Super ambiguous master

Chapter 363 Infiltrate

The King of Special Forces Mixed Flowers - Chapter 363 Infiltrating

After the bang.The cunning fox suffered inexplicable injuries.But not enough to be fatal.But next.Qin Hao quickly picked up his dagger and rushed to kill the fox.

A bare hand.One holds a weapon.One is good at sniping with a gun.And the other is an all-around fighter.One was injured for not being able to dodge.The other was premeditated.

All of these imply that Qin Hao has an absolute advantage.In this way, the two fought together again.But in the depths, the fox is already struggling to support it.

The one-sided fight soon had results.Qin Hao, who was holding a dagger in his hand, flickered.Then he grabbed the arm of the fox and pulled it into his arms.The dagger in the right hand rushed towards the fox who had lost its center.In an instant, blood spattered.The fox also died in a pool of blood.

After finishing off the two of them, Qin Hao took a short breath, then stood up again with his expression unchanged.After simply tidying up, he disappeared into the night again.

Qin Hao crossed the hill, and quietly dealt with a few pursuers.Each of this group of people is very powerful. If strictly counted, they should all belong to the elite special forces category.

Qin Hao couldn't help feeling a little nervous. This group of people is so powerful, so the person responsible for guarding Pu Jiancheng is obviously very difficult.If it's one-on-one, he's definitely not afraid, but if it's one-on-three, or even one-to-many.Then Qin Hao is likely to fall into a passive state.

While thinking, he climbed up the hill.Looking down, the villa where Pu Jiancheng was hiding was right under his feet. The villa was elegant and luxurious, but the interior was full of dirt and dirt, and it became a hiding place for criminals.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao's heart trembled, he turned on the communicator and asked, "Ainuo, how is your situation?"

After a while, a reply came from the communicator, and Ainuo smiled lazily as always: "All the mice on my side have been solved, and I made it easy for you. How is your side?"

Qin Hao rolled his eyes after hearing this, and said angrily: "This is really a hard job for me, and the enemies are more powerful than one."

Ainuo smiled proudly: "No way, who told you to be the Phantom Sky Fox? You know that melee combat is not my strong point."

"Hmph." Qin Hao was speechless, so he continued to roll his eyes.

Ainuo was not angry, but just smiled: "Phantom Sky Fox, have you reached the top of the mountain yet?"

Qin Hao said "hmm": "It's just that the target here is very obvious. If I go down from the top of the mountain, it will be very easy to be exposed."

"It's easy." Ainuo smiled: "I'll lure the patrol away for you right away, then you can sneak in easily."

Upon hearing this, Qin Hao hurriedly stopped: "This is too dangerous!"

Ainuo smiled: "Phantom Sky Fox, are you worried about me? This is not like your style."

Qin Hao was taken aback, and Ainuo suddenly said seriously: "Phantom Sky Fox, although you rank above me in the killer list, don't forget. I, Ainuo, the god of death, is also a famous killer. Die, then I won't come!"

After hearing this, Qin Hao felt a little guilty.Ainuo was right, he was also one of the top three killers in the world, if he died so easily, it would only mean that this list is not worth mentioning at all!So what is Qin Hao who is number one on this list?

Thinking of this, Qin Hao smiled: "I'm sorry old friend, I thought too much. I want to apologize to you for my rudeness."

After hearing this, Ainuo returned to his usual sloppy personality: "It's okay." He said with a smile: "After the task is over, you can treat me to a drink!"

"No problem!" Qin Hao clenched his fists: "Treasure!"

At this time, any words are not as powerful as the power in the hearts of the two. "You too." Ainuo smiled and said, "Don't die, Phantom Sky Fox!" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone,

Qin Hao took a long breath after hearing this, "I will never die." He said silently from the bottom of his heart.

"Boom!" At this moment, there was a loud noise from the top of the far mountain. ——That's Arno's Barrett, who apparently removed the silencer in order to distract the enemy.

When the people around the villa heard it, they immediately took action and ran towards the mountain.There were only six or seven or eight of the remaining people, and Qin Hao was more than enough to deal with them.

Sure enough, Qin Hao lurked down and rushed down the mountain.Although it is troublesome to sneak attack from the top of the mountain by detour, if it succeeds, Qin Hao will face Pu Jiancheng in the villa directly!As long as you catch him, many questions will be solved!

Thinking about it, Qin Hao's figure has already rushed down the mountain.

Several people on patrol just saw Qin Hao, but it was too late.Qin Hao was like a fierce tiger out of the cage, he rushed over and smashed the heads of several people.Then he disguised the corpse as quickly as possible, and sneaked into the villa.

