Super ambiguous master

Chapter 384 Continue to be mad!

King of Special Forces Mixed Flowers - Chapter 384 Continue to be crazy!

Wilser kept imagining in his heart that if Qin Hao could be taken away, then the berserk agent he researched would be better, and it might even be possible to turn it into a source of life that would not hurt, but A super biological weapon that can also increase strength.

"Don't worry, I will never let you die so easily!" Wilser has put his own strength to the maximum, and at this moment he is eager to take Qin Hao away. Only in this way can his research achieve a higher level. From this point of view, this guy is indeed a perverted inventor. For his purpose, he did not hesitate to use the world's number one killer as a research object.

Qin Hao didn't take his words to heart at all, he only wanted to kill this guy at this moment, but when facing this guy's lightning-fast figure, his subconscious danger information had been put to the maximum, and his heart There is also an invisible pressure constantly squeezing his thoughts.


After being overwhelmed unilaterally in just a few tens of seconds, Qin Hao finally couldn't bear it and roared. His speed suddenly slowed down, and his right hand struck out like a hammer. A blow without fancy, like blowing a big hole in the air, the sound of the air explosion can be clearly heard even by the surrounding crowd, they have no doubt that if the punch falls on themselves, let alone dodge Yes, it is estimated that a big hole has been pierced somewhere in the body before he realized it.

Faced with this blow that was so close at hand, Wilser was also slightly shocked. He did not expect that the power of the potion on Qin Hao's body could be exerted to such an extent. Facing such a blow, to be honest, he could not completely avoid it. Open, gritted his teeth and suppressed, Wilser directly aligned his palms with fists, and ruthlessly pushed out in the direction where the fists fell.

Punches and palms collided with each other, and a dull voice rang out at the same time. At this moment, the people around finally saw what it means to be crazy. Originally, there were only scenes that appeared in movies, but now they really appeared in front of them. The dusty scene was like being blasted by a bomb, and even the surrounding air was slightly shaken.

If there is really internal energy in this world, then what these two people have just used is the highest level, but also the most direct.

After the confrontation, both of them felt as if their hands were broken, but this feeling of broken bones didn't make them feel any pain.

"Hahaha, is this the power of the so-called potion? But compared with me who has undergone many experiments, you seem to be far behind!" Although the corners of Wilser's mouth were bleeding at this time, he was still mad. He laughed arrogantly, the possessiveness in his eyes remained the same, but his right hand was hanging on his shoulder like a willow swinging in the wind, so that people could see at a glance that his right arm had completely lost its ability to attack.

The next moment, I saw Wilser put his left hand into his bosom, and took out a small syringe from his bosom. The appearance of this syringe made Qin Hao's red eyes widen instantly. He knew in his heart that this The tiny needle must be a strengthening agent. Once this guy injects the liquid into his body, he will definitely not be able to defeat this guy who has been strengthened and strengthened several times.

"Don't think about—"

Qin Hao didn't talk nonsense, and after a roar, the figure rushed out as if cutting through the space.

Facing the figure who was about to stop him, Wilser just smiled coldly, but unfortunately he miscalculated at the next moment, a gunshot sounded, and a bullet pierced Wilser's left chest A blood hole appeared, and with the appearance of this blood hole, accompanied by Qin Hao's heavy blow, Wilser's body had to fly upside down in surprise, and after flying upside down for nearly ten meters, he landed freely and rolled on the ground.

This sudden and dramatic change immediately caused everyone to look at each other in blank dismay. Several experienced mercenaries came back to their senses the next moment, pointing at Shu Ziyi and Sophia with their micro-punches and shouting coldly: "You... ...You all stop for me, whoever dares to mess around, I promise to beat him into a colander."

Faced with this sudden change, Shu Ziyi and Sophia both looked at each other in blank dismay, but it wasn't because of fear to them, even if it was someone else, being pointed at by dozens of micro punches like this, even the God of War would It will be chilling!

"He's not dead yet!" Qin Hao said coldly, before the other party's mercenary gave Wilser a look, his red eyes became focused again.

Wilser, who had been lying in a pool of blood, seemed to be fulfilling Qin Hao's words. After his words fell, Wilser's arrogant laughter echoed.

"Hahaha, as expected of the Phantom Sky Fox, this sensitive aura really makes me happy. Fortunately, my heart is long gone. Otherwise, I really don't know if this shot will kill me!"

