Super ambiguous master

Chapter 198 A little strange

Super Ambiguous Master - Chapter 198 Something Strange

Hu Yu's words left Qin Hao with deep doubts, but this old man is obviously a master of seasoning, he can hang Qin Hao's heart high and leave it aside, Qin Hao really wants to It was necessary to severely condemn the other party's irresponsible behavior, but seeing Hu Yu's slightly arched back, he finally swallowed his complaint back.

In any case, Hu Yu, like his own old man, dedicated himself to this country. Although the ways of serving are different, they all lead to the same goal after all.It's just about the Xuanyuan family's affairs, alas, thinking of this Qin Hao's head is bursting with swelling.

Fortunately, he is a person who can afford to let go, so he quickly diverted his attention.

Until the end of the banquet, Shu Ziyi and Hu Yu didn't show up again, and Qin Hao gave up on overeating after stuffing meat up his throat. He patted his stomach and hiccupped and left the army base. Under the arrangement of Ding Li, Take the military vehicle back to the house that Zhou Yayan bought in the capital.Seeing the familiar neighborhood and smelling the air that was not particularly clear but without the smell of blood, Qin Hao felt extremely refreshed.

Push the door open and go in. Today is really a reunion day. All the women in the family gathered together. I don't know if they got the news in advance that they will be back today. Anyway, Qin Hao is very happy.After he made a compromise, he first hugged Zhou Yayan for a long and passionate kiss, and then hugged the remaining girls one by one, but there was a little accident when he hugged Ling Ruoxue. Qin Hao didn't let go, Yin Fang bit Qin Hao's shoulder firmly, grinning from the pain, but he still had to put on a smile on his face.

Really, whoever provoked whom.

There is also an unexpected guest at home, and that is An Xin.Qin Hao originally wanted to give him a hug, but An Xin smiled and took a small step back, then stretched out his hand to hug Qin Hao.While holding each other's hand, Qin Hao looked at Zhou Yayan with questioning eyes, the latter just smiled lightly, and did not send any specific signal back.Qin Hao doesn't care either, since there are so many vacant rooms at home anyway, he doesn't care about having such an extra person.

"It's good to be home." Qin Hao stretched his body and lay on the sofa, resting his head on Zhou Yayan's elastic thigh, allowing the latter to comb his long hair that hadn't been trimmed for a long time. In comparison, the long-haired Qin Hao has a more wild flavor.

"After this time, it won't disappear for a long time." Ling Ruolan asked with a smile, and then stuffed the peeled apple into Qin Hao's mouth.

Qin Hao bit the apple, and what Hu Yu said to him at the dinner party came to mind. A bad premonition came to his mind. He bit off a large piece of the apple with a snort, wrinkled his nose and said, "I don't know, There should be no other things. I won’t care about it anymore, anyway, I will stay in the company, and I won’t give face to anyone who comes to me.”

Ling Ruoxue said calmly: "Really? Why do I sound a little insincere? Also, you have a strange fragrance on your body. There is no woman in the family who wears this perfume."

Qin Hao was shocked, this girl's nose is too sensitive, could it be the smell left by Shu Ziyi on his body, Qin Hao resisted the urge to smell his body, smiled embarrassingly, and said: "How is it possible, I should have a strong masculine smell on my body. Speaking of this, I just remembered that I haven't taken a shower yet, so what, you guys chat first, I'll go take a shower."

Ling Ruoxue wrinkled her nose and said, "Are you guilty?"

Qin Hao fled to the bathroom in embarrassment, then locked the door with his backhand, and then heard bursts of laughter like silver bells from outside, these women washed themselves again.It seems that if you don't come up with some means, it seems that the family will be hard to shake.Wait a minute, I seem to be Zhou Yayan's husband, other women and I have not reached the level of husband and wife.

Qin Hao, who was soaking in the bathtub, quickly opened all his pores comfortably. He hasn't had a comfortable bath for many days, and he doesn't have any psychological burden at home. His own head, so Qin Hao fell asleep like this.

The bathroom door was gently pushed open, and Zhou Yayan walked in with a bath towel in her arms. Seeing Qin Hao who was still sleeping soundly, there was a hint of distress in her eyes. She knew how much pressure Qin Hao had endured during this period, especially before For two days, Qin Hao was almost on the verge of death.Zhou Yayan once vowed secretly that she would never bear such a feeling again.But she found helplessly that Qin Hao might face such a situation for a long time in the future, so how would she bear this feeling that life would be worse than death.

After making it to the edge of the bath, she stretched out her hand to gently touch Qin Hao's forehead, feeling her man's warm question, Zhou Yayan's tears rolled down involuntarily.

