Super ambiguous master

Chapter 388 Underground Deathmatch

King of Special Forces Mixed Flowers - Chapter 388 Underground Deathmatch

However, the attack of this monster named Bessemat was so terrifying that Qin Hao had no time to think about his thoughts just now.

There was a loud "bang", and the surroundings of the laboratory were already on fire.

"Damn it." Qin Hao cursed secretly, and suddenly lifted his clothes up to protect his head and neck from being burned by the flames.Then I saw him jumping and rolling on the hot floor of the laboratory.Rolled to the other side.Bessemat was immediately attracted by Qin Hao. It picked up the heavy machine gun in its hand and fired at Qin Hao frantically.

Qin Hao rolled and cursed all the way.The bullets behind him almost formed a straight line, completely destroying the floor.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Qin Hao had already crashed into the corner of the laboratory.According to his observation just now, this corner and Bessemat's place just now happened to be a dead corner. The terrain here is very low, and there are some twists and turns. From the outside, it should be impossible to see the situation inside.Even if Bessemat is a robot, if it wants to attack Qin Hao now, it must at least change one direction.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao showed a sneer on his face, and gave the huge monster Bessermat a middle finger.But he knew in his heart that even if he could hide here for a while, he would definitely not be able to hide for a lifetime.If he wants to survive, he must fight.Otherwise, if things go on like this for a long time, what awaits him is that he will exhaust his energy and be captured and killed by this monster in the end.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao hurriedly turned his gaze to see if there were any weapons that could be used in the laboratory.He knew that since this was the base of the Holy Cross Sanctions Corps, some weapons would definitely be deployed.With this in mind, Qin Hao searched around for a while, and as expected, he found a weapon in the corner of the laboratory within a short while.This weapon is very strange, it can be said that Qin Hao has never seen it before.The total length of this weapon is about [-] to [-] centimeters. The entire body of the gun has neither a bullet clip nor any aiming device. It looks like a semi-finished product.Seems like a weapon that hasn't been seen yet.

Qin Hao picked up the weapon, only to realize that although the gun was very long, its caliber was surprisingly small. Even ordinary pistols were probably much larger than its caliber.It's such a strange weapon, but Qin Hao can feel the sense of deterrence released by it when he holds it in his hand.For some reason, Qin Hao felt in his heart that this weapon might be very powerful!

At this moment, I only heard Bessemat say in a cold voice: "The target is hiding in the obstacle, and it cannot be eliminated by ordinary means. Now switch to the thermal energy mode." Semut suddenly raised his gun and fired at the laboratory.

Qin Hao was startled, he knew very well in his heart that it was impossible for Bessemat to see him in his position just now.In other words, now Bessemat is not tracking himself with vision, but with thermal energy.Regarding thermal energy weapons, Qin Hao has actually seen some countries with very powerful military forces use them on other battlefields before, such as the very famous country M.When we first met, Qin Hao also suffered some secret losses and was injured.But through his extraordinary ability and powerful learning skills, Qin Hao has already mastered the flaws of this weapon!

That is - once there is other thermal energy interference, thermal energy weapons are likely to fail!

Thinking of this, Qin Hao hurriedly felt around himself. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he smiled and took out a grenade from his clothes.The power of this grenade is not very great, and he usually uses it as a feint attack.But this kind of grenade with little power has become Qin Hao's biggest life-saving straw here!

"Thug chug!" The steel monster Bessemat's strafing shots were still fierce, almost making Qin Hao unable to lift his head. "****." Qin Hao cursed secretly, pulled off the fuse of the grenade in his hand, and threw it to the other side of the laboratory.

"Bang!" In an instant, the grenade exploded. Although the power was not strong, it caused a lot of smoke and dust in the laboratory.

Sure enough, the energy released by the grenade in an instant was so powerful that Bessemat's thermal weapon couldn't sense it all at once, so it could only stand there in a daze, not knowing which side to shoot at.Qin Hao sneered when he saw it, and cursed, "Iron lumps are iron lumps."

Suddenly, Qin Hao rolled on the spot, rushed out of the laboratory, held the weird weapon in his hand, and shot at Bessemat!

"Hoo!" Even for just a moment, Qin Hao felt that the weapon in his hand released a very powerful force!A faint blue light burst out from the muzzle of the gun, and easily penetrated the body of the steel monster Bessemat!Moreover, a large hole with a diameter of about [-] centimeters was left, and the area around the wound had already been melted by the high temperature.

