether what you said is true or not." Qin Hao said with a smile. This guy's eyes are not only frightened, but also surprised. This is the first time he has come into contact with this method of interrogation, how can he expose his weakness by opening his mouth?

"Are you here because of my soldiers? Oh, it's the legendary Princelings of the Sixth Company and Third Squad. Yes, just blink twice, or just stare at me."

After hesitating for a long time, the man blinked twice.


Still blinking.

"Is there a traitor? It's still a temporary decision."

The man closed his eyes and did not reflect.

Qin Hao stood up and stretched. After pondering for a few seconds, he asked again: "The last question, I saw one of the people you captured, and there is another one, is he still alive?"

The man still didn't respond at all, Qin Hao licked his lips and didn't speak, Xu Tai raised his foot in a hurry and kicked over, this guy's bones are quite hard, even so, he still didn't mean to ask for mercy, of course, he Not being able to speak is one of the very important reasons.

Qin Hao prevented Xu Tai from inflicting further violence, and still smiled and said to that person: "I know that you have all received special training, so you should also know the abbreviation sqwe very well."

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