Super ambiguous master

Chapter 323 Repelling the Golden Scorpion Gang

Special Forces King Mixed Flowers - Chapter 323 Repelling the Golden Scorpion Gang

"Hmph." Qin Hao snorted coldly, with a cruel smile on his face.

"Boss...boss..." The yellow-haired gangster stared at Qin Hao and said in a trembling voice, "That's the kid!"

"Fuck!" Jin Xie cursed, pointed at Qin Hao and said, "Hack him to death!" Before he finished speaking, all the gangsters around Jin Xie mobilized and chopped towards Qin Hao.

"It's too slow!" Qin Hao sneered, the knives were soft and slow, as if they hadn't eaten enough, how could they hurt him?I saw Qin Hao shortened his body and dodged past the crowd.Then he grabbed a machete casually, chopped down a little gangster to the ground with his backhand, and then ran towards Jin Scorpion aggressively.

Jin Xie's expression changed, and the gangsters around the commander shouted: "Don't just stand still! Hack him to death!"

"Ah!" The punks around burst into shouts, chasing and slashing at Qin Hao.

Qin Hao sneered, the machete in his hand was flying up and down, it was more nimble than a dagger.In the blink of an eye, Qin Hao's machete had sliced ​​through the chests of dozens of people, and blood, accompanied by the dance of the knife, spilled all over the ground.Jin Xie had never seen such a person before. He faced all the subordinates of his Jin Xie Gang alone.

"Fucking mother!" Jin Xie cursed, pulled out the machete from his arms, and slashed towards Qin Hao!He Jinxie came out to hang out at the age of 16, why haven't you seen such a big storm?If I was wiped out by you alone today, how can I still be on the road in the future?

Unexpectedly, Jin Xie didn't run two steps, Qin Hao suddenly took a step forward, and his body drew a strange arc in the air. Before everyone could react, Qin Hao had already appeared in front of Jin Xie.

"Hey!" The sword light fell straight down, and Jin Xie froze in place.After a while, the blood on the top of his head gushed out crazily, dyeing his whole body red. "Plop!" Jin Xie fell to the ground, his limbs twitching slightly.When everyone saw this, they were scared out of their wits by Qin Hao, how could they care about the boss?The gangsters dropped their knives one by one and shouted, "Boss has been killed! Boss has been killed!"

In a blink of an eye, there was no trace.

Qin Hao snorted coldly, took out the phone and dialed Hu Yu's landline.

"Hello?" After a while, Hu Yu's sleepy voice sounded from the other end of the phone: "Qin Hao? Call me so late?"

Qin Hao smiled: "Mr. Hu, I just had a conflict with a group of gangsters outside and killed a few of them casually. Now please help me cover it up."

"You." Hu Yu couldn't help feeling a little headache, this Phantom Sky Fox was killing too much, and it always had to make some noise.

Qin Hao chuckled: "Mr. Hu, it seems that I have helped you so much, why don't you help me with this little thing?"

Hu Yu rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Okay, tell me the address, and I will send someone to clean it up soon."

"Old Hu is still interesting." Qin Hao giggled, and quickly reported the address.After Hu Yu wrote it down, he said, "Qin Hao, is this group of people you provoked the Golden Scorpion Gang?"

Qin Hao was taken aback for a moment: "Mr. Hu, how do you know?"

Hu Yu snorted coldly and said, "There is only one gang in the Shitougou area, and that is the Golden Scorpion Gang." After speaking, Hu Yu paused and said, "Qin Hao, this Golden Scorpion Gang has something to do with a relatively large fraud group in Beijing. We've been chasing them down for a long time, but we haven't found any flaws. You've done us a big favor by killing them this time."

"Fraud group?" Qin Hao was a little interested in this word: "What kind of fraud group?"

Hu Yu thought for a while and said: "This fraud group is very mysterious. What we know so far is that they often pretend to be investors to carry out group fraud. At present, more than a hundred companies across the country have been victimized."

Qin Hao thought for a while, and asked, "Mr. Hu, is there any boss whose surname is Xu in these groups?"

"Wait a moment." Hu Yu said, turned around and put down the phone.After a while, Qin Hao heard the sound of flipping paper from Hu Yu's side.Hu Yu must be looking for information.

After a while, Hu Yu came over and picked up the phone and said, "Yes, there are three cases in total. Do you have the specific names of the victims?"

Qin Hao estimated Xu Rui's age, and said, "Although there is no specific name, it was about three or four years ago. Mr. Hu, can you find it?"

Hu Yu was silent for a while, and then said: "There is one case, the victim Xu Jiguo, this victim is considered to be the most serious victim in the case, according to our secret investigation, Xu Jiguo was defrauded of at least [-] million assets, which directly led to the bankruptcy of the company. "

Qin Hao nodded, presumably it should be Xu Rui's father.Thinking of this, Qin Hao asked again: "Mr. Hu, do you have any other news about this scam group?"

"Oh?" Hu Yu was a little surprised, and said with a smile: "Why, your kid is also interested in such a case?"