Qin Hao wanted to ensure that he would not be discovered, so he had to scout out how many people were guarding the other party first, so that he could succeed smoothly.

The entire villa is divided into two floors, and they are on the first floor. Qin Hao quietly came to the hall of the villa, hid in a dark corner of a pillar, and quietly observed the surrounding situation.

In the villa, only the center of the hall is still lit, and four bodyguards in suits are happily playing cards together. There are so many bodyguards outside that even a fly cannot fly in, so they can play around unscrupulously, but they can It was enough to ensure the safety of Pu Jiancheng upstairs, but they didn't believe that there would be any danger under such strict protection, so they naturally relaxed their vigilance, which made Qin Hao cheaper.

Qin Hao looked carefully, and the only way to get to the second floor was through the stairs in the hall, but there were four bodyguards in the hall, unless they were all killed, once they appeared, their whereabouts would be gone immediately. will be exposed, and then their mission will fail.

Qin Hao carefully observed everything in the hall, and kept thinking about what method should be taken in his mind. This is a key task, and he doesn't want to mess it up.

After thinking about it, he felt that he should act steadily, carefully observe every move in the villa, and then decide what to do.

And the four people in the hall didn't notice it at all, just under their noses, a person quietly observed everything here, and now they slowly backed out.

Qin Hao, who was lurking in the hall, took out a sonar device from his pocket. This was something he would use in previous missions. It was not loud, but it could make animal sounds to attract Attention is the most suitable thing.It is impossible for the four players who are playing cards to be solved at once, so we have to lure them out and solve them one by one.

Qin Hao, who was hiding in a dark corner, slowly rubbed the sonar device in his hand, and then stuck it on the wall in the corridor next to him, then Qin Hao immediately hid it and turned on the button.

Suddenly, cat meowing came from the dark corridor. Although the four bodyguards were happily playing cards, these two sounds were still unusually obvious.Sure enough, the two meows just now had successfully attracted the attention of the four bodyguards in the living room.

"Fourth, don't fight, go and see what happened just now? We didn't have cats here before."

One of the bodyguards was obviously the eldest, pointing to the youngest one and saying.

"Brother, look at your suspiciousness. Flies can't come in here, so it must be a wild cat from somewhere." The man called the fourth man was full of impatience. His hands are full of good cards now, and he is not that interested in letting him throw down the cards to see the wild cats that he doesn't know where they came from.

Seeing this, the boss shook his head, and said to the other person next to him: "Second brother, go and see what's going on, don't let anything happen."

"Okay, big brother, I'll go right away." The second child was relatively calm, and immediately agreed after hearing what the boss said, then stood up and walked towards the corridor where the sound just came out.

And Qin Hao quickly hid in the darkness at the entrance of the corridor, waiting for the arrival of the second child.

The second child came to the corridor and looked around, but found nothing unusual, and there was no sign of any wild cats at all. He laughed at the suspicion of the boss in his heart, and was about to leave for the opportunity to go back to play cards, but just as he was about to turn around Suddenly, a big hand stretched out from behind his back, and suddenly covered his mouth, and then he felt a chill in his neck, breathing immediately became difficult, and he gradually lost his intuition.

Qin Hao swiftly dragged the second child whose neck had been cut off to the corner of the corridor, and continued to lurk to the original place, waiting for the arrival of the next person.

The three people who continued to play cards after waiting for the second child to check, were a little impatient when they didn't see him come back after waiting for a long time.

"Where did the second brother go, to see a wild cat, why is there no one else, really, I finally got a good hand, I will go and find him." Standing up, he threw down the cards in his hand and walked towards the corridor.

"Second brother, second brother, where have you been, come back quickly, we are waiting for you, three are missing one. It's really not enough."

The fourth brother in the corridor kept yelling for his second brother, but he didn't know that his second brother was lying in a dark corner not far from him at this moment, but he had turned into a corpse, and he was about to die It will be the same end.

"Are you mistaken? Where did you go, woo woo woo."

Before the fourth brother finished speaking, Qin Hao quietly dodged behind him like a ghost, and the dagger in his hand quickly passed through his trachea, making the fourth child who wanted to yell completely dumb.

Then the dagger in Qin Hao's hand slammed into his heart again, quickly ending the pain of the fourth child.

"What's the sound? Why haven't the second and fourth children come yet? Nothing will happen, right? Let's go and have a look." After waiting for a long time, the two still didn't come back, the boss suddenly became anxious.

He was afraid that something really happened to the two of them, so he quickly called the third child who was sitting next to him to go into the corridor to have a look.

"Wait, I'll take the guy, I can protect myself if something happens." The third child shouted at the boss, and then handed over a pistol.

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