Special Forces King Mixed Flowers - Chapter 310 Turning Point

Qin Hao hit the iron while the iron was hot, picked up the air conditioner with a smile and said, "That's it, I'll install this for you first." He said, regardless of Xu Rui's objection, he installed the air conditioner in a few clicks.

After a while, the air conditioner sent out cool wind, and the temperature in the entire office dropped instantly.Xu Rui is actually hot too, but the first thing in her mind is the students.As soon as the cool wind blew, Xu Rui also sat down on the chair and let out a sigh of relief.

Seeing Xu Rui's dazed look, Qin Hao couldn't help laughing secretly.This girl looks as cold as ice on the outside, but in her heart she is an out-and-out good person.Thinking of this, Qin Hao clapped his hands and smiled and said, "Teachers sit down first, I'll go out and buy an air conditioner." After speaking, he walked out of the office without waiting for Xu Rui to call him.

After Qin Hao walked away for a while, he heard Mr. Song laugh and say, "Mr. Xu, what do you think of Mr. Qin?"

Xu Rui was taken aback for a moment, and wondered, "Why does Mr. Song ask this?"

Teacher Song chuckled: "Mr. Xu, you are not young anymore, it's time to think about this kind of thing. I think this Mr. Qin is not bad, he is gentle and considerate. You can't let this kind of person go. .”

Xu Rui's body trembled, and a blush was already on her pretty face. She gave Teacher Song a white look, and said angrily, "Mr. Song! What are you talking about! He's just a parent of a student!"

Mr. Song still had the expression of someone who came here, he laughed and said: "You girl, if people don't like you, can you help me like this? I see, you should seize this opportunity, it is very difficult for such a person Met."

Xu Rui's face turned red to the base of her ears, she stomped her feet and said anxiously: "Old Song, if you keep talking nonsense! I won't talk to you anymore."

"Good! Good!" Teacher Song laughed loudly, his eyes full of kindness: "You child, everything is fine, but you are always so careless about your own affairs." After speaking, Teacher Song stood up slowly , walked out: "I still have class in the next session, so I won't bother you and that young man."

"Old Song!" Xu Rui stamped her foot, but there was nothing she could do with this kind old man.This Mr. Song is from the older generation. It is said that he participated in the Great Movement Revolution that year, so he can be regarded as an old seniority in the school.Moreover, this teacher is very knowledgeable, speaks and does things without airs, so both teachers and students in the school like him very much.

After Xu Rui came to this school, it was the old man Song who treated her the best. Although the old man nagged a little, everyone could tell that this old man was just like Xu Rui's granddaughter.Thinking of this, Xu Rui felt warm in her heart, especially in today's society, the only criterion for judging people is whether they have money or not. Xu Rui was very happy that such an old man cared about him.

Just as he was thinking, Qin Hao walked in sweating profusely with an air conditioner on his shoulders: "Hey? What about the old man?" Qin Hao pointed to the place where Song Lao stayed just now.

Xu Rui was in a trance when he suddenly saw Qin Hao coming in, and couldn't help but think of what old man Song said just now. At that time, his pretty face blushed, and he gave Qin Hao a look and said, "You ask me, how do I know?"

Qin Hao didn't know why Xu Rui lost his temper, and all of a sudden he made a fuss with Monk Zhang Er, who couldn't touch his head. He scratched his head and decided not to touch the fate of this iceberg beauty: "Mr. Well, why don't I install the air conditioner for Ruolan and the others while class is over."

Xu Rui nodded, trying to calm down her heart that was pounding like a deer, and then she regained her previous look; only then said Bingbing: "Okay."

At this moment, the harsh bell rang, and students from all classes rushed out of the classroom like a swarm.A little girl ran in after pushing the door and shouted, "Mr. Xu! Is my big brother Qin here?"

This girl is either someone else, or a naughty girl, Ling Ruolan.As soon as Ling Ruolan saw Qin Hao, she immediately clung to him, hugged Qin Hao's arm and said with a smile, "Brother Qin, I just heard them say you're here. If it wasn't for the class, I would have come out a long time ago."

Qin Nao twisted Ling Ruolan's nose and smiled, "You know how to play."

Ling Ruolan giggled, and then she saw Xu Rui. Her expression changed immediately, and she said in a low voice, "Xu... Hello, Teacher Xu."

Xu Rui said "Yes" with a straight face, but she couldn't hide the tenderness in her eyes: "Ruolan, did you finish the notes for last class?"

Ling Ruolan curled her lips: "It's done."

"That's good." Xu Rui nodded, and said earnestly: "The college entrance examination is coming soon. This is the last moment. You must work hard." Then, Xu Rui glanced at Qin Hao intentionally or unintentionally and said, "Don't let Brother Qin is disappointed."

Ling Ruolan looked at Qin Hao, then smiled and said: "Old witch... Teacher Xu, don't worry, my big brother Qin has full confidence in me."

"Go!" Qin Hao patted Ling Ruolan on the forehead, and scolded with a smile: "You ghost girl."

