Super ambiguous master

Chapter 437 Who Am I?

Special Forces King Mixed Flowers - Chapter 437 Who Am I?

There are many islands in China, most of which are uninhabited, but on a remote island, there is a young girl working in plain clothes.This is a village with more than a hundred households, the older ones are over seventy, and the younger ones are less than a full moon.

"Xiaohu, where's your brother Xiaohu?" A middle-aged woman asked while the young girl was working.

"My brother went to help Qin Hao's brother gather herbs!" The girl named Xiaohu tilted her head and thought for a while.

"Qin Hao hasn't woken up yet? Seriously, he didn't listen when I told him to hunt wild animals a long time ago. He was knocked unconscious by a wild boar when he was already in his twenties. It's true," the woman said. It's shaking his head.

The little fox just stuck out his tongue and continued to use the hoe to weed the weeds in the vegetable field.

The scorching sun was in the sky, and the little fox was already sweating profusely after doing such a small thing. Finally, the tired and hot little fox couldn't do it and hurried to the big tree outside the house to enjoy the shade.

After drinking a sip of clear spring water, the little fox felt better, and then looked at the house.There lay Qin Hao who was unconscious. He had been in a coma for more than half a month. Xiaohu had never seen Qin Hao's brother injured so badly since he was a child. That wild boar must be too bad.

At this moment, Qin Hao was struggling to wake up in the house that Xiaohu was looking at, but when he opened his eyes, they were closed again by the strong light. The headache that killed his brain was twitching regularly at this moment.

But it was obvious that Qin Hao's move did not make Qin Hao enjoy himself comfortably, but finally showed pain on his face, and passed out again.

After an unknown amount of time, Qin Hao finally woke up from his deep sleep.There was darkness in front of him, only the dim candlelight flickered not far away and penetrated a little light in front of Qin Hao.

"Water, water" Qin Hao's voice was hoarse, but his voice was broken and thirsty.

"Xiaohu, is brother Qin Hao awake?"

"No? Why didn't I hear? Brother Qin Hao has been in a coma for half a month, and he didn't wake up just because he woke up. That wild boar is too ferocious."

"That's right. Everyone in the village told my elder brother not to hunt, but my elder brother never listened. This time"

The voices of a man and a woman came from outside, which made Qin Hao's mind go blank, he had never even heard those two voices.No, not right!who I am?Brother Qin Hao?I'm Qin Hao?

Qin Hao was stunned. At this moment, his mind was so blank that he didn't even know who it was.

"This, this" looked at the dim wooden house, surrounded by darkness, there were frogs croaking outside, and candlelight was used outside

"Cough cough" Because of thirst, Qin Hao's throat felt uncomfortable for a while, and finally coughed out, but the voice was small and hoarse.

"Listen! It's Brother Qin Hao's voice!"

"Yes! Go in and see!"

The voice from outside came again, but Qin Hao was uncomfortable due to coughing, and he couldn't breathe in one breath, blocking his chest and throat, and passed out again.

While in a coma, Qin Hao saw two people, a man and a woman. The man was a young man, handsome and handsome.The woman is a little younger, but her face is full of childishness and cuteness like a little girl.

"Brother Qin Hao!"

"Big brother!"

This was the last voice Qin Hao heard, but at this time Qin Hao had completely passed out.

Thirst, uncomfortable!In a coma, Qin Hao's mouth was moving, but there was no sound, and he kept repeating water, water

"Brother Qin Hao, are you feeling better?" Xiaohu asked with concern as he looked at Qin Hao who was sitting on the side in a daze.

"It's okay, but I can't remember a lot of things. Me, my name is Qin Hao?" Qin Hao felt that the name Qin Hao was very strange, as if he didn't call himself by this name, but the name was better than Xiaohu said that he was the hero island. When the villagers waited for things, they seemed a little friendly. On the contrary, this hero island made Qin Hao feel strange.

It has been seven days, and Qin Hao has been awake for seven days, but his head is still heavy, and Qin Hao's head has always been blank.

The little fox suddenly burst out laughing, and came to Qin Hao's side with a charming smile, put his hands around Qin Hao's neck and said, "Brother Qin Hao, everyone told you not to hunt wild boars, but you just went, and then fell into a coma, but when you woke up, you couldn't even kill yourself." I don’t know. Brother Qin Hao, has your soul been taken away by a wild boar? Brother Qin Hao, that wild boar must be a female, a very beautiful one, otherwise how could it be possible to hook the soul of our good brother Qin Hao? Are you leaving?"

After finishing speaking, Xiaohu continued to laugh coquettishly, making Brother Xiaohu, who never liked to laugh, laugh.

"Xiaohu, can you tell me what kind of person I was before?" Qin Hao forced a smile. For some reason, he always felt that something in his head was different from what he is now.But he couldn't tell the specifics, anyway, this feeling made Qin Hao very real, but as his sister Xiaohu said, he might have been seduced by his soul.Anyway, Qin Hao lost his memory, and couldn't remember anything about the past.

Now Qin Hao can only know everything about his past from his younger sister Xiaohu and younger brother Xiaohu, and from them, he also knows that the island he lives on is called Hero Island, and there is only one village, which is Qin Hao's village. , called Hero Village.

