Super ambiguous master

Chapter 271 Lin Jiao's Determination

Super Ambiguous Master - Chapter 271 Lin Jiao's Determination

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed by.

Qin Hao stayed in the UK, on ​​the one hand to protect sisters Lin Jiao and Shirley, and on the other hand to use his previous power to inquire about the 'treasure in the sky' on a large scale.

But it's a pity that Qin Hao tried many methods, but failed to find any clues about the treasure in the sky.

On this day, Lin Jiao finally completed all the handover tasks, and all the property under Crawford's name had been transferred to Lin Jiao's account.Not only that, because the Trixit family suffered a huge loss in this incident, so that the profits in the UK plummeted by 30%. Arms buyers are the only way for the Trixit family to function normally.

But even so, the Tracyt family is no longer the overlord of the past, and many medium-sized British powers have taken advantage of this opportunity to go crazy, and many families have been able to keep pace with the Tracyt family.But Lin Jiao is very smart, she clearly saw the situation in the country, so Lin Jiao made a very decisive decision, that is, to give up some of the original profit industries of the Trixit family, and a series of drug trafficking, human smuggling, prostitution, etc. The profiteering industry has come to an end, and several legitimate commercial companies have been established, starting to cleanse and transform the Trixit family.

As soon as this decision was made, it was strongly opposed by some members of the Trixit family, but fortunately, Lin Jiao had already prepared for it. She took out a series of data analysis, laid out the hard facts in front of everyone, and told Their Trixit family's power in the underworld is going from bad to worse. If they persist, what awaits them is probably disintegration or annexation.

Seeing this, those old stubborn people also knew that Lin Jiao was absolutely prepared to come, and besides, Lin Jiao and Qin Hao were on the side, and a series of methods such as coercion and bribery would not work.In desperation, the old stubborn had no choice but to nod in agreement with Lin Jiao's actions.

As a result, Lin Jiao's several companies started up in the blink of an eye.After rigorous market research and analysis, she decided to start with energy and resources. Based on the strong connections of the Tracy family in the past, Lin Jiao successfully contacted several Arab oil tycoons and started close investment.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Jiao has become independent, and Qin Hao sees that the surroundings no longer need his help, so he is secretly planning when to leave.

On this day, Qin Hao was sitting in the office bored, watching the video.Lin Jiao suddenly walked in in a busy manner.When Qin Hao saw it, he smiled and said, "What's the matter, CEO, do you need me?"

Lin Jiao nodded, took out a ticket and handed it to Qin Hao, saying, "Qin Hao, come to see it with me tonight."

Qin Hao took it over and took a look, and found that it was an admission ticket to a symphony, and it was also a luxury private room.He frowned slightly. These days, Lin Jiao tried every means to invite Qin Hao. He knew in his heart that this woman valued him very much, but he knew that his mind was not here at all, not to mention how much Huaxia still had A woman is waiting for herself.Thinking of this, Qin Hao sighed and said, "Lin Jiao, I'm sorry, I can't accompany you."

Lin Jiao glared at Qin Hao and said, "You misunderstood, I asked you to accompany me to the symphony for a serious business."

"Business?" Qin Hao was stunned for a moment, and asked, "What business must listen to the symphony?"

Lin Jiao smiled and said, "You will find out in the evening." After saying that, she opened the door and left.After walking for a while, Lin Jiao turned back and said, "Don't forget, you should dress more solemnly."

Qin Hao had no choice but to reluctantly agree.The working hours are always long, and when Qin Hao finally got through the day, when he got home, Lin Jiao had already driven downstairs and waited for him.Looking through the car window, Lin Jiao chose a wine red dress today, which perfectly outlined her curves.

Qin Hao admired secretly in his heart, and went back to the house to find a more advanced suit.

After he went downstairs, Lin Jiao looked Qin Hao up and down dissatisfied and said, "You might as well wear casual clothes!"

"Damn!" Qin Hao cursed secretly, it was you who said it was formal, and now it was you who said it was not good, if you were not a woman, I would have to beat your ass hard now.Thinking of this, Qin Hao took a peek at Lin Jiao's upturned buttocks, couldn't help swallowing and thought, "This little buttock should feel good when spanked."

"What are you thinking about?" Lin Jiao gave Qin Hao a white look, and opened the car door and said, "Hurry up and get in the car, the symphony will start soon."

Qin Hao nodded and got into the car.As the car started, Qin Hao asked: "Lin Jiao, can you tell me what the purpose of the night is now?"

Lin Jiao said "hmm" and said, "Qin Hao, do you still remember Dulufu Company?"

Qin Hao was taken aback, joking, how could he not remember?That damn Italian underground organization nearly killed him.Thinking of this, Qin Hao gritted his teeth and asked, "Why did you mention him?"

Lin Jiao said: "There will be someone coming to this concert today, guess who it is?"

