Super ambiguous master

Chapter 303 Mu Wanran's Other Side

King of Special Forces Mixes Flowers - Chapter 303 The Other Side of Mu Wanran

After Qin Hao put on his clothes, he went downstairs and looked around, hoping to find Mu Wanran's men nearby.It's a pity that maybe her subordinates hid it too well. Qin Hao searched carefully, but couldn't find any clues.

Just when Qin Hao was puzzled, Mu Wanran walked towards him.When Qin Hao saw her, he froze in place.How can the current Mu Wanran still have the style of that international superstar?A casual outfit, T-shirt, jeans, a big sunglasses and a ponytail, she doesn't look like a celebrity, but like a little sister next door.

When Qin Hao was wondering, Mu Wanran asked strangely, "Why are you dressed so formally?"

Qin Hao looked towards himself instinctively. It turned out that when Qin Hao went out just now, he deliberately chose a suit to dress up.Because he felt that since Mu Wanran was going to hold a Hongmen banquet, the place he chose would naturally be the same.She didn't expect Mu Wanran to be dressed so casually today.

Seeing Qin Hao's surprised expression, Mu Wanran turned around and smiled triumphantly, "Is it unexpected? I didn't expect me to dress up like this."

Qin Hao nodded, not knowing how to evaluate it for a moment.Seeing this, Mu Wanran smiled, pulled Qin Hao and said, "Let's go, if you go late, I'm afraid there will be no room."

Qin Hao was taken aback for a moment, and wondered: "Where is the place to eat?"

Mu Wanran smiled slightly and said, "Street stall." After speaking, she ignored Qin Hao's surprise, and pulled Qin Hao away.Although Mu Wanran's car stopped not far away, she insisted on walking.Qin Hao didn't know what kind of medicine this woman was selling in her gourd, but since she said that she had information about Pu Jiancheng, then Qin Hao could bear his temper for the time being and play around with her.

The two walked for a while and came to an alley near the community.Qin Hao knows that most of the people living here are old residents, because the night market in the alley is very lively at night, so it is very popular, and many couples are willing to come here.Qin Hao pointed to the alley and said in surprise, "You don't intend to go in, do you?"

"Yes." Mu Wanran smiled and said, "I've wanted to come here for a long time, but it's a pity that I haven't had the chance." Then, Mu Wanran took Qin Hao's hand and said, "Okay, don't dawdle , when there are too many people, there will be no room.”

Qin Hao was tricked by this woman so that Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out. He really didn't know what kind of medicine she was selling in the gourd, but when he came in, Qin Hao shrugged and smiled: "Okay, I will give up my life to accompany the gentleman. .”

It didn't take long for the two to find a special barbecue restaurant in the innermost part of the alley. Judging from the popularity of this restaurant, it should be quite good.After Qin Hao and Mu Wanran went in, they found a ventilated place to sit down, and ordered more than a dozen skewers and two bottles of beer.

After the person who ordered food left, Qin Hao asked strangely: "Big star, what the hell are you doing?"

Mu Wanran smiled and said, "What? Can't I come for a snack?"

It was really hard for Qin Hao to believe that Mu Wanran came here specially to eat snacks. He looked around, but he didn't see the ambushes Mu Wanran set up.Just when Qin Hao was wondering, Mu Wanran sighed: "Qin Hao, do you really distrust me that much?"

Qin Hao snorted and said, "That's because I have no reason to trust you."

Mu Wanran was wearing sunglasses, so she couldn't see the expression on her face, but judging from her actions, Mu Wanran should be a little disappointed... "That's right..." Mu Wanran whispered, "In the end, I'm still a wooden The eldest lady of the family."

"It's good that you know." Qin Hao sneered, since you have decided to show your cards, you should hurry up.

Who knows, Mu Wanran suddenly picked up a glass of beer and gulped it down, then sighed: "But have you forgotten? Before the Mu family, I was also a normal girl. I longed to be ordinary, longing to be normal." The life one can live... longs to hang out with friends."

Hearing her emotion, Qin Hao's heart moved slightly: "Do you think you and I are friends?"

"It wasn't in the past." Mu Wanran shook her head and said, "But who can guarantee that it won't be in the future?"

Qin Hao was taken aback for a moment, the waiter had already brought up the skewers.Mu Wanran didn't care about her image at all, she grabbed a bunch and stuffed it into her mouth, eating a mouthful of oil.When Qin Hao was surprised, Mu Wanran grabbed another bunch and quickly ate it.After eating two skewers, Mu Wanran wiped her mouth, drank cold beer and said with a smile, "What? Why don't you eat it?"

Qin Hao really couldn't answer, because he really couldn't believe that Mu Wanran, the superstar and the spokesperson behind the Mu family, would show such a rare side in front of him.At this moment, Qin Hao almost thought that Mu Wanran was just the most ordinary girl next door.