Ling Ruolan giggled for a while, and then found the big box at Qin Hao's feet. She asked curiously, "What is this?"

Only then did Qin Hao remember, he quickly picked up the air conditioner and said with a smile: "Your Teacher Xu saw that the class was too hot, so he went to buy an air conditioner for you, so that you can study better."

After hearing this, Ling Ruolan shouted in surprise and joy: "Really?"

Qin Hao chuckled: "Can this be false?"

"That's right." Ling Ruolan laughed and said, "Anyway, Brother Qin, you are careless, how could you remember these things?"

"Yes." Qin Hao rolled his eyes when Ling Ruolan said it.

Ling Ruolan smiled, and bounced up to Xu Rui.Suddenly kissed Xu Rui on the face and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, thank you!"

Xu Rui rubbed her cheek, dazed for a while, then decided to tell Ling Ruolan the truth: "Ruolan..."

Unexpectedly, before Xu Rui finished speaking, Qin Hao took Ling Ruolan's hand with a smile and said, "Come on, brother Qin will install the air conditioner for you, so don't make trouble for your teacher Xu."

"Yeah!" Ling Ruolan clapped her hands and giggled, holding Qin Hao's hand and bouncing towards the class.

Seeing Qin Hao's vigorous and gentle back, Xu Rui couldn't help but be infatuated for a moment.

Needless to say afterwards, Qin Hao's sudden move to install the air conditioner caused an uproar in the class, but he immediately received wild welcome from the students.There are only seven or eight boys in this class. As soon as they saw Qin Hao, they rushed up and sandwiched Qin Hao, laughing and laughing.

Qin Hao had a good impression of this group of boys, joking with each other.But the girls stared at Qin Hao eagerly. Qin Hao was dressed handsomely today, and his smile was very attractive. The girls were all salivating after seeing him. They wished they could snatch Qin Hao over and give him a few kisses.

And Ling Ruolan played the role of sister-in-law at this time, she glared at the girls in the class and shouted: "Don't look! Don't look! No one wants to get my brother's idea! Let me tell you, my brother has many people chasing after him." of."

But Ling Ruolan's words not only did not make those little girls give up, but aroused their aggressiveness: "Ruolan! Why don't you tell me your eldest brother's phone number!"

"No!" Xiao Nizi refused righteously.

"Ruolan! Tell me your elder brother's preferences, and I'll treat you to dinner!"

"Bah!" Xiao Nizi stared: "You want me to betray the organization after a meal? No way!"

"Good Ruolan! Tell me about your elder brother QQ, and I'll give you an autograph of my favorite star!"

"Really?"... "Ahem, don't come here, I'm not that kind of person."

Qin Hao was sweating profusely while listening, this is not a little girl, it is simply a trading market.Especially this ghost girl, judging by her expression, she was getting more and more uncontrollable.

At this moment, a girl with big shoulders and round waist rushed out: "Ruolan! As long as you give me your elder brother's mobile phone number! I will invite you to Mu Wanran's retirement dinner!"

"Okay!" The dead girl Pianzi sold Qin Hao without even thinking about it.So, she simply said a series of numbers.

When Qin Hao heard this, he was angry and laughed at the same time. This little girl is really unreliable. Sooner or later, she will have to tie herself to someone else's bed.But thinking about it, Qin Hao was very interested in Mu Wanran's retreat dinner.Just now that the air conditioner has been installed, Qin Hao came to the girl with big arms and round waist, tried his best to put on a chic smile and asked, "Student, what are you talking about about Mu Wanran's retirement dinner?"

When the fat girl saw Qin Hao talking to her in person, she almost fainted from happiness: "It's like this, my father is Mu Wanran's sponsor, so we can go to her retirement dinner, as long as I bring the Guests, then you can go!"

After Qin Hao heard this, he couldn't hold back the throbbing in his heart, and said with a smile: "Student, can you take me there too?" He really wanted to ask Mu Wanran face-to-face to find out exactly what was going on.

The fat girl trembled with excitement: "Do you want to be my boyfriend? That's absolutely no problem!"

Qin Hao couldn't care less, he smiled: "Thank you so much!"

Ling Ruolan was not satisfied with what she heard, and the girl couldn't help but muttered: "You are such an adult, why are you still chasing stars? Can meeting Mu Wanran make you so excited?"

Qin Hao smiled, but couldn't tell them what he was thinking in his heart.He asked again: "Student, on which night was Mu Wanran's dinner?"

The fat girl thought for a while and said, "Just this weekend."

Qin Hao nodded and said with a smile: "That means there are still four days left, so I'll trouble you. I'll let Ruolan contact you when the time comes, and we'll make an appointment to meet again."

When the fat girl heard this, she was so happy that she almost fainted. If she fainted all of a sudden, no one in this classroom would be able to lift her.Just as she quickly agreed, the class bell rang.After hearing this, Qin Hao smiled and said, "Okay, the air conditioner is finished, I should go too." Then, he specifically said to the fat girl: "Thank you, classmate, I will let Ruolan contact you again your."

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