Super ambiguous master

Chapter 319 Go Shopping!

The King of Special Forces Mixes Flowers Chapter 319 Go shopping!

Qin Hao was also a little embarrassed. After all, he and Xu Rui could only be regarded as meeting each other once. He hurried back to the house to find a jacket to put on, and then he came out and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, I need to trouble you to cook for Ruolan. Thank you so much."

Xu Rui nodded with a blushing face, "No trouble, she's full, and it's also helpful for her studies."

Qin Hao nodded, helped Xu Rui hold the bowl and chopsticks and said, "Mr. Xu, you are welcome too, let's have dinner together."

Xu Rui was taken aback, and hurriedly waved his hands and said, "No, no, I'm here to make up lessons for Ruolan."

Qin Hao chuckled: "You are full, isn't your efficiency also improved?"

Qin Hao used Xu Rui's words to persuade her, but now Xu Rui had nothing to say, so she nodded and said, "Since this is the case, then I will trouble you."

"No trouble." Qin Hao chuckled, quickly served Xu Rui and Ling Ruolan's meal, and then sat at the dining table with the two of them. "Ruolan." Qin Hao asked casually, "Where is Ruoxue? Why didn't you see her?"

Ling Ruolan thought for a while and said, "My sister seems to have club activities at the university today, so I went to school."

Qin Hao nodded. He knew that Ling Ruoxue liked to study, and he joined a reading club in college. This girl is so quiet, and Qin Hao also supported her.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao didn't ask any more questions, and started to eat quietly.Xu Rui's food is very good, not only very delicious, but also uses just the right amount of ingredients, without feeling cumbersome at all.Not only Qin Hao, but even Ling Ruolan ate an extra bowl of rice.

"Ms. Xu." After eating, Qin Hao helped Xu Rui clean up the dishes: "Thank you so much."

Xu Rui nodded and said, "It's nothing, Ruolan is very smart, if she can be admitted to a good university, I will be very pleased."

Qin Hao knew that this Xu Rui was not only beautiful, but also very serious and serious. Ling Ruolan would not have to worry about his grades if he could get her advice.So he nodded and smiled and said, "In that case, I won't disturb Mr. Xu's afternoon lecture. I'll go out to do some things later, and I'll come back when your class is over."

For some reason, a hint of disappointment flashed in Xu Rui's eyes, but she quickly nodded and said, "Okay."

Qin Hao nodded, and quickly packed up the dishes. He went back to the house and changed into a suit of clothes that made it easier to move, and went out.In fact, Qin Hao didn't have any purpose in the afternoon, he just wanted to be nice to Ling Ruolan, and he didn't want to disturb the two of them in class, so he made up a random excuse and planned to go outside for a while.After leaving the community, Qin Hao simply drove the car, wandering aimlessly along the roads in the city.

When passing by a shopping mall, Qin Hao remembered that he had been back to China for so long and hadn't bought anything for everyone.So Qin Hao simply stopped the car and went into the mall to see what he could buy for the women at home.As soon as Qin Hao entered the mall, he went straight to the jewelry counter.He definitely can't buy clothes. The women in the family are master dressers. If he buys clothes rashly, he will definitely be laughed at by them!

He also doesn't know how to buy cosmetics, especially since there are so many types of cosmetics and the uses of various brands are different.Qin Hao is a man, let alone inquiring, he is willing to remember a name.Therefore, Qin Hao chose the safest and most extravagant choice - buying jewelry.

Buy jewelry, as long as you have money!He, Qin Hao, doesn't believe that there are women in the world who don't like jewelry?Hmph, when Qin Hao thought of the happy expressions of the women at home when they got the jewels, he was sincerely happy.This shopping mall can be regarded as the first-class in the capital, not only has a complete range of categories, but also has a variety of suppliers that are world-renowned.Qin Hao looked at the navigation board and learned that jewelry is sold on the top floor.

After reaching the top floor, Qin Hao found this jewelry store called "Mingzhu". The scale of this jewelry store is not small, almost covering the top floor of the mall. Thousands of different kinds of jewelry are available at very different prices.

Qin Hao wandered around for a while, but didn't find any jewelry he particularly liked.In his impression, Ling Ruolan is lively and cute, delicate and youthful, and should be suitable for jewelry such as earrings.Ling Ruoxue is as gentle as water and considerate, giving her a necklace is definitely not wrong.Zhou Yayan shared weal and woe with her and would never leave her. This gemstone ring should be given to her.Although Shu Ziyi is strong, she has a touch of classicism in her temper, so it might be a good idea to give her a jade bracelet.And Qin Hao knew about Sophie Yatai, and knew that this woman liked brooches very much.

After deciding what to give, Qin Hao decided to take action.First, he bought a pair of earrings for 5000 yuan from a nearby counter, and bought a crystal pendant at a high price from a counter not far away.Coincidentally, the counter next to it sells jade bracelets and brooches.After Qin Hao spent another [-] yuan to choose the brooch and jade bracelet, he decided to buy the highlight - the ring.

