Super ambiguous master

Chapter 222 Foreign Aid

Super Ambiguous Master - Chapter 222 Foreign Aid

Qin Hao licked his lips, and then the oldest Han said: "Let's go, let them play. If you lose, don't be impatient."

Old Han laughed loudly and said, "It's their honor to compete with your subordinates. If possible, I would like you to play with them. But I don't think you are interested in this. After all, let you do it We can't afford it."

Qin Hao was noncommittal, turned his head and left, Lao Han followed behind, and made a few gestures to the group of children with the back of his hand behind him. These children became excited in an instant, and Chen Zhe kept his eyes locked on the one closest to him. When Lao Han and Qin Hao disappeared in front of their eyes, Chen Zhe moved.Chen Zhe knows better than anyone the principle of controlling others by striking first.Relying on this kind of battlefield insight, he saved himself countless times.Old Han's gesture doesn't need to be understood too much, everything depends on strength.

Qin Hao actually saw Lao Han's small movements, but he also didn't pay attention to them.Although his subordinates were very strong, Qin Hao knew how strong they were. Chen Zhe was more than enough to deal with them, unless they used their guns.But here, there are no guns.At least in the absence of a last resort, there will be no firearms.

The two of them strolled to Lao Han's office. A charming female secretary came in to refill her tea while shaking her buttocks. When she bent down, her white breasts were exposed. The deep cleavage was very attractive to men. eyeballs.Old Han didn't hesitate to pick out two handfuls on the woman's buttocks and breasts. The latter giggled without any annoyance. It could be seen that this girl was used by Old Han to vent his animal desires.When Qin Hao took the teacup, he uncontrollably glanced at the latter's cleavage, and didn't have any other thoughts.

"Well, this girl is still on time. I don't pay the tens of thousands of monthly maintenance fees for nothing, but she is a student of Beijing University." Old Han said triumphantly.

Qin Hao said contemptuously: "I said that if you harmed women, you would harm college students. You must be too ruthless."

Old Han smiled and said: "Pull it down, these female students are all so flirtatious, if I don't take care of them, they will naturally find another home. Women nowadays understand one truth, that is, to take advantage of their youth When the physical capital is still good, hurry up to make money and enjoy it. When you are about 30 years old and have no capital, you can either find an honest peasant name to marry, or focus on trapping a rich second generation. But the success rate of the latter is too high. When you are young, who wants to marry a prostitute and go home?"

Qin Hao said calmly: "We'd better talk about this topic another day."

"What are you talking about? If you want to talk about it, you're talking about the female students in that school. The girls in Beijing University are average. I don't know how this girl got in, but I can guarantee that she didn't get in. You have to know When I had sex with her on the first night, I found that her movements are so proficient that she is like the number one in the world!" Lao Han said bluffing.

Qin Hao raised his forehead: "I was wrong, can I be wrong? Didn't you just take a look at your woman's tits? As for disgusting me like this?"

"Hey, I'm a stingy person." Lao Han said triumphantly, but immediately changed the subject: "Tell me, why did you come to see me today, the last time we met was six years ago Right. By the way, everyone on the road thought you were dead, and I f***ing shed two tears for you. In the end, you f***ing survived, and chopped Ryan up. It really is Phantom Sky Fox, you can’t die like that.”

Touching the tip of his nose, Qin Hao said, "Of course I have a serious matter to seek you. I want you to help me solve two people."

Lao Han's face also became serious: "Fox, you came at the wrong time. Now the internal struggle in the big circle is very fierce, and I can't transfer people over. The Southeast Asian drug tycoon Banchai has been smoking for some time, and he has started targeting Huaxia people, we want to get goods that are four points higher than before. For this matter, we have fought hard in Southeast Asia. It has not settled down yet. If you want someone, I really can’t find a suitable one. "

Qin Hao didn't expect such a result, and was a little surprised for a while: "Why, has the situation in Southeast Asia become so bad? Why haven't I heard anything about it?"

"Tch, I don't know you yet. You've never been interested in drugs, kid. Isn't that how the Crescent Bay incident started? Ling Batian lost his life because of your affairs." The old man Han said that he saw Qin Hao's unkind expression here, and quickly changed the subject: "Let's talk about what you want me to do for you first. Although the big circle is short of manpower, if you can control the time, it should still be possible. But The price will be much higher, as you know, we have always only done internal activities, and we only help out for the sake of your Phantom Sky Fox."

