Super ambiguous master

Chapter 228 Shuffle

超级暧昧高手 - 第228章 洗牌

Within half a month, more than half of the leaders of the capital's underground underworld were killed or injured, and Tie Qi's death cast a lingering shadow over the incident just now.The Beijing Public Security Bureau has been under pressure from high levels, and has ordered them to solve cases on a regular basis and give an explanation to the common people.So all the people in the Public Security Bureau canceled their vacation and all came back to participate in the investigation of this case.And Yi Jie is naturally also in the ranks, and she was also appointed as the deputy leader of the special operations team, so the pressure on her shoulders can be imagined.

As for several other important departments, the National Security Bureau, the Military Intelligence Bureau and the General Staff have also received orders from the highest level to cooperate with the public security in the investigation of this case.Because the impact of this incident is too bad, it can be said to be the bloodiest and tragic incident in the past ten years. For the top leaders, they have to bear no less pressure than the people below.What made people even more unprepared was that the news that had been tightly sealed was finally revealed by Hong Kong reporters. Hong Kong reporters were not restricted by the Ministry of Culture and the Press and Publishing Administration in this regard, and they had relatively their own rights. news media.

In addition, many Hong Kong people have a plot against the mainland, so reports of this matter quickly spread throughout Hong Kong, and then foreign media also reported one after another, making the country in a hurry.Usually at this time, the United States will stand up and emphasize things like human rights, and this time is no exception.But the top leader is obviously angry, and he didn't talk to the US spokesperson at all, but let the people below continue to seize the time to solve the case. The longer it is delayed, it will have a major impact on the country's image and status in the world.

Yi Jie hasn't had a good rest for two days. She is leaning on the back of the chair and taking a nap, but she can't fall into a deep sleep. Various images flashed in her mind, making her very uncomfortable, especially those bloody Even if Yi Jie is used to seeing big scenes, she can't help but feel a little chill all over her body at this moment.

"Captain Yi, Captain Yi, we have a clue." A policeman under him ran in from the outside, waving a blank piece of paper in his hand.Seeing that Yi Jie took the initiative to lighten his steps after sleeping, but everyone on the floor heard what he said just now, Yi Jie woke up from the sleepy state in an instant, wiped his face indiscriminately, and said, "What clues are there?" ?”

"We found this at the scene of the crime." The evidence was taken away by the forensic department, and what this guy brought was a copy of a chapter.But you can also clearly see the photocopied things on it. Yi Jie looked at it horizontally and vertically for a long time, but she didn't understand what it was. It seemed nothing but ordinary.This group of people couldn't be insane because they didn't rest for a long time.

"What is this?" Yi Jie asked, pointing to the object on the paper.

"Totem. It's Dongwu's totem." The policeman said excitedly, "This thing is very symbolic to them, and it will never appear on non-important occasions. But this time there is such a big commotion, they must Something will be left at the scene. We finally found it."

Yi Jie still didn't understand. Even if the claws and claws were totems, the people in Dongwu were not mentally retarded enough to leave them at the scene.Isn't that directly pointing all the spearheads at them?Domestic terrorist organizations are not as aggressive as foreign ones, and when something happens, they immediately release a video to admit responsibility for the incident.Those who play terrorism in China follow a low-key route. They never leave their names when they do bad things, and they are often the last to be discovered.But this is the first time that evidence has been left at the scene.

"It's obvious that people from Dongwu did this. They did it once before, but she was taught a hard lesson by us. She must not be convinced in her heart, so she just came to the big ticket. I Damn, the means of this group of people are really ruthless." The policemen have already attributed the murderer to Dongwu in their hearts, and Yi Jie also knows that it is not easy to pour cold water at this time, and she can take the position of deputy captain largely because of her old age. Because of her father's relationship, the people below may not necessarily obey her.This place is different from Yunchuan, there are fights and undercurrents everywhere, and Yi Jie has to consider the impact on her father when doing things.

After thinking for a while, Yi Jie said: "This is a very important clue, so how about you guys in the third group take a good rest today, and let the people in the second group go up. Everyone is tired, take turns to take a breath, Then concentrate on chasing down this clue. I think there should be a very important discovery."

The policeman was a little unhappy, this is the time to show off, who would like to withdraw and rest at this juncture?Opportunities are fleeting, and every second must be counted. After this period of time, it may be clear.But he didn't dare to oppose Yi Jie's order explicitly, but implicitly expressed his desire to continue fighting on the front line.Yi Jie tapped her forehead, knowing that she had done something bad with good intentions just now. This group of people is different from me. They will value any opportunity, but I have a father who is a deputy political commissar. The starting point is different and the means of handling things have long been established. Also different.

