Super ambiguous master

Chapter 423 The Mysterious Mu Hanshu

King of Special Forces Mixes Flowers - Chapter 423 The Mysterious Mu Hanshu

"Obviously, their target is you." Mu Meng also spoke more, but his voice was still stern.Mu Meng said: "I think...they wanted to attack you at first, but you have been with me the whole time, and the other party has no ability to deal with us, so they shifted their target to lure you...but you think it is Who laid hands on you?"

"Others are full of confidantes or peaches and plums. That's good for me. Enemies are all over the world!" Qin Hao shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "No matter who it is, it seems that I have fewer enemies again!"

Mu Meng glanced at Qin Hao indifferently, and said, "Boss, I will definitely help you."

Qin Hao smiled, and when he was about to say something, the phone rang suddenly.Qin Hao and Mu Meng immediately tensed up.They've been waiting for a call the whole time!Qin Hao took out his mobile phone from his pocket and saw an unfamiliar number.Then, with a serious smile on his face, Qin Hao pressed the dial button...

"Is it Mr. Qin Hao?" A gloomy voice came from the phone.

"It's me, who are you?" Qin Hao frowned and thought about it several times in his heart, making sure he had never heard this voice before.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is... Now Miss Zhou and Miss Ling are in our hands." The man laughed strangely and said, "Quack quack quack... I don't know if Mr. People, or dead people?"

Qin Hao narrowed his eyes lightly, and said, "They are dead, none of you will live!"

"Hehe, Mr. Zhao, do you think threats are useful to me?" The man sneered.

"What exactly do you want?" Qin Hao asked in a deep voice.

"Hehe, if you want Miss Zhou and Miss Ling to live, you have to come to the New Yuanming Palace in Zhuhai alone..." the man said coldly. "Remember! It's you alone!"

"Okay, I will go alone." Qin Hao said.Then, a "click" was heard, and the other party hung up the phone.Qin Hao looked at Mu Meng, narrowed his eyes lightly, "It seems that there is no need to guess, he has already jumped out... Yixin, this time, we will kill them all!"

"Have you called yet?" Zhang Da asked with a smile.

"It's already been fought." Chen Chongyu nodded and replied respectfully. "He agreed to our request and will come to Zhuhai alone."

"Well, it's good. Now everyone is going step by step, let's proceed according to the original plan! Damn, remember! Let that scumbag give me a few more places and have a chance to play. Why do we just clear the level? ? Hahaha..." Zhang Da laughed wildly, but his eyes kept on Zhou Yayan and Ling Ruoxue.This pair of sisters is so tempting, the hormones in the body suddenly become active, and there is a feeling that they are ready to move.

"Yes, we have already designed several locations, and they are all tourist attractions. Some places have to go to the sea... Hehe, when he finds us, he will definitely be exhausted. At that time, we will initiate It's time for a fatal blow!" Chen Chongyu smiled wretchedly, but that ugly face was really disgusting!

"Okay, I'll trouble you all! It's still early, I'll go to rest for a while..." Zhang Da nodded and walked into the room first.Before entering the room, he glanced vaguely at Zhou Yayan and Ling Ruoxue.He knew that with Chen Chongyu's intelligence, he would definitely understand what he meant.

Indeed, Chen Chongyu understood what Zhang Da meant.When Zhang Da just entered the room, he immediately dragged Zhou Yayan and Ling Ruoxue into the room.After following Zhang Da for so long, how could he not understand what Zhang Da meant?How could he have walked into this room if he hadn't requested from other parties?

"What are you doing?" Mu Hanshu, who was sitting on the sandy ground at the door, suddenly opened his eyes. The blood on his face, coupled with that gloomy voice, frightened Chen Chongyu, who would scare a child to cry. Jump.

"What are you doing? Of course I'm pulling this pair of sisters in to give the boss a refreshment. Tsk tsk... she's so beautiful, she can't be wasted, right?" Although Chen Chongyu was in awe of Mu Hanshu, he hadn't been in awe yet. The point of listening to an outsider's order.It is precisely because Mu Hanshu showed great power today that Chen Chongyu can tell him so much, which is enough to save face.

"Let them go." Mu Hanshu suddenly smiled, but there was a cold light in his eyes.

"Mu Hanshu, don't f*ck meddle in your own business, this is the woman the boss wants, and it has nothing to do with you!" Chen Chongyu was a little unhappy, but still trying to restrain his anger.

"I know, but I said, let them go!" Mu Hanshu still had that calm expression, his tone and voice had a soft feeling, but he didn't seem to allow other people to resist. of.

"Mu Hanshu, you really put me in a difficult situation. This is the woman the boss wants, and I have to deliver it. Although you are our boss's partner, I am always our boss's person. I have no reason. There is no need to follow your orders." Chen Chongyu pulled out a pistol from his pocket, pointed at Mu Hanshu and said.

