Super ambiguous master

Chapter 392 Charles' Joining

Special Forces King Mixed Flowers - Chapter 392 The Joining of Charles

Qin Hao thought for a while, and felt that if he wanted to defeat the Sanctions of the Holy Cross, he must have a long-term plan.The most important thing now is that he must have at least one person who understands the Sanctions of the Holy Cross by his side, if he thinks so.This Charles should be a good candidate.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao asked, "Charles, what are your plans for the future?"

Charles froze for a moment, shook his head and said, "I don't know. The news of my betrayal of the organization must have been reported to the higher authorities. If I go back, I will definitely be executed by them. But I am a researcher... If I don't go back, I will I really don't know where I should go."

Qin Hao smiled slightly after hearing this, and said, "In that case, do you want to join us?"

Charles was taken aback, and Qin Hao said again: "Charles, I noticed that you have good abilities. Your research ability is definitely not inferior to Wilser. Even if you are in the Sanctions of the Holy Cross, you will definitely be buried. Why don't you just leave it at that?" Join us and conduct research for me. Whatever the Sanctions Mission of the Holy Cross asked you to study before, you can study with me, and I will be responsible for all your research expenses."

When Charles heard this, he immediately became excited. He trembled and said, "Is this... is this true? You really want me to study here?" He never expected that Qin Hao would take him in. Originally, he thought that the last The good situation is that Qin Hao let him go, who knows that Qin Hao can give him a chance to continue researching at this moment.

Qin Hao nodded with a smile and said: "That's right, you saved me once, and I will definitely repay you. And your personal level is so high, letting someone like you go is my biggest mistake." He said, Qin Hao pointed to the Viper armor on his body and said, "Did you develop this Viper armor alone?"

Charles nodded after hearing this and said: "I don't pay much attention to the organization, so I was assigned to a small laboratory. I can only be responsible for cleaning medicines and so on. I am bored in my spare time, so I have to conduct research alone, which happens to be b-2x9 potion inspiration I made this dress out of me."

Shu Ziyi and Sophia didn't know the origin of this dress, and both had puzzled expressions on their faces.Qin Hao smiled slightly, and fully explained how Charles saved himself from below.After hearing this, the two girls looked at Charles with gratitude in their eyes.

Seeing that Qin Hao praised him very much, Charles could not help but smile shyly: "Mr. Qin, if I can work for you, can I conduct research independently?"

"Hmm." Qin Hao nodded and said, "The b-2x9 enhancement drug you gave me before is very useful, and it doesn't seem to have the side effects of b-2x9. Is this also your invention?"

"Oh." Charles nodded, and as soon as research was mentioned, he became energetic: "Yes, when I was bored, I studied b-2x9, and I found that although this drug is good, it has blocking effects. The ills of biological nerves, after some improvements, I replaced several of the chemical drugs, and completed the current b-2x9 enhancement drug."

Qin Hao nodded after hearing this, patted Charles on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Very good! I believe that if you join us, my confidence in fighting against the Sanctions of the Holy Cross will be further improved!" After Qin Hao said this, he fell into another silence.

Seeing Qin Hao's gloomy expression, Charles couldn't help but hold his breath, he really didn't dare to breathe.

After a while, I heard Qin Hao ask: "Charles, has your b-2x9 enhancement potion been completed now?"

Charles thought for a while and said, "It's almost done. I've done animal experiments, but I lack human experiments. If human experiments don't produce rejection, then all that's left is to perfect the drug, reduce its side effects and Increased his power."

Qin Hao nodded after hearing this, and asked again: "Charles, if you want to mass-produce this viper armor, how much will it cost?"

After Charles heard it, a embarrassed look appeared on his face: "This... this..."

Seeing that he was flustered, Qin Hao knew that Charles was timid by nature, so he smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, just tell the truth."

Charles nodded, took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Qin, this Viper armor is made of a very rare material. As far as I know, there are only two groups in the world that can manufacture this material." But both of these two are inextricably linked to the Sanctions of the Holy Cross. If you want to put it into mass production, you will definitely alarm the Sanctions of the Holy Cross. And the cost of Viper armor is very high, I don’t I suggest you mass-produce." Since Charles chose to join Qin Hao, the direction of consideration must be Qin Hao's interests.His words were concise and straightforward, and he quickly expounded his point of view.