Everyone in the village knew Qin Hao, and Qin Hao could only get to know them again during the seven days he woke up.What makes Qin Hao feel warm is that the people in the village treat him very well, and they are very clear about what he does on a daily basis, since he was a child.

The illusion given to Qin Hao now is that the whole village knows him and knows Qin Hao's past.Only Qin Hao didn't know who he was, nor did he know his past.As they said, Qin Hao really lost his memory.

"Brother Qin Hao, sister Xiaohu has already told you? You are a person with a strong sense of justice, because you have won the love of sister Qinghu. If it weren't for sister Qinghu who is now studying in the town When you come back, you don’t know how to go hunting, let yourself be injured and lose your memory, and now you don’t even know your younger siblings.”

When Xiaohu said this, he felt dejected, looking at the big trees outside and the clear sky outside, he seemed very unhappy inside.

"Brother Qin Hao, don't worry, you'll be able to remember the past soon!" The little fox still circled around Qin Hao mischievously, with a mischievous smile on his face all the time.

"En." Qin Hao nodded.What Xiaohu said is right, Qin Hao has been asking himself about the past since he woke up, and he often hurt Xiaohu and Xiaohu in front of him.But they still patiently told themselves everything about their past, but Qin Hao always had doubts.In the end, I kept asking again and again, which really hurt the feelings of my three brothers and sisters.

It is normal to ask questions, but repeated questioning shows that Qin Hao doesn't trust the younger brother and sister in front of him, and because of this, Xiaohu looks out sadly.

In the end, Qin Hao had no choice but to slow down the matter and become familiar with everything in front of him.

After all, Qin Hao was not familiar with this place called Hero Island at all, and had no impression of Hero Village, so Qin Hao had to re-acquaint himself with everything here.

At the same time, Xiaohu and Xiaohu once mentioned Qinghu to Qin Hao as Qin Hao's girlfriend, and Qin Hao and Qinghu had agreed to get married when Qinghu graduated from University.

It's just that Qin Hao doesn't have the slightest impression of these things, not even what his fiancée Qinghu looks like.

"Brother Qin Hao, we should go to the town. There is no food at home." After a little silence, Xiaohu said.

Hero Island is actually quite big, but it is not suitable for growing rice or something, so the daily necessities, including food for meals, etc. have to be purchased at the nearest Longchuan Town.

"Well, let's go." Qin Hao smiled apologetically at Xiaohu, expressing his apology for ignoring their feelings in the past seven days because of his eagerness to recover his memory.

It was a feeling of distrust, and Qin Hao didn't like the feeling of not being trusted, especially being suspected and distrusted by his relatives.

Feeling Qin Hao's apologetic smile, Xiaohu also smiled at Qin Hao, expressing that he didn't take it seriously.

Xiaohu's smile made Qin Hao feel better.My eldest brother has to take care of my younger siblings.

To be more precise, they were orphans when they were very young. Later, the three of them wandered to Hero Island together and gradually grew up. They had their own home, and the three brothers and sisters lived together happily in Hero Island.

"Brother Qin Hao, I will lead the way. You must not even know how to get to Longchuan Town!" Xiaohu was still cute, and jumped straight to the outside of the house.

"Brother Qin Hao, remember to remind me to go to Longchuan Town Hospital." Not long after walking out of the house, Xiaohu said.

Qin Hao looked at Xiaohu suspiciously, but he didn't know what Xiaohu was going to the hospital for.

"What's the matter?" Qin Hao finally asked aloud.

Unexpectedly, when Xiaohu heard Qin Hao's words, his eyes immediately averted, as if he was unwilling to tell Qin Hao about the matter, and finally pretended to look at the surrounding scenery and walked.

"Xiaohu, tell Big Brother if you have something to do, and Big Brother will help you." Qin Hao sized up Xiaohu, and when he saw Xiaohu's right hand deliberately avoiding himself to see it, Qin Hao suddenly thought of something.

As for why Qin Hao was able to see what was wrong with Xiaohu at a glance, Qin Hao didn't know, anyway, this feeling was natural.Directly let his eyes catch Xiaohu's abnormality in an instant.

If Qin Hao's guess is not wrong, it is estimated that Xiaohu had some conflicts with outsiders and caused trouble, and finally hurt himself.

"No, no. Brother Qin Hao, it's okay." Xiaohu hesitated in speaking, which also made Qin Hao confirm his conjecture.

"Brother Xiaohu, have you been beaten by the little overlord of Longchuan Town again? That guy has always liked to bully you. This time the big brother wakes up, so let the big brother beat him up!" Xiaohu suddenly interrupted, speaking When he was talking about beating, his face was full of anger, and when he was talking about beating, he started to punch and wave with a pair of small hands, but after dancing a few punches, he was out of breath.

The cuteness of the little fox made Qin Hao stunned, but in the end he shook his head and smiled.My little sister's physique is really too bad.

At the same time, Qin Hao already understood in his heart that it seemed that Xiaohu was being bullied.Little Bully?Qin Hao tightened his fists, but found that the strength was great, and it was nothing more than a trivial matter to deal with this little bully.

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