Qin Hao looked at the weapon in his hand in shock. He could never have imagined that it was such a strange looking gun.It turned out to be a laser gun!Just when Qin Hao was immersed in surprise, Bessemat suddenly moved. He waved the huge blades on his arms and slashed towards Qin Hao.

Qin Hao was startled, rolled on the spot quickly, and ran forward crazily.He knew that maybe with this weapon in his hand, he would be able to fight this steel monster!Next shot!Just aim for the head of this monster, no matter how powerful it is!will be destroyed!

Thinking of this, Qin Hao strengthened his determination to live on.

He gritted his teeth and ran forward.Bessemat followed closely behind, firing bullets continuously from his hands.While dodging, Qin Hao took time to fight back.But it's a pity that although this laser gun is powerful, its accuracy is really poor. Even Qin Hao's marksmanship is difficult to control it.Not only did Qin Hao not take advantage of it, but he almost injured Qin Hao a few times, which made him break out in cold sweat in vain.

Qin Hao ran wildly for a while, passing several laboratories.These laboratories are different, and the experimental devices inside are also different. Some laboratories are very huge, and the devices inside are very huge. Although Qin Hao can't understand, he can almost guess what these devices are likely to be. Physical equipment, even now that the buildings are empty, these devices are still spinning.What kind of experiments are you doing.

But Qin Hao searched, but found nothing that could help him.As soon as he fled, Bessemat arrived on his back and razed the laboratories to the ground.

"Warning! Warning!" At this moment, a cold female voice suddenly sounded from above the underground laboratory: "The laboratory will activate the self-destruct procedure in 15 minutes. Please evacuate immediately, all researchers!"

"What!?" Qin Hao was startled, and suddenly remembered what Charles said just now.It turns out that the moment the Sanctions of the Holy Cross knew of their invasion, they had already activated the self-destruct device!Now, it's finally time!Thinking of this, Qin Hao gritted his teeth and said in his heart anxiously: "Damn! This is really worse! This monster chased me so hard, how could I solve it in 15 minutes? And I don't know how far I ran all the way. , I don’t know how much time I will waste if I want to go back to the elevator just now!”

Just as Qin Hao was thinking, Bessemat had already come up to him and punched Qin Hao in the head.Qin Hao was startled, and quickly blocked it with a punch.The powerful force of this steel monster pushed Qin Hao back a few feet, but before Qin Hao recovered, it raised its huge blade and slashed towards Qin Hao!

"Drink!" Qin Hao yelled, and regardless of the severe pain in his body, he shot Bessemat with a laser gun.

In an instant, a faint blue light bloomed from Qin Hao's muzzle again, like a phantom, quickly passed through Bessemat's arm.

"Boom!" In an instant, Bessemat's arm ignited a fire, and in the middle of the fire, the huge blade on its arm turned into a pile of molten iron.

Qin Hao smiled when he saw it, and cursed: "Damn monster, let you chase grandpa again! This time you will suffer!"

Seemingly hearing Qin Hao's provocation, Bessemat stood still and didn't move.This made Qin Hao feel very surprised: "What's going on? Could it be that I hit its vitals just now?"

Suddenly, at this moment, Bessemat's cold, emotionless voice sounded again: "The body is damaged to 25%, and there is no possibility of self-repair. Now it will switch to annihilation mode."

"Annihilation mode?" Qin Hao was startled. Suddenly, Bessemate started to move. Its hands were separated from its body and rushed towards Qin Hao.

Qin Hao was startled, knowing that if he got hit like this, he would definitely die.As soon as he gritted his teeth, he actually used one of the martial arts - carp punching.I saw Qin Hao collapsed on the ground, putting his whole body on the ground.Bessemat's arm with the blade swiped close to Qin Hao's face, causing Qin Hao's face to hurt.

However, at the next moment, the arm suddenly turned around, and swept towards Qin Hao again while sticking to the ground.

"Hmph." Qin Hao snorted coldly, and suddenly pushed his palms on the ground, his whole body jumped up high like a swallow, and in an instant, that steel arm passed under Qin Hao's body again .In just a few seconds, Qin Hao passed life and death twice. If it weren't for his super strong physical fitness, he might have been cut in two by now.

But Qin Hao must be very upset right now. He is exhausted and can only defend and cannot fight back.If this continues, sooner or later, he will be consumed by Bessemat.Even if I can drag him for a while, this underground laboratory will explode, which means that it may be difficult for me to escape from here alive?

Thinking of this, Qin Hao, who has always been indifferent to life and death, suddenly ignited his fighting spirit!He must not just die here!There are too many things waiting for him to do!He wants to find out the cause of Master's death! He wants to avenge Master!You have to think about these women around you!He must not let these women be sad!

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