Super ambiguous master

Chapter 278 Qingyun Building

Super Ambiguous Master - Chapter 278 Qingyun Mansion

Hu Yu nodded, and with a casual move, someone handed a document to Qin Hao.Qin Hao took it casually.I only heard Hu Yu say: "This matter has long been traced, but we didn't expect the Holy Cross Sanctions to take action so quickly, so they seized the opportunity."

As he said that, Hu Yu signaled Qin Hao to open the file and said, "This incident originated from a high-end business summit. Zhou Yayan and the others represented their company to participate, and Ziyi was arranged by Zhou Yayan's side by me. They are safe. The two sisters, Ling Ruolan and Ling Ruoxue, are traveling together this time."

After hearing this, Qin Hao's face became more and more solemn.

Hu Yu sighed and said: "Qin Hao, you don't have to worry, Zhou Yayan and the others are just guests this time, and they are just one of the many businessmen. I believe that as long as we rescue properly, they will be fine."

As he said, Hu Yu pointed to the information and said: "This business summit is selected in a building that has just been built in the capital. According to the information, this building has 45 floors. They invaded it a little more and controlled all the hostages within an hour. They have now sent people to strictly guard each floor and said that as long as our police take action, all the hostages will be killed."

Qin Hao thought for a while and asked, "Then what conditions do they have?"

Hu Yu shook his head and said: "This is the strangest part. It stands to reason that for such a huge kidnapping operation, the Sanctions of the Holy Cross would definitely open its mouth and ask for a sky-high price. But now we have received news that the Sanctions of the Holy Cross will only The hostages are under control, not only did not say the conditions, but also did not take any further actions."

Qin Hao nodded. According to his understanding of the Holy Cross Sanctions Group, this Holy Cross Sanctions Group is definitely not an ordinary terrorist organization. This organization is more disciplined and has a clearer purpose. One thing targets common people, and all sanctions are imposed on sinners.So according to this point of view, the Holy Cross Sanctions Corps will not demand a ransom from the Huaxia government. Their actions this time are most likely an extension of the previous terrorist incidents.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao felt a little more relaxed. According to his understanding, the Ling sisters and Zhou Yayan are both good women, not to mention hurting others. They are usually reluctant to trample small animals to death.If it was the Holy Cross Sanctioning Corps, it shouldn't hurt them.But the only thing he was worried about was Shu Ziyi.After all, Shu Ziyi is a member of a state secret agency, and she did not know how many times she had secretly executed prisoners before.According to the supernatural powers of the Holy Cross Sanctions Corps, they must be able to grasp this information.I'm afraid that by then, Shu Ziyi will be doomed.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao inevitably felt restless.He asked anxiously, "What should I do?"

Hu Yu glanced at Qin Hao meaningfully and said, "Don't worry, since I sent Yi Jie to invite you over, I already have a perfect countermeasure." Then, he pointed to the parking lot in the building and said: "According to the construction drawings of this building, the underground parking lot here is directly connected to the building, and there are two roads. One is the elevator and the other is the stairs."

Hu Yu paused and said: "Because this building is very high, the stairs have been rarely used, and the underground parking lot has just been built, so the planning of the stairs is not very special. Perfect, according to our investigation. Although the elevator here is open, the stairs are temporarily closed. At that time, I need you to cooperate with us, and our team members will assist you to break through the blockade of the stairs and help you enter the building."

Qin Hao nodded and said, "What about after that?"

Hu Yu smiled slightly: "After that, it all depends on the supernatural powers of Phantom Sky Fox!"

Qin Hao knew that the fewer people involved in this matter, the better, so he had no objection, but nodded and said: "In this case, we must act as soon as possible, and try to defeat the Holy Cross Sanctions before they start killing hostages! "

Hu Yu nodded, and at this moment, a staff member came up with a box.Once the box was opened, it was full of weapons, ranging from daggers to heavy machine guns.

Hu Yu pointed to the weapon inside and said, "Qin Hao, that's all we can help you with. You can choose according to your own needs."

Qin Hao thought for a while, chose a pistol and put it close to his body, and chose two sharp daggers to hide.He said, "Okay, I've made my choice, let's get started."

Just as Hu Yu was about to give an order, Yi Jie walked in and said, "I want to go too!"

As soon as Hu Yu heard it, he said angrily on the spot: "Nonsense! What are you going to do?"

Yi Jie glanced at Qin Hao and said, "No, I must go, it's too dangerous for him to go alone!"