As the words sounded, Wilser stood up while speaking, and everyone was shocked at this moment, because they saw a big hole in the guy's chest, but there was almost no other reaction except bleeding. And when their gazes were concentrated, they discovered the silver light leaking from the blood hole.

"Is it a machine heart?" Qin Hao said with a frown. He knows that there are people in this world who have been replaced with expensive machine hearts due to illness or various reasons. This kind of heart is made of Made of titanium alloy, it is not only strong, but also prevents rust.

It's just that according to this guy's personality, Qin Hao suddenly thought: "He won't use his own body for experiments, so he..."

Wilser seemed to see the doubts on Qin Hao's face, and said with a cold smile: "I used my own body to experiment, and finally let me develop a method that can prevent the side effects of the enhancer, that is, replace the heart with a machine, so that you can prevent the side effects of using boosters!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, what is madness, this is the real madness.In order to invent, someone actually used their own body to do experiments, and even replaced the heart with a machine. This may not even be described as crazy, but it is to use magic.

And not only that, seeing Wilser's appearance, Qin Hao has no doubts at all, this guy will not be affected by the potion at all, he can completely control his mind!

However, just as they were amazed, Wilser once again reached out and lifted out a small needle from his bosom, and the needle quickly pierced into his arm. This time, Qin Hao and the others couldn't react at all, because this The guy's distance is not short at this time, and when they saw the needle tube appear, he had already stabbed into the arm fiercely.

Watching Wilser throw away the needle, Qin Hao and the others suddenly felt that the sky had changed, because the old guy's body was also changing, and the degree of change was definitely not lower than that of every person who used the enhancer in the past.

Seeing that Wilser's body didn't grow stronger, but the veins had more than doubled in size. Seeing that his arms were wrapped in green veins like vines, Qin Hao's heart was also slightly shocked.

If the muscles get bigger, the strength will increase, and the veins get bigger, it is equivalent to multiplying this strength by an unknown number of times. The result is simply like Park Jiancheng who turned into a monster that day!

"Tsk tsk tsk, are you afraid? But I advise you to go back with me obediently, lest I accidentally kill you, then you will have no room for regret!" Wilser smiled coldly When he woke up, his face could no longer be described in terms of face, and his extremely distorted facial features made people look like seeing the king of Hades.

"Hehe, with your inhuman appearance, do you think I'm a child who is easily scared?" Qin Hao chuckled, and took out the dagger that killed countless people from his waist. Then he stared at the guy's every move with cold eyes.

Facing Qin Hao's words, Wilser didn't talk to him any more, only saw his body leaning forward, that 140-degree tilt state, even the king of dancing Jackson might be difficult to do.

Just when everyone was wondering what he was going to do, a burst of dust suddenly rose from the place where Wilser was standing just now. With the splash of dust, after an afterimage, a dull voice sounded. Qin Hao, who was standing there, flew backwards for more than ten meters at the moment when the dull voice sounded.

Faced with such a speed that even the naked eye can't catch, everyone was speechless at this moment.

If the speed of Shenwu V is the fastest, then this guy's speed is definitely the pinnacle of human beings. This speed can't even be seen by the eyes, let alone estimate the speed per hour.

"Hahahaha, how about it, do you think you still have a chance to defeat me now?"

Wilser stood nearly ten meters away from Qin Hao and laughed wildly. Qin Hao also covered his chest with one hand, feeling the pain in his body. He knew that at least two ribs were broken this time, and it was just a punch. That's all, if he gets another punch, he doesn't know if he can hold on.

Qin Hao endured the throbbing pain in his internal organs, stood up slowly and wiped off the blood froth at the corners of his mouth, his eyes became more bright red at this moment, and within a few seconds, the bright red in his eyes had already begun to solidify , red to purple, and then covered the entire pupil.

"Then let's see who can have the last laugh!"

Qin Hao raised his head and stared at Wilser opposite him with purple pupils. At this moment, he seemed to have lost consciousness. The aura on his face was not angry but mighty. Although it didn't sound as scary as Wilser, it also looked extremely gloomy.

However, Wilser, who was standing opposite Qin Hao, immediately drew a cautious smile. At this moment, he finally reached an unprecedented ecstasy. In this world, he could still be interested in researching a thing!

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