Although Qin Hao understood something in his heart, he shook his head and said, "I don't want to guess, you can directly reveal the answer."

Lin Jiao sneered and said, "It's Ansel Chenan, the vice president of Truff Corporation."

Qin Hao was startled and asked, "What is he doing here?"

Lin Jiao said: "This is also the question I want to know. We haven't figured out whether the Dulufu Company kidnapped me because of Jon's instructions. And I still have many questions. Why did Du Lufu Company kidnap me? Ruff Company will help Jon, so who is behind Jon's manipulation?"

Qin Hao thought for a while, then said hesitantly: "You mean... there is a pusher behind Jon?"

"That's right." Lin Jiao nodded and said: "I have thoroughly checked the previous Tracyt family bills these days, and found that there are many traces of tampering. And the face value involved is not small, and it is strange that these No one knows where the money went, not even on Jon's private bills."

As she said that, Lin Jiao looked at the rearview mirror, accelerated the car slightly and said, "So I have reason to believe that there is another pusher behind Jon, who used Jon to suppress our Trixit family, and secretly transferred part of the funds Let's go, to achieve the purpose of profit."

Qin Hao thought for a while and said, "Since you are going to deal with the Corbet organization, could they be behind the scenes of Jon?"

"No." Lin Jiao shook her head firmly and said, "Jon will never seek help from the Corbett organization."

"Why?" Qin Hao frowned and asked, "Why are you so sure?"

Lin Jiao thought for a while and said: "In addition to being raised by the Tracy family, Jon also has a close friend." After speaking, Lin Jiao paused and said: "My dad also knew this close friend. The three of them were friends when they were students, but the family of that close friend offended the Corbett organization for some reason, so one day his whole family was killed by the killer sent by Corbett. Jon knew the news Afterwards, his heart broke down for a while, which shows how important that friend is to him. So we can believe that Jon will never seek help from the Corbett organization."

Qin Hao stroked his chin and thought for a while and said: "If you say so, then Jon has chosen another organization, and this organization not only has a connection with Jon, but also has a certain connection with Dulufu Company, so That’s why they sent Druff Company to hijack you in the last incident?”

Lin Jiao nodded and said, "That's right, that's what I mean."

Qin Hao nodded: "So you want to participate in this symphony, and the purpose is to try to find out the driving force behind the Dulufu company?"

Lin Jiao said with a "huh" and said: "Although the Tracy family is undergoing transformation, Daddy's revenge has to be avenged. Although he was killed by Jon, in the final analysis, Jon's behind-the-scenes pusher is the mastermind. We must find out the mastermind and avenge my father."

Qin Hao thought for a while and said, "If that's the case, I'm afraid it won't be so peaceful tonight."

Lin Jiao smiled slightly, and said confidently: "It's okay, don't forget whose territory Britain is!"

When the two arrived by car, there was already a sea of ​​people outside the music hall.The Besmott Orchestra is a world-renowned big orchestra, and the symphonies they play have a certain influence all over the world.Therefore, the arrival of the Besmot Music Group this time has indeed attracted a large number of symphony fans in the UK, among which there are many high-society elites.

All of a sudden, there was a lot of traffic in front of the music venue, and there were constant car and beauties.Many media surrounded it, hoping to get a few valuable photos.Of course, celebrities never let the media down. From music queens to business tycoons, all the celebrities in the UK were present tonight, earning everyone's attention.

When Qin Hao and Lin Jiao got out of the car, they attracted crazy attention from the media.Trixit Lin, the youngest successor of the Trixit family in history, after she came to power, she made drastic reforms to the Trixit family, which pushed her name to the forefront of public opinion for a while.In a luxurious burgundy gown, Tracy Trinh looked stunning, not far from a superstar.In an instant, countless flashing lights gathered on Qin Hao and Lin Jiao.

"Miss Tracy, may I ask what is your relationship with the man next to you?" The media are all gossips, and this is the first time Lin Jiao has brought a male companion in public.

Lin Jiao smiled slightly, grabbed Qin Hao's arm and said, "This is my boyfriend."

"Wow!" In an instant, all the media went crazy.This is definitely a top-notch gossip, Tracy Trilling made a stunning appearance, and went to see the symphony with her boyfriend.

Thinking of this, all the media's attention turned to Qin Hao.Qin Hao frowned slightly, Lin Jiao's hand was really powerful.Not only pushed him to the forefront, but also took this opportunity to declare war on Sofia.Because Lin Jiao knew that Sophia was paying attention to Qin Hao from somewhere.

Sure enough, Sophia, who is a fan of the symphony, is now watching the live broadcast on the Internet.When she saw Qin Hao and Lin Jiao appearing on the stage, she wasn't too surprised.But when she heard what Lin Jiao said, Sophia was furious at the time, and she thought to herself: "What a vixen, you actually used this shameless trick to seduce my mother's man!"

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