Hu Yu said angrily: "No! I firmly disagree with you to go, you stay here and stand by for me!"

"But..." Yi Jie still wanted to say.

Qin Hao interrupted with a wave of his hand, "Yi Jie, I'll go alone."

Yi Jie was taken aback, and Qin Hao said again: "I have participated in this kind of single rescue mission many times, trust me, it will be no problem!"

Looking at Qin Hao's resolute face, Yi Jie had no choice but to compromise.She snorted and said, "Well, since you insist so much, I'll wait for you here." Then, Yi Jie changed the subject: "But! You must come back safe and sound!"

After hearing this, Qin Hao smiled and said, "Don't worry! Who am I? A small Holy Cross Sanctions Corps can't trouble me!" Then, Qin Hao said firmly: "Mr. Hu, it's not too late, please hurry up!" Send someone to send me there, if you delay for a moment, the hostage will be at risk."

Hu Yu nodded, handed Qin Hao an earphone and said, "You install this, once we have new information, we will notify you through the earphone."

Qin Hao nodded and put on the earphones.Hu Yu said again: "Okay, now I will send someone to take you there."

During the anxious journey, Qin Hao sat in the Mercedes-Benz car, his heart was full of worries.Because, next, he had to face the numerous Sanctions of the Holy Cross alone.

Because of this horrible incident, there were no cars on the road.Qin Hao and his party went very smoothly. They arrived in just half an hour after a drive of more than 30 kilometers.This newly established building is called Qingyun Building. It soars straight into the sky, and it is difficult to see the end at a glance when looking up from the bottom up.

At this time, countless police cars gathered under the building, completely surrounding the building.Countless policemen walked around anxiously, talking to each other by radio, as if they were communicating about something.

When Qin Hao came here, he was greeted by a receptionist soon.This man was in his 40s, wearing a pair of glasses, and looked very capable, unlike a pampered person.He shook Qin Hao's hand: "You must be the master Mr. Hu Yu mentioned."

Qin Hao was also not modest, and asked directly: "How is the situation?"

The man said: "It's not optimistic. The enemy has sent heavy troops. From what we have observed, there are at least a hundred guards between the first and twentieth floors. And they all have weapons, which are very difficult to deal with. "

Qin Hao nodded, and heard the person say again: "According to our analysis, these people should have disguised themselves as businessmen who came to the summit beforehand, and then launched an attack suddenly, so we didn't come to the rescue immediately. Moreover, this Qingyun Building is really too tall, and the tallest building around is only [-] stories high, so it is really difficult for us to observe the situation above."

Qin Hao knew that what this person said was true. The Sanctions of the Holy Cross was very good at creating such scenes, making it difficult for the police to detect their actions. First, it greatly restricted the police's mobility, and second, it was for their own retreat. Successfully took cover.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao nodded and said: "I have roughly understood, please take me to the underground parking lot quickly, I am about to invade."

The man nodded, ordered someone to fetch the bulletproof vest for Qin Hao to put on, then took Qin Hao to the underground parking lot, pointed around and said, "This is the underground parking lot we mentioned."

Qin Hao nodded. He looked around and saw that the elevator stopped on the basement floor, and there was no one to handle the door, so it looked like anyone could break in.But Qin Hao, who has experienced many battles, knows that this is definitely a bait. X is so smart that he will definitely send troops to guard the elevator on each floor. When the elevator moves, they will concentrate their firepower to destroy the elevator.At that time, if the police are trapped in that narrow space, no matter how powerful their skills are, they will be dead.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao looked around again, and saw that the underground parking lot was full of well-known luxury cars. It can be seen that many business elites were indeed imprisoned in Qingyun Building.Thinking of this, Qin Hao asked again: "Sir, where is the walking ladder?"

The man wearing glasses pointed to a narrow road ahead and said: "Not far ahead, this walking ladder is very hidden, on the other side of the parking lot, if you don't look for it deliberately, or know the structure of this building People who are here will definitely not find out. And this walking ladder is also blocked, so I think the businessmen who came here to participate in the event should not know."

Qin Hao nodded, and followed the man to the walking ladder.Sure enough, as the person said, this walking ladder is very hidden, and there is not even a sign that can be entered.He tentatively took half a step inside, only to find that the inside of the walking ladder was dark, not even a light.In this situation, a smile appeared on the corner of Qin Hao's mouth: This environment is really suitable for intrusion. If you enter from here, you should be able to enter the interior of the building very smoothly.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao said without hesitation: "Sir, thank you for leading the way, I'm going in now!"

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