Super ambiguous master

Chapter 265 A Clever Escape

Super Ambiguous Master - Chapter 265 Clever Escape

In fact, this is not a big deal, after all, Lin Jiao and Xue Li have no such experience.It's just that Sophia's eyes before made Lin Jiao really upset. Her eyes seemed to say: "Did you see that? With your little ability, you still want to grab a man from my old lady?"

Thinking of this, Lin Jiao felt furious. She snorted coldly, closed her eyes and burrowed into the hay...

As the car drove slowly, Qin Hao seized the time and felt that he should leave the city of Rome anyway.Only then did he heave a sigh of relief, and got out of the haystack.Sophia heard the noise, followed the probe to have a look, and then said with a smile: "Can't help it?"

Qin Hao snarled and said angrily: "Walter, this boy actually left a pile of cow dung in the haystack. If it wasn't for my concentration, I would have vomited it long ago."

Sophia smiled and said, "Qin Hao, if we can return to England smoothly, what are your plans?"

Qin Hao said in a low voice: "I don't plan to talk about it, I just have a bad feeling, now I just want to go back as soon as possible, and look at Crawford, if he is fine, then Jon is naturally not a traitor, but I will I'm afraid that Crawford is already under control at this time, otherwise there won't be no news at all."

"What you said makes sense." Sophia nodded and said, "I also think this fact is too strange, otherwise how would the Truff Company know our whereabouts?"

Qin Hao sighed and was about to say more.At this moment, the car stopped suddenly.Qin Hao was startled, and motioned for Sophia to get into the haystack.And he himself endured the stench, and got in again.

Sure enough, someone outside said: "Hi, we are road inquiries, please get off the bus."

After a while, Walter replied lazily: "Officer, I'm in a hurry now. If I go back late, my cows will starve to death."

Maybe it was this kind of lazy attitude, so the police were very relieved, only one police officer said with a smile: "Even if this is the case, please cooperate, because there is a major incident in Rome, so we have to conduct routine inspections. "

"Okay, okay." Walter's tone was full of helplessness: "It's really unlucky, I'm going back late, and my wife is going to nag me again." As he spoke, there was only a few sparse sounds, as if Walter was talking about something. Handed over to the police.

After looking at it, the policeman smiled and said, "It turned out to be an inspection-free vehicle. According to your previous driving record, you have almost no violations."

Walter laughed, and said in a bold voice: "How about the officer, can I go now?"

The police officer thought for a while before saying, "It's not that I don't believe you, it's just for safety reasons. I hope you open the trunk and cooperate with us to check it out. We promise that we won't take too much time for you."

Walter thought for a while, and said calmly: "Okay, okay, as a citizen, I also have this obligation." Speaking of this, there was a sound of unlocking the car from outside the car.

Qin Hao was in a cold sweat at this moment. He knew that it would not be difficult to deal with these two policemen. It was rare that the target would be exposed from now on, which would not only drag Walt down, but also make it difficult to fly.

Thinking of this, his fists were clenched slightly, and he was thinking of countermeasures quickly.After a while, the door of the carriage opened, and it was already night outside.Thanks to the night, what was in the compartment was unclear.

One of the police officers took out a miniature flashlight, took a photo inside and said, "Mr. Walter, do you have anything else in here except hay?"

Walter curled his lips and said, "If you don't believe it, you can check it yourself."

The police officer thought about it, and just as he took a step up, he felt that his feet were very soft and slippery.Curious in his heart, he looked down and almost threw up.It turned out that I was so unlucky that I stepped on a pile of shit.

The police officer's expression changed all of a sudden, and he almost vomited out. "!" He said angrily incoherently, "what's in your car!"

Walt smiled and said: "Don't mind, officer. My car is usually used to pull pigs. It is inevitable that there will be pig feces and pig manure. After you go in and check, be careful where you step, and don't step on it."

When the policeman heard this, his face changed a little.He coughed and said, "Charles, you are new here, so let you check it out."

When the policeman heard this, he scolded the grandson half to death in his heart, and said in his heart that you don't want to step on shit, did I just want to?Thinking of this, Charles said, "Lunyce, it's getting too late now, and driving at night may be dangerous. I think it's better not to waste this citizen's time."

Ren Yisi was reluctant to check this car for a long time, so he nodded and said, "Well, after all, the interests of citizens always come first." He stretched out his hand and slapped Walt on the shoulder with a smile Said: "Sir, I wasted your time, please cut it twice."

Walt laughed, and lightly locked the door of the carriage and said, "It's okay, it's my duty to cooperate with the police officer's inspection." Then, he boarded the truck, hummed a little tune and started it.Before leaving, the two police officers did not forget to wave to Walt.