"Why are you crying?" Qin Hao opened his eyes and saw Zhou Yayan who was crying with pear blossoms and rain. He quickly got up and hugged her in his arms, and gently patted her on the back: "I'm not safe." Are you back? Don't worry, this will not happen again in the future. I promise. "

Zhou Yayan put her cheek on Qin Hao's neck, and said word by word: "Qin Hao, in fact, you don't have to promise me, I know you will appear in more dangerous places in the future, I don't expect too much." You stay away from such days for me, because many things are beyond your control. It’s just that every time you do those things, think about your family, think about me, and never leave me alone.”

Qin Hao didn't know what to say, he could only use his hot kiss to soothe Zhou Yayan's anxious heart.

But God destined Qin Hao not to have a chance to vent his anger today. Before he had time to hold Zhou Yayan on his knees, the bathroom door was opened again. Ling Ruoxue was wearing a silk pajamas that was slightly sexy Standing at the door: "I thought you fainted after taking a bath, it seems that I came at the wrong time."

Qin Hao really wanted to say "You know it too." But he couldn't afford to provoke this little aunt, so he could only shut up.On the other hand, Zhou Yayan blushed, threw the towel on Qin Hao's head, and left the bathroom quickly.But when I got to the door, I still turned around and asked anxiously: "Actually, I want to say, why did you come to take a bath in a hurry when Ruoxue said you smelled? Did you really have an affair outside?"

Qin Hao almost bumped his head to death by the side of the bath, and the two women left the bathroom laughing and laughing, not thinking of closing the door for Qin Hao.

Wrapping his lower body with a bath towel, Qin Hao went to the kitchen to find a can of beer, but just as he turned around, he saw An Xin standing behind him in a nightgown, and screamed out in fright: "What are you doing?" Emphasize that you want to be raped soon.

An Xin already fully understood Qin Hao's shamelessness, so she didn't even blush, and said calmly: "Mr. Hu is looking for you today, what did he tell you?"

"Are you a spy?" Qin Hao opened the mouth of the beer, raised his neck and took a sip, then said with a smile.

"No, it's just out of curiosity. Don't you know, I used to be a military doctor of the Fifth Bureau." An Xin explained: "After the Fifth Bureau was treated unfairly, it was completely disbanded, and we, the backbone of the former Five Bureau , were sent to the third round and the seventh round respectively, but I didn’t belong to any department, I wandered in the general staff for a special case.”

"Stop, stop, I don't want to know your struggle history, nor do I want to know your sad past. You should just tell me what you want to do." Qin Hao put the beer can on the washstand and said in a hurry.

"You are wrong. I am not here to complain to you, because you are not a very good listener. I just want to say, what Mr. Hu said, please think about it, because it is not only good for yourself, it is good for you. The people around you are also good." An Xin said indifferently, but there was a tinge of soreness in her eyes: "Qin Hao, you don't know the general staff, you don't know the past history of the fifth and seventh rounds, so you will choose to resist, but if you have the heart , please calm down and think about it carefully. I think you can understand Mr. Hu's painstaking efforts."

Qin Hao raised his eyebrows. An Xin's words were a bit nonsensical. He didn't understand why the more abstract vocabulary of glory was involved now. The honor of the general staff has half a dime relationship with him. This woman Didn't understand the situation.

"I'm very moved by what you said, but I wonder if there is an inevitable connection between them. Well, it's getting late, let's go to rest earlier. Ah bah, it's you who went to rest earlier." Qin Hao said The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, as if thinking of something funny.

Only at this time did An Xin's pretty face change a bit, she snorted slightly before turning and leaving.Qin Hao let out a sigh of relief, the things he encountered today are so weird, is it destined that I will not enjoy life, ****.

He fell asleep beautifully with Zhou Yayan in his arms. Qin Hao originally wanted to satisfy his second brother's desires, but because he was too tired, he just hugged Zhou Yayan and rushed over tiredly. In a few seconds, he was completely exhausted. He fell asleep, and when he opened his eyes, there was already a lot of light outside.Zhou Yayan was sitting in front of the dressing table, combing her long black and beautiful hair.

"Do you have something to do today?" Qin Hao propped himself up, revealing his muscular upper body, his bronzed skin exuded a charming luster in the morning sun.

"I recruited a few people, and I'm going to have a look today. If you have nothing to do, come with me to have a look, there are beauties." Zhou Yayan said while turning her head and blinking her eyes.

"Look at what you said, am I that kind of person?" Qin Hao said righteously, "Is she really a beauty?"

"Hehe!" Two words conveyed Zhou Yayan's emotions to the extreme.Qin Hao smiled, then jumped out of bed and hugged Zhou Yayan from behind, resting his chin on her delicate collarbone, and said lazily, "Good morning, daughter-in-law."

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