Agreeing to the officer's request to continue fighting, Yi Jie lost her sleepiness, and after making coffee for herself, her cell phone rang suddenly.

Looking at the phone number, it was Qin Hao calling.

"Officer Yi, you've been quite busy recently." Qin Hao's tired voice came from the phone. Yi Jie's knuckles were turning white while holding the coffee cup. This shameless guy always chooses the time to come To ridicule himself, but he also has a serious suspicion, but Qin Hao should not be able to do such a terrible thing by himself.Although he is very powerful in combat, he has no clone technique.

The difference between before and after several attacks was less than half an hour, and Qin Hao could only run back and forth on both sides unless he was riding a rocket.

When Tie Qi died, Qin Hao happened to be traveling in other places. This guy took the woman beside him to Beidaihe for fun, and it took him two full days to come back. At that time, 24 hours had passed since the vicious case.According to the information from Beidaihe, Qin Hao never left there.

So his suspicion was quickly ruled out, but from the police's point of view, Yi Jie still found Qin Hao to make a statement. Who made this guy so dangerous.

Qing Ha was very cooperative, saying whatever she had to say, Yi Jie couldn't find any flaws in his confession, so she gave up in the end.Now this guy actually calls to tease himself again, it's simply too hateful.

"There's no need for some people, those in Wenrou Township are so comfortable that they almost forget what their last name is." Yi Jie retorted, although Zhou Yayan knew that the woman in his family had a relationship with Qin Hao, but thinking that this guy could have such a beautiful woman at the same time Surrounded by it, Yi Jie still felt a little uncomfortable.In terms of appearance, Yi Jie is also that kind of beautiful woman, but because of her occupation, she looks more capable and less feminine.

"Hehe, I'm here to provide you with information, but from Officer Yi's tone, it's not difficult for me to sense that you have deep resentment towards me, so I think it's better to forget it, why bother to be a good person." Qin Hao also Don't be annoyed, just continue to play tricks with Yi Jie in his angry tone.

"Fart if you have something to say. As a good citizen, it is your duty to provide clues to the police." Yi Jie is very used to suppressing people with policies, but Qin Hao doesn't like this at all.

"Hey, I remember it was reported on TV that there is a 10 yuan reward for providing clues to the police. How come it is my responsibility to come to you. If I don't tell you, will you arrest me?" Qin Hao He said with a smile, not in a hurry.

"You are shameless. You actually bargained with the government. Do you still have any conscience as a Chinese person? Don't tell me you haven't been touched in your heart after so many people died?" Yi Jie said angrily.

Qin Hao yawned and said: "Sister, I am not a Chinese citizen. My country is a small island in the Pacific Ocean. I should be considered a foreign Chinese. I have taken so much trouble to help you find clues, but foreign friends are selfless. Contribution. If you don't say give me a bonus, then it's always okay to give me a certificate of merit."

"Are you going to tell me or not? If you don't tell me, I'm too busy to talk to you." Yi Jie was already a little furious. She didn't have a good rest for a few days and it happened to be an inconvenient day, so her temper was relatively speaking. It's more irritable.

"You can go to Xinhua Park to have a look. I passed by there when I went for a morning jog today, and I found a lot of suspicious people. They were sneaky and flustered, and they didn't look like good people at first glance."

"Are you considered a good person?" Yi Jie said contemptuously.

"Hey, you can question my character, but you can't question my professional attitude. Don't forget what I did before. Well, there is only so much information I can provide. Whether you want to follow suit or not depends on what you do. Goodbye, Police Officer Yi, I have to accompany my wife to buy clothes." After finishing speaking, Qin Hao didn't give Yi Jie a chance to get mad, and hung up the phone directly.

Unlike Yi Jie who was furious in the room, after Qin Hao put down the phone, the smile on his face disappeared, he tapped his forehead lightly, and said to Chen Zhe, "How about it, is it okay to do such a thing?" Mental burden?"

Tie Qi died at Chen Zhe's hands without any pain, but Chen Zhe also agreed to release his family members, and now Tie Qi's family members are already on the flight to Australia.

"It's okay." Chen Zhe nodded silently, and said after a few seconds: "Boss, I let his family go, don't you blame me?"

Qin Hao said in amazement: "Why should you be blamed? It's not as bad as his wife and children. Besides, if Tie Qi is dead, the Tie family will not be able to make waves. There is no need to kill the whole family."

Only then did Chen Zhe let go of his psychological burden, but he didn't know that what Qin Hao said just now was just to comfort him. In Qin Hao's dictionary, cutting grass and roots is the ultimate creed!

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