"Don't point a gun at me, I hate this feeling!" Mu Hanshu frowned, and said with murderous intent in his eyes. "For so many years, no one has dared to point a gun at me... Seeing that your boss and I are partners, it is still too late to put away the gun... Hehe, otherwise, believe it or not, you will have to wait Before the gun, I have a hundred ways to kill you?"

"Chen Chongyu, what's going on?" Zhang Da appeared at the door, looking at Chen Chongyu with displeasure.

"Boss, Mu Hanshu blocked my actions, so that I didn't complete the boss's task..." Chen Chongyu unceremoniously pushed all the responsibility on Mu Hanshu.

Zhang Da glanced at Mu Hanshu, but saw Mu Hanshu sitting on the ground calmly, while Chen Chongyu pointed a pistol at his head.Zhang Da understands how important Mu Hanshu is to him now, so he scolded Chen Chongyu: "Presumptuous! How can you be unreasonable to Mr. Mu Hanshu? Hurry up and put the gun away!"

"Yes...boss..." Chen Chongyu quickly put away the gun. He had seen Mu Hanshu's method of killing with his own eyes, so he really didn't have the confidence to shoot him.Now that there is a step down, he is naturally willing to obey.After hesitating for a while, Chen Chongyu said, "But, boss, Mu Hanshu..."

"Mr. Mu Hanshu, do you know them?" Zhang Da waved his hand to prevent Chen Chongyu from continuing, glanced at the pair of sisters, finally put his gaze on Mu Hanshu, and asked.Zhang Dake was in that small room just now, and there was no soundproofing equipment in this broken room, so he heard what Mu Hanshu and Chen Chongyu said outside, of course.But...he was a little puzzled, why Mu Hanshu would suddenly protect this pair of sisters.If they knew each other, why did they arrest them in the first place?

"I don't know." Mu Hanshu said lightly.

"I don't know you?" Zhang Da was stunned for a moment, and asked in confusion, "Since you don't know him, why did you stop Chen Chongyu?"

"Because I'm the killer of the Mu family." Mu Hanshu said calmly. "The Mu family's killer must not only perform the task perfectly, but also have dignity! What you do is a challenge to my personal dignity."

"Mr. Mu Hanshu, what you said is wrong?" Zhang Da said coldly. "What we are doing now is kidnapping tickets, not killers going to kill people! We haven't torn up tickets yet, so we are doing pretty well!"

"The kidnapping is also to lure him into the bait, and then kill him. After all, this is just a step in the killing..." Mu Hanshu shrugged and said indifferently. "Of course, it's not up to me or you to decide whether you can fuck them, but they... If they are willing to let you go, I have no problem. If they don't want to, I hope Mr. Deng can let it go." past them..."

"Mu Hanshu, what do you think you are? Why do you care about my work? The Mu family and I are just a cooperative relationship, I am not your subordinate! Here, you should listen to me!" Zhang Da was angry He took out a pistol from his pocket, wishing he could blow Mu Hanshu with one shot.

"The reason why the Mu family chose to cooperate with you is because you are cruel and cruel, and it is because you have a grudge against Qin Hao, otherwise... why do you think it is?" Mu Hanshu said with a sneer.He was not afraid of Zhang Da who was in a hurry.

"Mu Hanshu, I advise you not to toast or eat fine wine! If you offend the boss, I will be the first to kill you!" Seeing that Zhang Da was angry, Chen Chongyu drew his pistol again.

"Whoever dares to draw a gun at me, I will kill him!" Mu Hanshu said provocatively after glancing around at the bodyguards who were about to draw their guns.Originally, Chen Chongyu wanted to show off in front of Zhang Da, but when he heard Mu Hanshu's words, his momentum suddenly weakened a bit.Although the gun was drawn, he never dared to point the gun at Mu Hanshu again.Because, he knew that what Mu Hanshu said was true...

"Hehe, Mu Hanshu, I really didn't expect that you would play with me... Okay! Would you rather destroy our cooperative relationship just to prevent me from having sex with them?" Zhang Da asked coldly road.He can be said to be suppressing his anger now, but he is thinking about how to deal with the following things in his heart.

"We are just a cooperative relationship, and I just want to do things according to my ideas." Mu Hanshu looked at Zhang Da calmly and said, "You have to remember, I asked you to cooperate mainly because we have a common enemy. That's all."

Zhang Da twitched the corner of his mouth, he wished he could take out his gun and shoot this guy dead.He really regrets working with this guy now, a killer... he still has to think about it so much, his head is so fucking crazy!Gritting his teeth, he said, "Okay! If this is the case, then we will continue to follow the original plan. When Qin Hao is attracted, you will still be responsible for killing him!"

"No problem." Mu Hanshu nodded with a smile and said.

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