Seeing Qin Hao's expression, Mu Wanran didn't seem surprised at all.She smiled slightly and sighed: "Qin Hao, do you know? One cannot decide where a person is born. It is not up to me to decide how to move forward in my life. But I can be sure that at least I and Like many girls, I want to be happy and ignore so many intrigues... I also look forward to meeting a romantic love."

Qin Hao nodded and said, "It's a pity you can't, because you are a member of the Mu family, so you have to take corresponding responsibilities."

"I understand." Mu Wanran's expression seemed to darken: "It is because I understand that I work extra hard. But just because I work hard does not mean that I like it. If I could make a new choice, I would rather be an ordinary to A girl who can no longer be ordinary..."

At this moment, Qin Hao finally understood that Mu Wanran's invitation to come out was not to set up a grand banquet, but because she was afraid that she had accumulated too much pressure in her heart, but she had nowhere to vent it. As a last resort, Mu Wanran Wanran had no choice but to choose to confide in herself.Thinking of this, Qin Hao can also understand how difficult it is for this girl, after all, on her thin shoulders, she has to bear too much pressure that should not belong to her.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao poured himself a glass of wine and said, "Okay, since this is the case, I will accompany you today. From this moment on, you will be the most ordinary girl in front of me."

Mu Wanran was shocked when she heard this, and after a while, she slowly uttered two words: "Thank you."

Qin Hao chuckled, picked up a meat skewer and handed it to Mu Wanran, saying, "Eat it quickly, it won't taste good if it gets cold."

Mu Wanran hugged Qin Hao with a smile, took the meat skewers, and started to eat without caring about her image... In just a few hours, Qin Hao and Mu Wanran chatted from childhood experiences to life philosophy, From the philosophy of life to the fun of college.Although Mu Wanran was talking and Qin Hao was listening most of the time, the two had a rare tacit understanding, and both of them enjoyed this time very much.

And the beautiful female star who used to be in front of the TV, at this moment, it was like opening a chatterbox, and couldn't stop.The two chatted until the barbecue shop was about to close, and then they walked out of it full of enthusiasm.

"Ah!" Mu Wanran stretched her waist and exclaimed, "Today is really fun!"

Qin Hao smiled, knowing that such time was not easy for Mu Wanran.

"Qin Hao." Mu Wanran suddenly turned her head, stared at Qin Hao and said, "Thank you today."

"It's nothing." Qin Hao didn't dislike Mu Wanran like this, but said with a smile, "If you want in the future, you can ask me for a drink at any time."

"Hmm..." For some reason, Mu Wanran suddenly became depressed, and after a while, she suddenly said: "Let's go, accompany me to the nearby Heti for a walk."

Although the long river in front of Qin Hao and Mu Wanran was excavated manually, it also has a very long history.Moreover, the Huaxia Kingdom attaches great importance to the protection of cultural heritage, and has also carried out a certain degree of protection and decoration on this artificial river.At night, passers-by can often see colorful lights floating on the river, which can be said to have become a nearby scene.

Qin Hao and Mu Wanran just walked side by side without saying a word to each other.After such a suffocating atmosphere lasted for a long time, Mu Wanran suddenly said: "Qin Hao, I want to give you some information about the new gang I mentioned to you on the phone."

Qin Hao nodded, and Mu Wanran took out an envelope from the small bag she was carrying and handed it to Qin Hao, saying, "Qin Hao, here are the materials I investigated recently, I hope it can help you."

Qin Hao took the envelope carefully, put it in his arms and put it away, and decided to read it after going home. "Thank you." Qin Hao nodded and said, "This information may be very important."

"You're welcome." Mu Wanran said solemnly, "Although the Mu family has a different position from yours, we are also part of the Huaxia Kingdom. I have also heard about the recent incidents. Since I can help you, that is the best." As she said that, Mu Wanran paused and said: "In this document, I have marked some of the more important people, I hope you can focus on it."

"I will." Qin Hao nodded, but he couldn't help asking: "Just because I had a meal with you today, you gave me this information so simply?"

Mu Wanran smiled slightly, with half helplessness and half bitterness on her face: "You, sometimes you are smart, and sometimes you are confused."

Qin Hao was taken aback: "What does this mean?"

Mu Wanran chuckled, but didn't reply.Qin Hao felt depressed, so he simply stopped talking to Mu Wanran, but concentrated on thinking about what Mu Wanran said just now.

The two walked for a while, and before they knew it, they were about to walk a kilometer. "Let's stop here." Mu Wanran said suddenly, although her tone was very flat, she couldn't hide her loneliness: "I'm leaving."

Qin Hao didn't intend to keep her, but nodded and said, " careful on the road."

Mu Wanran nodded, and walked forward bouncing around.The river flows quietly, and the moon in the sky is silent.At this moment, as if time had stood still, only Mu Wanran's somewhat lonely back remained in Qin Hao's eyes.

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