Regarding giving diamond rings, Qin Hao knew that he must not be sloppy. Since ancient times, women have longed for diamond rings. Whether the diamond rings are good or not is directly related to his own evaluation.Thinking of this, Qin Hao turned around and found that the rings sold around him were not very satisfactory. Seeing Qin Hao's distressed face, the patrol lobby manager took the initiative to ask, "Sir, is there anything I can do for you?" ?”

Qin Hao smiled and said, "It's like this. I want to give my friend a ring, but the one here doesn't satisfy me. Do you have anything to recommend?"

The lobby manager thought for a while and smiled: "It must be that the specifications of the diamond rings here do not meet the definition in Mr.'s heart. Then please come with me, Mr. We also have a counter that specializes in selling rings with relatively high prices."

"Oh?" This aroused Qin Hao's interest, he nodded and said, "Then I will trouble you."

"No trouble." The lobby manager remained humble: "Please come with me."

Qin Hao followed the lobby manager all the way, and after a while, he came to a counter inside the Pearl Jewelry Store. "This gentleman wants to choose a better ring. You are responsible for recommending it to him." The lobby manager handed Qin Hao to the clerk and left.

The clerk saw that Qin Hao was dressed very elegantly, even if it was casual clothes, it was also a well-known brand, so he knew that Qin Hao was worth a lot of money.Thinking of this, several people hastened to express their affection, took out several diamond rings from the counter and handed them to Qin Hao: "Sir, these rings are the more popular high-end types here, please take a look."

Qin Hao took all kinds of rings and looked at them one by one.The items recommended by these shop assistants are considered to be of the highest quality, including rubies, sapphires, diamonds, and black diamonds.Black Diamond didn't fit Qin Hao's aesthetics, so it was eliminated first.Qin Hao didn't intend to propose to Zhou Yayan this time, so the diamond was fine.All that's left are a few gems.Among them, Qin Hao is most inclined to ruby. Ruby is solemn and elegant, but also very warm, which just fits Zhou Yayan's image.After weighing left and right for a while, Qin Hao decided to buy a ring inlaid with rubies.

The price quoted on the ruby ​​ring: 15.Qin Hao almost didn't think about it, so he paid for the ruby ​​ring.After that, he walked out of the jewelry store under the respectful farewell of the clerk.Just when Qin Hao was about to leave, a man in a windbreaker with a ferocious face suddenly walked towards him.Qin Hao didn't pay attention, and passed close to that man. The moment the two of them came into contact, Qin Hao felt an uncomfortable feeling emanating from this man.If you want to say what this feeling is, it is actually very simple, that is - murderous aura.

Qin Hao was taken aback for a moment, the man had already walked into the jewelry store.

"Bah bah!" Suddenly, there was a gunshot in the jewelry shop, and then a man shouted, "Bring me all the jewelry!"

Qin Hao sneered after hearing this, and said in his heart: "You are really unlucky today, you actually hit my hand." Thinking of this, Qin Hao turned his head back, ready to play tricks on this robbing man, so as to pass the time.

I'm afraid that if Qin Hao's current thoughts are known to others, he will be so frightened that he can't close his mouth. How can anyone in the world use robbers as a way to pass the time?It's too late to run!But Qin Hao is not an ordinary person, you have to ask who he is!He is the famous Phantom Sky Fox!

Just like that, Qin Hao walked into the jewelry store with a smirk on his face.At this moment, the robber has smashed more than a dozen jewelry counters, and the big bag he brought with him is already full!After Qin Hao saw it, he smiled slightly and said, "My friend, you have already taken so much, aren't you afraid that you will spend your life to enjoy it?"

The man froze for a moment, turned his head and shouted, "Who are you?"

Qin Hao smiled slightly and said, "I'm nobody, I'm just passing by."

"X your mother!" The gangster took out a pistol from his arms and cursed at Qin Hao: "You dare to meddle in your own business when passing by, believe it or not, I will kill you?"

When Qin Hao saw the pistol, his expression changed instantly. He pretended to be frightened, squatted on the ground covering his head and shouted: "Brother! I was wrong! Don't kill me!"

"Damn you." When the gangster saw that Qin Hao was intimidated, a smug smile appeared on his face, and he was about to kick Qin Hao when he walked over: "Mother x, I will let you pretend to be b again, I think you are still a hero No!" Saying that, the gangster suddenly raised his foot and kicked Qin Hao's head.

Qin Hao was waiting for this moment, when he suddenly rolled on the spot and got behind the bandit, and then hit the bandit's back with both hands violently.Hearing a loud "bang", the gangster was punched by Qin Hao and flew out, rolled on the ground several times, and then stopped.Qin Hao sneered, walked up to have a look, and saw that the gangster had already passed out from foaming at the mouth.

"It's really boring." Qin Hao sighed and clapped his hands: "I still expected you to pay back, who knew you were so useless, I was so disappointed!" Qin Hao looked at his watch and found that it was only afternoon A little past three o'clock, he couldn't help sighing: "It's still so long, what should I do this afternoon?"

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