Hearing this, Qin Hao almost died laughing.This Walt is not only rough but subtle, it turns out that he is also so cheap when he plays tricks.He would actually think of such a cheap way to make the police officer step on shit, so who would have a mood check?As soon as the car started, Sophia laughed out loud.She giggled and said, "God, this Walter is really a ghost, God knows how he came up with the idea."

After several people were out of danger, they got out of the haystack.Qin Hao retched a few times and said, "Damn it, this Walter is really ruthless, the smell in the haystack almost made me pass out."

Lin Jiao has never experienced such hardship in her life. She said with a mournful face, "If I knew this was the case, I might as well let the police arrest me. Anyway, I can have a way to extradite him back to my country."

And Shirley was even worse. How could she endure such pain when she was still young?I saw her eyes were fascinated, her eyes seemed to have lost focus all of a sudden, and she muttered blankly: "It stinks to death, it stinks to death."

After a while, the speed of the car gradually stabilized, and it could be seen that Walt had completely left the search area.After waiting here, several people breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, after a while, Walt stopped the car and opened the door for a few people, laughing, "How is it, are you dizzy?"

Qin Hao punched Walt angrily and said, "Boy, did you deliberately put a pile of cow dung in the haystack on the right? You guys know that I like to choose the right side best..."

When Walt heard it, he laughed loudly at that time: "Unexpectedly, you also have times when you are deflated."

Qin Hao was furious when he heard this, but he couldn't do anything about it, so Qin Hao secretly swore in his heart that when he got to Walt's place, he must make trouble in his farm, otherwise how could he be so angry!

When Walter saw Qin Hao's expression, he knew that this bastard was definitely not thinking of anything good, but he didn't mind, instead he said with a smile: "Guys, there is no danger now, why don't you come and sit in the car."

As soon as Shirley heard it, she became energetic and shouted: "Okay! Hurry up and get in the car."

Seeing this situation, everyone laughed. Although this girl is sometimes hateful, at this moment, she is a mediator for everyone.

After a while, everyone sat in the car...Of course...except Qin Hao.

Qin Hao's face was dark, and he sat very depressed behind the car seat with a pile of repair tools. "Walter! I never heard of such special treatment." Qin Hao gritted his teeth.

Walter laughed and said, "My brother, this car is too cramped, and I can only wrong you to sit here."

"Hmph." Qin Hao snorted coldly and said, "Walter, I advise you to let me go up quickly, otherwise I may talk in my sleep when I fall asleep later."

Walter asked in confusion: "Dream talk? What sleep talk?"

Qin Hao showed a row of white teeth and smiled and said, "It's nothing, but I may recite the past of your training."

"You boy." Walter's face turned pale all of a sudden: "You don't mean Linna..."

Qin Hao chuckled and said, "Who knows? But don't worry, I will never tell you how you were courting."

Sophia obviously knew who Qin Hao was referring to, and she approached with great interest and asked, "What? Did Walter fall in love with Linna back then?"

Qin Hao secretly glanced at Walter, and winked at him.The angry Walter gritted his teeth for a while, wishing to slap Qin Hao's big ears.

But since this matter has been revealed, according to Sophia's gossip character, she will definitely not let it go.Under questioning, Walter finally told about his previous pursuit of Linna.But it's a pity that God's wishes failed. Although Linna also liked Walter in her heart, she knew that there would be no happiness between the two killers, so she rejected Walter in the end.

Hearing this, Sophia sighed and said: "That's right, after all, how many of us in this line of work can start well and end well..."

After saying this, everyone was silent again.Qin Hao couldn't bear this situation the most, he smiled and asked: "Speaking of which, who knows what Linna is doing recently?"

Walter's expression darkened, and he said, "Just two years ago, Linna was hired by an American employer to assassinate a local gang leader, but she accidentally fell into a trap and was executed."

"What?" Sophia covered her mouth all of a sudden: "The lovely Linna back then, unexpectedly..."

Walter sighed, and there was a bit of reminiscence in his eyes.Qin Hao secretly regretted which pot he would not open and which pot to carry, and at the same time he was furious: "Who killed Linna? I want to avenge her!"

"No need." Walter shook his head and said, "I have killed all of that man's family."

Qin Hao knew that the strong man in front of him must have endured what ordinary people could not bear. After all, Walter had been deeply in love with Linna since he was 13 years old. "Hey." Qin Hao patted Walt on the back and said, "Brother, be stronger."

Walt smiled slightly, and his face returned to his previous firm look: "Don't worry, I've already prepared myself. We're killers, who isn't like this?"

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