Qin Hao nodded after hearing this and said: "I see, it seems that my thinking is a bit naive." Qin Hao originally wanted to put this battle armor into mass production, if he could let a group of mercenaries he trusted wear this suit , in the future when I fight against the Sanctions of the Holy Cross, my winning rate will increase greatly.But after hearing Charles' speech, Qin Hao realized that his thoughts were a little too naive.

Seeing Qin Hao, Charles was a little disappointed, and quickly waved his hands and said, "Mr. Qin, this dress is actually still a semi-finished product. According to my assumption, this dress can improve the human body's ability far more than that. So maybe with my Gradually improve, the manufacturing material of this garment may also be replaced, and it may be put into mass production by then."

Upon hearing this, Qin Hao immediately said excitedly: "Really? It would be great if this is the case."

Charles nodded and said: "But Mr. Qin, please understand that I can't give you an accurate answer on the completion time of this dress, because I am still in the groping stage, although I have a relatively complete idea."

Qin Hao nodded, he knew that this kind of thing can't be rushed: "I understand, as long as you do your own research."

Charles was very glad when he heard Qin Hao's words. Fortunately, Qin Hao was very reasonable and not the kind of unreasonable boss.And the action he tried to save himself just now proved that this person is very affectionate and righteous, and he is worth paying for himself!Thinking of this, Charles nodded heavily and said: "Mr. Qin, don't worry. My job is research. If my research products can bring you combat power, I will also feel supremely honored."

Qin Hao chuckled after hearing this, but suddenly thought of something.He asked Charles: "Charles, if a person is taking a drug like b-2x9, can you find out?"

After hearing this, Charles nodded and said, "Yes, b-2x9 is a long-term drug, and it will be integrated into the blood circulation. It should be detectable with blood tests."

After hearing this, Qin Hao nodded and said, "Then you can check my blood, I suspect that there is a drug similar to b-2x9 in my body before."

"Okay." Charles agreed, "I'll take a sample of your blood later, and I'll get the result in about a week."

After hearing this, Qin Hao said with a "huh" and said: "Well, everyone is very tired today, go back to my place to rest first, and we can talk about it after getting up tomorrow."

After saying this, Qin Hao was about to leave when Sophia asked, "Qin Hao, is your injury all right?"

Qin Hao was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that he was seriously injured. After Sophia said this, he looked at his body in surprise.In such a short period of time, most of Qin Hao's injuries have healed, and the ruptured wounds on his body have basically healed.The ribs that were broken due to the fight with Bessemat were no longer in such severe pain.Even the gunshot wound on his foot has a tendency to heal.

After Qin Hao saw his body, he couldn't help being surprised and wondering: "What's going on?" He said, and glanced at Charles.

Charles frowned and said, "The Viper Armor and the b-2x9 enhancement potion have no such effect. I think it is very likely that it is caused by another potion in your body." Rubbing your hands, there is nothing more exciting for a researcher than the unknown.

After hearing this, Qin Hao thought for a while and said, "Well, when you get up tomorrow, you will take a sample of my blood. I am also curious about what kind of drug it is."

Charles nodded after hearing this. The four of them fought fiercely all night, and Qin Hao was really tired at the moment.As an outsider, it was not convenient for Charles to live in a villa, so Qin Hao temporarily arranged a residence for him in the fishing village.He, Sophia, and Shu Ziyi dragged their tired bodies back to the house.

At this moment, Mu Wanran and Zhou Yayan had already woken up, needless to say, they had already discovered that Qin Hao was not in their room.At this time, after seeing Qin Hao coming back with injuries all over her body, Zhou Yayan was not much surprised, she just fetched the medicine box with distress to clean up Qin Hao's injuries.

Qin Hao waved his hand and said, "No need, just sleep on it. I'm very tired now, I'm going to take a shower and sleep."

Zhou Yayan nodded after hearing this. Although she was worried about Qin Hao, she also knew that he must have a very important mission.As Qin Hao's strong backing, Zhou Yayan secretly decided that she must support Qin Hao well and not let him have any worries at home.

Although Mu Wanran was also very curious, she saw that Qin Hao, Sophia, and Shu Ziyi were all too tired, so she didn't ask any further questions.After Qin Hao returned to his room, he quickly took a cold shower.Stimulated by the cold water, Qin Hao became slightly more awake, and he tried to straighten out what happened that night.

In the vicious fight last night, Qin Hao fully proved his guess that the technology of this Holy Cross sanction group is very advanced, and their ambitions are definitely not small.If the b-2x9 is put into use in the future, the general army will suffer a devastating blow when faced with this group of berserk soldiers.

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