Qin Hao smiled: "I have a friend whose father is probably Xu Jiguo."

"So that's how it is." Hu Yu nodded and said, "That's right, we've been tracking down this fraudulent group for a long time, but it's a pity that they are very well disguised, and there are hundreds of leather bag companies just for transferring assets , so it is difficult to thoroughly investigate, but after hard work, I still have some clues."

Qin Hao frowned and asked, "What clue?"

Hu Yu said: "According to our investigation, this fraudulent group is likely to be operated by a certain company in the capital, and this company's industry should be very large, at least enough to cover up the unknown assets obtained from this fraud."

"I understand." Qin Hao nodded and said: "Mr. Hu, if you have any new clues, please inform me as soon as possible. My friend was ruined by them, and I really want to help them. "

Hu Yu nodded, and just before he was about to hang up the phone, he suddenly remembered something: "By the way, Qin Hao, do you still remember Mu Wanran?"

Qin Hao was taken aback: "Remember, what's wrong?"

Hu Yu said: "You also know that the Mu family should be very dangerous now. According to our investigation, the Zhou family that Mu Wanran is going to marry may be the upper family of this fraudulent group, but we have no evidence now, so we only can stay in the doubt stage.”

"It's them?" Qin Hao was taken aback: "Xinglong Culture Investment Co., Ltd."

"That's right." Hu Yu said decisively: "They are very likely, because there are not many companies that can swallow such a large sum of money lightly, and Xinglong Culture Investment Co., Ltd. is one of them."

"I understand." Qin Hao nodded, and secretly clenched his fist. Whether it's for Xu Rui or Mu Wanran, Qin Hao must thoroughly investigate this matter!

Hu Yu has been in contact with Qin Hao for so long, and he has probably figured out his temperament. Seeing that Qin Hao stopped talking, he said: "Qin Hao, if you want to investigate this matter, I will not object. But you have to know that the Zhou family is very powerful, and some of them have already connected with the country, so I hope you don't act rashly, if you do something wrong, I probably won't be able to protect you either."

Qin Hao sneered, nodded and said, "I understand."

"That's good." Hu Yu sighed: "If there is nothing else, I will hang up first."

Qin Hao said "um", and the busy tone of "beep beep" came from the other end of the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Hao knocked on the door of Xu Rui's house: "Xu Rui, it's me."

After a while, there was movement in the room. Xu Rui opened the door cautiously. After seeing Qin Hao, she was both surprised and happy: "Qin Hao! Are you not injured?"

Qin Hao smiled slightly: "Don't worry."

Xu Rui nodded, opened the door and said, "Come in."

Qin Hao was also polite, and followed Xu Rui into the house.Because he wanted to teach those gangsters a lesson, Qin Hao didn't have time to take a closer look at Xu Rui's home.Only now did he realize that Xu Rui's home was more difficult than he had imagined. There was only a single bed and an old sofa in the whole house.On the other side of the sofa, students' homework is stacked high.

And Xu Rui's grandma was sitting on the bed right now, looked at Qin Hao with teary eyes and said, "Young man, thank you for saving us." As if to bow to Qin Hao.

Qin Hao quickly supported her, and said softly, "Grandma, I can't bear to salute you at such an age."

As he said that, he looked around and saw that Xu Rui's house was completely bare, not even a TV set.It's hard for you to imagine that a beautiful woman like Xu Rui was spoiled and spoiled a few years ago, enjoying all the glory and wealth.But in a short period of time, she will have to face the life of the lowest class in society. It is conceivable how much Xu Rui has suffered in recent years.

Seeing Qin Hao's expression of pity, Xu Rui couldn't help but feel pain in her heart. She is also a girl with infinite youth, and she also longs for a better life, but God is so cruel and made a malicious joke in her life .Thinking of this, Xu Rui's heart throbbed.

"Qin..." She said a word, but couldn't continue.

Seeing her expression, Qin Hao made a decision in his heart. He said, "Mr. Xu, although I have dealt with these gangsters today, it's hard for me to guarantee that they won't come here again. In this case, I suggest you Move as soon as possible."

After hearing this, Xu Rui showed a embarrassed look on her face: "But I don't have any money..."

Qin Hao waved his hand and said, "Since I've helped you, I'll help you to the end. How about this, I'll help you find a house. Grandma is so old, it's really not good to suffer here."

A grateful look appeared on Xu Rui's face, but she quickly shook her head and said, "Mr. Qin, I thank you very much. But I, Xu Rui, will never accept pity from others. I will work hard on my own to create a good life for grandma." space."

Qin Hao was not surprised by Xu Rui's answer. In his impression, Xu Rui was a strong woman, and she would never accept his help.Thinking of this, Qin Hao smiled: "It's okay, I don't plan to help you for free, Ruolan is going to take the college entrance examination in a few months, I hope that during this time, Teacher Xu can give her one-on-one tutoring on weekends .As for the tutoring fee, let it be my remuneration for helping you find a house."

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