Qin Hao said the names of Niutou and Fat Zun. Lao Han's expression changed, and he didn't speak for a long time. Qin Hao was not in a hurry, and took out a cigarette and smoked it silently.

"These two people are nothing, the key is that the people behind them are a bit troublesome." Lao Han carefully chose his words: "You also know that if you want to get mixed up with them in the capital, no one behind you will be sure." It's bragging. According to the information I got, the Ye family stands behind Fat Zun. And the Gu family stands behind Niutou. There are seven doors and eight locks. I don't want to offend these two families at this juncture. Even if I agree, the headquarters will not send anyone over."

Qin Hao is familiar with the operation methods of the big circle. There are such troops in the big circle, all of whom are retired special forces.It is estimated that there are about a hundred people.Every time the distribution of the big circle encounters difficulties in other places or is faced with a life-and-death situation, the headquarters of the big circle will send this force over, which is called airborne on the road.Because the fighting power of this group of people is extremely terrifying, and they all adopt extremely destructive means of revenge. Although the big circle can lay down a lot of territory, it is difficult to convince the crowd, and there are many enemies on the road.

Although such an army can solve the difficulties faced by the big circle branch, it also leaves hidden dangers for the development of the big circle.After all, the cost of dispatching such an army is very high, it is impossible to dispatch it endlessly, and every death is one less. In the past two years, the big circle has always begun to develop internally, and will not pin all hopes on special forces. on the troops.But because of this, the big circle began to enter the bottleneck of development, especially the financial dilemma, and they have never been relieved.

Although the big circle has a fixed territory in Southeast Asia, they can't get the drug business and can only become a house demolition.As long as the supply channel is blocked upstream, the big circle will lose an extremely important source of funds.And the development of the big circle in South America is not going well. The Filipinos and the big circle are feuds. The two factions have been fighting for more than ten years, and the big circle cannot repel the Filipinos.The mafia and local gangs also have a strong restraint on the big circle, so the big circle sounds very prestigious, but in fact there are too many internal problems.

There is not much friendship between Qin Hao and the big circle. When he was in Canada, Qin Hao killed two elites of the special forces of the big circle. Later, he helped the big circle block the attack of the Filipinos by mistake. Saved a very important elder.Even if the merits and demerits are balanced, there is no conflict between the two sides. It was also at that time that Qin Hao met Lao Han, the head of the big circle in Canada.But because of the violent conflict, this guy couldn't get along in Canada, so he was kicked out to China.It was exiled, and he wanted to return to the high-level interior of the big circle with all his heart.

"Crisis and opportunity coexist, right? The big circle basically doesn't pay much attention to the Huaxia market, but you have stayed in the country for so many years and know what's going on here. Are you really willing to give up such a big cake? The market in Southeast Asia has come to a standstill, and Canada is now facing the mafia attack again, have you never thought about opening up a new market?" Qin Hao said leisurely.

"It's not easy to open up a market. The competition in any place is extremely strong now, and in Huaxia, I didn't say it. Who can get along without a political background? This country's crackdown on the underworld is unprecedentedly strong. You understand me. mean?"

Qin Hao nodded, the strength of the blow must be added with quotation marks.

"Our big circle is always composed of overseas Chinese, and we never thought of harming the people of our own country."

Qin Hao smiled: "Young bastard is talking to me, you are in the underworld and have a national complex?"

"Why, it's not allowed, that policy or decree stipulates that people in the underworld are not allowed to be patriotic?" Old Han said lightly.

"Well, let's not talk about it, let's talk about the territory of Niutou. Who is behind the Niutou? Oh, for the Ye family. The Ye family belongs to one of the eight locks, and what they want is nothing more than profit, but if the profit If it will damage their political future, they will definitely dilute their interests. But no one can refuse the temptation of interests, and I don’t want you to wipe out the bull-headed people completely. If you do this, I don’t even agree The key is to replace them, understand? Those people don't care who brings benefits to them, you really think Niutou is related to them.

Even if you take into account the Ye family's political background, then the Gu family will have no problem.The Gu family is from seven families. Logically speaking, they are all members of the triad society. Don't you have a good relationship with the triad society?Do you still worry about this?Lao Han, the times are different, and we should think about changing.Think about what I said carefully, as long as you agree to make a move, you can get more than [-]% of the profits after winning the territory.This country is full of gold, which is no less than the money you spend on drugs every year! "

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